Chapter X - The brooding II.

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This is like a continuation from Chapter 8 with Annie's POV of Chapter 9, so don't get confused, carry on.
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Annie's POV

Wait what?

I stared back in shock at the familiar face with a grim smile, standing close to coach, legs apart.
He was not just so familiar, he was the cause of all our issues.
A very horrible person.

My dad's boss

After my dad got newly promoted, he worked hand-in-hand with Group Captain Adeoye. He brought a sketchy deal and tried to get my dad involved.

I could remember all those while we prayed because of him - long, tiring prayers. When he found out my dad wouldn't budge, he framed him and made them transfer him to Borno State as a front-line soldier.
We rarely even heard from dad and that disturbed mom.

He was that evil, a very evil person.

My train of thoughts got disturbed as Coach continued;
"He is Anndora's father also, so let's have a great time,"

What? Like father, like daughter.

I glared at Anndora, as she smiled endlessly, nodding at the munchkins beside her.

"Let's get started," The evil boss screamed.

They all applauded, happy to see a new face and hoping to learn new skills before the big day.

I kept my hands folded across my chest.

"Let the tournament begin," He screamed again.

It's not only tournament, sigh.

Everyone quickly scurried into position.
I knew he would not recognize me but I very much did. I just took my position and awaited the next call.

"That is wrong," He screamed, bathing the poor girl in his evil spittle

"We need the best, only the best!" He shouted again.

Almost everyone was crying internally but they all put in their best.
He demanded for nothing less and claimed that he made us play according to the international standard.

It paid off in a good way because the girls went past their comfort zone, It was also bad because everyone was extremely tired.

I was so sad and angry as I packed my things angrily, I didn't even wait to wish anyone good-luck as I ran off after the practice. I went to the locker room to wash my face and change up.

I knew he didn't recognize me but it was like he was after me, shouting and finding faults everytime.

I did not want to dwell on it as I hurried off to choir's rehearsal not even waiting to hear the announcement.


I walked in discreetly to avoid attention, Mr Dare paid little to no attention to me.
I was so glad, as I was definitely not in the mood.

I waved at Carlo as I took my place beside him, he waved back with a smile that nearly made me fall.

His fragrance engulfed my sense of smell as I stood beside him. He was dressed in a simple black-polo, designed with some graffiti, black joggers and a white sneaker.

Mr Dare motioned for us to begin as he played the prelude of the song.
The choir started, I waited impatiently for Carlo to take over.

As he began, his voice added a nice bass different from the video we had to watch on YouTube. He said each word flawlessly, his voice sounded like the breaking and crunch of a freshly baked cookie.
I don't know if there's a comparison like that.

I almost missed my part but I got in on time, I had not reached half of my piece when Mr Dare played an endnote;

"Stop, that's too pitchy. Try again."
I prayed for the ground to swallow me, for real.

Carlo gave me a reassuring smile and I started again.
After five tries, I finally got it.
Everyone clapped with Carlo shouting, his hands on his mouth.
That act gave me a thousand butterflies.

Mr Dare made us repeat the song a million times, but it was worth it.
He was impressed with us at the end and I was asked to pray.

Why me, Oh God.

I closed my eyes and mumbled words I thought made sense,

"Lord, we thank you for a successful rehearsal. Cover our errors and color our efforts as we compete tomorrow in Jesus name."

I flicked my eyes open, to see Carlo gazing at me. He immediately turned his face.

I walked over to meet Isabella who was still sad, I guess. She was holding her bag, tapping at her phone.

"My baby, how are you doing?" I said in a pitiful tone.

"I'm good jare, just forget about me. See, Carlo is coming."


I turned back and gave him a huge smile;
"Hi, Carlo,"

"Hey Annie, you good? you look so tired," He said, his eyebrows raised up

Aww, he really cares.

"Really? I guess it shows," I muttered, as I placed my hands on my face.
Isabella got a call which I knew was fake and excused herself.

He gestured for me to sit on one of the many chairs in the auditorium.
I shyly sat down beside him.

"Would you like to stop by for a drink at Wilmer's cafe on our way home?" He suggested.

Are you for real? That is like a date!

"That's alright, I guess. Thank you so much..." I trailed off, fondling the hem of my shirt, trying not to act desperate.

Isabella came back in, walked over to me and stopped low to my ears,
"You're killing it, enjoy yourself,"
I nearly gave her a slap, but I controlled myself.
She waved at us as she stepped out.

But wow, that happened so fast.
Are we really going out?

He offered to carry my huge duffle bag as we stepped out of the church.
Such a gentleman.

I made a subtle note to tell my mom about the volleyball's practice as we walked down to the cafe which was a short distance from church.

We finally got the cafe, Wilmer Cafe.
It was my first time here, and I had a good time taking in the sights.

Their decoration was so good, the cafe had white lights and so many decorations.
They had writings on the wall which I didn't bother to take note of.

We found a comfortable space and sat down.
Carlo handed the menu over to me, there were so many choices but I got a Red-velvet frappuccino and chicken pie.
He got a chocolate frappuccino and meat pie.

As I took a sip of my drink, I almost saw a glimpse of what heaven was. It was so nice and yummy.
The heavenly goodness melted in my mouth, making my tongue dance, I was about to make a comment,

"So, how has it been?" Carlo said, tapping his hand on the brown table.

"How has what been?" I questioned, as I wasn't sure what he meant.

"Uhmm, volleyball practice, choir rehearsals, school and everything. How has it been for you?" He added, as he clutched his cup.

My heart cart-wheeled as I noticed the caring tone in his voice.

My delusion was cut off as his phone beeped. He brought it out, ended the call and placed it on the table.

"Actually very stressful, I'm just trying to cope. We all know how school has been," I smirked, giving him a knowing look.

He let out a deep chuckle.

"Sure, I really admire your strength though. You're doing better than you think you are, trust me," He stated with a serious look.

I shifted and nodded in positive

"Thank you, this really means a lot," I said in deep appreciation as just that little pep talk helped me gain confidence.

His phone beeped again and he glanced at it.
I just hoped mom had not called, because mine was in silence, carefully tucked in my bag.

"It's cool, I'm actually glad I got to spend time with you. I'm also sorry but I have to leave now, Marcho has been calling me, we actually have something to do," He rapped on, mixing his words.

I guess he was nervous too

"Oh, it's alright. It's only a matter of time before my mom starts calling too," I assured him.
I watched his shoulders relax in relief.

"Alright, let me walk you to take a taxi then,"
I almost melted into a puddle because of his gentlemanly display. Almost.

We left the cafe, I brought out my phone to see that there was no message or call.
I decided to just glance through it as he was quiet.

I finally got a taxi after a while. As I got in, he waved at me with a big smile.
I returned the gesture.

As soon as he was out of sight.
I called Isabella,
"Come online, babe!"
I ended the call immediately to keep her in suspense.
My phone beeped immediately to show a message.

I opened her message giggling so hard. My friend

As I was about to start the gist, I remembered the new coach today.
But I was so happy, so I made a mental note to tell Mom about it when I got home.


Isabella likes amebo sha, see how she responded so quickly.
Do you miss Clara? Because she's coming soon.
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Thank you all for the support.

With love,

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