Chapter 36: SCP-2030 "LA U GH IS F UN"

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Here we see Leshawna coming home after school and she puts her stuff down and heads to the kitchen, only to find a dead body.

Leshawna: " AHHHHHHH!!"

Leshawna then steps backwards and bumps into something. When she turns around she sees a serial killer.

Leshawna: "Leshawna ain't going out like this!"

Leshawna then pushes the killer out of the way and heads to her room. The killer then burst down the door and was about to kill only to put away the knife and walk out of the room. And then there was laughter.

Leshawna: "I was about to meet my maker in 10 seconds and you just dashed?"

We then see a large man get out from under her bed covers and turn to her. His name was Laughy McLaugherson, the host of LA U GH IS F UN.

Laughy: "Smile and laugh because we got her!"

Leshawna: "How long have you been on my bed?"*realizes*"Wait a second, you're Laughy McLaugherson from that hidden camera prank show LA U GH IS F UN."

Laughy: "That's right Leshawna and guess what you just got laughed at."

Leshawna: "Man you got me good, for a second I was gonna be 6 feet under."

Laughy: "Don't worry we got it all on tape."*to the hidden camera on her mirror*"Now go ahead and say the lines to the camera over here Leshawna."

Leshawna: *to the camera*"Leshawna here and I just got laughed at."

Laughy: "Perfect, now let's give a round of applause for Leshawna. What a ride there folks and come laugh with us next time folks. Say it with me Leshawna."

Leshawna and Laughy: "LA U GH IS F UN!"

Laughy: "Good night and laugh, thank you for watching."

Leshawna: *to Laughy*"Nice work on the dead body in the kitchen, it looks real as my big booty is."

Laughy: "Oh that, oh he's actually dead. Yeah we killed him before you got in."

Leshawna: "Wait for reals?"

Laughy: "Yep."

Leshawna: "Well I'm gonna make like a tree and leave!"

Leshawna then runs out of the room and out of the house. Later, we see Leshawna at your house and she knocks on your door and you answer it.

(Y/N): "Leshawna. What are you doing here?"

Leshawna: "My crib has the worst infestation ever, a tv show host. Is it okay if I crash here?"

(Y/N): " Oh uh, sure wait did you say TV host? Sure it isn't Chris?"

Leshawna: " Very funny, it ain't Chris, it was Laughy McLaugherson."

(Y/N): " Laughy McLaugherson?"*in your head*"She must've seen SCP-2030."*outloud*"Well come on in, my bed is a bunk bed. I normally use the top bunk for guests."

Leshawna: "Thanks baby cakes."

(Y/N): " Anytime."

Later on, we see you and Leshawna going to bed as we see Leshawna on the top bunk.

Leshawna: " You sure this bunk is strong?"

(Y/N): " The frame is made out of high grade titanium, it's been tested to withstand 55 tons of pressure."

Leshawna: "A bed that is buff enough to support this booty, now that's what I call a bed."

(Y/N): " Not to be rude but, what is it with you and your bottom?"

Leshawna: "I'm large and in charge. I got a set of triple Ds and a booty to match. No guy can resist all this."

(Y/N): "I'm a guy, and your features don't affect me much."

Leshawna: "That's because you care about the inside of a woman rather than the outside, that's why Lindsay and Courtney have you as their man."

(Y/N): " And Carol."

Leshawna: " Oh yeah, and her too."

(Y/N): " What about you and Harold?"

Leshawna: " Eh, he's nice and all but sometimes he blab about facts that no one cares about. Sure he has skills but sometimes his skills get him into trouble rather than getting him out. "

(Y/N): " Well I'm sure you'll find that special someone that appreciates a girl who takes charge and says what's on her mind."

Leshawna: " Aww thanks babycakes." *Yawns* "I might have nightmares after seeing that dead body. Is it okay if I come down there and sleep with you?"

(Y/N): "Well if I remember my psychology reading right, some people who recently suffered trauma search for methods for recovering from the traumatic experience. Like a stuffed animal, or an animal companion, or a loved one. So sure you may sleep with me."

Leshawna: *giggles* " Awesome."

We then see Leshawna move down to your bed as she went next to you in bed as you both slept together. The next morning, we see Leshawna going to the kitchen and getting some breakfast and getting some pancakes. When she gets to the table, she sees several field agents of the SCP Foundation.

Leshawna: "You two are from the CIA or something?"

Field agent: "We're from the SCP Foundation, we have reason to believe you had an encounter with SCP-2030 and survived. We would like to have a few words with you."

Leshawna: *sits down*"SC what now?"

Field agent: "Secure, Contain, and Protect any anomalous objects from the public eye and those who want to use them for ulterior motives. Ma'am, have you been watching LA U GH IS F UN recently?"

Leshawna: "I've seen that show on Hulu. I don't even know how they managed to put all of those squirrels in that body. Where do they get the budget for that?"

Field agent: "What you saw was SCP-2030, we have a device that prevents the anomaly from being broadcast online on the internet and streaming services."

Leshawna: " Well you should do a better job at it you two."

Field agent: "It's a keter class anomaly, Keters are hard to contain sometimes. Anyways, did you have any relations with the victim you saw in your home?"

Leshawna: " I never even seen that man before."

Field agent: "Laughy McLaugherson always keeps his face out of the view of the camera."*pulls out a sketchpad*"Can you describe his facial features?"

Leshawna: "Well if you want facial features, all I saw was a big pair of pearly whites that covered his entire face. They didn't move while he was talking to me."

Field agent: *finishes the sketch*"Like this?"*shows Leshawna the sketch*

Leshawna: "Yep that's the face of a circus freakshow right there. No wonder he keeps his face off camera."

Field agent: "I see, thank you for your time ma'am."

Leshawna: " You're welcome, and you better catch that SC thing."

Field agent: "It's SCP, but you might not remember that. It's foundation policy to administer amnestics to any witnesses of the anomalous."*pulls out the syringe*"And this isn't the first time you took this stuff."

Leshawna: "Say what?"

We see the field agent inject the amnestics into Leshawna's neck as she falls asleep and no longer remembers what happened last night. Sometime later, we see Leshawna wake up on the couch in your living room.

Leshawna: "How did I get here?"

???: "You saw a dead body and you fainted."

Leshawna then sees you sitting in a recliner drinking a mug of coffee.

Leshawna: " Oh I did?"

(Y/N): " Yep. I called the police and they brought you to my home so that you will recover from the traumatic experience"

Leshawna: "Well thanks for looking out for this black girl, baby cakes."

(Y/N): " You're welcome, I'm glad to have you as a guest in my house."

Leshawna: " Aw, thanks baby cakes."

Later at school, we see you walking with Leshawna in the halls and heading to class.

Leshawna: "Thanks again for taking care of me, baby cakes."

(Y/N): "Your welcome Leshawna."

We see Leshawna go to her locker and open it as Jen opens her locker.

Jen: "So, I heard that you spend the night at (Y/N)'s house. Tell me everything."

Leshawna: "I saw a deadman in my house and I straight up passed out when I saw him. White boy called the boys in blue and they took me to his house. He said that it's good to recover from something like that by being close to a loved one. It's in his psychology books."

Jen: "Wow, you shared a bed with him, lucky."

Leshawna: "Well his bed is a bunk bed, he keeps the top bunk for guests. But I slept with him in the bottom bunk."

Jen: "I'm surprised he didn't suffocate from under your Triple Ds."

Leshawna: " Hey now, I know when it comes to love. He does not look at a woman from the outside, he looks at a woman from the inside."

Jen: "Wow, it's so hard to find guys who like women on the inside."

Leshawna: "I know they're hard to find. It's like looking for a good Chinese place."

Jen: "I know right, sometimes they're in it for the money and not for the exchange of cultural cusicine. If they don't serve proper food then it's a 1 star review for them."

Leshawna: "You got that right girl, show them who's boss."

Later at the Foundation, we see Emma doing some paperwork as we see Cory enter her office.

Cory: "Hey Emma, good news we have a sketch of Laughy McLaugherson's face from a witness who survived."

Emma: "That's good to hear. I'm making a strong case that would sue LA U GH IS F UN."

Cory: "Uh you do realize that you can't sue an SCP?"

Emma: "There's a first time for everything."

Cory: "Anyways, Dr. Clef is about to go over a presentation of SCP-2030."

Emma: "Good, cause I want to know more about it."

Cory: " Alright, you're from the legal department."

Later at the presentation, we see Dr. Clef explaining what SCP-2030 is.

Dr. Clef: "SCP-2030 is an anomalous TV series that takes the form of a hidden camera show. The pranks on the victims of the show can be very deadly and sometimes anomalous. Such deaths can be mundane like the beach, candy shop, and pets to strange and violent like terrorism, arson, and mail fraud. At the end of the episode all victims laugh regardless of the condition they're in. Anyone on the show is considered to be dead and from what we see in the audience are all the victims of SCP-2030. Since the show has 38 seasons of programming, it is theorized that it has been active since 1976. The SCP uses any form of media that is used at the current time and disguises itself to trick people into watching it. However recently there was one eyewitness who managed to go through one episode of the show and lived to tell the tale, former Total Drama contestant Leshawna."*shows the sketch of Laughy's face*"Field agents made a sketch of the SCP in her own words."*sees Emma raise her hand*"Yes Emma?"

Emma: "Is it possible to view an episode without getting caught by Laughy?"

Dr. Clef: "In fact it is, the Ethics Committee has given us an episode that is safe for us to watch."*pulls out a remote and presses the button on it*"Enjoy the show."

The projector then shows an episode of LA U GH IS F UN as Laughy is on screen.

Laughy: *on screen*"Ha! What a ride, eh, folks? We've seen printers that eat, eaters that print, and everything in between! Makes you appreciate the old clunker you have back the office, doesn't it? No, printers may not always work when you want or need them to, but they sure make for some excellent comedy. And that's what we're about here: comedy. We're here to make you laugh. We hope you laughed. Thank you for laughing with us. That's what we're about here, doesn't it, folks? Come laugh with us again next time! And remember: LAUGH ... IS ... FUN! Good night! And laugh! And laugh! Just laugh! We love the make laugh. Make more for laughter so as to for laugh. Laugh with us. Laugh with us."*Studio audience joins in unison*"Laugh with us! Laugh with us! Laugh with us! Laugh with us! Laugh! Laugh! Laugh and let us in!"

Emma: " Wow, I'll make it a priority to get him into court."

Dr.Clef: "You do that."

Later on, at school, we see you at a table with Leshawna at lunch.

Leshawna: "I know you are trying to help me get over seeing a dead body, but you don't have to sit at the same table with me."

(Y/N): "I'm just worried about your mental health. That's all."

Leshawna: "You sensitive little white boy, come here."*hugs you in her tripple Ds*

(Y/N): *Blushes* "Dang, not to sound like a creep but you're surprisingly soft."

Leshawna: " Awe, thanks baby cakes my triple Ds are soft as pillows. Give me some sugar baby."

(Y/N): " What do you-" *gets kissed by Leshawna*

Courtney: *comes by* " Hey (Y/-" *sees what's happening* " Leshawna, what are you doing?"

Leshawna: *while hugging you*"Giving some sugar to our man. He helped me when I saw a dead man in my house by letting me into his crib and giving me a bed to sleep in."

Courtney: " You slept with him? What was it like?"

Leshawna: "It's like being in the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, only we shared the bottom bunk."

Courtney: " Wow, wait you didn't suffocate him did you?"

Leshawna: "Of course not, he's still alive."*lets go of you*"See he's still kicking."

Courtney: " Phew, that's a relief, the last thing we want is him dead from suffocation."

Leshawna: "At least he will die happy."

(Y/N): "She's right. Psychological studies have shown that men will experience euphoria before total death of suffocation of women's breasts blocking their air flow."

Courtney: " Or in English, death by boobs is what some guys want, and I have breasts too." *hugs you between her breasts* " See."

Leshawna: " You don't have to please him like that. He likes you on the inside."

Courtney: *lets go of you*" I know, I just don't wanna be left out."

Leshawna: "Hey it's not the size of your boobies it's how you use them. You use them like you use them, girl."

Courtney: "You're right, thanks for the advice Leshawna."

Leshawna: "Us black girls have to look out for each other. Someday the boys in blue might pull us over and say we stole those cars cause we're black."

Courtney: "Racism is still a common issue nowadays. Even after all the things in the past that historical black figures like Martin Luther King Jr. did to make us equal to white people."

Leshawna: "You got that right. When a white man in blue pulls me over and says I stole the car, I'm gonna tell him I bought the car with my own money and I have the right to drive wherever I want whenever I want."

Courtney: "Exactly. Sometimes the law can get into the heads of cops."

(Y/N): "Psychologically speaking, people who enforce the law are very likely to exert dominance over those they consider weak and they are most likely to shoot a person that they considered to be a threat. Most people who get shot by cops are homeless civilians with disabilities like autism, mutism, deaf, or any form of physical deformity that they consider to be threatening. Which by the way causes random shootings from cops."

Courtney: " Yeah, the last thing we want is corrupt cops."

Leshawna: " Amen sister."

Courtney: "Hey (Y/N), tell me about yourself. Dawn told me that your past is multiple choice."

Leshawna: "My man's early life as a choose your own adventure. This I gotta hear."

(Y/N): "Well there some things in life are best kept a mystery. I might be many things in the past but you can't figure it out. Cause it's up to you to interpret that."

Leshawna: "Are you saying we have to play a guessing game about your life? You have a way to be mysterious and I love it."*hugs you*"I don't care about then, I care about now."

(Y/N): *hugs back*"Me too."

Next: Chapter 37: SCP-001 "Sheaf of Papers"

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