Chapter 1: SCP-096 "The "Shy Guy""

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Here we see you with Diana in the junkyard as she wants to know what you're capable of as we see the other superhero girls and the girls are in their hero uniforms.

Diana: "So (Y/N), what else do you have to offer?"

(Y/N): "You already seen my Anti-Memetic and reality bending powers and SCP-262. I have other tricks up my sleeves."*pulls out anti-cognitohazard glasses*"Here put these on."

The girls then put on the glasses as you snap your fingers.

(Y/N): "Alright now take them off."

The girls then take off their glasses and they see a horrifying monster that is 20 feet tall, has 500 tentacles, and many eyes on its body standing where you are.

Diana: " Ah! What in Hera's name is that?!"

(Y/N): "Now put them back on."

The girls then put the glasses back on and they just see you. They take off and put on the glasses repeatedly and they see that the monster is you.

Kara: "What was that?"

(Y/N): " That was a cognitohazard, it's something that messes around your senses and thoughts."

Zee: "So that monster we saw wasn't real?"

(Y/N): "Try touching it."

We see Diana take off her glasses and she touches the monster and it feels real to her.

Diana: " By Zues's beard it is real!"*puts on the glasses and sees where she's touching the "monster" and feels it*"With this power, you can manipulate the minds of your enemies?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

You then snap your fingers to get rid of the cognitohazard as Diana feels that there's nothing there and she takes off her glasses.

Diana: "Remarkable, what else do you do?"

(Y/N): *pulls out some chalk*"Watch this."

You then write a glyph on a car hood as Kara looks at it and she tries to say something she can't speak.

(Y/N): "That's my memetic ability. I can make glyphs that when someone sees it, they won't go away in their heads. Kara saw it and she can't speak even though her vocal chords are okay."

Babs: "Hey Kara, if you think that you have anger issues don't say anything."

Kara: *visibly angry*

Diana: "Impressive, what other glyphs do you have?"

(Y/N): "Watch this everyone."

You then write a glyph on a car window as Zee and Jessica sees it as some wind comes by at them.

Jessica: *as Zee*"What does that mean?"*sees her body*"Wait, why am I over there?"

Zee and Jessica look at each other and see that they swapped bodies.

Zee and Jessica: "WE SWAPPED BODIES!?"

You then snap your fingers and undo the effects of the glyphs.

Kara: " Finally."

(Y/N): "Alright, how about some mind affecting powers."

You then snap your fingers as the girls see nothing happened.

Kara: "What just happened?"

(Y/N): "Let me show you."

You then snap your fingers as you and the girls are in an office with 50 people in it as there was a guy who walked into the door angry.

Random guy: "Who ate my yogurt!?"

Random guy 2: "I did and I also have an affair with your wife!"

Then everyone in the room then created total chaos in the room just by telling the truth and you turn on the TV as the news was on.

Reporter: "The president was gonna say his speech but instead he explains all the things he did as a bully during high school such as wedgies, pouring soda in people's backpacks, and breaking nerds' laptops out of fun."

(Y/N): "This is happening worldwide. Even you girls."

Kara: "I have anger issues."*realizes that she told the truth about herself*"Dang it!"

Diana: "I skipped a day with my aunt Antiope to spend more time studying greek lore by telling her I suffered an illness."*realizes that she told a truth about herself*"Did I speak the truth?"

Jessica: "When I was 4 four I ate a hotdog."*covers her mouth*"Why did I say that?"

(Y/N): "Okay that's enough truth for the day."

You then snap your fingers and undo everything that happened as you and the girls were now back in the junkyard as they don't remember anything after the moment you made the whole world tell the truth.

Jessica: "What just happened?"

(Y/N): "Some of you girls told the truth."

Diana: "For what reason?"

(Y/N): "I demonstrated my mind affecting abilities by making everyone in the world tell the truth."*to Jessica*"You ate a hotdog at the age of 4."

Jessica: *blushes in embarrassment and covers her face with her hands*"I'm so embarrassed!"

You then write down something on your notepad for later and turn to the girls.

(Y/N): "Anything else you want to see what else I can do?"

Kara: "Unless if it takes my voice away or makes Jessica tell the truth uh no."

(Y/N): "Oh okay, say Kara you're strong right?"

Kara: " Yeah why?"

(Y/N): "I know someone who might be on your level."*pulls out your phone and speak into it*"You are clear to drop the crate."

MTF Soldier: *over the phone*"Yes Administrator."

(Y/N): "Are all civilians in Metropolis cleared?"

MTF Soldier: *over the phone*"Affirmative."

The girls then see a helicopter dropping a crate on the ground in front of Kara as she then opens it to see SCP-096 crying in a fetal position.

Kara: "Um....what uh what is that?"

Karen: "And why is it crying?"

You then snap your fingers and teleport the girls out of the area leaving you and Kara.

(Y/N): "Kara, this is SCP-096 also known as the Shy Guy."

Kara: "Why is it called that?"

You then pull out a picture of SCP-096's face as Kara sees it. SCP-096 then stands up and starts screaming while covering its face as Kara sees the creature in this state.

Kara: "Wow it's even more shy than Karen." *sees that you're gone*"Where did you go?"

SCP-096 then turns to Kara and then grabs her by the neck and throws her into some cars. Kara then gets up as SCP-096 runs at Kara.

Kara: "What the!?"

SCP-096 then starts beating the tar out of Kara with it's fists while screaming. Kara then use her heat vision on SCP-096 and burned it down to it's skeleton.

Kara: *pants* "You just got smoked sucka!"

SCP-096 then starts screaming and charges at Kara which surprises her.

Kara: "WHAT!?"

Kara then holds back SCP-096 and she is surprised by how strong SCP-096 is.

Kara: "Seriously, what is with this thing!? I just turned it into a skeleton!"*sees that SCP-096 is regenerating*"What the!?"

6 hours later, we see SCP-096 in a fetal position and it's covering its eyes scooting away from Kara and continues to cry as Kara was tired from the fight.

Kara: " Ugh, that fight took a lot out of me, I need to sit to sit down."

The Mobile Task Force teams then shoot a net that covers SCP-096's whole head and put it into a crate as a helicopter takes it back to containment.

MTF soldier: "SCP-096 is now recontained and heading back to Site-19."

Then a MTF soldier turns to Kara with a picture of her and a pen in his hand.

MTF Soldier: "Excuse me Supergirl, can I have your autograph?"

Kara: " Oh heh sure."

Kara then signs the picture and hands it back to the MTF Soldier.

MTF Soldier: "Thanks, I'm a Supergirl fan, always and forever. You're way better than Superman, heck you babysitted the guy."

Kara: "How did you know that?"

MTF Soldier: "The SCP Foundation has eyes and ears everywhere for the purposes of containing anomalies, checking on Groups of Interests, and Persons of Interests. So I watched cameras around Metropolis and I saw you saving the city from that giant acid monster, I played it frame by frame."

Kara: "Wow, are there fans like you?"

MTF Soldier: "Even better, I sent a request to the O5 Council about making a Mobile Task Force that is made for taking on kryptonians or people who are just as powerful as kryptonians and they want me to be the leader cause I'm a Supergirl fan. Plus they want one of the members to be a Kryptonian. I came up with a name for the team: Super Soldiers."

MTF Commander: "Hey rookie, we need to head back to HQ for further instructions."

MTF Soldier: "Oh right, coming sir."

We see the MTF soldiers leave as Kara sees that you appear next to her.

Kara: "Gah! Don't do that!"

(Y/N): "Sorry about that. Well there is word around the Foundation that some of the employees there are Supergirl fans."

Kara: "They are?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, ever since Lois released that footage of you saving the city, the Foundation shows a lot of appreciation for ya."

Kara: "Sweet, wait what about Kal?"

(Y/N): "They're looking for some dirt on him cause he's a hazard for the city."

Kara: "That makes sense. Kal always had been taking all the credit from me."

(Y/N): "I know, he may as well be classified as a danger to the city rather than a protector."

Kara: "Yeah, by the way, where did you send the girls?"

You then snap your fingers and take Kara and yourself to the Wanderer's Library and she sees the others.

(Y/N): "Welcome to the Wanderer's Library."

Diana: "By Zeus' beard, this is a realm of knowledge!?"

Babs: "There are so many books! I wonder if they have comic books."

(Y/N): *pulls out a book* "This is where I do my reading. And yes there is a book on everything."*read the book*

Diana: "Interesting."

(Y/N): *while reading*"This place has some books on how to contain certain SCPs or give you abilities that might come in handy. Say, have you ever heard of the story of Adam and Eve?"

Jessica: " I've heard of it, why?"

(Y/N): "Well I did a lot reading in here and I became the serpent. So I gained the ability to transform into a giant snake. Like this."

You then transform into a giant serpent that is 45x longer and bigger than the Titanoboa.

Babs: "Woah!"

Jessica: "That is a big snake."

Kara: "Yeah, you can do that?"

(Y/N): "Sure can."

Kara: "I don't get it."

(Y/N): "The serpent is not guarding the fruit of the tree, but rather the knowledge of the fruit."*feels Jessica's hands on you*"What are you doing?"

Jessica: "See if your scales are real, which they are."

You then adjust your size and make yourself small enough to wrap yourself around Jessica's shoulders and rest on them.

Jessica: "That's a more manageable size for me."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Jessica: "Your welcome, so do you always turn into a snake?"

(Y/N): "Only if I want to go on undercover missions myself."

Jessica: "Okay, well if you want I have a tarium back at my house. You can move in there."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Later, we see you at Sweet Justice on a date with Carol.

Carol: "This is a nice time to have some ice cream, but I can't believe you made up a story about hazardous liquids in the sewer only to have Supergirl to fight off one of those monsters you have in your facilities."

(Y/N): "I just want the others to be aware of the things they will be confronting in our line of work."

Carol: "Do they need to be here?"

You see multiple field agents in the café as they were looking around for any suspicious characters.

(Y/N): "As The Administrator of the SCP Foundation, I am the most vital part of the SCP Foundation. Without me, the world will go into chaos and there would be an XK-Class End of the World Scenario."

Carol: "Fair enough. They do feel like a third wheel though, but if they are that important for your safety."

We then see the waiter who's name is Barry bring in your orders.

Barry: "Here's your orders."*sees the undercover agents*"Man this place is packed, usually at the end of the day things would be slow around here."

(Y/N): "Maybe the chocolate here is that good."

Barry: "I guess so, anyways. Have a fun date you two."

Barry then heads back to the counter as you and Carol share a milkshake with each other.

Next: Chapter 2: SCP-001 "The Factory"

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