13- An encounter with a warlock

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The door swung open, revealing a very glittery man wearing a velvet blue suit. He looked at each of the Shadowhunters in turn, his face lingering for a little while longer on Ethan and Clary's faces.

"Well, well, well," he said, his face sharpening, "I don't recall inviting five Shadowhunters and a mundane to this party"

"The mundane's with us" Ethan said sharply, making the man turn to him.

"Hmm... I'll gladly party with you, Ethan. These other Shadowhunters, though? I'm not so sure..." the man replied.

As Alec's fists tightened at his sides, Ethan blanched. "How... do you know my name?"

Clary muttered "That's clearly Magnus Bane, you dolt"

Magnus chuckled "Little red is absolutely correct"

Izzy stepped forward, invitation in hand "We have an invitation, Magnus. And a few questions"

The warlock sighed 

"Very well," he said, stepping out of the way to let the group pass, "but cause any trouble and I won't hesitate to throw you out"

As Clary walked past him, he whispered "Is pretty boy over there available? He's easy on the eyes..."

Clary snorted, clearly amused "Officially, yes. But I reckon he and Alec, the one with the raven hair, have a thing..."

 Unfortunately, Alec heard Magnus' statement, and he felt jealousy bubble in his stomach, stronger than he had ever felt before. He hadn't heard Clary's response, before he walked over to the bar, where Ethan was looking at all of the drink options. Jace and Clary had gone upstairs to speak to Magnus, and Izzy was with Simon on the dancefloor.

"Six different types of blood, on tap," he muttered to Alec when he sensed him stood behind him, "I guess that's something I need to get used to seeing" 

Alec chuckled "Just don't drink the faerie drinks. They tend to make you go a bit... mad"

Ethan turned around to face him, smirking. "Oh really? How so?"

Alec smiled " Let's just say that the last time Jace drank one, he was running down Park Avenue naked with antlers on his head. Took 2 hours for him to return to normal. He was suitably embarrassed by the Shadowhunters, but luckily he was glamorised so the mundanes couldn't see him"

Ethan laughed heartily, and Alec looked acutely pleased with himself "That is something I would have paid to film and put on YouTube"

Alec looked confused "You-what-now?"

Ethan gaped at him, then smirked "A mythical archive of some of the most hilarious videos in the world"

Alec shook his head, fondly, as Izzy ran up to them in a panic.

"Iz, what's going on?" Ethan asked, worried about his new friend, "Where's Simon?"

"He's a rat" she whispered, a look on her face.

At this point, Clary and Jace came behind and joined the conversation.

"Izzy, did he do something to you? Because if he did..." Alec started, in protective-older-brother mode. 

Izzy shook her head furiously in exasperation. "No, not like that! He was annoyed that Ethan wasn't paying him attention, so he drank one of the pink drinks on the tray and it turned him into a rat"

Ethan paled. "A faerie drink"

Clary exploded "WHAT??? WHERE IS HE?"

She grabbed onto Izzy's arm hard, nails digging into the skin.

"Ow," she yelped, "he ran under the bar! Now let go of me!"

"Bitch" Clary hissed savagely, as she walked off.

"Clary! Apologise to Izzy, now!" Ethan snapped.

Clary whirled round in shock. "Ethan, our best friend is a rat!  Who do you think let that happen?"

Tears formed in the corners of Izzy's eyes, and Ethan wrapped an arm around her shoulder, protectively.

"It isn't Izzy's fault that that the mundane wanted to do something stupid" Alec bit back.

Izzy sniffled  "I tried to stop him but he didn't listen"

Clary gaped at them, then glared at Ethan, seeing that he wasn't going to back her up on this one.

"So whilst our best friend  is a rat, you're comforting a virtual stranger. Nice to know you care about him"

And with that she walked off, leaving Ethan in a stunned silence.

Alec walked over to Ethan and muttered "You okay, E?"

Ethan shook his head. "I don't know... Jace did you get anything?"

Jace's face hardened "Barely. Magnus said that the memories would come back on their own eventually"

Ethan sighed in frustration. "We don't have time for eventually! There's really nothing he can do?"

Jace shook his head. 

Ethan ran his fingers through his hair "Right, well if there's nothing else we can do, I'd like to leave. By the looks of things," he said as he spotted Clary on his way back, with something cupped in her hands, "she's found Simon and I don't want to argue with her in public"

Alec nodded, and all of them made their way to the door, where Magnus was.

"Bye Shadowhunters. I would say it was a pleasure, but I'd be lying"

As Ethan passed, he handed him a post-it note and  whispered "If you find yourself with a bit of time, call me"

Ethan blushed bright red and rushed to catch up with Alec and the rest of them. He wasn't used to being hit on. 

As they walked back to the Institute, Alec spotted the post-it note and frowned slightly.

"What's that?" he asked, trying to appear nonchalant, but failing miserably. 

"Oh, you know, " Ethan said casually, as if this was the sort of thing that happened to him all the time, "Magnus gave me his phone number. You know, if I ever needed anything..."

Alec looked down.

 "Oh" he said before speeding ahead, leaving Ethan in confusion.

A minute later, Clary yelled in shock.

"Simon!" Ethan heard her yell as he came closer, "Ethan, I can't find him! He's gone!"

Ethan was still annoyed with Clary so instead of comforting her, he bit back at her. 

"Now who's showing she cares about him?" he said sarcastically.

"Hey..." Jace warned.

"No, Jace! Just because you have a thing for my sister, it doesn't mean you have the right to dictate how I speak to her. Justifiably as well because how dare she suggest I don't care about Simon!" Ethan yelled.

Underneath all of the anger, though, was a fear that Simon wouldn't be okay. And that it would be Ethan's fault if he wasn't.

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