Chapter Sixteen

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Monday morning, I forcefully pulled myself out of bed. I dreaded the day before it had even begun and not for the simple reason that it was the beginning of a new week, at least not entirely. Rather, it was because of what took place last night.

As I stood, numb in the shower, the event of last night replayed in my head as if on a loop. Damilare's facial expressions were imprinted in my mind as the water from the shower cascaded over my head.

I felt weak. Physically and emotionally tired.

I knew it wouldn't be easy before I told him, but I never knew it'll hurt this much. I didn't expect any message or call from him as I usually get every morning so I didn't even bother switching on my phone after it died last night.

Sluggishly, I made my way out of the bathroom and to my room, a robe wrapped tightly around my body. I really would rather do anything today than go to work but unfortunately, I still had bills to pay, and other expenses. I couldn't afford to get fired from this job for slacking off barely two weeks after I started.

I pulled out my outfit of the day which consisted of a black office blouse and a black corporate skirt. My foul mood was reflecting in the outfit badly, but I couldn't find the strength to even change and search for something else to wear. This would have to do.

I was about to get dressed when I heard loud pounding at the front door. "Ohhh." I groaned to myself because I already knew who it was.

Taking myself downstairs, I went to open the door. "Where'd you keep your key this time?" I ask as I open the door to see Diana standing outside.

She has a fearful expression on her face that immediately sobers me up. "I left it at Chike's place. Are you okay?"

Releasing a sigh and rubbing my eyes, I reply, "I will be. Dami wasn't happy when I told him last night as expected and I most likely won't be hearing from him anytime soon, if ever, but I think I can leave with that. I think." I mutter the last part under my breath.

"I'm not asking you about last night, Ada." Diana tells with a small roll of eyes.

I scrunch up my face in confusion. "So, what are you asking me about?"

"You haven't seen the papers this morning?" She asks, her face going solemn once more.

I shake my head at her before moving back inside. "You know I don't read that shit. Since when did you start to sef?"

"I don't either." She agreed as she closed the door behind her. "But Chike does. Besides it's all over the blogs too."

"What is?" I ask in further confusion.

Her demeanor switched from fearful to eerily calm in a second and that scared me. I had enough weighing heavily on my mind at this point and Diana was not helping matters.

"I think you should sit down." She advises and I look at her sideways before sitting down on the dining chair.

She pulls out her phone and clicks somethings before handing it to me. I immediately snatch it from her hand and right there, written in bold letters, is my nightmare becoming a reality.


Sources have recently confirmed that the CEO of St. Ives Enterprises, Richard Bamidele, is having an affair with his former personal assistant, Ada Walter. The married billionaire has been involved with the aforementioned female for over a year now and-

I didn't read further. I couldn't. My whole body was frozen and my mouth, dried up as I stared in disbelief at the picture pasted underneath this article of Richard and I in bed.

No way. No! This cannot be happening. It can't.

I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly. When I reopened them, the article was still right there before me.

How could this have happened? How! This question rings in my head on repeat. I look up at Diana who stares back at me quietly. I knew that she was trying to be calm for me but right now, I'm going crazy inside.

My hands shake violently as I drop her phone on the table.

This was it. The moment I had feared happening for months. No secret is hidden under the sun, my mother had told me, so why did I think mine will be any different?

But, why like this? Now my whole business was out for everyone to read. Now everyone would know. My mother, Cassandra, my colleagues, Damilare's friends, everyone! How will I be able to face anyone again after my dirty laundry has been aired so publicly?

Why now? Why was it now when I was still reeling from telling my truth? Why was the world hell bent on causing me pain?

I didn't realize I was full on crying until I felt Diana's arms wrap themself around me. I felt as if someone had a tight grip on my heart and was squeezing the life out of me slowly.

My throat was clogged up with emotion and my eyes brimmed with tears. I opened my mouth repeatedly to say something, anything, but no sound escaped.

I couldn't believe my luck. I never truly realized how one bad decision could affect my life so much until now and I wish I never had to find out.

My mind was assaulted with a million different thoughts all at once, one of them being, who could've possibly done this? I haven't wronged anyone, I've always minded my business. So who was this vindictive person who thought it would be okay to cause me so much harm and pain in the name of news? My life wasn't fucking entertainment news! It was my life!

How many blows could I possibly receive before I was left alone? Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in a never ending drama series. I just wanted peace and happiness, was that too much for a girl to ask for.

I pulled away from Diana and forced myself to read the remaining part of the article. They made it seem like I came on to Richard once I started working at St. Ives and made me out to be a devious and cunning gold digger. The article pointed out that I even knew his wife personally and that I had a plan all along. It speculated I was pregnant which is why I quit working at St. Ives, not even mentioning that I had a new job, which I guess was a blessing as I could lose it if I haven't already.

By the time I finished reading the entire thing, I was numb. My raging thoughts had calmed down and my body switched on auto pilot.

Coming to terms with how I really felt with all that had happened in the past 24 hours was not an option for me right now as I wasn't in the right frame of mind to even do so. So I plucked a tissue from the box on the dining table and blew my nose into it harshly.

"I need to go to work." I said to Diana finally as I stood up from my chair.

She stared up at me in confusion. "What?"

I didn't repeat myself.

"You can't go into work like this, Ada. C'mon. Just call in sick then we can stay home together. It isn't the end of the world. I promise you it'll get better."

Diana stands up to give me a hug which I eagerly accept. But still, I pull away from her, "I need to keep up my routine to feel normal. Staying home today wouldn't make me feel normal. Besides, I need to be sure I still even have a job."

She purses her lips, her eyes on me before nodding in understanding. I leave for my bed room and quickly get dressed in the outfit I had laid on the bed before packing my bag for work.

Soon after, I'm out and ready to go. Diana tells me she'll stay at home just incase I want to come back early and I thank her before leaving.

The stares I receive as I walk into the RAA building are nothing short of my expectations. But I was done letting the opinions of people that don't matter rule my emotions.

They stared at me like what I did was entirely uncommon, like it was strange. Newsflash: it isn't. What I did was wrong and I won't excuse my actions. However, I had my reasons.

And the problem with the society today is that as soon as it comes to discussing the skeletons in other peoples closets, people suddenly forget that they have their own. But I can't fault them for that.

I took the elevator up to the eight floor after receiving a glare from Oge that followed me from the entrance door, to the elevator area. I ignored her regardless.

As the machine pinged and I got out, I became slightly nervous. What if I got fired for this? What if Mrs Regina decides that I wasn't a good fit, or I was simply tainting the company's name? What then?

I shook my head in an effort to dispel those negative thoughts from my head. I couldn't deal with them right now.

The first thing I did was drop my purse before heading to the break room. There I made her daily coffee, before going into Regina's office.

As per usual, she said I should come in but when I did, I immediately spotted the expression on her face upon seeing me. Worry lines were etched on her forehead.

"Ada, I didn't think you'll come in today." She noticed.

Letting out a sigh, I came forward and dropped the cup on her desk. "Good morning, ma. And I had to, I'm not trying to lose this job."

She gives me a sad smile. "You won't." Standing up and coming around the table, she said to me, "I want you to go home, okay. Take some time off to recuperate. I don't imagine having your name splattered all over the news and blogs next to derogatory comments will not mess with anyone's mental."

I lick my lips nervously. "You don't believe what the blogs are saying?" That I'm a gold digging whore? That I'm a conniving and cunning woman? I want to add but I don't.

Shes quiet for some seconds. "I believe that there's three sides to this story: yours, Richard Bamidele's, and the truth. Who am I to judge if I don't have all the facts? Go home, Ada. You look a mess." She said the last part jokingly which made me crack a small smile.

I moved in to hug her tightly, as I feel a tear roll slowly down my cheek. May God bless this woman. If only most humans were this sensible.

Finally, we pull away from each other and after sharing a smile, I went to get my purse from my office before leaving.

I got into my car with no destination in mind. I didn't want to go home, cause I didn't want to have to face Diana. I love her, but I don't need someone to pamper me right now and I don't want to be alone either, I'm not ready to mentally deal with everything that has happened in the past hours. I can't see Damilare either so that was out of the question.

Aimlessly, I revved up the engine of my car and pulled out of the office parking lot. I knew where I needed to go, and my heart pounded against my chest as I began the drive there.
So the cat is finally out of the bag. What do you guys think about how it all went down?

Where do you think Ada is going?

Also, do you think it's healthy for her to bottle up all her emotions for when she's ready to 'deal with it'?

Please vote and comment your thoughts. Also, if you're enjoying this book, help me share it!

••The next chapter will have Dami's POV so look out for that, it'll be posted in 2 days.

••Also, if you're reading Loving You, I'm glad to say that I finally got the plot all figured out and let me just tell you, there will be a lot of drama, and romance too definitely. So as soon as this book is completed (which will be real soon), I'll be focusing on that and Handsome Liar. In the meantime, please go add LOVING YOU to your library so you'll be notified when I update, and please go FOLLOW ME.

Till next time, stay safe!

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