Chapter 37: SCP-001 "Sheaf of Papers"

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Here we see Emma walking down the halls of the Foundation and she encounters a containment cell and she sees the guards standing by.

Guard: "What brings you here ma'am?"

Emma: "I came here for the file called Confidencial Report on Special Items–Classified. The legal department has just as much authority as the O5 Council. Just as a reminder for you two."

Guard: "Of course ma'am, right away ma'am. You may enter ma'am."

We see the guards pull out keys and they put it into separate locks and turn them at the same time and open the door to a briefcase in the room.

Guard: "SCP-001 is in that case. No one is authorized to look into the SCP for multiple reasons on account of the item being an early alarm system or a means to summon SCPs. Either way, don't use the SCP."

Emma: "I'm merely gonna use it as evidence to prove that it's a warning system or not."

Emma then goes into the room and grabs the briefcase and cuffs herself to the case.

Guard 1: *pops his head in the room* " Ma'am are you sure this is a good idea?"

Guard 2: " Yeah that SCP is very dangerous."

Emma: "Then why did the Administrator put me in charge of an SCP as important as one of the reasons why the Foundation exists?"

Guard 1: " Fair enough. You can have the SCP for the time being. Just don't look into it."

Emma: "I won't."

Later, we see Emma in her office finding evidence for the case defending SCP-001 as we see Cory, Hooper, and Ruby looking into her office window.

Cory: "The one SCP that created the Foundation from the ground up is in that briefcase."

Hooper: "Do not try to look into it Cory. We don't know if it's a warning system or a means to summon SCPs."

Ruby: "That is why she's been given access to files of 002 to 005."

Hooper: "The Administrator put her in charge of proving the SCP's innocence. He wants it back to work."

Cory: " But why her?"

Hooper: " The Administrator said she's the best lawyer around, if anyone can get the Foundation to use SCP-001 again. It's her."

Sometime later, we see that Emma has compiled a set of notes but she has yet to complete her work.

Emma: *sighs*"The only way to prove it's not dangerous is to..."*looks at the briefcase*"Look into the file. What did (Y/N) say about this SCP?"


(Y/N): "Remember Emma, when you look into SCP-001. A new SCP will appear on our radar, it could be warning us of them or summoning them. Either way, do not look into the file. It's a proposal like that which brought the Foundation into existence."

Emma: " Gotcha, don't look into the file. But what do I do if the judge asks me to open it?"

(Y/N): "If it means to prove it's innocence then open it and read the file. We'll deal with the SCP, just like the rest of them. If it's true that it's a warning system then it will be declared safe."

Emma: " And if it's not?"

(Y/N): " Then we'll put it back in high security containment. The SCP itself uses our curiosity to look into it. I looked into it back in the Foundation's humble beginnings."

Emma: "There are so many SCP-001s that I have no idea how you guys are formed.

(Y/N): " It's a complicated system but don't worry you'll get used to it."

Emma: " Carol told me that you were raised on a farm and it was destroyed when you first used your powers."

(Y/N): *laughs out loud*

Emma: "Why are you laughing?"

(Y/N): "Oh Emma, Emma, there are things that you don't know about me. Just like the Foundation my humble beginnings are multiple choice. I may have been a reincarnation of a dead god, I may be the unspoken 3rd child of Adam and Eve, heck I may be the seventh child of the Scarlet King. The Foundation is full of mysteries, even me."

Emma: "I would say you're lying, but you spoke the truth about all of those which makes it hard to tell and it hurts my brain."

(Y/N): "Would you believe me I was the son of Adam's ex wife Lilith?"

Emma: "I would say no but you just say that like you're telling the truth. I'm gonna go..."

We then see Emma leaving.

Flashback ends.

Emma: "Oh yeah, read if it's absolutely necessary. But first I want to know more about him."

Later, we see Emma go into the chamber of SCP-343 aka God.

God: "Why hello Emma, I see you are troubled about something."

Emma: *sits on the couch*"Well you're God, can you tell me the truth about (Y/N)?"

God: "I'm as puzzled as you are my child, his origin is complicated even by my stature of knowledge."

Emma: "Well do you have a theory about him?"

God: "Hmm, if you ask me. I think he has experienced his life on a multiversal scale. He has remembered many things in his life in this world and in others. He is an Avenger, he is a woman who was Hippolyta's sister, he is even one of the first set of contestants of Total Drama, I can go on and on. But the point I'm making is that all universes where he exists the (Y/N) you know along with the entire multiverse are a hivemind and they don't know it. Making him the most mysterious man in the Multiverse even to me. Even in realities that were destroyed either by the devourer of worlds, SCP-001, or Carol herself."

Emma: "You died there right?"

God: "My death there was greatly exaggerated. I merely played my part, he is like me. Having a presence in the multiverse, I am aware that I exist everywhere in the multiverse while he does not. But he still gets memories from his other versions of himself including one who died when the Wanderer's Library made the world a part of it and became one of the librarians. As your saying goes, the captain always goes down with the ship."

Emma: "This is so confusing and complicated!"

God: " Perhaps it is best you do not question his origins."

Emma: " Yeah I think you're right on that."

Later in Emma's office, we see Emma with her hair messed up and drinking her 5th cup of coffee.

Emma: "Case on SCP-001."*twitches*"I haven't slept in hours!"*drinks her coffee*

We see Iris come into the room and turn to Emma.

Iris: "Hey come on it's closing-"*sees Emma's condition*"Woah! Uh you okay Emma?"*sees a board about your variants of the multiverse*"Uhhh..."

Emma: *sees Iris**talks fast*"Oh hello Iris, I've been multitasking. I've been working on the case for 001 and working on the true origin of the Administrator at the same time!"

Iris: " Oh boy...." *smells Emma's body odor*"Ugh you smelled like bad BO."

Emma: *talks fast*"I haven't showered in days cause I've been working and-"*crashes and passes out* *immediately wakes back up*"-researching!"

Iris: *sighs* *pulls out a phone and calls Kitty* " Hello? Yes it's your sister, it's happening."

Later, we see Emma in bed at her house as we see Kitty tuck her in bed.

Kitty: " And people say I'm the obsessive one but this takes the cake, no more caffeine for you."*sees that she's already asleep*"Well she crashed."

Emma: *immediately wakes up* " Not crashed!"

Kitty: " Gah! Emma, go to sleep please."

Emma: " Work never sleeps!"

Kitty: " But you need it, you're a mess! And you smell like old coffee and stale popcorn!"

We then see Emma get shot by a tranq dart to the neck as she then falls asleep. Kitty then turns to Dr. Clef holding a tranq gun.

Dr. Clef: "She's already stinking up the place."

Kitty: " Is she gonna be okay?"

Dr. Clef: " She'll be fine."

Kitty: " That's a relief, can she uh, have a day off so she can think straight?"

Dr. Clef: "The council already put her on a mandatory leap of absence on her schedule. And they scrubbed her work on the origins of the Administrator."

Kitty: "Good cause I hate to see my sister like this, it's like me when I was playing flappy bird for 10 weeks straight. That's how I got into the Guiness Book of World Records. But Emma wouldn't give me my phone back until I took a shower."

Dr. Clef: "I bet you smelled bad."

Kitty: " Yeah, not my finest moment."

Later at school, we see Kitty as she opens her locker and when she sees Jessica she gets a familiar alarm in her head that she's well aware of.

Kitty: " Hey Jess, you okay?"

Jessica: "I'm okay Kitty, I don't eat anything that has a face."

Kitty: "No not that, I mean do you have a certain someone on your mind? I can tell that you have a crush on someone."

Jessica: *blushes*"Um...what do you mean?"

Kitty: "I can tell someone has a crush a mile away. I knew Noah had a crush on my sister and Carrie had a crush on Devin. It's like a six sense to me."

Jessica: " Uh....well."

Kitty: "Come on Jess, tell me everything. It'll be just us."

Jessica: "Okay, I have a thing for (Y/N). There I said it."

Kitty: "Aww you like him, sooo...when are you gonna tie the knot?"

Jessica: "I haven't figured out the right time or place. I don't know if I can tell him."

Kitty: "Hmm, if you ask me. You should tell him I'm sure he'll understand. Plus you can't pass up on that cutie."

Jessica: " It's not that, it's Carol, they're in an open relationship. I told her about how I feel about him and she said she'll think about it."

Kitty: "Ooo one of those relationships, spicy."

Jessica: "I don't know what to say."

Kitty: "Just find an activity that you both enjoy."

Jessica: "Really?"

Kitty: "Of course, so what do you like to do?"

Jessica: "Well I do protests for endangered animals and plants, some gardening, and taking care of animals."

Kitty: "Oh you two should definitely take care of some animals or make a garden, or do some gardening. When the time is right, tell him."

Jessica: "I will. Thanks for the advice Kitty."

Kitty: "Happy to help."

Next: Chapter 38: SCP-407 "Song of Genesis"

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