Chapter 41: SCP-001 "Dead Man"

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Here we see Dawn at her home looking at her tea leaves to see the future of you. When she looks at the tea leaves, she sees a future where you meet your demise and she is shocked by it.

Dawn: "Oh dear."

Later, at school, we see Dawn walking to class and by the time she got to her desk. Laurie and Miles see Dawn and they see how shocked she was.

Laurie: "What is wrong Dawn?"

Dawn: "I read my tea leaves this morning that (Y/N) will die."

Laurie and Miles: "What!?!"

Dawn: "And someone who killed him was an old man who is death himself, (Y/N) was willing to die to help people cause the people he trusted used power that doesn't belong to them. He died by stopping the evil around him."

Miles: "What should we do?"

Laurie: "I don't know."

Later at the Foundation, we see you in an observation chamber at Site-01 and you oversee the medical procedures on SCP-001, an 84 year old man that has the concept of death that inhabits man.

(Y/N): "The Eternal Circle really pulled it off putting the concept of Death in this old man."

We then see Emma come into the room and she turns to you.

Emma: "Who or what is this?"

(Y/N): "SCP-001, the Dead Man, the concept of death is within him and he is like a remote that controls death itself. The O5 Council has used him to make themselves immortal by exempting themselves from death."

Emma: " Uh what does that mean?"

(Y/N): " They were figuring out a way to cheat death."

Emma: " But that's impossible."

(Y/N): " That's where the Dead Man comes in, he's the solution to the impossible. They say it's best for them to be immortal because of their knowledge and expertise in containing the anomalous for the good of the Foundation and the world."

Emma: "That's good right? The O5s won't retire at all."

(Y/N): "Word of advice Emma, sometimes dead is better. The O5 Council will make a list of candidates for the process of exempting death, I want you to take a look at it. I have a suspicion."

Emma: "Right."

(Y/N): "And say hello to 001, be sure to have a nice chat with him."

Emma: "Um okay."

Later, we see Emma going into SCP-001's containment cell and she sees SCP-001.

Emma: "Um hi, 001."

SCP-001: "Hello friend. I can't see you but I can hear you."

Emma: "It's nice to meet you're not gonna kill me are you?"

SCP-001: "I don't even know who you are."

Emma: "Did it hurt? What have they done to you?"

SCP-001: "It's agony to me."

Emma: "I'm sorry to hear that. I'll be going now, but I'm sure things will go smoothly for you."

Later, we see Emma walking to her office as she then sees MTF Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" walk by.

Emma: "Gentlemen, where are you going?"

Omega-1 Commander: "There were no other candidates for the get out of death free card and the Ethics Committee is sending us to punish the O5s and kill SCP-001."

Emma: "What?!"

We then see MTF Alpha-1"Red Right Hand" and the O5 Council burst into the room and they see Emma and MTF Omega-1.

Alpha-1 Commander: "We know what the Ethics Committee is up to and we won't let you succeed!"

Meanwhile, with Antiope, we see her pouring some Skittles in SCP-999's dish as the commander of Rēsh-1 came into the room.

Rēsh-1 Commander: "Antiope, the Administrator has promoted you."

Antiope: "A promotion? To what?"

Rēsh-1 Commander: "To second in command of MTF Rēsh-1 "Seat of Consciousness", you're coming with us."

Meanwhile, back to Emma, we see Emma taking cover from the battle between Omega-1 and Alpha-1.

Emma: "Now would be a really good time for some security!"

We see the O5s make a run for it as we see Rēsh-1 burst into the room with Antiope leading them, she pulls out her sword and points it at the O5s.

Antiope: "For the Administrator!"

Antiope then runs up to O5-13 and slices his head off and she catches it, the head is still alive and screaming in pain.

Antiope: "They're immortal!?!!?"

As the battle rages on, we see you enter the containment cell of SCP-001.

(Y/N): "Hello SCP-001. Let's have a civilized conversation shall we?"

Meanwhile in the 3 way battle, we see Antiope fighting off soldiers of Alpha-1 and Omega-1 alongside her fellow troops of Rēsh-1.

Antiope: *stabs a Omega-1 soldier*"Have at you!"*punches a bunch of Alpha-1 soldiers*"And you! And you! And you!"

Antiope then picks up a bench and throws it at a group of soldiers from both Omega-1 and Alpha-1.

Antiope: "Nobody messes with Rēsh-1!"

Emma then sees the O5s dead on the ground.

Emma: "Wait what? How are they dead?"

Antiope: "What?"

We then see a Rēsh-1 soldier heading to Antiope and she turns to him.

Rēsh-1 soldier: "Ma'am, the Administrator and SCP-001. They're both dead!"

Antiope: " What?! Oh Hera this is bad!"

All the soldiers stop fighting as they see a monitor turn on and they see a recorded message from you.

Recorded message: "If you are listening to this then that means I am dead. I have talked to SCP-001 and told him the names of the O5 council and I perished alongside them as well, and put the old man to rest. Let this be a reminder of the new O5 Council to not gain immortality from SCP-001 but from other SCPs we already have. I hope the next O5 Council will be more benevolent this time around. Goodbye."

The monitor turned off as everyone turned to each other.

Antiope: " He is not joking."

Emma: "He gave his life to undo the evil the O5 Council have caused."

Antiope: " How are his lovers going to take this?"

Emma: "I don't know."

Later on, we see Dawn explaining the prediction that she saw in her tea leaves to your girlfriends as they were shocked to hear it.

Courtney: "What?!"

Lindsay: " Y-you mean (Y/N) is-"

Dawn: *sadly nods a yes*

Leshawna: "He dead?"

Dawn: " Yes, he is. The prediction I told you came true."

Leshawna: *cries in tears*"I can't believe it! Our man. Is dead."

We later see everyone at your funeral.

Antiope: " Today, we have lost an important boy to our community. (Y/N) has always been there for everyone. He helped many people in more ways than one. And on this day he gave his life to stop the wrongdoings of other people. May he be remembered by those cherished by him."

Leshawna: *wipes up a tear* "I'm gonna miss that boy."

Courtney: "Me too."

Carol: *wipes tears* " Same here!"

Antiope: "Let us hope he's in a better place."

Meanwhile in the Empty, we see you in the realm and you see the Shadow.

Shadow: "I have seen many things that you have done. I can't take you to the world of the living, but the world of the damned I can take you."

(Y/N): " Yeah I know, but I am gonna miss the girls."

Shadow: "You will see them again someday. After all you are the figurehead of the Foundation, you are the Administrator."

(Y/N): "Yeah I am."

Shadow: "And while you find your way back to the living, make some friends in the Underworld. After all, each Hell in the Multiverse is different, so think of it as making your first meeting with the Princess of Hell again."

(Y/N): " You're sending me to Hell?"

Shadow: "Of course. What you did would get you to Heaven no problem, but those Archangels really do things their way ever since the big guy left. Good luck."

The Shadow then snaps it's fingers and sends you to Hell. By the time you got there, you didn't get a demonic form at all unlike the sinners around you. We then see Angel Dust walk by and he sees you.

Angel D: "Uh..."

(Y/N): "Subtlety is the key."

Angel D: "Oh okay."

(Y/N): " So where am I?"

Angel D: " Pentagram city, how did a human like you get down here?"

(Y/N): "I am a demon like you. I just look like a human. My demonic features are subtle."

Angel D: " Eh, could've fool me, come on I'm taking you to Charlie's Hotel."

We later see you and Angel arrive at the Happy Hotel.

(Y/N): " What is this place?"

Angel D: " The hotel ol princess made."*to Charlie*"Yo princy, I got a sinner for ya!"

Charlie: "Huh?"*sees you*"Oh hello, going for the subtle look."

Angel D: "Wait, you can tell he's a demon? How can you tell?"

Charlie: "His belt is actually his tail."

Vaggie: *sees you* " But who is he?"

Angel D: " Ain't it obvious toots? He's a sinner."

Vaggie: "Oh belt tail. I like it."

Angel D: "Does everyone notice that except me!?!"

We then see Niffty walk by and she sees you.

Niffty: "Nice tail belt."

(Y/N): "Didn't even notice it until you pointed it out."

Charlie: *to Vaggie*"Wow, he's still fresh around here."

Vaggie: " Yeah, but I don't know something is off about him."

Charlie: " Vaggie be nice."*to you* "Hello, welcome to the happy hotel, it's nice to meet you."

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you too."

Angel D: *whispers to Vaggie*"I bet his belt tail keeps his pants up."

Vaggie: *whispers back* " Angel!"

Angel D: *whispers back*"Hey you noticed it so you thought of it too."

Vaggie: *whispers back* " Charlie is my girlfriend, I couldn't!"

(Y/N): " Can I get a room to stay in?"

Charlie: "Of course, right this way."

We later see you and Charlie going to your hotel room.

(Y/N): " So Charlie was it? Why did you open up a hotel in hell?"

Charlie: " Well this isn't just a hotel, it's also a place to redeem demons so that they can go to Heaven."

(Y/N): " You want to redeem sinners?"

Charlie: " Yep, it's an alternate solution other than extermination."

(Y/N): " Extermination? What do you mean?"

Charlie: " Well whenever Hell gets too crowded, heaven sends down exterminators to....level the population."

(Y/N): *gets what she means* " Oh...."

Charlie: "Yeah, not a lot of people believe in my dreams...."

(Y/N): " Well I believe in your dreams."

Charlie: " Really?"

(Y/N): " Of course, any sinner can be redeemed if they want to be."

Charlie: *hugs you* " Oh thank you (Y/N)!"*lets go of you*"Sorry."

(Y/N): "It's okay, but why did you apologize?"

Charlie: "Vaggie is my girlfriend and the last guy that I was with and broke up with me,Vaggie beat him up."

(Y/N): " Oh sorry to hear that, but I'm not like other guys, you're a nice girl in a good relationship."

Charlie: " Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

We then see you in your hotel room.

(Y/N): *looks outside* " Looks like I'm gonna have a helluva time."

Next: Chapter 42: SCP-4666 "The Yule Man"

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