Chapter 33: SCP-387 "The Living Lego"

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Here we see you building a city out of legos from SCP-387 and the minifigures then start moving as we see them operate the city like it was Metropolis.

(Y/N): "And done. Lego Metropolis is finished."

We see the superhero girls enter the room and they see Lego Metropolis.

Kara: *sees Lego Kara slamming a car door*"Whoa, is that me? As a lego?"

(Y/N): "I put in the extra detail."

Diana: *sees familiar events playing out in Lego Metropolis*"This is so familiar."

Babs: *gasps*"They're reenacting the events of our lives when we first formed our team!"

(Y/N): "Yep, that's Lego Metropolis for you."

While you and the girls were observing the events unfolded in Lego Metropolis we see Selina sneaking in and stealing SCP-387 while you all weren't looking. Meanwhile in Metropolis, we see Selina walking around with SCP-387 and she went to Jasmine's house and she dropped it off in her room and then left. We see Jasmine enter her bedroom and she sees SCP-387.

Jasmine: "Wow, I haven't played with these since I was a small child."

We see Jasmine working on a lego version of Metropolis High while being unaware that most of the lego minifigures are moving on their own. Jasmine then sees that most of the pieces in the tub are unconventional pieces and she is confused by them.

Jasmine: "Odd, I never seen these pieces be-"*sees that the minifigures are moving*"Gah!"

Jasmine then swipes her hand on the minifigures as they stop moving. She then took apart the Lego Metropolis High and put the pieces in the tub but not all the pieces can't fit until the tub filled with the legos then shrink the amount of legos in the tub.

Jasmine: "That was weird."

We then see the MTF team "City Slickers" burst into her room and point their weapons at Jasmine.

MTF Soldier: "SCP! Get down on the ground and put your hands over your head!"

Jasmine: *gets on the ground and put her hands on her head*"Okay just don't shoot mate!"

MTF Commander: "Selina Kyle took the SCP here just to mess with us. Turns out she's more clever than us."*to the MTF soldiers*"Administer Amnestics to this woman and get the SCP back into containment."

City Slickers: "Yes sir!"

We then see a soldier pull out a syringe and inject amnestics into Jasmine. The next morning, Jasmine doesn't remember what happened last night.

Jasmine: "Ugh, what happened last night?"

Later at school, we see Jasmine in the library when she sees you tutoring Lindsay in math.

Lindsay: "So that's subtraction."

(Y/N): "Correct, subtraction is taken away and addition is put in more."

Lindsay: "So what does the X mean again?"

(Y/N): "It means multiplication."

Jasmine: "Hello mates, what are you doing?"

Lindsay: "He's my tutor for mathematics, reading, language arts, geography-"

(Y/N): "Pretty much everything."

Jasmine: "Oh well I hope you two enjoy each other's company."

Sometime later, we see you tutoring Lindsay on her History lessons.

Lindsay: "So you're saying that Hitler was from the Second World War and not the first?"

(Y/N): "Correct Lindsay."

Lindsay: "Oh that's right."

Sometime later, we see you tutor Lindsay on her Language Arts.

Lindsay: "So Nouns are things and Verbs are actions?"

(Y/N): "Correct, you got to know the two from each other."

Later at lunch, we see Lindsay checking her report card and she has an A on all of her classes.

Lindsay: "Wow the tutoring sessions with (Y/N) really paid off."

Zoey: "That's great Lindsay. You're passing your classes."

Lindsay: "Yeah and it's thanks to (Y/N)."

Kitty: "I bet you like (Y/N)."

Lindsay: "I know I like him, he's a nice guy."

Kitty: "No I mean you like him, like him?"

Lindsay: "Oh now that you mention it, he is kinda cute, smart, funny, and smart."

Anne Maria: "Lindsay, girlfriend. You found a man better than your last man."

Lindsay: "What last man?"

Gwen: "Tyler?"*no response*"The guy in a red tracksuit."*no response*"The jock wannabe?"*no response*"You seriously don't remember him?"

Lindsay: "Remember who?"

Gwen: "Never mind."

Leshawna: "Listen white girl, get your booty off of this table and sit with (Y/N)!"

Lindsay: "Okay."

We see Linday sit at your table as Leshawna sits down.

Heather: "Now what genius?"

Leshawna: "Wait for the magic to happen."

We see you and Lindsay eating together and Lindsay starts to blush a bit.

Lindsay: "Um (Y/N), after some time from all of those tutoring lessons. I think we should be more than friends."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Lindsay: "I think we should be a couple."

(Y/N): "Yeah I think we should."

We see you and Lindsay hold hands and kiss each other as the TD girls watch from afar.

Leshawna: "And there's the magic."

Later at the Foundation, we see Bricky doing some paperwork and then he heads to the containment room of SCP-387 and he sees that the hero girls are playing with legos of SCP-387.

Karen: "This is fun."*builds a plane and sees it fly*"No wonder morale around here is so high."

Diana: *sees Bricky*"Ah hello Bricky, what brings you here?"

Bricky then handed the girls paychecks of 5000 dollars for each of them.

Kara: "What?! 5000 dollars, I helped capture a mutant cow!"

Diana: "I nearly got myself killed in UnLondon!"

The hero girls groaned in annoyance as we see Bricky leave the room.

Jessica: "Look on the bright side, at least our salary increased."

Babs: "Yeah let's continue playing with legos to get our minds off of it. Hey since this can work with normal legos."*pulls out a Mega Blok brick*"I bet they would love this."

Babs was about to put the piece on a minifigure as we see Bricky snatching the piece and throwing it into the garbage.

Babs: "What was that for?"

Bricky nods his head in no to Babs and then leaves the room.

Jessica: "Mega Bloks and Legos don't mix, especially legos from 387."

Babs: "Yeah you're right. We don't want to repeat what happened on the file. Whatever happened. These people really love their redacting stuff."

Meanwhile with Selina, we see her getting interrogated by Dr. Clef.

Dr. Clef: "Alright spill it, why did you break SCP-387 out of containment?"

Selina: "Just for the fun of it, it's so easy to do so."

Dr. Clef: "Ugh, you're just as dangerous as Dr. Bright. This is something Dr. Bright would do."

Selina: "I am not wearing his necklace. His necklace is too dangerous for the soul no matter how priceless it is."

Dr. Clef: "Well the Administrator will be giving you two weeks of suspension."

Selina: "Fair enough. I stole a bunch of magic legos."

Dr. Clef: "Our scientists didn't find any thaumaturgic energy from the legos. Which means it's not really magic. And we prefer the term anomalous."

Selina: "Whatever."

Sometime later, we see you and Lindsay sitting next to each other at lunch as we see the TD girls watching them.

Leshawna: "Cupid shot an arrow at Lindsay's booty and now she's got a better, smarter man now."

Gwen: "So that's your idea of love, just go with the flow?"

Briggette: "It's like surfing, don't try to control the waves. Let the waves guide you."

Heather: "Unless the waves lead you into the mouth of a shark."

Jo: "Ha! Good one!"

Laurie: "Sharks are misunderstood creatures!"

Miles: "How dare you make a joke about it!"

Jo: "Hey, it was just a joke."

Laurie and Miles: "Take it back!"

Heather: "Alright jeez, I take it back I'm sorry. Don't punch me in the face, I just got it exfoliated."

Leshawna: "I'm up for a slugfest on Heather anytime. Just not on school grounds."

Heather: "Oh shut up."

The TD girls then see the hero girls sit with you and Lindsay.

Leshawna: "Whoo! Einstein over there is a ladies man. Brains over brawn, that's what he's all about."

Heather: "I guess he's lucky to have brains."

Gwen: "Who knew guys with actual brains can bring the attention of so many girls."

Sierra: "Yeah it's weird. I wish I was lucky like him."

Jo: "Oh you got a clue that Cody doesn't like you after like what 500 restraining orders?"

Sierra: "640 restraining orders."

Jo: "Wow, I was just joking but dang that's a lot."

Gwen: "Have you tried online dating?"

Sierra: "I did and my account was shut down cause I was too clingy."

Leshawna: "Crazy lady gets the boot out of online dating, kinda figured that out. Search for your own man the right way. Walk up to him, look him in the eye, and tell him your feelings. None of them cheesy romantic stuff."

Sierra: "Thanks for the advice, Leshawna."

Leshawna: "Happy to help, crazy lady."

Later at Sweet Justice, we see you and Lindsay on a date.

Lindsay: "So you and Carol are in an open relationship?"

(Y/N): "Yeah pretty much."

Lindsay: "Wow, that is so nice of her."

(Y/N): "Yeah that's Carol for ya."

Lindsay: "Well this is a nice date you set up. And this ice cream is really good. I don't really eat much ice cream cause it might go to my hips. I just don't want to ruin my figure."

(Y/N): "That's understandable."

Lindsay: "Don't get me wrong I love sweet things, but sometimes they add some weight to my hips. That's why I go on a treadmill sometimes."

(Y/N): "I see. You like ice cream but you don't want to eat too much of it cause you're worried that it might go down to your thighs."

Lindsay: "Yeah pretty much."

(Y/N): "Well you learn something new everyday."

Lindsay: "This is a nice place to have a date."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Meanwhile, we see Bridgette getting ready to go surfing at a beach and she takes her car there.

Brigette: "Man it's been awhile since I surfed some waves. This weekend I'm gonna ride some waves."

Next: Chapter 34: SCP-054-FR "Blue Fear"

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