Chapter 11: SCP-5000 "Why?"

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Here we see everyone at Exclusionary Site-22 in the mess hall as we see the girls and the others wait for you.

Jessica: "Where is he? He should be here by now."

Kara: "Maybe he's getting dressed for the occasion?"

Then a group of MTF soldiers, Zeta-19 "Lonely Only" enter the room.

Diana: " What are these soldiers doing here?"

Commander: "We are MTF Zeta-19 "Lonely Only" and we're on a mission."

Dr. Gears: "What is your mission?"

Commander: "As the old saying goes, action speaks louder than words."

The whole squad then pulls out their weapons and fires them at all the staff in the room including most of the girls like Harleen, Babs, Pam but Jessica and Carol make a shield blocking all of the bullets.

Carol: "What are you doing?!"

The soldiers then turn off their ears and then they say auditory memetic until Carol covers all their mouths and she looks at the commander in rage which actually made him scared.

Carol: "WHO. TOLD YOU. TO DO THIS?!?!?"

The commanding officer then turns on a device that says the auditory memetic kill agent and kills off the superhero girls and supervillain girls with the exception of Carol. She managed to escape the area and tried to use her ring but it was broken due to the kill agent's effect on technology.

Carol: "Oh crud."

Carol then sneaks around the area and looks to see more Zeta-19 soldiers killing Foundation staff. She then heads tdown a series of stairs and then she stumbles upon a door and she pulls out her key card and opens the door. She then opens the door and heads it and then closes the door behind her and then talks to herself about what's going on.

Carol: "What is going on?"

There are MTF soldiers trying to break the door down as she feels them behind the door.

MTF soldier: "MTF Zeta-19, open up!"

Carol looks around and sees a light shining over a suit of armor and we Carol put on the armor. The armor then adjusts itself to fit the exact dimensions of Carol's body as the helmet covers her whole head. We then see the MT Soldiers come into the room and see that Carol is not in the room.

MTF Soldier: "Where did she go!?"

Carol looks at the MTF soldiers and she feels like she's gonna die but the bullets are not fired because the MTF soldiers didn't fire their weapons because they can't see her.

Carol: " They can't see me?"*sees that her body is protected in the suit*"Wow."

Carol then waves her hand at one of the MTF soldiers as they don't notice her. She then walks out of the room and heads to the stairs until she tripped herself as she falls to the ground until she stops and turns to her feet and sees that her toes are firmly planted on the floor like magnets on iron. She then pushes herself up and looks at her feet in surprise.

Carol: "Wow this suit is great."

Carol then heads throughout Site-22 and she sees Lady Nagant not only alive but also wearing the uniform of an MTF soldier from Zeta-19 team. She sees the exit right behind Nagant as she proceeds to the exit and then bumps into Nagant by accident.

Nagant: "What was that?"*turns her right arm into a rifle and points at the direction of Carol*"Who's there?!"

We then see the suit take control as it then attacks Lady Nagant and grabs her by the neck and then snaps her neck as Carol looks in horror that Nagant was killed by her own hands.

Carol: "Okay did not mean to do that."

Carol then sees a series of symbols on her heads up display and she sees the symbols become words that she can read what they mean, she sees some words on the display and they say journal entries and she recounts what happened at Site-22.

Carol: "My name is Carol Ferris. I don't know what's happening. I think I might be the only one left.The date is um oh two oh one twenty twenty (sorry thought transcription is tricky (sorry i'm not used to this yet um)). The date is 02/01/2020. I've just. I have just escaped from Exclusionary Site-06. I think ... I'm not certain, but I think everyone else is dead. Those guys, they were thorough. If I hadn't got to the suit, I'd be ... oh god."

Carol then leaves Site-22 and heads to the nearest SCP safe house as she notices that the suit itself is keeping her in good shape such as supplying herself with plenty of nutrients and water and repairing old injuries. She then makes another journal entry.

Carol: "I need to get myself together or this thing isn't going to be legible at all. Most likely they're going to want some kind of record of this whole incident for posterity. I'm currently on my way to the nearest Foundation installation - a small safe-house for Agents making their way through this part of the country. Most likely there won't be anyone there, but I should be able to get into contact with my superiors and find out what exactly is going on. Things started around six, maybe seven hours ago. A group identifying themselves as Mobile Task Force Zeta-19 ("Lonely Only") - Insurgent infiltrators, maybe? - entered the Site, they had proper identification and everything, and gathered everyone into the canteen. Then they started the shooting. Jesus, I ... I can still taste the blood. I can't get that awful metal taste off my tongue. It's a miracle I didn't get hit or trampled on, the way people were climbing over each other to get out of there. If I hadn't gotten to the Exclusion Harness, I'd be dead. No doubt about it - like I said, they were thorough. I'm a highschool student, so I don't fully get how this thing works, but I understand the basics. This perception filter thing doesn't mean people can't see me, but it does mean they can't recognize the fact that they can see me. Which I guess is the same thing when you get down to it. But those infiltrators ... they didn't even take anything, didn't even try to. I watched after I got into this thing - I was too scared (fucking coward) to make a run for it. They just checked the bodies and left. An extra bullet for every head. They were just there to kill us."

Later, we see Carol make it to the Safe House and heads into it and she looks around in it and makes another journal entry.

Carol: "Finally made it to the safe-house after hours and hours of trudging through this goddamn desert. Heard a few explosions in the distance - maybe the Foundation sent an MTF to engage those infiltrators before they got away? Hope so. Never been happier to see bottled water in my life. Harness sustains your body while you're wearing it, apparently, but my mind still thinks I should be drinking. Human nature, I guess. Anyway, once I get these legs of mine rested, I'm going to try to get these systems online. I need to get in touch with the Foundation and find out what exactly is going on."

Carol looks around in the safe house and then finds a working tv and turns it on and what's on TV makes her jaw drop. She sees a message from the SCP Foundation and hears your voice on the broadcast.

(Y/N): *from the TV*"For those who are not currently aware of our existence, we represent the organization known as the SCP Foundation. Our previous mission centered around the containment and study of anomalous objects, entities and other assorted phenomena. This mission was the focus of our organization for more than one-hundred years. Due to circumstances outside of our control, this directive has now changed. Our new mission will be the extermination of the human race. There will be no further communication."

Carol: "What? No, no he can't do this!"

Carol then goes through all forms of media throughout the internet and TV stations to get an idea of what's going on. The first image she sees is SCP-096's face and this was displayed on every screen in the world.

Carol: "Wait I saw that thing's face, so I might die!"*looks around and she's in the clear*"I guess I'm okay."

Carol then sees an image of a large creature known as SCP-169 in a large ocean. She sees that it was awakened from its slumber as it moves around and causes natural disasters to destroy coastal regions around the world. She then changes the channel and she sees the Avengers on screen and Captain America giving a speech to the world.

Captain America: *on TV*"To the people of around the world, we the Avengers and other teams across the globe will protect humanity and declare war against the SCP Foundation."

Off camera a sound of a ringing bell can be heard as a man in a butler outfit came into the room, his name was Mr. Deeds.

Mr. Deeds: "Greetings sir, pardon my intrusion, but I do have a message from the Administrator."

We see the audio cut off as all the Avengers fall to the ground dead from what Mr. Deeds said as Carol saw that it was an auditory memetic kill agent that killed the Avengers and she assumes that this would be a method used to kill off nation leaders and other teams of heroes. She goes through the internet and sees that it was Mr. Deeds killing off heroes, villains, and nation leaders all across the world and she found files on SCP-662.

Carol: "Why would he do this? He got rid of his mom's hallucination, why would he do this?"*Realizes*"Unless someone is making him do this."

She then changes the channel and sees footage of a strange skin disease that is plaguing cities with large populations like Metropolis, Musutafu, New York and more and she discovers it was SCP-610. She sees students from UA High getting infected from SCP-610 and then transforming into monsters.

Carol: "Something is making him do this, but what and why?"

She then sees members of the Global Occult Coalition and the Church of the Broken God containing the outbreak. She then changes the channel and she sees All Might alongside Izuku Midoriya facing off against SCP-682, she sees that All Might has gotten his powers back thanks to a girl named Eri. She sees that they're facing off against SCP-682.

All Might: *on TV*"The Foundation's mission in destroying humanity ends, because we are here!"

SCP-682: *on TV*"A relic of the past and a worthless successor, you won't last for long."

All Might charges in and punches SCP-682 as hard as he can. And then rapidly punches 682 as his hide was too tough for him to break through.

SCP-682: *on TV*"This bores me."

682 then turned his tail into a blade and then sliced All Might's head off very easily as Izuku watched it happen in horror. We then see 682 then overpower Izuku and then crush the hero's head with one stomp. Carol then turns off the tv and then cries in tears from what is happening.

Carol: "Why is this happening!?"*gets the nearest SCP Foundation site on her hud*"I'll just have to find the answers myself."

Carol then heads out of the safe house and finds a squad that is MTF Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots" lined up as the commanding officer does a check up on the soldiers themselves.

Commander: "Alright, time for check ups."

The commander then pulled out a knife and stabbed the 1st soldier in the shoulder as the soldier didn't react. This repeats until the commander stabs the 8th soldier as the soldier screams in pain.

Commander: "We got a live one."

The other soldiers then point their weapons at the 8th soldier and shoot the 8th soldier and kill him. The commander then moves onto the 9th soldier and stabs him as there was no reaction like the others.

Commander: "Alright we're clear, let's move out."

The MTF team then leave the area as Carol then scavagened for weapons and medical supplies and then buries the body and then she writes in a journal entry of what she has seen.

Carol: "It's funny. With the supplies in this place - not to mention the Exclusion Harness - I could probably survive for years right here. But the idea of being sat here, with no idea what's going on in the outside world ... It's unbearable. Still, I'm not sure whether I really want to know what's happening out there either. When I was a kid - real sick all the time, not able to go out that much - I was really into detective stories, Sherlock Holmes and all that shit. I always wanted to figure things out. Anyway, my dad had this row of plant-pots on the wall outside the house, and they were always getting knocked over, but he could never figure out what was doing it. That was pretty much at my peak of detective obsession, so I was on the case like nothing else. I was a stupid shit, so I couldn't actually deduce anything, you understand, so I ended up buying this cheap spy camera and recording the wall overnight. It was a stray cat. My dad ended up kicking it to death, like I should have known he would. Curiosity ... Well, you know the saying. Everyone involved would have been better off if I'd minded my own business. Except my dad, but forget him. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, but I'd rather be doing something than nothing. Besides, if I have the Exclusion Harness, nothing that would want to hurt me will ever know I'm there. I'm a tourist at the end of the world. Destination: Site-19. Closest real Foundation installation, only makes sense. I'm getting some answers."

Later, we see Carol enter Site-19, walking down the halls and all she could see is containment cells that look like SCPs that broke out of containment. She sees researchers and scientists going about their business like nothing is happening and she hears a conversation between Jessica's parents Siobhan and Angela Cruz.

Siobhan: "Okay, perhaps we should have 507 teleport to Earth-2149, grab a zombie from there and let it loose into Beijing or have him become a zombie."

Angela: "Sweetie, you know I like zombie movies, but I like to prefer the classics, like SCP-049 in undeveloped nations. You know he goes on and on about curing the Pestilence whatever that is."*sees the corpses of Sam and Dean Winchester*"Honey, what happened to these two?"

Siobhan: "Oh they were trying to get to The Administrator so I killed them with a gun."

Angela: "That's why we are good at this job."

Siobhan: "It's a good thing I became an angel and got control over this angel tablet, The Administrator told me to use it to send Angels out in the world killing people by the millions."

Carol: "No don't!"*sees that Siobhan and Angela are unable to hear her*"Oh no."

Carol then takes a closer look into their eyes and sees that they're cold and dead like there's no humanity left in them, like someone took their very humanity out of their bodies. She then takes a senior staff member's credentials and then heads to an empty office and access the files, she sees that there's a project called PNEUMA.

Carol: "Collective human consciousness called the Psychospace? What is that?"*sees most of the files is redacted*"Oh come on! It's the end of the world, what's the point of redacting!?"

Carol then goes through the files of current events and sees a few about the SCPs out in the wild in the world. She sees SCP-1370 doing propaganda speeches and rambling on about how he will take over the world which made Carol laugh a bit.

Carol: "Okay that is a bit funny."

She then saw a TV footage of SCP-1048 leading a large horde of bears and she saw a massive red teddy bear out in the distance. She sees they are using SCP-1290 to attack a GOC base with powerful missiles and bombs. She then sees SCP-1440 talking to a large group of people and telling them to riot. She then sees people go to SCP-1678 for shelter as it then blows up into smithereens from a nuclear bomb.

Carol: "Why would he do this?"

Carol then left Site-19 and saw the ruins of planet Earth with the sky orange and buildings coming down.

Carol: "I need to find him."

The suit then starts to constrict Carol as she then passes out. When she woke up, she looked at the date and time of the heads up display and saw that it has been 3 months since she fell asleep.

Carol: "I've been asleep for 3 months?!"*notices a briefcase in her hand and makes a journal entry*"It's been about three months since my last entry. God knows what I've been doing since then. The time between then and now is a complete blank in my memory, and it looks like the files from that period have been deleted as well. As far as I know, I should be the only one able to do that, so take that as you will. I seem like I've been through a few rough patches. I have a few scars that I don't quite recognize, and I have a bandage wrapped around my temple. The Exclusion Harness doesn't seem to be damaged, though, so I don't know what hurt me. Did I fall off a cliff or something? The sad part is I can actually see myself doing something like that. Never was the smartest. Site-19 is long-gone - well, it's still there, I assume, but I'm halfway across the country. Couldn't tell you why. It's weird, though. I feel like I have a purpose now, even though I'm not 100% sure what it is. Just where I need to go. There's a briefcase in my hand. I'm having trouble recalling what exactly is inside it - all I know is that it isn't round, and I need to get it to SCP-579."

Carol then heads off to get to SCP-579 and when she comes by to a house, she sees a body of a deceased child and makes a journal entry.

Carol: "I underestimated how long it would take to get to SCP-579. Site-19 was a trek all on its own, but 579 is another story entirely. I wouldn't even know where it was without this documentation - which I have no idea how I obtained, but that's besides the point. I've stopped counting the corpses I've walked past. It's probably in the quadruple digits now. Jesus, maybe higher. Came across the dead body of a kid, a little boy, in a house I was grabbing some supplies from a while back. At first, I thought he'd just been shot in the head, but when I went to bury him I could see there were things moving underneath his skin. Little pale worms, hundreds of them, that poured out the second I touched them. They all had his face. They were all laughing. Scurried off into the drain. I don't try to bury people anymore. Keeping going is a lot more difficult than you'd think."

Carol then moves on and she has the thoughts of the boy stuck in her head.

Carol: "Oh that poor boy."

Carol then sees more corpses along her path and she is horrified by the things you have done to the Earth and humanity.

Carol: "(Y/N) why would you do this?"

Carol then sits on a bench and sees that she's in the ruins of Metropolis and she sees the body of Lois Lane laying one the ground 3 feet from her position.

Carol: "Even though you were nosy, not even you deserved this."

Carol then was curious about what's in the briefcase, on the briefcase was the number 55 on a small sticker. When she opened up the case a flash of light appeared. When she wakes up, her hud says that she's closer to SCP-579.

Carol: "Huh?"

Carol opens the case again and the flash of light appears. She then now sees that she's miles away from where she was before.

Carol: "Wow, my magical skip button, thanks SCP-055."

Later, Carol uses her own legs while at the same time using SCP-055 to move closer to SCP-579. She then comes by a pack of wolves eating a corpse of an SCP agent, she then picks up a laptop without disturbing the wolves. She then sits under a tree and then goes through the computer's database. She sees that the Foundation triggers a volcanic eruption from SCP-2000 and now North America will be blocked out from the sun.

Carol: "Oh no, that's supposed to bring humanity back from extinction."

She then sees that the Foundation has been mass producing SCP-2200-1 instances to refugees to make SCP-2200-2 instances to fill up Soulberg to its limits. They use SCP-2241 to make him think he's doing this for the greater good and send him to refugee camps and make the refugees kill each other.

Carol: "Oh no. I have to stop them."

She then threw the laptop at a tree and then opened the briefcase as a flash of light appeared. Then Carol wakes up and she sees that she's next to a group of GOC soldiers and thought that they might know why you're destroying all of humanity.

Goc soldier: "Alright, everyone listen. I remembered how things went screwy back in headquarters. We captured an MTF soldier named Ross and interrogated him and when we suggested torture, he said: Do what you want. Once you realize you're not supposed to feel pain, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore. Then there was some screaming and all the soldiers in the room got knocked out. Then Ross said: Look what you've done to yourselves. I told you you wouldn't like it, didn't you? That's why you hear your voice. But you wanted to know so badly. I really liked you guys, so I was trying to be nice. We're so kind to you, you know. We fight in the light so you can die in the dark. Hmph. Disgusting. Then the destruction of Ganzir started from the inside, which is why the Global Occult Coalition is no more. God help us all."

We see Carol frightened from what the GOC soldier said as he then walks off and then pulls out a gun and ends his own life as Carol hears that sound.

Carol: "Oh no, this is bad!"

Carol then opens the briefcase as she then skips ahead again. She then sees a large field of eggs that once they hatched are revealed to be SCP-3199 instances as they head to other refugee camps. She then sees you out in the distance looking at the carnage of the refugee camps, she sees that you got your powers back from Amara and manipulated time to make it christmas all the time and you disappeared.

Carol: *sees that it's snowing*"Why did you make it Christmas time?"

Carol then sees a humanoid entity that is better known as SCP-4666 and she sees it go down a chimney of a house.

Carol: "Something tells me that's not Santa."

Later, she later found a field full of statues that have MTF uniforms on them with their eyes scooped out and arms are like blades. She then walks up to one of the statues and takes a look at them.

Carol: "Freaky."

When she goes to the next statue and looks away from the first one and here's some movement behind her. When she turns around she sees that the first statue was in a different position. When she looks away from all the statues, she hears movement again and when she turns back at them they're at a different position like they're slashing at something or someone.

Carol: "What the?"

Carol then sees some refugees looking for food when a fog surrounds them. She then hears screaming and slashing coming from the fog until the screaming ceases. When the fog cleared, she saw an MTF soldier statue covered in blood as she saw corpses of refugees.

Carol: "Oh my gosh!"

Carol then runs off into the distance to get away from the MTF statues. Carol then stops for a moment and catches her breath.

Carol: "Those statues must've been created by the Foundation. They're like 173, they stay in one place until you take your eyes off of them, even with the suit my eyes can stop them but they can't see me but they know I'm there."

Carol then opened the briefcase and then a light appeared. When she opens her eyes, her hud tells her that she's only two miles away from Site-62C, the site that contains SCP-579.

Carol: "Well at least I'm close."

Carol then feels the pull to SCP-579 much stronger than ever. She then makes her way to Site-62C and sees no guards of any kind in the site and the door is wide open.

Carol: "This is too easy."

She then heads down the hallways of the site and heads down the stairs. She notices red water coming out of the pipes and sees large scratches and gashes on the wall.

Carol: "What the?"

Carol then turns on the lights of the helmet of the suit and to brighten up the darkness. She sees a figure coming closer to her every time the light flickers. When she gets the light operational again she sees that it's an MTF soldier statue right in front of her.

Carol: "AAHHH!!!"

Carol then dodges the statue as she then heads to where SCP-579's cell is. We then see the statue slashing in all directions as it knows that she is around. When Carol gets to the door, she uses all of her might to pry it open. By the time the door opens the state lacerates her back missing her spinal cord by millimeters and another blade pierce the back of her shoulder as she manages to go into the door and close it behind her and she hears the slashing on the other side of the door. She then sees you in the room reading the file on SCP-579, you then close it and turn to Carol and see that the suit has lost its ability to block out perception.

(Y/N): "I see that suit fits you."*snaps your fingers*"I sent all of those MTF statues including that one beyond that door into Wakanda, along with 096, 173 statues, and 4290 with 008 infection upgraded from 914. Before you say God help us, look upon him."

You then snap your fingers as a severely injured old man in chains appeared into the room along with Michael, Lucifer, and Amara.

(Y/N): "Watch me end the one who created the beginning. This is the end of God."

You then snap your fingers as a burst of light comes out of God's mouth and eyes as he then drops dead to the floor.

Michael: "Father! No!"

You then snap your fingers and kill off Amara, Michael, and Lucifer all at the same time.

Carol: "(Y/N) no!"

(Y/N): "Carol, do you now see why I can't be saved? Do you see why I became a monster from birth? You should've let me be at peace in the forest of the nameless ones or in SCP-3930. Why can't you accept that?"

Carol: "That's your mom talking, you're not a monster! You made an entire universe and you cared for each person, I don't think you're a monster, the girls didn't think you were a monster, you let your mom get into your head! Get her out of your head!"

(Y/N): "Even with both eyes open, you cannot see the whole picture. I do not sense the presence of my mother within my mind. This is my will and my will alone."

Carol: "You're wrong, not everyone sees you as a monster!"

(Y/N): "That is why the Foundation stays in the shadows, when it becomes known to the public they don't see us as their saviors but as the most dangerous monsters in the world."

Carol: "You only believe that because people say you're a monster, I don't think that, the girls don't think that! Why can't you get that through your thick stupid head!!! I love you!!!"

(Y/N): "You know what they say." *pulls out the spear of the Non-Believer*" Love is blind to the end."

You were about to use the spear of the non believer until there was a pink explosion which blinded you and Carol as the smoke died down as you both saw it was Carol's ring.

Carol: "My ring!"

(Y/N): "What? How, it was destroyed!"

Carol: "You see that, my love for you will never stop and it's not blind!"

You then try to grab the ring but it pushes you back as it went to Carol's hand and went back on her finger as she turned into a stronger version of Star Sapphire.

Carol: "My love isn't blind for you, you're in denial!"

(Y/N): "No! I'll always be a monster!"

You then try to use the spear of Non-believer only for Carol to grab it and take it from you and kicks you back and points it at you. You then snap your fingers to drain away the energy from the ring and telekinetically grab the spear but Carol kept her grip on it.

Carol: "Snap your fingers all you want! I still love you! No matter how many times you kill me, end them, or anyone else, I will never stop loving you!"

You then try to make a warp gate and then slash off the arm that is holding the spear but it doesn't work.

(Y/N): "What?"*Slashes arm but it doesn't work*"Why isn't this Working?!"

Carol: " I told you it's my love! I will never give up on you!"

You then absorb power from the corpses of God, Amara, and the archangels to gain power and then slash the arm clean off. You then grab the spear as you then remove the ring and then crush it with one hand and turn it into dust and then aim the spear at your heart and turn to Carol.

(Y/N): "While love can conquer so much, death conquers all."

You then stab yourself in the heart as a bright golden light comes out of your eyes and mouth as reality wraps around you and Carol and the universe as the Entity in the psychosphere dies from the waves of oncoming energy. You then drop dead onto the ground as your corpse then turns to dust. We see Carol with the briefcase in the other arm and take it to a hole that leads to SCP-579.

Carol: "I told you, love conquers all."

Carol then jumps into the hole and when she reaches the bottom, she sees SCP-579 in the flesh as it then surrounds her.

Carol: "Who are you?"

SCP-579 then topples her as the suit heads up display says Life signs Lost and Vital Signs lost. We then see the universe reset as we see the now dead Carol Ferris still in the suit which is now SCP-5000 now appearing in the new reseted reality in SCP-579's cell. Later, we see Carol wake up and she sees you.

Carol: "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I can't believe there's another Carol, from a reality that ceased to exist. And according to the files I must've killed myself to prove a point that love is blind."

Carol then sees all of her friends are okay and she even sees herself shocked to see her.

Carol: "Wow, it worked!"

Jessica: "What worked?"

(Y/N): "The ultimate fail safe to save the world from the apocalypse. One that I created out of anger."

Carol: "And I saved the world, your welcome."

Carol 2: "Wow."

Carol: "Wait, was I dead?"

(Y/N): "You were, but Lucifer and Michael did help you bring you back from the dead."

Lucifer: "Call it a get out of Hell free card."

(Y/N): "Yeah, and uh....I'm sorry, for everything."

Carol: "It's okay, like I said, that was your mom talking."

(Y/N): "Actually more like an entity pulling the strings of humanity in the background, including my own. You see from the way I see it, the extinction of all of humanity is more akin to smoking someone out of their own home. You see from that moment when I called a celebration of my return, Amara gave me my powers back so that I can modify my body to absorb anomalous energy from all of our SCPs. The more they use their abilities the more energy I absorb, that includes the energy from killing God, Amara, Michael, Lucifer and absorbing their energy and you gaining a new level of power released all sorts of power, the icing on the cake is me using the Spear of the Non-Believer on myself to destroy the entity and shatter it to pieces."

Carol: "But it was mostly me reminding you are not a monster."

(Y/N): "Not really though."*sees Carol's sad look*"Okay maybe a little."

Carol 2: "Wow, and I just got a twin sister."

Jessica: "But won't it get confusing, there's two Carols."

(Y/N): "I got this."

You then snap your fingers and merge the two Carols together into one Carol.

Carol: " Uh what happened?"

Zee: "He merged the two Carols."

(Y/N): "It's the same way as the multiple Babs from different universes."

Babs: "How did you know that?"

(Y/N): " Barry told me, apparently he has this nifty trick that he can 'run through time' or something like."

Jessica: "You mean that time from two different Carols are merged together?"

(Y/N): " Yep."

Carol: " So uh, does this mean we're still a thing?"

(Y/N): "Out of everyone I ever met in my time, you were the only girl that never gave up on me, so yeah we're still a thing."

Carol then hugs you as you hug back.

Kara: "So now what?"

(Y/N): "Now, we put this suit into containment, put it under the SCP-5000 designation."

Carol: "And...."

(Y/N): "And live a normal life with my girlfriend."

Carol: "There we go, uh also, is the suit washable?"

(Y/N): "Well yes why do you ask?"

Carol: "I wore that suit for a long time, it got my uniform all sweaty, bleh."

(Y/N): "Your uniform is made out of hardenlight. You do realize that right?"

Carol: "Oh heh, right, kinda forgot about that."

(Y/N): "Right."

Later, at Burrito Bucket, we see you working behind the counter and the Foundation has given the restaurant a few upgrades, staff changes, and increase in budget.

(Y/N): "Now that Shane is gone, I'm manager and you Babs are General Manager."

Babs: "Thanks, it's good to have you back."

(Y/N): "It's good to be back."

Next: Chapter 12: SCP-2932 "Titania's Prison"

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