Chapter XII - Homecoming.

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Thank you guys for reading and voting.
I'll be dedicating each chapter to active readers❤️.
This chapter is dedicated to OtogoFavour, blessinggg__ and _Esahbelah
This is not everyone but I promise to continue this in the coming chapters.


As I alighted at the gate, my head was glued to my phone as I filled Isabella on our mock date. She teased me endlessly as I chuckled.
I finally put the phone back in my hoodie as I pushed the door open.

I noticed Mom and Jaden's grim faces as they sat side-by-side on the couch. Jaden's head on Mom's shoulder while she folded her hands staring into the wall.

"Good evening..." I was greeted with silence, crickets chirping silence.

"What happened, you guys?" I was about to start freaking out as I threw my duffle bag to the side and hurried over to the couch.

I pulled Jaden from Mom's shoulders, he was trying so hard to avoid eye contact with me. I pulled his face and glared at him hoping to get some answers.

His face broke into a smile, he tried forcing a frown back, but I caught up.
"Why are you smiling?" I questioned, my eyebrows quirked.

"Okay, I can't do this anymore," Jaden said, as he placed his hand on his mouth trying to stifle his laughter.

"I knew you couldn't, such a weakling." Mom finally broke open as she threw a jab at him.
I gazed at them in confusion.
She turned to face me with a huge smile.

"Guess what?" She said, her eyes brightened at the question, a huge contrast to what I saw when I came in at first.

"Uhmm... Guess what? You got me an iPhone 14?"

"Nice try, wrong!" She snapped at me.
I glanced at Jaden for help, but he looked away.
" I can't help you twice,"

"Well... Your dad is coming back tomorrow!"

My eyes widened in shock as I mentally interpreted what she said.

"It's a lie! Are you guys joking with me?" I screamed in joy.

"Of course not! A strange number called the house line today, you know it's been non-functional for a while. Mom hurried over to pick and you know the rest of the story." Jaden rapped out, without taking in a single breath.

"Oh my God! Thank you Jesus." I cried out.
Mom gave us a huge hug as we knelt down to pray.

We thanked God for a long while, prayed for my competition and all before I went upstairs to freshen up and have a good night rest in preparation for tomorrow.


By six am the next morning, I was up already preparing in advance as today was a big day - My dad was coming back and I had two competitions to win.

I picked up my phone to call Isabella, I knew she would still be sleeping but I really wanted to talk to her.
As I put on my data, I got a notification from the choir group from Mr Dare.

I tapped on the WhatsApp icon to check as I thought it would contain information about today's competition, it did but not what I expected,


Mr Dare~
I received some information from the organizers of the competition. The competition has been moved by one week due to unforeseen circumstances as they said, But it's all for our good, we shall intensify rehearsals, so be prepared.

I sat down back on my bed, in shock.
What would have made this people shift the competition for Christ's sake. But at least I could enjoy today at home with my family - complete.

Everyone shared the ecstatic feeling on Dad's arrival as I went downstairs after my personal devotion to find mom humming her favourite hymn as she busied herself with cooking in the kitchen.

I stopped by at Jaden's room before going downstairs, he was busy arranging the trophies and awards that he had acquired while Dad was not around, he had a smile on his face as he paid no attention to me.

We had boiled potatoes and eggs for breakfast. I stir-fried the eggs, she cooked the potatoes and Jaden boiled the water for tea - just like the good old days.
We sat at the dining table to begin eating after Mom prayed on the meal.

I sat beside Jaden, while mom say opposite us. I already told them about the postponement of the competition while we were in the kitchen.

My phone rang beside me, as I picked up my fork to begin eating my food.
Jaden stretched out his hand with the speed of light, and grabbed the phone.

" Who is Carlo? wonders shall never end," He teased as he tried to get the phone away from me.

"Will you give me my phone? What's your business with my private life?' I said harshly as I tried to get the phone back.

" Aww, see who's having a private life now,"
The ringing ended.

"See what you've caused. Mom, see Jaden now o," I snapped in anger.

" Give your sister her phone,"
He finally stretched his hand as he handed the phone back to me, making stupid faces.

The phone rang the second time, and I picked as I saw that it was Carlo again.

"Hey," His deep voice vibrated through the speakers. Jaden stared at me as if a movie was playing on my fore head.

"Hi, good morning," I replied, while I gave Jaden a stink eye.

"How are you doing? Umm...did you get the news?," Jaden moved closer, trying to hear what he was saying.

"I'm good though, what about you?" I shoved him away, as I tried to stand up.
Mom glared at him and he turned back to eat his food.

"This news came as a shock sha..." Carlo continued,

"I don't really know how to feel. The volleyball tournament was moved too, it does not give room for slacking but I'm happy. I thought I would get it over with today sha," I said, as I talked slowly not wanting to raise suspicions.

Mom listened even though she pretended to be focused on her food.
Such an intrusive family, I sighed before I could control myself.

"Oh wow, it's like they had it all planned. I have mixed feelings too but I feel like it's all for good. We'll surely win with the way we're going to be stressed by Mr Dare,"

I chuckled in return.
"Before we get stressed... Are you going to be free today?"

The table was now quiet, so I guess mom heard his question as she nodded, then swiftly turned her head when she realized she just got caught.

"I guess so, they basically left us to down the news. There's no news of any fixed practice."

"Can we meet up?"

"Sure, by what time?" Jaden turned his head, his mouth open in shock.

"By twelve or one, I'll text you the venue before time," He stated in a hurry.

"Okay, cool,"

"Bye, see you later..."

"I guess so."

I took a huge breath as I dropped the call.
My mind was in a ferris wheel as I thought about what just happened. Then I glanced at Mom;

"Well, your dad won't be coming till later this night, so enjoy your day, don't forget to come back early." She said as she stood up with her plate, heading over to the sink.

"Wow, just wow," Jaden started, jealousy evident in his tone.

"Thank you Mom," I ignored him as I continued eating my food.

Immediately after my meal, I hurried upstairs to call Isabella.
My ear drums were probably bleeding because of the screams I got.
I actually wanted to get outfit ideas from her but it was futile as she spent half of the call awwing and cooing.

Crazy girl

I didn't even get to scold her for giving Carlo my number without giving me heads-up.
But I didn't really care, as I was ecstatic at the moment.

I already started bringing out dresses even though I had like four hours before the time we agreed on.
I wanted to dress comfortably but also to make a statement.

I didn't even know where we were going yet.
The venue was supposed to give a hint, but he hadn't sent anything yet.
But who's going to wait...

My phone beeped as a message came in;
The venue is Island view Cinema, The movie is by Twelve-thirty. Could you send me your address so I'll come get you.

No, never. I didn't want to risk him meeting Jaden or my mom, at least not now.
They probably already knew him from church. I immediately texted him back not to worry, that I'll meet him there.

I finally settled down for a black body-con long-sleeve top and a yellow and black checkered trouser. It was a movie date and I decided to make it simple and not over-dress, not like I had much choices.

I fully used three hours to manipulate my hair, and get a light makeup done. I finally finished and put on some accessories - a little gold necklace and earrings.

I went downstairs to meet mom at her make-shift cubicle again, she looked surprised as she nodded in awe,

"You look so beautiful, just a movie date and you're back." She said with a tone of finality.

"Alright,mom." I beamed in smiles.
I heard Jaden footsteps down the stairs,

"Where are you going so glamed up? you can't go alone like this o, I'll come along."

"Come along to where? Please shift," I sighed.

"Come and help me prepare for your dad, Jaden"

"This is not fair o, I also have a date with my girlfriend,"

"Please let's hear word, in your highest dreams and Carlo is not my boyfriend,"
He grumbled as he walked over to meet mom.

"Bye Mom," I called out as I got to the door.
I already placed an order for a ride.
My heart was not in place as butterflies flew around it in expectancy.

I got into the ride hoping to have a beautiful day.

Annie's outfit

Annie is so pretty.
I'm sorry for not uploading on time.
School is hectic, I'll try my best to upload.
Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

With love,

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