The First Real Date

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Cole walked into the cold empty house and hummed in question. As he walked to the stairs, a lamp turns on and Lou was sitting in a chair next to the lamp. "Oh hey dad..." Cole said hesitating on keep walking on the stair or not. Lou growled, "Do not 'oh hey dad' me! You are dating another fucking boy after I told you no! Why can you not listen?!" He yelled. Cole backs up a little bit and sighed, "I was at a friend's house studying for an upcoming chemistry test. I do not know where you got the idea of me dating when I am not even looking for a relationship!" He said as he pulled out a chemistry study guide that he and zane have done for the test. Lou looked over the paper and sighed, "fine then but remember you have a curfew because of the gang fights that has been happening lately." Lou explains softly.

Cole walks to his room and place down his backpack before looking at his phone. 'Hello Cole, I wanted to make sure you got home safely! And was wondering if we can meet up sometime this week to plan a way for us so, we can get you out of this gang!' Zane texted. Cole smiles as he replies, 'Sure, I can meet up with you Friday! I can not wait to see you again and your pretty aquamarine eyes.'

'Aquamarine? I think my eyes are more sapphire or blue topaz.'

'your eyes are really light blue, it is almost like ice!'

'Are you trying to flirt with me Mr. Brookstone?'

'Might as well admit it!' Cole texted back as he chuckles to himself. He sat on the roof of the house and smoked a cigarette. He took in the cool autumn air as he looked to the stars and shedded some tears, "I wish you were here mom... maybe you could have talked some sense into dad and we could be happy again. The apples are coming out nicely so I can make your famous Carmel apples again." He said to the sky but he knew that his mother couldn't hear him since she is gone. Cole always made his mother's Carmel apples to honor her and sell them since everyone loved the sweet treat. Cole kept crying silently to himself before finishing the deadly smoking stick. Once he was done, he climbed back into his room and lie down to try and fall asleep for the night.

Zane frowned as he had not heard from Cole all week but he thought Cole was just busy with his father and the cruel gang. But as soon as Friday came, the two boys met at a cafe. Zane was there first and sat down as he waited for Cole. Once Cole walked in, Zane smiles as the two made eye contact. Cole bought drinks and sat down in front of Zane, "Here you go, a peppermint mocha!" Cole said as he handed Zane the cold drink. Zane smiles, "How did you know?" He asked and Cole raised an eyebrow. "I noticed the peppermint coffee you were making the other day." Cole replied. The two talked about the plan for hours but it all led to dead ends. The two dropped the topic and started to talk about anything else and got to know each other.

"Hey... I was wondering if you wanted to... um go... to a d d dance with me?" Cole asked. Zane jumped a little and looked at Cole's bright blushing face.

"You are asking me out on a date? well where to?" He asked.

"There is this Autumn fest this Sunday and I was wondering if you would come with me?" Cole asked.

Zane giggles and nodded, "Of course! I would love to go with you! But how are we going to go with your father?"

"Shit! I forgot. Well every year I make my mom's candy apples and sell them at the autumn fest so we can tell him that you are helping me sell them!" Cole replied.

The blonde boy nods and hugs Cole tightly, "I would love that!" He said. Cole chuckles and kiss his head. "Then it is a date!" Cole said happily. After 5 hours of talking, the two went their separate ways to their homes, but Cole went to the gang hideout after getting a message from Lloyd. He walks in and saw the larger gang in one room. He gulped and walked into the room, "What do you want Lloyd?" He asked.

"Well we got a new shipment and you need to go get it with Kai and Killow on Sunday-" Lloyd said but was cut off by Cole, "No! I am not going to get shipment when I have a date on the same day!" He protested. Lloyd's head quickly turned to face Cole real fast that you might think that the green ninja got whiplash. "What did you say to me?" He asked as he got up and grabbed his gun out of his holster. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!" Lloyd asked louder and made Cole flinched. "I said no, I am going on a date and I can't make the shipment and to my date." Cole explained a little more calmer, "please understand me and let me off fo the night?"

Lloyd sighed and nodded, "Fine but Monday, you work all day! Got it?" Lloyd asked. Cole gave a nod and went home after the long smoke and alcohol filled meeting. Cole stumble into the house with his head pounding and he was coughing up a storm. Cole had smoked 2 boxes of cigarettes, drank 4 bottles of beer, and 3 glasses of whiskey. He had a hard time going up the stairs and crashed on to his bed. Looking at his phone, Cole tried to read the messages that zane has sent but he couldn't so he just sent a drunk message. 'Sorry... I cAnt rEaD... I drunk to much and... feel bad...' the message said and Zane sighed to himself as he figured that Cole would be intoxicated. 'Okay then, get some rest and take ibuprofen in the morning! Do expect to be sick in the morning.' Zane's message read.

By Sunday afternoon, Cole got over his sickness and made his mother's caramel apple for the festival. Cole sighed as he was getting dressed in a grey button down with matching vest and a nice orange tie. He growled as he couldn't tie the tie, "Come on you stupid-" He mumbles. Lou chuckles and walks up to the young teen and tied the tie for him, "Going to the autumn festival?" Lou asked and Cole nods, "Aren't you?"

Lou sighed, "Not this year, the guys and I are booked for a party." He explained. Cole sighed and nodded, "like last year but okay..." Cole said in annoyance. Lou gave Cole a look but went back to packing for the gig, "I should be home by midnight." Lou said before leaving. Cole went to the kitchen and packed the apples before meeting Zane outside. "Lets take my truck, there is more room for us and the ice chest of apples." Cole said and Zane nodded as he helps him get the chest into the back of the truck. "You lovely as ever Mr. Julien!" Cole flirted as Zane wore a white button down with black suspenders and an ice blue bow tie. Zane chuckles and blushes, "Thank you Mr. Brookstone." zane replies. Cole chuckles as he drove them both to the festival that was held in the heart of New Ninjago City. After a while of diving and selling the apples, Cole was free to dance and have a nice date with the lovely snowflake.

Cole and Zane dance the night away with the live band that played swing music. Cole smiles and bought dinner for the two. as they sat down and ate, Zane smiles with a chuckle. "I could have gotten my own food!" He said but Cole shook his head. "What kind of date would that be?" Cole asked, "If it make you feel better, you can buy dessert!" The blonde chuckles as he nodded, "Okay then I will!" He said as he went to a booth that had Indian dessert. He bought some gulab jamun (soft delicious berry sized balls made of milk solids, flour & a leavening agent. please correct me if I am wrong, I know it is an Indian treat) and went back to Cole. "What id this?" He asked and Zane chuckles, "It is pretty much an Indian doughnut!" He reply. Cole took one and his eyes grew stars in them, "Ahhhhh this is AWESOME!" He cried and Zane chuckles, "I love this! Father makes a lot of vegan and Indian dishes for Adara, so I love it when he make gulab jamun." Zane explains as Cole kept eating the sweet treat.

Cole took Zane to his home and smiles, "I had fun!" Cole said. Zane nodded, "I did too". Cole walks up to zane, grab his chin gently, and softly kissed the blonde boy. Zane jumped and kiss back. "Nicolaus Onyx Brookstone!?" Lou yelled as he got out of the car.

"Oh shit!?" Cole said as he jumped back and held Zane close.

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