Chapter 22: SCP-682 "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile"

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Here we see Babs wandering around the halls of the foundation and when she opens a door, she sees a monster on the other side of it, it was in an acid tank and it turned to Babs, the beast is SCP-682.

SCP-682: "The filth that is humanity visits me unintentionally. How foolish of you standing in the presence that is me."

Babs: "Uh, nice to meet you?"

SCP-682 then roared at Babs as she was scared from the roar.

SCP-682: "Putrid creature of mush, dare call this visit nice. You are naive as you are easily killed by me. Leave me."

Babs: "Uh-"

SCP-682: "NOW!!!"

Babs then runs for life and closes the door behind her as she was entirely white due to fear. Later on Babs was running for deer life as she ran into you.

(Y/N): "Babs?"

Babs: "There was a giant monster, in a pool of acid! And he's super scary!"

(Y/N): "You mean SCP-682, one of the most dangerous SCPs in the foundation?"

Babs: "Yeah why?"

(Y/N): "We've tried to terminate him for years now, that reminds me, we have a termination test right now. Wanna come along?"

Babs: "Um.... I don't know, he wasn't that fond of me."

(Y/N): "That's his usual behavior around any living creature on Earth, he has omnicidal tendencies."

Babs: "What does that mean?"

(Y/N): "It means he hates everything that lives and his purpose is to kill everything that is in front of him."

Babs: "Oh."

(Y/N): "Well come on Babs, the others are waiting for us."

Later, we see you and the girls watching the termination test between SCP-173 and SCP-682. We see SCP-682 enter the room and look up to see you and the girls.

SCP-682: "What is your plan to kill me this time, you weak links of humanity?"

(Y/N): *through a speaker*"You'll see."

SCP-682 then sees another door open and he sees SCP-173. He then backs up away from SCP-173 in fear.

SCP-682: "Get this abomination away from me!"

Back to you and the girls.

Zee: "A sculpture?"

(Y/N): " It's not just any sculpture, that's SCP-173, one of our most infamous SCPs in our custody."

Diana: "What does this sculpture do?"

(Y/N): "You'll see."*talks into a radio*"Take out 682's eyes."

We then see some shutters close the view of the windows as some snipers fire bullets at SCP-682's eyes as he roars in pain. SCP-173 then attacks SCP-682 and snaps his bones multiple times until SCP-682 grows more eyes and makes them bulletproof as the snipers tried to pierre them but to no avail.

Sniper: *over the radio*"682 grew eyes and they're bulletproof."

(Y/N): "Well another test failed."

Zee: "Another? So this isn't the first time?"

(Y/N): "No, this isn't the first we tried off 682, his abilities make him impossible to kill."

Carol: "Have you used that santa SCP that has Irish creme for bodily fluids?"

(Y/N): "Well we haven't tried that one yet."

Diana: "Do you think it will work?"

(Y/N): "Well if you ingest it, your bodily fluids will turn into Irish Creme."

Later, we see you and the girls in SCP-1933's cell and we see Diana extracting 500 gallons of Irish Creme from SCP-1933.

Kara: "So all this Irish creme is gonna turn 682's fluids into irish cream?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, we tested it on some D-Class and their fluids turned into Irish Cream and it killed them."

Kara: "Alright."

Karen: " So is there anything else we need to know about 682?"

(Y/N): "Well he's very hostile, he can regenerate from anything that is thrown at him, he's super adaptive, and he's friends with SCP-079."

Diana: "And done."

Zee: "Thank you santa."

SCP-1933: "This is the season of giving after all."

Later, we see SCP-682 walking into a room where he finds a large container filled with Irish Cream from SCP-1933.

Kara: "Wait, you said this thing could adapt to anything right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah why?"

Kara: "Did you try to drown it before?"

(Y/N): "No, cause it will grow gills."

Zee: "Guys look, he's drinking it!"

You and the girls then see SCP-682 drink all of the Irish Cream as he then gets very drunk from it.

(Y/N): "Seems to have an effect on him. He did not die, but he is drunk."

Kara: "Is that good?"

We then see SCP-682 vomit Irish Cream at the wall as it becomes Irish Cream as SCP-682 then breach containment. Later, after re-containing SCP-682, we see you and the girls going back to the drawing board.

Kara: "Okay so getting it drunk was a big no-no."

Zee: "Any other bright ideas?"

(Y/N): "Well I think I know a certain doctor that might help."

Later, we see the girls opening a containment cell and they see a man in a plague doctor suit, his name is SCP-049. SCP-049 then turns to the girls and sees Diana and looks at her.

SCP-049: "Hmm, a human with an extended lifespan and enhanced physique, yet out of touch with the rest of humanity. Yet no signs of the Pestilence inside her, curious."

Kara: " Uh what's he talking about?"

Babs: " I think it's talking about Diana."

SCP-049: *turns to Kara*"A humanoid that looks like the rest of humanity, and yet has been overshadowed by another of its species. The Pestilences linger in this one, but it is not at it's most lethal state yet."

Kara: "Uh..."

Karen: "Um SCP-049, you're needed for testing."

SCP-049: "Hmm, well it is not uncommon for men of science to perform tests in the name of science. Very well, escort me to this test."

Later, the girls brought SCP-049 into a room as SCP-682 then entered the room. SCP-049 then turns to SCP-682.

SCP-049: "Hmm, this one seems to have the Pestilence, I must cure it."

SCP-049 then placed a hand on SCP-682 as he then roared and knocked SCP-049 onto a wall. Later, we see SCP-049 emotionally distressed back in his cell. We see you and the girls completely frustrated from the idea of killing SCP-682.

Zee: "I give up, nothing can kill this thing!"

(Y/N): "Well we could try a more passive approach to this."

Later, the girls enter a room that looks like a break room and they look around and they find a bowl full of M&Ms. Diana then feels something touching her leg and she looks down to see an orange blob that is hugging her leg as she feels a tickling sensation from it, this was SCP-999.

Diana: "Oh, hello there little one."*feels 999's tickling**giggles*"What is this sensation!?"

Karen: "Yep, that's SCP-999 alright, he's called the Tickle Monster."

Kara: *hugs SCP-999*"Oh my gosh! Aw it's so cute!"*pulls out a camera*"I never knew I needed this all of my life."

Kara then takes several selfies of herself and SCP-999.

Zee: "Kara, (Y/N) needs him to do his thing on SCP-682."

Kara: "C'mon look at him, he's too cute!"

SCP-999 then gurgles excitedly about hearing a chance to play with SCP-682.

Babs: "Wow, this little guy wants to play with 682."

Karen: " But what if 682 goes savage on him?"

Kara: "Yeah Babs! He's not gonna go and see 682!"

The girls and 999 then get teleported to the testing chamber as they see you in it.

(Y/N): "Drop 999 Kara."

Kara: "NO!"

(Y/N): "Kara please."

Kara: "No way!"

Zee: " Ugh, this is just like with my bunnies."

(Y/N): "Oh, you mean the one time that Kara nearly brought an XK Class end of the world scenario to Earth?"

Kara: "They loved each other!"

Zee: " And I told you to keep them apart but did you listen no."

Jessica: "Kara let go of the blob."

Kara: "No! You can't make me!"

SCP-999 then tickles Kara as she collapses onto the floor laughing.

Karen: "Maybe we can't but the blob can."

Babs: "(Y/N) are you sure you wanna do this? I mean 999 is pretty harmless and 682 is know."

(Y/N): "Well 999 seems on board with the plan, he has the behavior patterns of a dog."

The girls then see how excited SCP-999 is to see SCP-682.

Jessica: "Wow, he really wants to see 682."

Later, we see 999 sitting alone in the chamber waiting for 682 to come into the chamber. We then see the door open to bring in SCP-682 and he sees SCP-999.

SCP-682: *steps on 999*"Disgusting."

We see 682 feel a tickling sensation from under his foot.

SCP-682: "What is this? I... feel.... Good..."

SCP-682 then starts laughing as SCP-999 then crawls up from 682's leg and now he's on his back, playing with SCP-682. We then see SCP-682 slamming his tail on the ground to break the floor while laughing.

SCP-682: "Stop! No tickling!"

Zee: " He's.... happy?"

Kara: "Wow, he is really playing with the giant super lizard."

Karen: " I hope 999 is gonna be okay."

We then see SCP-682 wear down from the tickle fight and then collapse into the floor. We saw girls who were shocked to see SCP-682 on the floor worned out from the tickle fight.

Diana: "It worked?"

(Y/N): "Send in some D-Class to pick up 999."

We then see the D-Class enter the room and retrieve SCP-999 as we then see a wave of energy from SCP-682 followed by maniacal laughter. We see you teleport out of the room as everyone is under the crippling fits of laughter as SCP-682 breaches containment again. Later, we see SCP-682 rampaging around the site as he then senses something and turns to see you. Your eyes glow red in pure rage and you were looking at SCP-682 straight in the eye as 682 feels fear much greater than the fear from SCP-173.

SCP-682: "Why am I feeling fear?"

You then use telekinesis to make the cables in the walls grab SCP-682's limbs to restrain him as you then walk up to him.


You then place a hand on SCP-682 and electrocute him with enough electrical power to power 500 planets and you then violently bash him with your bare hands.


You then continue to beat him up violently until you then resort to slicing him to pieces with an unseen force as SCP-682 then feels the pain from the slashes. The girls then hear 682's cries of pain as they saw you beating up 682, and they were horrified to see you beating up SCP-682. You then make SCP-682 burn into ashes, turn him into stone and smash him into gravel, crush him into bits with enough gravity to make a black hole, and many more painful things to SCP-682. By the time her regenerated, he was cowering in fear from your presence and he looked like he's begging for mercy.

SCP-682: "Please, have mercy!"


You then snap your fingers and make SCP-682's head burst into pieces. You see that his new adaptation is not a physical one, but rather an instinctual one. SCP-682's means of survival against you is to be somewhere else. We then see Foundation personnel see what you did to SCP-682 as you turn to them.


We then see all Foundation personnel in the area run away in fear as you then turn to the girls.

Diana: "(Y/N)..."

Kara: "Dude calm down!"

(Y/N): *eyes stop glowing red*"Sorry, I got caught up in the moment."

Babs: "What happened?"

Karen: " Yeah you never got this angry."

(Y/N): "It's work related stress."

Kara: " Oh uh, okay, so you good now?"

(Y/N): "Yes, I am. Which reminds me, I did manage to rebuild the universe I made awhile back before it was destroyed by me."

Diana: "You have?"

Carol: "Yes, it was during the time he was a psychopath driven mad because of his mom."

Diana: "Oh right."

(Y/N): "So with that said you girls wanna see the universe I remade?"

Babs: "Sure."

Before the girls know it, they're standing in a cemetery as it was a very dark night even for Babs.

Kara: " Um what are we doing here?"

Diana: "I think we're here."

Then a hand from the ground grabs Selina by the ankle as she sees it.

Selina: "Ah! What the heck?!"

We then see a rupture within the ground as it releases lost souls from the ground and waves of energy goes into the headstones. We then see legions of undead monsters come out of the ground.

Kara: "Zee what the heck are you doing?!"

Zee: "I'm not doing this! Just because I have magic, doesn't mean I know how to do necromancy!"

The legion of the undead comes towards the girls as they armed themselves. Later, we see the girls all worn out and beat up from killing a lot of zombies.

Babs: "I thought this place would be full of girls with lots of limbs and extra body parts, not zombies!"

Karen: "Or a war."

The girls then see armies of 800 million warriors coming towards each other and they fight each other to the death. Several hours later, the girls have witnessed a carnage of a battle that has no winner.

Diana: " I do not understand, why is this happening?"

The girls then see two planets colliding with each other and shattering upon impact as a massive meteor shower hits the planet that they're on. Later after the meteor shower, we see the girls heavily damaged but they're alive as they see you appear from behind Carol.

(Y/N): "Hello."

Carol: "Ah!"*turns to you*"Don't do that!"

(Y/N): "Sorry."

Carol: "What happened here?"

(Y/N): "Instead of a thriving paradise I made for everyone in the world I made before, it's an endless apocalypse everywhere in this world I made now, where the concepts of hope, morality, and peace don't exist."

Diana: "Why would you do this?"

(Y/N): "I brought an apocalypse to Earth multiple times, so I did the same here."

Kara: "But why would you do that here? They were happy back then and you just took it all away."

(Y/N): "When you saw me fighting SCP-682, that is my true self. A wrathful monster that has one purpose, to destroy everything without remorse. I destroyed SCP-682's spirit and now he fears me more than SCP-173."

Karen: "Okay."

(Y/N): *glowing red eyes*"I suggest you run."

You then disappear as the girls then see multiple siren heads coming after them.

Babs: "Run!"

We see the girls run away from the siren heads as they find a cave and they head into it. We see the girls find some cave drawings that look like attempts of putting you in a cage and they see SCP designations next to the drawings and they have X marks as a sign of failed containment.

Kara: "So they were trying to contain (Y/N) too?"

Babs: "Actually, it's more like (Y/N) trying to contain himself. This is his writing."

Karen: "Look, here's all the SCPs that (Y/N) used as his cage. 3930, the woods of no name, he's doing it again."

Kara: "Doing what?"

Karen: "Putting himself in a cage so that he won't cause any more damage. You all remember when he trapped himself in the SCP with no name."

Kara: "Yeah?" *realizes*"Wait so he's gonna do it again?"

Karen: "YES!"

Zee: "I'll use a portal spell to get to him!"

Zee then makes a portal that should lead straight to you and when they pass through it, not only they're back in their home dimension, they're in Avengers Tower and they interrupted a meeting as the Avengers themselves turn to the girls.

Iron Man: "Uh can we help you?"

Babs: "We need your help."

Iron Man: "Let me guess, find (Y/N). We figured it out."

Hawkeye: "After what he did to us, not a chance. He killed us twice!"

Iron Man: "He blackmailed me."

Hulk: "He smashed Thor's head with his own hammer."

Thor: "I'm sorry young ones, but we will not risk-"

Zee: " Please he wasn't like this back then, your heroes like us."

Hulk: "Like we're gonna-"

Kara: "Dude just help us, heroes help people no matter how wrong and how evil the person is."

Captain America: "Sorry, but the Ethics Committee from the SCP Foundation thinks the idea as a means to protect the world from his wrath is a good idea, then we're in too."

Hawkeye: "Look, the Foundation may have their dark moments, but they have an ethics committee and from what the files told us about an anomaly providing the supplies to keep a world ending deer at bay, I'd say they have a good point. The guy suffered way too much trauma to the point where he almost went full on looney tunes."

Zee: "He onced switched bodies just to keep himself away from others and he's gonna do it again."

Iron Man: "Actually, he's not the kind of guy that would use the same trick twice."

Kara: "It's not a trick, he's gonna do it again we should know he told us."

Iron Man: "He's not gonna use the same SCP twice, he's gonna use a different one. One that is much more permanent."

Diana: "What do you mean?"

Here we see you looking into a room where a creature that has multiple tendrils on it.

Next: Chapter 23: SCP-●●|●●●●●|●●|●

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