The Unseen Turn Around

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Cole sighed as he locks up the cafe and walks home. The poor boy was covered in whipped cream as well as coffee. Cole walks into the Julien's home and rushed quickly to the bathroom before Adara or Dr. Julien could see him. "So... What happen to him?" Adara asked as she softly walks to zane's side. Zane gave his little sister a nervous chuckle before responding to her question. Cole locked the bathroom door and started a warm shower. As he goes in and showers, his thoughts turn dark and he try to keep himself together.

You are no good.
You are worth nothing!
you are a piece of shit that will never get the guy of your dreams.
He is going to leave your poor ass.
You are a disgrace to your family!
You are a mistake to Lily!

Cole had enough and cried on the top of his lungs as grabbed his hair. "KEEP HER NAME OUT OF YOUR FILTHY MOUTH?!" He cried as he sat on his knees in the tub as the shower rained hot water. Cole breathes heavily as a knock could be heard. "Cole? Are you okay?" A soft voice asked, however, Cole did not answer the soft voice. Zane frowned as he thought Cole hurt himself or something worse. Zane got Adara to pick the lock and he rushed in to comfort and care for the broken man. "Cole? What is wrong? Are you okay?" Zane asked as he climbed into the tub with the frozen man. Cole did not respond to the frantic man; instead he just sat there, breathing heavily, and shaking violently. Zane sighed as he turn the shower off and took care of Cole till he was back to a state of mind where he could take care of himself. Zane took Cole out of the bath and wrapped him in a towel before taking him to his room. Zane pulled out a pair of boxers, gym shorts, and a random t-shirt Cole had in his PJ drawer. "Please come back to me, Cole. I want to help you, but with you not being here mentally... I can't help." Zane said softly as he got Cole dressed and lie home down in his bed.  

After a while, Cole mentally came back and gasped as he pants. He sat straight up and grasp his chest in pain. "Wha- what? Where am I? What is going on?" He asked frantically. Zane jumped and went to Cole's side "Calm down! You are are in your room. I found in the bathroom, so I got you out and dressed you." Zane said and Cole frowned. "I am sorry..." He said and Zane gave him a kiss on his cheek, "It is fine, love. I would do anything for you?" He said as he dry Cole's hair. cole chuckles at the feeling of the towel being rubbed against his face, "hahaha! Zane what are you doing?" He asked.
"I am going to do your hair!"

"You? Do MY hair? Black hair?" He asked

Zane gave a nod, "Adara has similar hair. The only difference is that yours has tighter curls." He explains. Cole shrugs and let Zane have his fun with his hair. Cole looks up in thought as he try to remember the last time h went to a gang meeting and how much trouble he would be if he came back. Lloyd terrified the shit out of him, but he knew he had to go back at some point to confront Lloyd and get his way out of this toxic and deadly environment. So far, Cole has been lowering his addiction of drinking and smoking even though it has been very hard for him. His smoking habits has been reduce to him smoking a pack a day which is a good start. His drinking addiction though is another story. Cole is having a really hard time cutting down the booze as he drinks at least half a bottle of anything within a day or even more. Zane finished putting Cole's hair into dreadlocks and putting half of them up and leaving the other half down. Cole smiles as he looks at himself in the mirror. "Whoa! Nice job peppermint." He complements. Adara knock on the door before walking in with a frown, "Cole... Green ninja wants us both..." she said worriedly. Cole cursed under his breathe, "Alright lets go then and see what he wants." he said butZane grabs his arm, "Wait Cole! We talked about this... You can't go there anymore." He said. "I know but I have to go to protect you and confront him to leave this gang. This is a big step to freedom." Cole explains as he follows Adara to her Jeep.

"Well, well, well.. Look at who we got here! We got Wild Colors and Black Ninja! After for being gone for SIX GOD DAMN FUCKING WEEKS?! WHAT THE HELL!?" Lloyd cried as he grabs his gun and fired at the target that was on the door that the two employees came in through. Cole flinched at the sound and Adara winced as the bullet grazed her arm. "Hey hey! Watch where you aim! You hurt my malachite!" Kai snapped as he walks up to the blue haired lass to patch up the small wound. "She your god damn mouth!" Lloyd said as he threw a beer bottle at Kai head. due to his reflexes, Kai grabbed the beer bottle. "And that is how you know that you drank too much because of you letting your anger get to you." Kai said to himself but still loud enough for the small group to hear. Lloyd growled and got up to attack but the second hand man stopped him and Kai chuckles, "I am your second hand man, so I know what is bet for you." Kai said then had Lloyd sit back down. "Do not touch my malachite or the Black Ninja..." He said as he walks off to take a small group of the gang for a raid. Lloyd growled as he looks back at the two, "Since Kai is gone for the weekend, you two will be deeply punished and I will make you regret crossing me by going missing for a month and a half!" He said as he spat in their face. Cole bit his tongue as he wanted to protest and fight with him but he knew now was not the time since Kai said that he was drunk. Lloyd took the Cole and Adara to the Red Room, as Lloyd calls it. Adara was shaking violently and Cole notice and thought that maybe she has been here before and this was going to be living hell for the both of them. Lloyd turns on the light and Cole's eyes widen at all the tools of torture and items tat can be used to restrain someone.

"Adara... come with me. Cole, I want you to sit on your knees while I deal with Adara." Lloyd said. Cole did as told and sat on his knees in a corner to watch what Lloyd will do to Adara.  Lloyd grabs Adara by the hair as he bounds her arms behind her back and pinned to her back. She try to get lose but Lloyd's work on knots were impossible to get out of. Lloyd had a small bed of rice in front of Adara, "Kneel on the rice!" He ordered, but she didn't do as told. He kicked the back of her knees and she fell onto her knees into the bed of rice. "AHH!" She cried in pain. "Let me up!" She cried as Lloyd bounded her legs and grabs a gag. He pull her hair back and gagged her to keep her quiet. Cole gulped and was wondering what Lloyd will do to him after seeing how hard he is to Adara. "Up jackass!" Lloyd ordered and Cole got up. Cole watched Lloyd set up his torture, same as Adara but the difference is that Lloyd grabbed a butt plugged and gravel instead of rice. Lloyd bounded Cole arms the same way as Adara's. "Down!" Lloyd ordered and Cole knelt onto the tiny broken rocks with hesitation. Lloyd bounded Cole's legs and put the butt plug into Cole. He whimpered in pain and pant heavily as Lloyd turns the small toy on. Lloyd grabbed a gag and forced it on Cole. Lloyd stepped back to see the two with a twisted smirk, "now sit here and think of your actions!" He said before leaving and locking the door.

Adara whimpers in pain as she try to get out of the ropes but the rice dugs into her knees. Cole looks over to her as his face was blushing bright red fan panting as he try to stay still as much as possible. He looks down to see the gravel starting to cut into her knees.

Shit... This is a living nightmare! Gravel is cutting into my knees and I am have a fucking sex toy up my ass. First spinjitzu master please let Zane get help. I do not know how long Adara can survive in convictions like this. Cole thought to himself as he try to look around the room for a clue on how to get out. Cole jumped when he heard the younger teen yelp into her gag as she try to get out. Cole wished the gag was off so he could get her attention. "Ammm!" He called into the gag. She looked at him with pain written all over her face. Cole shook his head and she got the clue on trying not to move as much.

Zane was on the couch reading one of his books but jumped when he hears the door opens, "Cole, Adara! there- oh sorry just you father..." he said. Dr. Julien takes off his coat, "Sorry kiddo! Where are Adara and Cole?" He asked. Zane bite his bottom lip cause he shouldn't say that the two were at the gang since they were trying to get Cole OUT of the gang. "There are at Spirit Cafe, getting some homework done." He lied and Julien smiles. Julien walks out to his lab and Zane sat back to text Cole and Adara. Guys? Are you still at the house with Lloyd? I am getting worried and I want you guys back home.
No reply.

Zane sighed with a frown. He gasped and texted an old friend. Kai, is Cole and Adara still at the house with Lloyd? A minute after sending it, Kai responded saying that they were there when he left for a raid but he doesn't know about now. Zane got worried, 'Can you please check for me? I can't go back or else Lloyd will put me through hell again!' Zane texted. Kai responds with a thumbs up. Zane is lucky that Kai's raid was done quicker than planned. Kai rushed back to the hideout and kicks in the door. "LLOYD MONTGOMERY GARMADON!?" Kai cried on the top of his lungs. Lloyd growled and sat up, "What do you want Red Ninja? Was the raid successful?" He asked with a drunk smile. Kai growled and hits Lloyd on the top o his head, "Where the hell is Cole and my malachite?" He asked. Lloyd chuckles and push Kai away, "They are not here, silly boy! I let them go home." He lied.
"No, Zane said they never came home!" Kai snapped

"Then I do not know where they are!"

"You lying bitch!"

Kai jumped when he heard something similar to crying. Kai followed the sound to the Red Room. He unlock the door and open it to find Cole and Adara with their knees covered in blood and they looked tired and hungry. Kai frees them, "What the hell!?" He asked.
"Lloyd did this..." Cole said as he kept panting from the toy in his ass but He was going to take it out in private.

"I figured that but him doing this? This is not Lloyd." Kai said as he frees Adara and try to comfort her as she cried into his chest. Kai carried Adara to his truck for two reasons; get the two home and to let Cole have privacy to get that toy out. Once gone, cole undid his pants and took the plug out with a pained whimper. Cole pants softly as he try to collect himself before sneaking out to Kai's truck. "Thank you for the save..." Cole said. Kai tips his head to Cole before grabbing his gun out of his holster. "Whoa whoa! What are you doing?" He asked as he stopped Kai.

"I am ending this nightmare!" Kai said

"You will become a murder then."

Kai sighed, "Fine. What would you do then?"

"Call the police."

Kai froze and nodded, "okay then, I will call them..."

Cole nods and gets in the truck with Kai as the hot head called the police and told them what happen between the gang and what they did to Adara and Cole. Adara was asleep in the backseat as they wait for the cops to come.When the cops did come, the arrested the gang except for the trio since they had no evidence on them being part of the gang.

Kai drove the two back to the Julien household to drop them off. Zane met them outside and helped Cole into his room while kai took Adara to her room. "What the hell happen to you love?" Zan asked as he got the first aid kit and patched up Cole's knees. The taller male pant in pain before speaking. "Lloyd had us kneeling on shit and the gang got arrested, so I am free from the gang." He said. Zane smiles and hugs Cole, "Good! now we can work on your addiction on smoking and drinking!" Zane said and Cole just chuckled.

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