Chapter 32: SCP-4205 "In The Eyes of the Beholder"

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Here we see Diana with a D-Class and the D-Class survived cleaning SCP-173's chamber.

Diana: "Congratulations my friend, you survived the perils that is the Sculpture."

D-Class: "Thanks Wonder Woman."

Diana: "We shall celebrate with pizza from the infinite pizza box."

D-Class: "Sweet!"

Diana: "I shall return with the pizza."

Diana then leaves the room as we see SCP-4205 appear on the glass in the room and the D-Class sees it.

D-Class: "Huh?"

Sometime later, we see Diana enter the room and she sees the D-Class lying dead on the floor.

Diana: "By Zeus' beard, how could this happen!?!"

Later, we see Diana looking through the footage of the room and she finds that the video is mostly corrupted and distorted but she can make out what killed the D-Class.

Diana: "A pair of amber eyes killed him?"

???: "Ah SCP-4205."

Diana then turns to see you in the room.

Diana: "Tell me more about SCP-4205."

(Y/N): "Well if you're alone in one room and you see the eyes, you're dead within 500 milliseconds. The entire experience of Junior Researcher Wade Dalitz has been documented on the terminal that he first saw them. His entire consciousness was sent into the terminal and it recorded all of his experiences."

Diana: "His death was swift but his suffering was long?"

(Y/N): "Read the documents yourself."

We see you leave the room as we see Diana access the files of SCP-4205. After some reading, Diana was horrified by what Junior Researcher Wade Dalitz had gone through and she turned off the computer.

Diana: "I...I cannot believe...that happened to him. Wade, your sacrifice will not be in vain! I swear as an amazon princess your name will not be in vain!"

We then see a montage of Diana replacing any form of glass with lead glass. Later at your house, you decided to invite some of the TD contestants to your house.

Izzy: "Nice house, very nice in here."

Lindsay: "Yeah, did you get most of this stuff from antique shops?"

(Y/N): "I do a lot of antiquing. Sometimes the past can really help us in the future."

Duncan: *sees an aztec spear*"Yeah, very rustic stuff."

Noah: *looks at some old clothing*"Like really rustic stuff."

Lindsay: "Have we gone back in time? I feel like I've gone back in time."

Noah: "No we're in the same time before we get in here."

Lindsay: "Oh."

Izzy: *sits in a recliner*"Hey this recliner is spring loaded, check this out!"

Izzy then reclined back very quickly and hit you in the nards.

(Y/N): *in pain*"That smarts."

Owen: "Yeah I've been there."

Jen: *looks at the rustic decor*"Very retro here."

Tom: "I know right, it feels like I'm in World War 2."

Jen: "Ugh those poor Jewish people, Hitler is the worst."

Tom: "Totally, hashtag down with Hitler."

(Y/N): *to Noah*"Are they always like that?"

Noah: "You have no idea."

Jen: "If I see a neo-nazi I want to punch them really hard, I don't care how many nails are chipped in the process."

Tom: "Totally worth the chipped nails."

Leshawna: *sees a high wheel bike*"You even got a bike from the 1870s, that is like museum old."

(Y/N): "It's a penny-farthing to be exact."

Leshawna: "Your house is more museum than a house, you really are into antiquing."

(Y/N): "Sure is, I'm old school."

Gwen: "Yeah we can see that."

(Y/N): "I sometimes do old recipes, they're really good."

Leshawna: "Even your cooking is old fashioned, man you really are from the past."

(Y/N): "Thanks, I guess."

Leshawna: "No problem baby."

Duncan: "Liking the digs around here man, I bet most of this stuff cost a lot of dough."

Owen: "Speaking of dough, do you have any cookie dough? I'm hungry for some cookie dough."

(Y/N): "You can find some in the fridge."

Owen: "Alright!"

We see Owen head to the kitchen and he looks through the fridge and he finds some cookie dough and eats it.

Owen: "Mmm, chocolate chip."

Back to you.

Noah: "Well it's nice to see your rustic home, but I think we should leave before we overstay our welcome. Someone grab Owen before he eats the entire fridge."

Eva: "I got it."

We see Eva head to the kitchen and punch Owen in the back of the head to knock him out. Eva then picks up Owen as we see the TD contestants leave your home.

Lindsay: "Have a nice day (Y/N)."

(Y/N): *offscreen*"You too."

Later at Lindsay's house, we see her putting on a mud mask and some cucumber eyes and she gets on her bed and waits for her mud facial to do wonders on her face as we see SCP-4205 appear in her window. The amber eyes stayed on her window for a while until the SCP disappeared as we see Lindsay get up and take off her cucumber eyes and look around and she felt like someone was watching her.

Lindsay: "Ugh it better not be some pervy guys watching me with binoculars. I swear they always watch me."*walks to her window*"I don't mind the attention, but I don't want the attention when I'm naked."*closes the blinds*"There."

Later at Taylor's house, we see Taylor in a hot tub and taking a nap as we see SCP-4205 appear in the mirror of her bathroom. After some time, we see the SCP disappear as we see Taylor waking up from her nap and she felt like someone was watching her bathe in her hot tub.

Taylor: "Ugh I hate people peeping on me."*gets out of the hot tub and puts on a towel*"The next time there's a peeping tom I will give them a piece of my mind."

Later at school, we see the TD girls talking about someone or something invading their privacy.

Beth: "Okay we need to know who's the peeping tom."

Jasmine: "I agree, someone is invading our privacy."

Heather: "We need to stop this peeping tom once and for all."

Girls: "Yeah!"

Sometime later, all the windows in the houses of the TD girls are replaced with lead glass as the TD girls were starting to think that there was no peeping tom in their houses. Later in the halls, we see the girls talking to each other.

Anne Maria: "Well I bet that peeping tom is gone ever since we talked about stopping him."

Kitty: "I bet he was scared of getting beaten up by girls."

Jo: "Yeah no guy in the world would want to get beaten by a girl."

Gwen: "Especially an army of them."

Later in the girls' bathroom we see Lindsay putting on makeup as we see SCP-4205 appear on a mirror in front of her as she drops her pocket mirror. Without realizing it, she bent over pointing her butt at the SCP until the SCP disappeared as she picked up her pocket mirror. When she left the bathroom she had an odd feeling that someone was looking at her butt.

Lindsay: "Why do I have the feeling that someone was looking at my butt?"

We see Lindsay walk away to her class as we see SCP-4205 appear on a computer monitor in the computer lab.

Next: Chapter 33: SCP-387 "The Living Lego"

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