Chapter 35: SCP-5962 "Ronald"

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Here we see a group of agents of the Foundation heading to the McDonalds Facility in Beijing and they found the entity. The soldiers were led by a camera faced man named Cory.

Cory: "Ronald McDonald?"*sees a bunch of Chicken McNuggets come out of the entity's mouth*"Oh sweet Chicken McNuggets!"*picks them up and eats them*"Just like how they served!"

We then see two other agents, one in a standard uniform with a mole on his face and the other has red hair, they are Hooper and Ruby.

Hooper: "Cory don't eat that, you don't know what's in it."

Ruby: "Yeah it could have something gross in it."

Cory: "Meh, I would still eat it anyways."

Hooper: "We should get this thing back to the Foundation."

Ruby: "We need a forklift for this one."

Later, at the lair, we see you spending some time with the hero and villain girls as you then get a call from the Foundation.

(Y/N): "Yes? Have a new SCP? Ronald McDonald? Alright send me the file on the SCP."*hangs up*"We have an agreement, either at work or on vacation I get a file on a new SCP that has been placed into containment recently."

Jessica: "Wow. Wait, you mentioned Ronald McDonald. The mascot for McDonalds."

(Y/N): "Yep, the file on this new SCP will be all about it. Once I get it from the mail."

Sometime later, we see the girls at your house and you hear a knock on the door and you answer it. You see a Foundation emblem on a yellow package and look up to see a familiar face from your personal Mobile Task Force Rēsh-1 "Seat of Consciousness".

MTF Soldier: *whispers to you*"The file is in this envelope, Administrator."*hands you the envelope*"It's yours sir."

(Y/N): *whispers back*"Thank you soldier."

You then close the door and you then head to the living room where the girls are and you open the envelope. You then look at the file on SCP-5962.

(Y/N): "Ah SCP-5962, an obese humanoid that resembles Ronald McDonald. It weighs 5 tons and 4 meters tall, it's genetically identical to cows despite resembling a human, it has 27 interconnected stomachs, it is not sapient, it has a layer of frying oil covering the skin coming from it's pores, it unhinges its jaws before producing an item from the McDonald's menu."

Kara: "That's cool."

(Y/N): "The items from the SCP are made from human biological matter."

Girls: "What!?!"

Diana: "That is revolting!"

Kara: "Yeah dude!"

(Y/N): "Testing has shown that the D-Class report no difference to normal menu items from McDonalds, they experienced no adverse medical effects from the food."

Girls: "Gross!"

(Y/N): "A lot of things in the Foundation can be gross."

You then turn on the TV and the video feed shows the SCP in it's containment as it produced a McRib.

Diana: "Disgusting..."

Zee: "Please tell me that you incinerate that stuff?"

(Y/N): "Of course, it's part of protocol."

The girls then sighed in relief.

Diana: "Where did this creature come from?"

(Y/N): "Well we theorized it has a common origin at SCP-4158 and SCP-058. Birthed from a cow."

Zee: "Now I'm not hungry for McDonalds. I'll go eat at Burger King."

(Y/N): "Speaking of Burger King, the only time the SCP responded to stimuli was when it attacked an employee from Burger King with broiling hot coffee. Which means it's loyal to the McDonald's brand. Other than that incident, it's perfectly harmless."

Kara: "All this talk about fast food is making me hungry."

Babs: "Burger King will do nicely."

Later at a Burger King in Metropolis, we see the girls eating burgers while we see Jessica eating a salad. They see Owen scarfing down 400 Bacon King burgers on a dare by Duncan.

TD Guys: *chanting*"Owen! Owen! Owen!"

Owen: "Last one!"*eats the whole burger*"Mmm, bacon."*burps*"Excuse me."

Noah: "At least it didn't come out of the other end."

Owen: "Can I get chicken fries?"

Jessica: " You ate 400 burgers, how are you still hungry?"

Noah: "I asked myself the same question. He can eat anything, even half of a shower curtain."

Owen: "It had cupcakes on it."

Noah: " See what I mean."

Diana: "We see."

Beth: "Hey has anyone seen Lindsay?"

Noah: "I think she got lost in the indoor playground again."

Lindsay: *from the indoor playground*"I'm really bad at directions!"

Diana: " How in Athena does one get lost in a children's activity place?"

Noah: "We have no idea."

Sometime later after getting Lindsay out of the indoor playground, we see the hero and villain girls walking with the TD contestants.

Babs: "It took us 3 hours to get Lindsay out of there."

Lindsay: "Sorry, they make those things really complicated to navigate."

Noah: "Complicated for a baby."

Jasmine: "Has anyone seen Izzy?"

Everyone then sees Izzy eating a Big Mac from McDonalds as the hero and villain girls were disturbed from looking at Izzy eating the burger after learning about SCP-5962.

Selina: " That is just not right."

Harleen: "Yeah."

Izzy: *swallows*"What?"

Babs: "Oh nothing."

Izzy: "Okay."*eats the Big Mac*"This is good."*to the hero and villain girls*"Want some?"

Zee: "Um no thanks, that kind of food goes down to our thighs."

Doris: "Yeah I just want to stay in shape."

Izzy: "Okay."*eats the whole Big Mac*"I was at McDonald's because it was my childhood restaurant and I love their nuggets. I can eat the crispy skin off and then eat the meaty chicken inside and-"

Diana: "Let's head home sisters! It is getting late!"

We see the hero girls and villain girls run off as Izzy turns to the TD contestants.

Izzy: "What's up with them?"

Duncan: "No idea."

The next day at school, we see you walking with Lindsay to class.

(YN): "Can't believe you of all people got lost in an indoor playground, twice."

Lindsay: "I'm really bad at directions, that's why I don't do maze puzzles really well."

(Y/N): "You just need to use something to help you find your way like a map or a compass."

Lindsay: " Oh good thinking (Y/N), I should start doing that."

We see you and Lindsay in science class as the teacher was choosing pairs.

Teacher: "(Y/N), you'll be paired with Jasmine for this assignment."

Lindsay: "Awww."

Later, we see you partnered with Jasmine with dissecting a frog and you are cutting open the frog itself.

(Y/N): *finish cutting the frog open*"And done."

Jasmine: *holds back her vomit*"That's disgusting."

(Y/N): *removes the stomach*"Let's see what this fella ate before he died."*cuts open the stomach*"Flies, crickets, various invertebrates-"

Jasmine then ran out of the room and into the girls room as barfing noises could be heard.

Teacher: " Oh boy, can someone check on Jasmine."

Gwen: " I'll check on her."

Teacher: " Thank you Gwen, in the meantime, (Y/N) join with Lindsay and Leshawna."

Lindsay: "Yay!"

Leshawna: "That boy coming over here at our table. Even if he's paired with someone else, you're still gonna be with your man."

Lindsay: "I guess you're right on that."

Leshawna: *to you* "You heard the teacher, get over here white boy!"

(Y/N): " Alright, alright." *Goes over and gets hugged by Lindsay* " Oh, hey Lindsay."

Lindsay: *while hugging you* " Hey (Y/N)."

Courtney: " The giant barfed and he got paired with a blond idiot and a girl with a big butt."

Duncan: " Are you jealous of that?"

Courtney: *kicks Duncan in the nuts under the desk*

Duncan: *in pain*"Ow..."

We see you cutting open the frog and revealing the insides of the frog.

Lindsay: " Wowie...."

Leshawna: " Now that's just straight up nasty."

Lindsay: " It's just what the froggie ate, nothing gross about that."

You then cut open the stomach.

(Y/N): "Hmm, flies, worms, crickets, various invertebrates-"

Leshawna: "Stop talking before we lose our lunches."

Lindsay: " Relax Leshawna, it's what the froggie ate."

Leshawna: " Wait, girl, how are you not losing your lunch?"

Lindsay: " (Y/N) taught me about the parts of a froggie."

(Y/N): " It's true."

Leshawna: "Well I do not want to lose my lunch."

(Y/N): *looks through the organs*"Hmm, it seems this frog was a female." *sees Leshawna turning green* " You okay Leshawna?"

Leshawna: "Ugrh, no...."

Lindsay: " Oh hang on, I know what to do." *pulls out a sleep mask from her bag and puts it on Leshawna*"There we go."

Leshawna: *can't see anything* "Good thinking girl. I can't vomit from what I can't see. How did you know that?"

Lindsay: " (Y/N) taught me that."

Courtney: *sarcastic* "Oh that sounds good you two!"

Dawn: " You are emitting a lot of jealousy."

Courtney: "Oh go eat a worm!"

Later at gym class, we see Eva doing push ups while you are sitting on her back, reading a book on thaumatology.

(Y/N): *reading* "Keep up the good work Eva."

Eva: *while doing push ups*"When we paired up this was your idea for a workout together?"

(Y/N): *while reading*"The mind is just as important as the body. While you do your push ups I do some reading."

Eva: *while doing pushups* " Still don't know how reading helps, but your added weight does make you a good weight for my workout."

(Y/N): *while reading*"Thank you. Did you know that most cults use magic to create certain creatures and objects by summoning power from the pagan god or lesser known deity they worship."

Eva: *while reading*"So birthday party magicians but they get their tricks from some shady guy or a cult?"

(Y/N): *while reading*"Pretty much. There are gods and cults known to the world and unknown to the world."

Eva: *while doing pushups*" Huh, who knew?"

(Y/N): *while reading*"Yep, some of their gods take the form of a woman made out of flesh and disease or a man made out of cogs, gears, and machines."

Eva: *while doing pushups*" What does that mean?"

(Y/N): *while reading*"It means their beliefs on their gods are based on the origins of mankind. The creation of man could be caused by two gods, one responsible for the flesh and instinct of man while the other is responsible for giving man the will to think and build machines. Or they worship a god that desires the destruction of existence."

Eva: *while doing pushups* " In English."

(Y/N): *while reading*"It means mankind can believe in anything that holds truth to its creation. Some gods are responsible for their creation and some want to bring an end to them."

Eva: *while doing pushups* " In the simple version?"

(Y/N): *while reading*"Humanity can believe in anything that holds truth."

Eva: *while doing pushups*"Oh, so anyone believe what they hear? I don't do magic stuff, just lifting weights."

(Y/N): *while reading* " Well there could be more to you than just a weightlifter, you could be a strong fighter or a trainer, or maybe a wrestler."

Eva: *while doing pushups*"Thanks for the advice."

(Y/N): *while reading*" You're welcome."*stands up*"I believe that's enough push ups."

Eva: *stands up*"I've done a full set of 90 pushups with you being on my back."

(Y/N): "And you didn't break your back."

Eva: "I did push ups with an anvil on my back and I got out of that after doing 60 pushups. I got a strong back bone."

(Y/N): "Impressive."

Later on, we see you at lunch with Dawn, Dawn then look into your aura and she is a bit confused.

Dawn: " Well this is peculiar."

(Y/N): " What is it?"

Dawn: "The beginning of your life is multiple choice, I'm looking into many different pasts and events in your life. I don't know which one is your humble beginning. Can you tell me?"

(Y/N): "Well I like to keep my origin as multiple choice. Maybe I was raised in a barn, or I was born in a wealthy family that has more cash than the President, or maybe I was a wild man brought into society, or maybe I was raised by a woman who owns a brothel. Who knows where I came from. What about Courtney?"

Dawn: " She is sorry for conspiring to get Gwen eliminated and she was heartbroken when Duncan dumped her."

Courtney: *Off-screen* "I don't forgive him for that!!!"

Dawn: "Your aura has a vast history, I don't even know where to start."

(Y/N): "Sometimes when it comes to getting to know people, try focusing on the now."

Dawn: " Okay, I will. But you are a puzzling person to figure out."

(Y/N): *patting Dawn on the head*"I know. So what's happening with Courtney?"

Dawn: " Apparently, she is jealous of your relationship with Lindsay and has a desire for love."

Courtney: *Off-screen* " I do not!!!"

Dawn: *to Courtney*"It's true, I can see it in your aura."

Courtney: *offscreen*"Go eat a worm!"

Dakota: *sits with you* " No, Dawn's right you are super jealous."

(Y/N): "I see you're back to normal Dakota."

Dakota: " Yep, all that toxic stuff finally left my system."

Dawn: " So you have retired from your wrestling career?"

Dakota: " Oh no, I can change into Dakotazoid anytime I want. Me for movie times and Dakotazoid for fighting times."

(Y/N): "How's your popstar and acting careers?"

Dakota: "The vocal and acting coaches taught me a lot, and they said I got talent. I got a movie deal and an album deal. The movie is a musical number so that's a plus."

(Y/N): " Oh congratulations."

Dakota: "Oh and after the musical, I will do my part in the making of an amazing horror movie. It's about a secret organization that puts freaky stuff in cages and I play the role of a woman who is one of their test subjects. I would tell more about the movie but I do not want to ruin the magic."

(Y/N): "Interesting."

Dakota: " Yep, it's a big budget movie. I can't wait to get my Academy Award."

Dawn: " I see you will succeed in many things Dakota."

Dakota: " Of course I will, Dawn."

(Y/N): "I'm gonna sit with Courtney and talk to her."

Dawn: " Are you sure that's wise? Her aura is dark purple."

Dakota: " What does that mean?"

Dawn: " She's really angry.*

Dakota: " Oh."

(Y/N): "I'm going over there and that's final."

You then head to Courtney's table and you sit next to Courtney.

Courtney: " What do you want?"

(Y/N): "I just want to talk to you, that's all. So what's on your mind?"

Courtney: " Everything, Gwen won't talk to me, Duncan doesn't trust me, and now I'm all alone!"*cries into her hands*

(Y/N): "Hey.... you're not alone, I'm here for ya."

Courtney: *sniffles* " You're just saying that."*feels your hand on her shoulder*

(Y/N): "I'm telling the truth."

Courtney: *sniffles* " Really?"

(Y/N): "Yes."*hugs Courtney*"I'll help you whenever you need my help."

Courtney: *sniffs and hugs back*"Thank you (F/N), I needed that."

We see Dawn and Dakota observing you and Courtney hugging each other.

Dawn: "It seems that Courtney's aura has calmed down. It is now blue."

Dakota: " Oh that one means calm right?"

Dawn: "Of course."

Dakota: "And they're so cute together."

Back to you and Courtney.

Courtney: *blushes*" you think that Lindsay won't mind sharing you?"

Lindsay: *comes in* " Sharing what?"

Courtney: "Um your boyfriend."

Lindsay: "If Carol doesn't mind sharing then I don't mind sharing as well."

Courtney: " Really?"

Lindsay: " Yep, you two are so cute together. Way better than you and Duncan.

Courtney: "Yeah you're right."*kisses you on the lips*"And that's my official seal that we are boyfriend and girlfriend."

Meanwhile at the Foundation, we see a silhouette of a woman coming into the doors of the Foundation as we see Cory and Ruby turning to her.

Cory: "Whoa! You're that lawyer lady from the Ridonculous race!"

Ruby: " Yeah, Emma, what are you doing here? The Foundation is for employees only."

We then see Emma step into the light.

Emma: "I'm in the Foundation's legal department."

Cory: " Since when?"

Emma: "Since the legal team needed a new member."

Ruby: " And you applied?"

Emma: "Yep, I did."*in her head*"* I was told not to tell them I was on recommendation by the Administrator."

Next: Chapter 36: SCP-2030 "LA U GH IS F UN"

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