Chapter XI - A plan or not.

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Well, oh well.
Let's just dive in❤️
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I tossed repeatedly on the bed not wanting to get up but my alarm kept blaring loudly. I finally sat up on the bed, running my hands through my hair as memories of the previous day came back.

I stretched out to get my bible laying down on the table beside my bed to have my devotion before mom came in to ask — that's her usual routine.

After that, I got up to freshen up.
Not before getting my phone to get the information on how we were meeting up for the competition.


75 messages from the group.
What's the problem now?

The group was usually so silent except for questions on rehearsal dates, so those messages were much.
I quickly opened it, scared of missing out on something.

What if they fixed the competition earlier.

I came across a pinned message, this was not in any way helping my already nervous self. I swallowed dry and sat down on the bed.

Who knew I'll finally get tense about something I hated doing before.


Mr Dare~
I received some information from the organizers of the competition. The competition has been moved by one week due to unforeseen circumstances as they said, But it's all for our good, we shall intensify rehearsals, so be prepared.

Everyone received the message with mixed feelings. Some people were happy while others just subtly complained of the last part of the message. rehearsals.

Why did I get this message so late?
It slowly crept to my memory how I was at Marcho's place till nine in the night.
I came home exhausted and just crashed.

We played a lot of video games while talking about a lot of things — a whole lot of things.
He told me how he had to go and see Clara, as they were family friends.
Her father informed his parents of her being bullied at school.

Such irony.

I brushed the thought aside as I focused on the matter at hand,
How will Annie take this?

Knock knock

Mom walked in without waiting for my response, what was the need of even knocking.

She looked at me with her eyebrows etched up,
"Why are you not dressed up?" She queried.

"Good morning Mom," I greeted partly prostrating as tradition.
When I got up, I stretched like I just got up, gently dropping my phone on the bedside table.

"Good morning dear, I thought you'll be all dressed up. I planned on praying with you before you step out." She walked closer, adjusting the sides of my bed-sheet.

"The competition has been shifted," I dropped the bombshell as I laid back down on the bed.

"Oh wow, they announced quite late. You came back really late last night, your dad just left, he wanted to wish you well on your competition." She stated in a reprimanding tone.

Oh shoot.

"Anyways, come down for breakfast," She added, as she walked towards the door.
I watched as she closed the door gently behind her.

Staying at Marcho's place the night before my competition was a bad decision.
I got up again to head over to the bathroom to freshen up.

I glanced at my phone and remembered that I wanted to call Annie.
Thoughts of her just kept coming to me.

I picked the phone without a second thought, as I glanced through my contact list.
The phone rang for the first time without an answer, so I decided to call for a second time as a courtesy.
I had already started second-guessing myself. She picked up after the second ring.

"Hey," I said, while pacing around the room, looking at the different artworks hung on my walk.

"Hi, good morning," Her calm voice sounded far away.

"How are you doing? Umm…did you get the news?," I said as I sat on the bed, tugging at the sheets

"I'm good though, what about you?" She asked, her tone seemed absent-minded.

"This news came as a shock sha…" I trailed off

"I don't really know how to feel. The volleyball tournament was moved too, it does not give room for slacking but I'm happy. I thought I would just get it over with today sha," She said, picking her words slowly.
She heaved a sigh after talking.

I listened gently and became worried instantly, she sounded like she had a lot on her mind.

"Oh wow, it's like they had it all planned. I have mixed feelings too but I feel like it's all for good. We'll surely win with the way we're going to be stressed by Mr Dare,"

She chuckled lightly.

A smile crept on my face.

"Before we get stressed… Are you going to be free today?"
I said before I could think about it, my free hand went to the back of my head giving it a free scratch.

She hesitated before answering;
"I guess so, they basically left us to down the news. There's no news of any fixed practice."

"Can we meet up?" I got up as soon as the last word left my word,I tapped on the table, my fingers colliding with the table frequently.

"Sure, by what time?" She sounded somewhat relieved and nervous at the same time or I was just thinking.

"By twelve or one, I'll text you the venue before time," I rapped out before she changed her mind.

"Okay, cool,"

"Bye, see you later…"

"I guess so."

Immediately I dropped the phone, I came back to my normal senses.
I didn't even have anything planned out for today, I just ordered trouble for myself.

But being able to see her twice without an official thing felt so weird.
A really good kind of weird, I guess.

I headed over to the bathroom finally,
I freshened up and wore a white vest and black shorts.
I walked out of the room to get some advice from the love of my life.

"Big sis!" I called out as I entered her room. Her room was just beside mine.

"You can't knock abi," She eyed me from where she was seated, her head buried in a novel — a romance novel, for sure.

I ignored her as I headed to her bed to sit down.
" Get up from my bed joor, I just laid it," she snapped, giving me a stink eye.

"Calm down nau, I'll arrange it," I rolled my eyes at her.

"What do you want?" She said, finally turning back to acknowledge my lovely presence.

"Nothing o," I replied, laying fully on her bed

"And you came here shouting 'big sis'," She said, mimicking me in such an annoying way.

"Oya fine. I need your help, It's time to finally put all these endless romance novels to use," I told her, almost hissing. Almost because I needed her help

"It's about Annie abi, what is it again. I'm sure she's finally seen that you're unbearable,"

talk about see finish.

"We're going out today," I nodded in affirmative, glancing all over her lilac painted room filled with posters of Korean actors.


"Wow, sharp guy," She exclaimed as she stood up with speed to come sit beside me.
I just stared at her in awe.

"Well, what do you need my help with?"

"I don't know where to take her, I didn't make any arrangements before telling her," I finally let out my worries as I straightened up.

"Well, what did I expect from someone like you? You're glad you have a sister like me."

I rolled my eyes in my mind a million times.

" You can take her to the cinema, I have two tickets to the island view cinema.
I was supposed to go with Oma but she had work engagements today."

I grinned as instant relief took over me;
"Thank you. you're the best, Charlotte,"

"I know." She said boredly as she stood up from the bed.

Pride is the beginning of a downfall, they say. I felt better now, knowing that part was solved.
She walked over to her wardrobe, digging through a bag as she brought out a black and white ticket.

She stretched it out to me, I collected it,
"Where's the second one," I inquired in worry.

"Calm down joor, Oma bought hers online, I'll send it to you," She stated as she picked up her phone, waving it.

"Oya send it nau, fast."

"Arrange my bed first!" She commanded

This girl can be so overbearing.
I hissed loudly as I walked over to the bed. I dragged out the squeezed part of the bed-sheet, straightening it before plopping her pillow back on the bed.

"Sent," She called out as she sat down back at her reading table to continue her novel.

"Thank you, you've proven to be useful after all,"
She stared at me with killer eyes as I walked towards the door, opening it slowly.

After thoughtful consideration, I hurriedly walked to her bed, dragged the edge of the arranged bed-sheet and ran out, leaving her door wide open before she could get up.

"Carlo!" She shrieked in anger, but I was long gone.

I heard her shouts but my mind was already traveling in clouds as I mentally planned my day.

I glanced at my phone as I saw a new message,

You guys should come down for breakfast now.

Mom usually sends us messages, from downstairs, when she's tired of calling our names.
I knew Charlotte would have gotten the same message, She's going to kill me though.


Thank you all for reading.
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This is the beginning of a date or not...
Clara is coming back sooner than you think.
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With Love,

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