Chapter 42: SCP-4666 "The Yule Man"

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Here we see all of your girlfriends at a Christmas Party as they were trying to have a good time.

Lindsay: *sighs*"Christmas is not as fun without him."

Leshawna: "I hear ya."

Carol: "Girls, there's something about (Y/N) I want to tell you."

Lindsay: " What is it?"

Carol: "He runs a secret organization called the SCP Foundation and he's the Administrator. There I said it."

Leshawna: "Figures that someone like him would run a place like that."

Jessica: "Now that you know. Can you promise us that you won't tell anyone?"

Leshawna: "Lips are sealed."

Meanwhile in Hell, we see you decorating your hotel room with makeshift Christmas decorations and you put up a handmade statue of SCP-4666 on the kitchen table as we see Charlie come into the room and see the festive decorations.

Charlie: "Wow, so festive."*sees the statue of SCP-4666* "Woah, what is that?"

(Y/N): "That is SCP-4666, a humanoid creature that is only active during the events of 12 days from December 21-22 to January 1-2, it only attacks people's homes in a rural area that has a mother, a father, and a 8 year old child in the northern hemisphere. Can you hand me the star?"

Charlie: "Huh?"*realizes*"Oh right."*sees the star and hands it to you*"Here you go."

(Y/N): "Thank you."

Charlie: "You sound like you're from the SCP Foundation. Those guys are always messing around with demons. They even captured a demon that was cursed by my dad to be cooperative to anyone as a joke."

(Y/N): "I am from the Foundation, I'm their Administrator."

Charlie: " What?! You're the Administrator!?"

(Y/N): " Yep, I died by undoing the wrongs that my O5 Council have done. By telling SCP-001 the Dead Man their names, I just perish along with them. According to the Shadow, that deed would've sent me to Heaven, but they think it's best if I was sent here."

Charlie: " But why here? If you did all that good stuff then wouldn't you be sent to Heaven?"

(Y/N): "Perhaps, maybe I was sent here for a good reason. A higher purpose if you may ask. Anyways back to SCP-4666, the 12 days of it's active phase is what we call Weissnacht Events. Nights 1-7 children will see the entity from out their window in the woods or in a field. Nights 8-11 all family members report to hear things in the house and smell a foul odor and get a sense that their house is haunted. On Night 12 two scenarios might happen, one is that the SCP will kill all members of the family leaving only the child and then abduct the child and the other will leave the family unharmed and they will receive a gift from the SCP in the form of an crudely object made out of human child remains, these objects were designated as SCP-4666-As. The SCP is in the Keter classification and is currently uncontained."

Charlie: "That's horrible."

(Y/N): "According to an interview from a child named Ekaterina Morozova who survived being turned into a life size doll was still alive, she said that all the children that have been kidnapped by SCP-4666 and it forces them to work on making toys until they work no more. If they can't keep working they will be turned into toys."

Charlie: "That is so horrible, those poor kids."

(Y/N): "You're a demon, you would be happy about this kind of stuff."

Charlie: " I'm not happy about that stuff! And that's just stereotyping, just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I'm nice."

(Y/N): " Oh uh, sorry about that."

Charlie: "Well the only person who would enjoy that is my dad, but I'm not like him, I'm a nice demon."

(Y/N): "Exactly what kind of demon are you?"

Charlie: "I'm half succubus on my mom's side. Her name is Lilith."

(Y/N): "We have a Lilith of our own, SCP-336. I believe I met her soulless body, but not her soul."

Charlie: "Oh well she's a succubus."

(Y/N): "And what do you mean by half succubus?"

Charlie: "Oh my dad is a fallen angel and my mom's a succubus, so I'm half succubus and half angel."*pouts*"But I don't have any angel wings."

(Y/N): " You wanted to have angel wings?"

Charlie: *pouts* "Yeah."

You then pull out a set of makeshift wings made from pillow feathers and wax.

(Y/N): "I made these from the feathers of the pillows in my room and some wax, like how Icarus made his."*puts the wings on Charlie*"They're a clip on, so I can clip them on your back. So what do you think?"

Charlie: *sees her reflection*"Ohhh, I love them!"*hugs you tightly*"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

(Y/N): "Anytime." *feels the hug getting tighter* " Ugh, Charles...."

Charlie: *lets go of you*"Sorry."

(Y/N): "Oh, I almost forgot."*pulls out an angel halo hat*"Your halo."*puts it on Charlie*"Perfect fit."

Charlie: "Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N): " Anytime."

Meanwhile, in Metropolis, we see the girls giving out gifts as we see Carol looking at a picture of you on the fireplace over the Yule Log.

Carol: *sniffs* " I miss him."

Leshawna: " We all do girl, but some people say he's still with us as long as we don't forget him."

Emma: "Knowing him he might find a way to make his way back here."

Carol: "You think so?"

Leshawna: "He might make a Department of the Afterlife or something. And make a portal from the afterlife to here."

Emma: " Or just find some murder corp that somehow has access here."

Meanwhile in Imp city we see Loona sneeze.

Blitzo: " Did you smell flowers that you're allergic to a mile away?"

Loona: "Maybe? But it sounded like someone was talking about us."

Millie: " How can humans talk about us if they don't know us?"

Blitzo: "I don't know."*opens a portal to the living world and sees that the targets are dead already*"Dang it, the stupid Santa Claus wannabe beat us to them! This happens every year!"*closes the portal*"How many kids does he need if he wants to start a family!?!"

Moxxie: " A lot of them sir, this is always a tough time for us."

Millie: " Yeah if only we had an employee who was from the human world he or she could help us."

Meanwhile at the Happy Hotel, we see you writing down plans on making a Department of the Afterlife. You then perform a seance to summon all the Foundation employees who died in the line of duty during their days as Foundation personnel and it's not just Hell but also Heaven as well.

(Y/N): "To all of those who died during their services for the Foundation, this is a message from your Administrator. From this day forward, there will be a Department of the Afterlife. Anyone finds a secluded area, we'll form a meeting at the Happy Hotel run by the Princess of Hell herself, Charlie Magne."

We then see Charlie walking downstairs and showing her angel costume to Vaggie until she sees a large group of sinners and angels in the room.

Charlie: "Whoa."

Sinner: "We're here on a business stay, are any rooms available for us?"

Charlie: "Um sure, we have a room for business stays. Follow me."

Charlie then takes all the sinners and angels to a large room that is big enough to hold an entire army from 40 countries at once.

Charlie: "Enjoy your stay here, and have a jolly Merry Christmas."

Sinner: " Thanks."

Later on, we see you at a podium in the room that the sinners and angels are in.

(Y/N): "Ladies, gentlemen, as you all are aware that this place has an extermination day. You are all Foundation personnel who died for the Foundation: Researchers, MTF Soldiers, Field Agents, Guards, Site Directors, Ethics Committee members, and O5 Council. As your Administrator, we should take the next step of the SCP Foundation and form a site within the fires of Hell and the clouds in Heaven that are interconnected."

Angel: "For what purpose will this serve?"

(Y/N): "To prove that even in death we still do what we do best."

Everyone: "Secure, Contain, and Protect!"

(Y/N): " Exactly. Have any of you managed to find an area secluded in both Heaven and Hell?"

You see a sinner raising his hand.

(Y/N): "Yes, state your name and position in life?"

Andersmith: *stands up*"Captain Andersmith! Second in command of the MTF squad Deep Feeders sir! I also managed to find a bypass into the other rings of Hell sir!"

(Y/N): "A bypass, why?"

Andersmith: "Earth born sinners can't leave the Pride Ring sir!"

(Y/N): "Thank you, and just Foundation personnel who died on Earth will not be enough. We need fighters from every war on Earth, the brightest minds that ever lived, and people with advanced knowledge in both angelic and demonic arts to help us."

Sinner 2: " But how do we find them? They could be anywhere in the Pride Ring."

(Y/N): "I managed to summon all of you here through a seance. If you all do the same, they will come not by choice but by instinct. Gather as many people as you can so we can construct the first ever Foundation site in the afterlife."

Andersmith: " Yes sir!"

(Y/N): "Meeting adjourned, dismiss everyone."

We see all the sinners and angels leave the room and leave the hotel as Charlie sees them leaving.

Charlie: "Have a merry Christmas everyone."

Vaggie: " Why are there so many people? And why are most of them earthborn angels?"

Charlie: " Oh (Y/N) had this idea of calling them for a meeting about something. So what do you think of my angel costume?"

Vaggie: "Looks good hun."

Charlie: " Thanks, (Y/N) made the wings from wax and feathers from the pillows."

Vaggie: " He hasn't done anything else to you right?"

Charlie: " No of course not, except for making me so festive."*notices a mistletoe over her and Vaggie*"Oh a mistletoe. You know what that means, Vaggie."

Vaggie: *sees the mistletoe* " I sure do."

We then see Vaggie and Charlie kiss each other on the lips. Meanwhile, in a remote area of the Pride Ring, we see construction of the Foundation Site-40 being made as you were overseeing the progress.

(Y/N): "Nice work everyone, we'll be able to finish this the day before Extermination day."

Later a day after Extermination Day, none of the Exterminators have killed any of the Foundation personnel in the Pride ring and the construction of Site-40 is completed. We see you enter the site and it's connectivity to Earth, Heaven, and all the rings of Hell is established. Scientists and experts in magic of Heaven and Hell have figured out how to make a portal between sites of Site 40.

(Y/N): "Nice work gentlemen. Site-40 Prime is on Earth, Site-40-1-7 is in Hell, and Site-40-8 is in Heaven. And building a portal between sites has been made and has been tested successfully."

You then head to the portal and enter coordinates for Metropolis. Meanwhile, we see the girls celebrating the New Years at their New Years party. We see Lindsay taking a bite out of red velvet cake as a portal appeared in the room and you came out of it.

Lindsay: *looks at her cake*"I don't know what's in the cake, cause I see (Y/N)."

Leshawna: *sees you* " Uh, girl you ain't the only one seeing him."

Lindsay: "Are we having the same hallucination?"

(Y/N): "Let's test that theory. If I was a hallucination, would I do this?"

You then pinch Lindsay's cheeks as she actually felt it.

Lindsay: "He's real."

Leshawna: *hugs you* " Nice to have you back baby!"

Carol: "How did you manage to get here?"

(Y/N): "I've made a Foundation Site that is composed of different separate sites in different planes. Earth, Heaven, and Hell all took place in remote areas that no one in either world knows. Only composed of not just Foundation personnel who died in the line of duty but also people who died in wars and great minds who succeed to make innovations to the world."

Leshawna: "You've been dead for 2 weeks and that's all you did? You are a one of a kind guy."

(Y/N): "I just do what I do best."

Lindsay: *sees your tail belt*"Nice belt, is it also your tail?"

(Y/N): "It is?"

Leshawna: "That's what makes you a demon, a tail that keeps your pants up and nothing else?"

(Y/N): "It's a subtle look."

Carol: " Plus it's fashionable."

(Y/N): " Sure is, but I prefer function over fashion."*sees SCP-262*"I see you kept my trench coat."

You then put on the trench coat as a tendril comes out of the coat and gives you a high five.

(Y/N): "Good to see you too, old friend."

We then see the girls all hug you.

Carol: " And good to have you back hun."

(Y/N): " Thanks girls."

Next: Chapter 43: SCP-4357-J "Cooperative Demon"

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