You Are Not My Son

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    "Oh shit!" Cole said softly as he held a close and tight grip on Zane. "What the hell Cole? What are you doing with him? You said that he was helping you with he apples but I come to see you two kissing and munching on each others' faces!" Lou said with anger and disrespect laced in his voice. Cole gulped as this was the one an only time that Lou might be able to hear him out and accept him for who he was. Cole took a deep breathe and walked up to his father.
    "Dad, this Zane and he is my boyfriend!" Cole said. Lou looked between the two in silent. He looked over to Cole and slaps the 16 years old man. Cole steps back and coughed as he was not expecting the slap but should have seen it coming as Lou never was for the idea of same sex marriage bull crap as Lou would call it. Cole was able to compose himself and looks back at his father, "What the hell was that for?!" He asked as he held his cheek in pain. "I want you out of my house!" Lou said.
    "What? But dad, I am your son!"
    "You are not my son, sir!" Lou said.
    Cole nodded as he kept himself from crying, "Fine!" He said as he went to his room and packed whatever he needed to survive. Once outside, Cole got into his truck and met Zane at a nearby gas station. "So my father said that you can stay with us if you want..." Zane explains with a bright blue blush. Cole nodded, "Thanks, I will take that offer!" Cole said. Zane nods and smiles, "So, I am your boyfriend, huh?" Zane asked and Cole blushed brightly. "Well... Um... I thought it was okay to say that since we went on our first date and all..." Cole said with a bright blush on his face. "Now that we are going to be living together, you know what I am asking you to do..." Zane said and Cole nods, "That I do and I promise! I will get out of the gang and cleanse myself of drinking, drugs, and everything in between!" Cole said. Zane nods and got back into his car, leading Cole back to his place.

Once in the Julien household, Cole took the guest bedroom and made the room his own as Dr. Julien walked in with a soft smile. "Hello Cole! Nice to see you again. I would like it you got a job to help pay for bills but also to find an outlet to get you out of that gang that Zane has told me about!" Dr. Julien said with a bright and welcoming smile. Cole nods, "I will make you proud! And I want to help you anyway since I am living under your roof as well as thank you for the advise!" He said. Dr. Julien smiles with a nod before leaving to go to his lab in the backyard. Cole smiles and goes into Zane's room, "Hey Peppermint!" He said as he hugs Zane from behind. Zane chuckles softly and kiss Cole's cheek softly, "Hello Cole, how are you my love?" He said softly.
    Cole smiles, "I am fine, I am moved in and going to get a job. Your father said it would help me get out of the gang!" He explains and Zane nods, "There is that cafe job that I work at, they are looking for more workers. You can get a job with me!" Zane said. Cole went to Spirit's Cafe with Zane. Zane clocked in and started his shift as Mr. Shay walks out to greet Cole and start the interview. "Hello mr. Brookstone, I am glad that you are interested in working with us!" Mr. Shay said. "It is nice to meet Mr. Shay, I would love to work in the cafe!" Cole said.

    After a while, Mr. Shay hired Cole and got started working with Zane. Zane taught Cole the ropes of carrying for the cafe and taught him how to make the proper coffee ratios with creamer and sugar. Cole smiles as he completed his first order and got his first tip. "Whoa! 2,193.70 tip!" Cole said and Zane chuckles, "Hold on to it. It is rare to get any tip higher than 500 yen!" Zane said. (2,193.70 yen = 20 US dollars, 500 yen = 4.56 US dollars) Cole looked at Zane with a frown, "Really?" He asked. Zane nods with a frown, "Yeah, fast food, cafes, and retail workers do not get paid a lot or treated fairly." Zane explains and Cole sighed, "Fair enough..." he grumbles.
    Later in the shift, Cole finally got to see what Zane goes through everyday. "Hello, how may I help you?" He asked. A woman groans as she finishes her call, "I was on the phone you know?" She said. Cole gave a fake smiles, "Sorry ma'am... How may I help you?" He asked once again. The woman gave Cole a complicated order and Cole was unable to follow her. Cole gave her a deer in the headlight look before going to make the basic latte. "Here you go ma'am!" He said handing it to her. The woman took a sip and growled, "This is not what I wanted!" She said as she pouted it over Cole's head. Cole jumped but bites his tongue, "Well I am sorry, I could not follow what you said in the order!" He explains. The woman walks out and Cole try to clean up the mess. "Whoa! Cole, what happen?" Zane asked as he rushed over and helped Cole clean up the mess.
    "Well welcome to Spirit Hell Cafe!" Cole said

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