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Here we see a normal day at Metropolis High and we see you walking into it's halls minding your own business until a certain reporter named Lois Lane took a picture of you.

(Y/N): "Can I help you?"

Lois: "Lois Lane of the Daily Planetoid, it's nice to meet ya. Say are you new here?"

(Y/N): "Yeah why?"

Lois: "I haven't heard about a new student transferring into Metropolis High."

(Y/N): "Really?"

Lois: "I'm not the kind of girl that lives under a rock, I-" *sees you're gone*"Who was I talking to?"

Later on, we see you walking to class until you come by another girl and she is wearing a batman themed outfit, her name is Barbara 'Babs' Gordon.

Babs: *sees you*"Oh hi there."

(Y/N): "Um hi there, who are you?"

Babs: "Barbara Gordon, but you can call me Babs. So you're new here?"

(Y/N): "Uh yes, yes I am, my name is (Y/N)."

Babs: "Nice to-"*sees you gone*"Who was I talking to again?"

Later, at the cafeteria, we see Babs and her friends gathered around a table and they had the strange feeling they met someone new but don't remember who.

Babs: "Hmmm."

Diana: "Is there something you are pondering Barbara?"

Babs: "Yeah it's this new guy I met but I can't remember his name."

Zee: "What do you mean? Didn't he tell you his name?"

Babs: "He did but now I don't remember."

Kara: "What does he look like?"

Babs: *shrugs*"I don't remember that either. In fact I don't remember anything about him."

Jessica: "Yeah same thing happened to Lois too."

Kara: "Okay, raise your hand that you met a new guy but don't remember anything about him."*sees everyone raising their hands*"Okay so everyone met this guy but can't remember him huh?"

Jessica: "Zee your good with magic, you know any spells that'll help us remember that guy?"

Zee: "I do, but it would take me weeks to learn it properly, otherwise we might relieve bad memories that happened to us."*shivers*"I do not want to relive my bad memories."

Karen: "Hey guys, um are you getting a feeling that we're being watched?"

Diana: "Hmm, I am certain someone is watching us, we must be wary sisters."

Kara: "Alright."

On the other end of the cafeteria, we see Harleen Quinzel walking to her normal table with her friends and she's getting a feeling that she's being watched all the way to her seat. When she sat down, the girls at her table already noticed that Harleen is looking around her like someone is watching her.

Harleen: "Hmm."

Selina: "You doing okay Harleen?"

Leslie: "Yeah what's up with you?"

Harleen: "Do you ever get the feeling that you're being watched?"

Pam: "Ugh I swear if this is one of your pranks I'll-"

Harleen: "It's not a prank, honest, I feel like someone is giving me the stink eye."

Carol: "Now that you mention it, I feel like someone is watching me."

Leslie: "Yeah me too."

Doris: "Okay, raise your hand if you feel like someone is watching you."*sees everyone raise their hands*"Huh, I guess I wasn't the only one."

Leslie: "So how do we find this person if we can't see him?"

Harleen: "Yeah it's like one of us has x-ray vision or something."

???: "Hello."

The girls all yelped in surprise and turned to you.

(Y/N): "Mind if I sit down?"

Carol: "Uh sure you can, we have an extra seat."

(Y/N): *sits down in the seat*"Thanks."

Leslie: "So, you're the new kid huh?"

(Y/N): "Yep, name's (Y/N), what are your names?"

Harleen: " Names Harleen Quinzel and I-"*realizes something*"Hey wait a sec don't you look familiar? Have we met?"

(Y/N): "No, this is the first time we met."

Harleen: "Hmm I dunno I feel like we met before."

Doris: "Hey yeah didn't I see you at gym class?"

Carol: "And I saw you in history."

Leslie: "I saw you at the field."

Selina: "I saw you at the science lab."

Pam: "I saw you at the library reading nursery rhymes."

(Y/N): "What are you talking about, this is the first time we all met."

Selina: "No, it isn't we already met you before and now you are doing some trick on our minds where we can't remember you."*sees that you're gone*"Wait, who were we talking to?"

Harleen: "I don't know."

Later, after school, we see both groups including Lois at Sweet Justice and they both have something on their mind.

Babs: "Ugh I can't take this anymore! We need to find out who that guy is! Before he messes with our heads again!"

Kara: "Who is this guy!?"

Lois: "I feel like I met him like 50 times and I still don't remember who he is or what he looks like!"

Carol: "This is driving me nuts!"

???: "Hello."

The girls then yelped and turned to you.

(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N), what are your names?"

Kara: "No, no not this time!"

(Y/N): "What are you talking about?"

Jessica: "Look whatever sick joke you're playing, it stops now!"

Harleen: "Yeah it's not funny!"

(Y/N): "I still don't know what you are all talking about?"

Zee: "Look whatever spell you have us under it stops now!"*sees you're gone*"Gah! Who were we talking to!?"

Jessica: "I don't know!"

Later, at school, we see a guy named Hal Jordan walking down the halls minding his own business until he sees Jessica looking around like someone is stalking her.

Hal: "Woah, Jess, you okay? You seem on edge."

Jessica: "No, No I'm not okay! Someone is watching me!"

Hal: "Is it someone watching you because of your protests about animal fur coats or something?"

Jessica: "NO!"

Hal: "Woah okay, Jess calm down maybe- wait what was his name?"*pulls out a piece of paper and sees it's blank*"Huh, I could've sworn I wrote his name on here."

Jessica: "Gah! Everytime!"

???: "Hello."

Hal and Jessice then turn to you as Jessica was about to lose her mind.

(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N), what's yours?"

Jessica: "No, No I am not telling you my name! I know what you do!"

(Y/N): "Oh you mean my Anti-Memetic ability? You know I forgot I had that on."

Hal: "Anti what now?"

(Y/N): "I make people forget who I am." *turns off Anti-Memetic power*"There that's better, and I am so sorry about that I always forget I have that silly thing on all the time." *pulls out a pack of gum*"Here, have a piece of gum."

Jessica: "It's not amnesia gum is it?"

(Y/N): "Actually quite the opposite, it'll help you remember all of those encounters we had."

Jessica then grabs the gum and starts chewing it as she regains all of those memories of her encounters with you.

Jessica: "Woah."

(Y/N): "It's a Class W Amnestic, capable of countering the effects of anti-memes and helping you remember some things."

Hal: "Uh what?"

(Y/N): "In simple terms, you can remember things just by eating the gum."

Hal: "Oh. But what about the paper I wrote your name on?"

(Y/N): "That just corroded away, anti-memes are just self keeping secrets."

Jessica: "That explains our memory loss."

(Y/N): "Hey I said I was sorry."

Later, at the library, you gave the girls Class W amnestics and they remember all of their encounters with you.

Kara: "You!"

Jessica: "Easy Kara, he didn't mean to, he just forgot to turn off his powers."

(Y/N): "Yeah listen to your friend, I always forget I had them on."

Diana: "Very well we forgive you, perhaps we can help you control your ability."

(Y/N): "I do know how to control my abilities, it's just I can't tell if they're on or not."

Kara: "Then all we need is something that helps you tell when your power is on or not."

Babs: " Yeah, wait what other powers do you have?"

(Y/N): "I can do this."

You then snap your fingers and you and the others are in a different universe unlike anything they ever seen.

Carol: "Where are we?"

(Y/N): "This is my house."

Lois: "Holy smokes!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I know it's a lot to take in."

Jessica: "Wait, you made this whole thing!?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I can do anything I want in here, basically I'm God here."

Diana: " Goodness, you must have a variety of abilities."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm what you call a reality bender, I can do things like this."

You then snap your fingers and the next thing you all know is that they're in a drive in movie theater where the insects look like life sized cars.

Babs: "Woah, what are they?"

(Y/N): "Arthropods that look like cars, pretty neat huh."

Diana: "What sorcery is this?"

(Y/N): "It's called Reality Bending, plus I created life here as well."

You then snap your fingers and the next thing they know that they're in a village made by you.

(A/N): This is what the villagers look like.

Zee: "Wait you made all of this yourself?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, a little reading from the Wanderer's Library and you can gain the power of God himself and this village is populated exclusively with women, so they'll welcome all like long lost family members."

Zee: " Wow, do they worship you like God?"

(Y/N): "What am I Superman, they don't worship me, or sacrifice in my name, or even pray to me. They just like me as a friend, that's all."

The villagers then spot you and the girls as they waved hello to you as you waved back at them.

(Y/N): "Hey everyone."

Villagers: "Hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N): *to the girls*"See?"

Babs: "Wow, they're acting so casual around you."

(Y/N): "Yeah because to them I'm their friend and not some crazy god they worship."

Villager: "Hey girls, we have guests, we should give them a warm welcome."

Villager 2: "You're right."*to the girls*"Come on, let's go."

Later on, we see you and the girls in a large tent as the girls were in traditional tribal outfits similar to harem girl outfits from Saudi Arabia which is something that Diana was used to since she was an Amazon but the other girls had to adjust to it.

Kara: "Ugh, why did we have to wear these frilly outfits?"

Zee: "It's tradition, and you are not gonna complain about the food like back in that restaurant we went to, got it?"

Kara: "Fine."

We then see the villagers then give out a lot of food native to the universe that you made yourself.

Kara: "Well looks pretty good."

Babs: *eats some fruit* "WOW! This tastes good, what is this?"

Villager 3: "It's a mokel fruit, once you eat it, it will taste like your favorite food."

Kara: "Magic fruit? Cool."

Diana: "Is this traditional garb for this village?"

Villager 4: "Oh yes it is, but we usually wear these for newcomers or for guests."

Villager 5: "Other than (Y/N), we're all women here."

(Y/N): "It's true."

Diana: "Your customs are a lot similar to mine."

Villager 4: "What do you mean?"

Diana: "Themyscira is the land where I was born, there are only women, no men."

Villager 5: "Really?"

Diana: "Yes, it feels like I'm home."

Kara: " And the fruit isn't half bad either, got anything else to eat?"

Villager: "Oh we have fried Sirenhead."

You and the girls then see fried Sirenhead with apples in it's mouth on a giant platter.

Zee: " Uhh....what the."

Kara: " I....I don't....what is that?"

(Y/N): "Oh right, the natives here hunt down monsters and cook them as a traditional coming of age ritual when they hit the age of 7."

Karen: "Oh wow that's....exciting."

Child villager: *holds up a pot of soup*"Look mommy, I killed a Cartoon Cat monster and turned it into a stew like a big girl."

Villager mom: *cries tears of joy*"I'm so proud of you sweetie, you reminded me when I was your age."

(Y/N): "Say, where's Chifftess Sarah, she's missing out on the party."

You then see the Chieftess Sarah enter the room with her staff made from a head of a Sirenhead.

Sarah: "Sorry I'm late, my daughter Mira brought back an addition to the meal."

We then see Mira come in with a plate of sausages made from Bridge Worm meat.

Mira: "Who wants Bridge Worm sausages?"

(Y/N): "I would love some."

Babs: "Same here."

Jessica: "Well the natives here don't look so different from humans."

Mira: "Actually, we're oxygen based life instead of carbon."

Kara: "Huh?"

Zee: "She means they're made of silicone."

Mira: "And don't worry, our world is compatible with lifeforms of all kinds."

Kara: "What does that mean?"

Zee: "It means anyone can live here."

Kara: "Oh."

Villager 5: "Yes, plus we do have some other differences from normal humans. Like we hatch from eggs like chickens, we have more body parts than humans, we are much taller than a full sized human, and we also reproduce with any species that we come across."

Kara: "Okay didn't need to know that last part."

Zee: "Do any of you natives want to see a magic show from yours truly?"

Villager 5: "Sure, we can see some magic."

(Y/N): "I'll set up a stage."

You then snap your fingers and Zee sees herself in her magician outfit and she looks around. She's on a stage and the audience is the natives, you, and the others.

Zee: " Okay ladies and....uh ladies and (Y/N), prepare to see the amazing feats of magic of Zee Zatara!"

Villager 5: "This should be most enjoyable."

Zee: "I would like a volunteer from the audience."*to you*"How about you (Y/N), and remember I'll do the magic, not you."

(Y/N): " Okay."

You then went on the stage as Zee then pulled out her wand and then used her magic to pull out a series of cloths from your mouth which reached 15 feet.

Zee: "Ta-da!"

Villagers: "Ooh."

Villager: "Impressive"

(Y/N): "Did I eat cloth for breakfast or something?"

The audience then laughs out loud as Zee laughs with them.

Zee: " Oh wow, you are funny."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Zee: "Now, what's behind your ear."*pulls out a quarter*"A quarter."

Villager 2: " Ooh she made money from his ear."

Zee: "Now, watch this."

Zee then uses her magic to change the colors of your trench coat such as blue, yellow, black, and orange and then back to its original color.

Villager 5: "Remarkable."

(Y/N): "My turn."

Extra arms come out of your trench coat in the form of a series of tentacles and semi transparent arm like appendages as the girls were shocked to see that.

Zee: "Woah!"

(Y/N): "What do you think?"

Zee: "Do you always have this many arms?"

(Y/N): "Oh no, these are from the trench coat."

Villagers: "Oooo."

Zee: "Not bad."

(Y/N): "Would you like to shake one of the extra hands?"

Zee: "Hm sure."

Zee then shakes one of the tentacles and she can feel real reptilian scales.

Zee: "Woah, are these real reptile scales?"

(Y/N): " Yeah."

Zee: "Amazing."

Later, after the show, we see you and the girls back in the drive in movie theater and you're watching a movie called What is the SCP Foundation starring you.

Kara: "So what's this movie called?"*sees the title card*"Oh."

(Y/N) from the Movie: "Hello everyone, if you're watching this? You must take this secret to your grave. Secure, Contain, and Protect or SCP Foundation is an organization dedicated to contain monsters, objects, locations, and enhanced individuals such as these."

There is a slide show of most of the Superhero Girls like Diana, Kara, and Zee along with a man made out of fire, an infinite IKEA, a disease that turns people into clockwork beings, and God himself. The movie then shows you introducing several personnel.

(Y/N) from the movie: "Now here are some personnel that you might encounter in the foundation. Let's work our way up from bottom to top starting with our guys in orange, the D-Class. These people are made up of inmates that are on Death Row, they are normally referred to their numbers and they are basically disposable when doing science on anomalies, after surviving 30 months of their time they will get terminated or given amnestics and be released back into the world with a new identity."

Then there is a montage of various D-Class personnel getting mangled and torn to pieces.

Diana: "By the gods."

Doris: "Sheesh, they're like crash dummies to them."

Karen: *sees a D-Class getting killed by a man with a giant sword*"Yikes."

(Y/N) from the movie: "Next we have the security detail, the guards. They're trained in weapons and they guard the various anomalies from all over the world."

In the movie, the girls see a lot of guards standing guard for various sites.

(Y/N) from the movie: "Next we have researchers, containment specialists, and field agents. Researchers can work on the science behind the supernatural. Containment Specialists are in charge of coming up with containment protocols. And field agents go on missions on the field for either cating an anomaly or spying on a group of interest."

We see a montage of the personnel doing their jobs as the girls were amazed by the work they do.

(Y/N) from the movie: "We have multiple teams of soldiers called Mobile Task Forces. They come in different teams based on a certain skill they profession in for containment of certain amolies. They can be a battalion of troops with heavy weapons or small scale teams of spies. Here are examples of MTF teams that I chose myself. MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" are a group of black ops soldiers that respond to the O5 Council. MTF Alpha-4 "Pony Express" are a convert group of soldiers that are embedded in the postal services of the world and they intercept and keep a lid on the transport of anomalous objects. MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" are a clean up crew for biohazards, chemical spills, or anything that makes you sick from chernobyl the sequel or a supernatural disease. MTF Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" are experts of disinformation and they prevent the info from getting out. MTF Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders" are investigators and trackers of anomalies in the abyss that is the sea. MTF Gamma-13 "Asimov's Lawbringers" are in charge of missions related to a company called Anderson Robotics. And finally MTF Tau-5 "Samsar" are a group of immortal cyborgs made from the flesh of a dead god and they're equipped with the most powerful weapons the Foundation has under its belt."

We then see a montage of multiple mobile task force missions involving these teams.

(Y/N) from the movie: "There are more of the MTF teams out there, doing their part of protecting this world from the supernatural. Next we have the O5 Council, the 13 people who are basically rulers and protectors of Earth and they're basically calling the shots and they have access to things that no one should ever know about."

We see a room full of people in the shadows and they're having a meeting about a certain SCP.

(Y/N) from the movie: "And finally, we have the Administrator who is the boss of the O5 Council and the Foundation as a whole, which is me."

We then see the camera facing you and the girls as they turn to you in shock.

Babs: "Wow."

Diana: "By Zeus' beard."

Kara: " Dude...."

Carol: "Wow."

Lois: *done taking notes*"Something like this will certainly make front page news, they probably make me chairman of the Daily Planet."

Before she knew it, everyone was back in school and Lois lost her memory about the SCP Foundation and your house.

Lois: "Huh, what happened?"

(Y/N): "We were just having a conversation."

Lois: "We were?"

(Y/N): "Yes, we were talking about how Supergirl is a better hero than Superman."

Lois: "We were?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, Supergirl is better than Superman because she doesn't spend most of her time showing off."

Lois: "Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense."

(Y/N): "Yeah and if it wasn't for her Superman would have destroyed the city."

Lois: "What do you mean?"

You pull out your cell phone and show a video of Supergirl stopping Superman from destroying the city by sending the monster to space.

Lois: "Oh, this is a solid gold news story."

(Y/N): "You think you can get to become an intern at the Daily Planet with this?"

Lois: " With this story of the century sure am."

(Y/N): "Glad to hear it."*hands Lois your phone*"Be sure you get this phone back to me when you're done with it.

Lois: "I will."

We then see Lois walk off with your phone as the girls turn to you.

Kara: " What happened to Lois?"

(Y/N): "Let's just say I gave her a better story."

Kara: "Oh."

Carol: "What story did you give her?"

(Y/N): "About how Superman almost destroyed the city."

Carol: "Wow, very sneaky."

Kara: "Yeah that'll knock my cos down a peg."

Babs: " Where did you get that footage?"

(Y/N): "I have cameras all over the world, I have eyes everywhere."

Karen: "Wait, when you say everywhere do you mean everywhere?"

(Y/N): "Well not everywhere, everywhere, I don't want to peep into people's private lives."

Karen: "Oh phew that's a relief."

(Y/N): "Though I did see Diana having trouble using a toaster."

Diana: "That heating device is deceitful and evil!"

Babs: "Diana it's just a toaster it's not gonna hurt you."

Diana: "Do not be deceived, it is too an evil device."


Here we see Diana in the kitchen going to the toaster and she sees the toaster pop up toast and it surprised her.

Diana: " Ah! Demon!"

Diana then pulls out her sword and slices the toaster in half.

Diana: "The beast has been slayed." *sees her toast* "Oh and provided an offering."

Flashback end.

Karen: "Diana, that toaster wasn't a criminal."

Diana: "That toaster was a beast!"

They hear an explosion from Hal's locker as they see Hal covered in glue and they see a note in the locker that says: This one is for Carol.

Carol: "Harleen did you do this?"

Harleen: "Uh-uh pinky this isn't one mine."

(Y/N): "That was me."

Harleen: "You?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Carol: "And you did that for me?"

(Y/N): "Yep, Hal broke up with you on Valentine's Day didn't he?"

Then we see feathers, glitter, and paper circles on him and the glue makes them stick onto him as he struggles to walk around as everyone in the room laughs at Hal.

Harleen: *laughs*"Oh man, that's a good joke!"

Leslie: *takes a picture of Hal*"I'm gonna put this on the web."

Selina: "A purrfect punishment for breaking a woman's heart on the day of love."

Doris: "Yeah, that was awesome."

Pam: "You are truly an enemy to all women."

Carol: *to you*"You really did this to Hal, for me?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Carol: "Aww."*kisses your cheek*"Thank you."

(Y/N): " You're welcome."

Carol: "Well do you have a special someone in your life right now?"

(Y/N): " Hm no not really."

Carol: *hugs your arm*"Then I guess we're dating~."

(Y/N):. *blushes*"Oh."

Next: Chapter 1: SCP-096 "The "Shy Guy""

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