Her versus Them

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Avni finally shouted. And then many things happened at once.

Riya and neil separated. Neil got up half way and raised his hand as if to tell avni something but he couldn't. And riya scrambled for her clothes and tried putting them on hastily.

Riya quickly stood up and she turned to avni -"hey avni. It's not Neil's mistake. I only felt broken and came here to talk and see what happened. Both of us had something before as well and seems we were not over it. But now it's out of our system! Im so sorry avni. You see..I..don't want to hurt you.."

Avni's eyes were glassy. She was controlling herself with a lot of difficulty.

Riya continued seeing this state of avni  - "so I will understand if you want to leave the house right now..in fact let me call Ali. He can totally support you!"

Avni walked upto riya and then looked at Neil. Neil was sitting with his head in his hands. He was not speaking anything. Then avni looked at riya and smiled at her. Riya was astonished at this.

Which in turn made what came next even more painful for her than it was intended. Avni's hand connected Riya's cheek in a full fledged slap. Riya was a little shocked and then anger started building in her -"how dare you..you little skank!"

At this avni just slapped her again. Riya decided it was enough and raised her hand which avni held by her wrist and slapped her a third time.

Avni -"these slaps should teach you riya. Not to enter others homes without permission, not to try and sleep with others husbands and finally not to drug my husband!"

Riya looked up at this, taken aback. She didn't know how avni couldve guessed that she did drug Neil! Intact riya had put a good dose of a muscle relaxant in Neil's water as he was distracted seeing avni coming. She knew it'll act in an hour and was wanting to separate avni  from neil for sometime so that she could play her game. Luckily she didn't have to do anything as avni went away by herself! Riya then came up to their apartment and rang the bell. Neil opened the door and knowing the muscle relaxant will act in a few minutes she went inside and started talking urgently, stalling for time.

As neil went weak, riya took him to the bed and forced herself upon him! Neil was hardly in his senses but he pushed her. Only his muscles would not listen to him! As avni came in it had seemed that both were kissing and hugging when only riya was doing so!

Riya tried defending herself. She wanted to break avni but here avni was standing strong and blaming riya!

Riya -"what do you mean. You're just casting aspersions. Why would I drug Neil. He himself wanted this "

Avni said walking upto Neil -"I'm not just conjecturing. Im sure you've drugged him. I know Neil "

Then Avni saw neil holding his head and knew she was right. He was fighting against the drug but not completely in his senses! She shouted angrily at riya -"run away now or I'll call the police. Also pray neil becones completely OK very soon or I'll come after you "

Riya knew when to run. She shut the door behind her. This had not turned out at all as she had expected. It had seemed like a brilliant idea when she was executing it but now it seemed like something that can put her behind bars!

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