Chapter 44: SCP-999 "The Tickle Monster"

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Here we see everyone fighting off SCP-682 after he breached containment.

Kara: " Whose job was it to keep this thing contained?!"

We then see a black liquid appear on the floor as we see a hand grab Kara's leg. Kara then looks down to see SCP-106 as he tries to pull her down into his pocket dimension.

Kara: "A double breach!?! What's going on!?!"

Amidst the chaos, we see SCP-999 heading to a large hole in a wall and his way to the outside world. Later on, after re-containing 682 and 106, Karen noticed something.

Karen: "Hey why is there an orange slime trail here?"

Babs: "Slime trail?"*sees the trail and gasps*"999 breached containment and wandered off to the outside world! He could be anywhere!"

Meanwhile in Metropolis, we see 999 making his way through town. He then spots Crimson and Ennui at a gothic picnic in the shade.

Crimson: *sees 999*"What is that?"

Ennui: "I do not know."

We then see SCP-999 going to Ennui and cuddling with him.

Ennui: "Crimson, I think I'm feeling...happiness."

Crimson: " Noo.... that jelly thing is making you un-goth."*sees 999 goes to her*"Stay away."

SCP-999 then cuddles with Crimson as Crimson is getting a strange sensation of happiness.

Crimson: " Ughh....Ennui help me...."

Ennui: *picks up 999*"Leave us."

SCP-999 then crawls down from Ennui and then goes somewhere else to spread happiness.

Ennui: "That creature disgusts me."

Later, we see 999 going somewhere else as it saw Jessica protesting next to burrito buckets.

Jessica: *chanting* " Save the cows! Save the cows! Save the-"*feels 999 hugging her leg*"Huh?"*Looks down and sees 999* "Aww, what are you doing here cutie?"

999: *makes an upsies gesture*

Jessica: " You want me to pick you up? Okay."*picks up SCP-999*"There we go."*feels 999 hugging her* " Oh hehe, guess you wanted a hug."*suddenly feels happy* "Oh you just made my day."

Later at Jessica's house, we see her put 999 down in front of Dexter the cat.

Jessica: " This is Dexter, don't worry he's harmless without his um....toy."

Dexter: *glares at Jessica*

Jessica: *to Dexter*"Dexter, be nice, we have a guest here."*to 999*"Now you stay here while I find some food for you to eat. If I know what the food is."

Jessica then heads to the kitchen as 999 turns to Dexter. SCP-999 then hugs Dexter as he then feels really happy but manages to compose himself and tries to push 999 off of him.

Jessica: *from the kitchen* "I'll find something for you to eat."*sees 999 hugging Dexter*"Aww you two look so cute together! I'll get my phone."

We then see Jessica take a picture of 999 hugging Dexter.

Dexter: *meows angrily*

Jessica: "Come on Dexter be nice."

999 then sees the fridge open and sees a can of Pepsi. 999 then goes to the fridge and grabs the can of soda as Jessica saw this.

Jessica: " Woah there little buddy, soda is definitely not for you, how about some lemonade?"

999 didn't listen to Jessica and then opens the can and drinks the whole can. 999 then gets a sugar rush and then bounce around the room as Jessica ducks for cover.

Jessica: " Ah! Come on little jelly guy, calm down!"

Jessica then uses her ring to catch 999 only for 999 to bounce off of her glove and out the window.

Jessica: "Oh no."

We then see 999 bouncing all over Metropolis as we see Jessica in her Green Lantern outfit going after it.

Jessica: " Wait! Stop!"

The sugar rush wears off and 999 then falls from the air. We see Anne Maria walking around Metropolis as we see 999 land on her head, however due to the extensive hair products Anne Maria uses she didn't feel the impact from 999's fall.

Anne Maria: " Hm?" *Looks into a window and sees 999* "Ah!*grabs 999*"What are you doing in my poof you slimy thing!?"*sees 999 hugging her*"What are you-"*feels suddenly happy*"Aww I can't stay mad at you. Come on, how about you stick with me in my crib?"

We later see Anne Maria at her home.

Anne Maria: " You must be hungry, what do you eat?"*sees 999 going to a bag of M&Ms*"What are you doing?"

We see 999 opening the bag and eating the M&Ms inside the bag.

Anne Maria: "Well you have a sweet tooth. Do you want anything else?"*sees 999 points to the empty bag of M&Ms*"More of those, alright."

We then see Anne Maria put a bowl on the floor and pour hazelnut spread M&Ms into the bowl as 999 went to it and eat the M&Ms.

Anne Maria: " Man, you really like sweets."

Anne Maria then hears a knock at the door as she opens it revealing Jessica.

Jessica: " Hey Ann, did you see an orange blob somewhere?"

Anne Maria: "Of course, the cutie is in my house, I'll show you to him."

When they go to where 999 is both Jessica and Anne Maria see that 999 is gone and all that is left is an empty bowl on the floor.

Anne Maria: "For a slime ball he's fast. This is where I left him I swear."

Later, we see 999 on the move as he sees Mike walking around. Mike then sees 999 and stops walking.

Mike: "Huh?"

We then see a rock get thrown at the back of Mike's head by a random kid as we see Mal takeover. Mal then sees 999 as 999 offers a hug.

Mike: *as Mal*"Hug on this!"

Mal then steps on 999 as we see Anne Maria and Jessica just arrived and saw this.

Jessica and Anne Maria: " No!"

Mal then suddenly laughs like he's being tickled as we see 999 travel up his leg and proceeds to tickle Mal as both Anne Maria and Jessica were relieved that 999 is alive.

Jessica: *sighs in relief* " Oh phew, what a relief."

Anne Maria: "I hear you."

Mike: *as Mal**gasps and Mike takes over*"Hey I feel great, Mal is gone!"

Jessica: *slaps Mike* " What is wrong with you?!"

Mike: *gets slapped* "Ow! It wasn't me, it was Mal."

Anne Maria: "Mike is like several different people in one person. First there's Chester who's really cranky, Svetlana who's a ballet dancer, Smith who is a treasure hunter, and Vito is a tough guy. He and I had a spark but we had a mutual break up. Then there's Mal, he's so bad that Duncan wet his pants whenever Mal's around. I've seen All Stars."

Jessica: " Oh, so he has MPDO, sorry Mike."

Mike: " It's ok. And thanks to this little guy, Mal's gone forever."

Anne Maria: *sees that 999 is gone*"Wait where did he go!?!"

We see the trio look for 999 everywhere in the city and they bump into Heather. She was holding an apology cake for everyone that she hurt.

Mike: "Heather, holding an apology cake?"

Heather: "I am so sorry about everything."

Mike: " You're not taking this are you?"

Heather: "(Y/N) told me that chocolate calms the nerves and a chocolate apology cake is a good way to say I'm sorry."

Anne Maria: "She's not kidding."

Heather: "I have done things that I'm not proud of, because my family wants me to be perfect and they evicted me out of the house. I lost my hair, my respect, and I blew it at friendship. It took a slime ball to realize that."

Jessica then turns to see all of the TD contestants that Heather has been mean to or used in the show as they were freaking out about how nice Heather is.

Owen: "I don't even know her!!!!"

Lindsay: "She let me borrow her lipbom."

Leshawna: "She hugged me!"

Trent: "She gave me dating advice!"

Gwen: "She apologized for kissing Trent!"

Anne Maria: "This is really weird."

Mike: *to Alejandro*"What about him?"

Alejandro: "We had a mutual break up. The things we have done have made us into monsters, so we thought it's best to find other people."

Courtney: "!"

Later, with 999, we see 999 cuddling with Casey Krinsky as she feels really happy.

Casey: "I feel a lot better now thanks to you."

After making Casey feel better about herself, we see 999 going off somewhere else. We see 999 at a spa where he sees Kelly getting her pedicure done. We see Kelly put on cucumbers on her eyes and take a nap as we see 999 go to her lap and start hugging her.

Kelly: *stirs in her nap* " Mm, wha?" *takes off one of her cucumbers and sees 999*"Oh hello there."*feels suddenly happy* "Oh hehe you really brighten my day."*pets 999*"How adorable."

999: *smiles*

Kelly: " Well how about you and me have a spa day? Sounds good to you?"

999: *nods in yes*

We then see a montage of Kelly and 999 having a spa day, we see Kelly and 999 get back massages, taking a nice hot sauna, and various other spa stuff. Although some of them were a bit difficult for 999. When they got massages the masseuse's hands went through 999 and they put on waterproof gloves to massage 999, 999 was invulnerable to the heat of the sauna, and we see both Kelly and 999 getting a facial as we see 999's face was covered in a sweet honey mask and 999 ate the mask. Later on, we see 999 at Kelly's house as we see the butler place a covered dish in front of 999 and the butler pulls the cover off and reveals an ice cream sundae.

Butler: "Your sundae sir."

We then see 999 eating the sundae as we see the butler give Kelly a nice steak and a salad.

Butler: "Your dinner madam."

Kelly: " Thank you."*sees 999 finished with his sundae* " Already finished? Well I'll get you something."*rings a bell*

We then see the butler come into the room.

Kelly: "My friend here finished his ice cream, can you be a dear and give him some seconds?"

Butler: "Right away madam."

We then see the butler leave the room to get as he came back with a bigger sundae and place it in front of 999.

Butler: "Your sundae sir."*places a dish next to the sundae and pulls the cover off*"I also brought a chocolate cake just in case sir."

We then see 999 eating the cake first then the sundae.

Kelly: "Quite the appetite."

Later after dinner, we see 999 go into Taylor's room. We see Dakota and Taylor reading teen and fashion magazines.

Dakota: "So how was training?"

Taylor: "I managed to get the upper body strength to lift 400 pounds but I'm so sore."

Dakota: "Been there."

Taylor: "How would you know, you're practically invulnerable when you're Dakotazoid."

Dakota: "I can't walk everything off you know."*feels 999 hugging her leg*"Huh?" *looks to see 999* "What's that gooey thing?"*suddenly feels happy* "Oh hehehe, hey Taylor look at this."

Taylor: *sees 999*"Awww, that's so cute."*sees 999 coming to her and cuddles with her* "Oh he wants to cuddle, cute."*feels suddenly happy* " Hehehehe, why am I so happy?"

Dakota: "Maybe he likes to spread happiness to everyone."

Taylor: " Well he's doing a good job at it."

They then hear a knock on the door.

Taylor: "Who could that be?"

We then see Taylor and Dakota at the door and they see Mr. Forgetful.

Mr. Forgetful: "Uh excuse me ladies, I got out of somewhere and I don't remember where. Can you help me find my way back?"

Dakota: "Can you tell us your name?"

Mr. Forgetful: "I feel like I know this one, but I don't know what my name is."

Taylor: " How can you forget your name?"

Mr. Forgetful: "Uhh, what were we talking about?"

We then see SCP field agents come out of the bushes and turn to Mr. Forgetful.

Field agent: "We got you SCP-909!"

Mr. Forgetful: *to Taylor*"Are they talking to me, cause I don't know who SCP-909 is."*gets handcuffed*"Did I break the law or something?"

Field agent: "We got 909, we need to find 999."

Taylor: "Um what's 999?"

Field agent: "An amorphous orange slime that has the consistency of peanut butter and can cure anyone's depression and PTSD through creating a sensation similar to tickling."

Dakota: " You mean that cute orange blob?"

Field agent: " Yes, wait, how did you remember that?"

Taylor: " We saw it leave the room. I don't know how it got to my house."

???: "I brought it home sweetie."

Everyone then turned to Kelly.

Kelly: "I found him at the spa and we had a spa day together. Then he ate some ice cream sundaes and cake, he has such a big appetite."

Field agent: " That's 999 for you."

Meanwhile we see 999 arrive back at the foundation where it saw you.

(Y/N): *sees 999* " Oh there you are 999, where were you?"

999: *gurgles in joy*

(Y/N): "That's quite the adventure."

999: *yawns*

(Y/N): " Hm, looks like someone is tired, how about we take to bed sound good?"

999: *nods in agreement*

You then take 999 to his containment room as he goes to his small bed.

(Y/N): " No one can resist 999's happiness."

Next: Chapter 45: SCP-2396 "Ms. Sweetie"

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