Chapter 45: SCP-2396 "Ms. Sweetie"

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Here we see a shadow of an 8 foot tall woman coming to a door and she knocks on it. When the door opened, we saw Jasmine at the door and she saw a woman who is a foot taller than her, wearing a pink outfit, pink hair, and is licking a swirly pop.

Jasmine: "Oh hello there. What's your name?"

Ms. Sweetie: "Ms. Sweetie, may I come in?"

We then see Jasmine and Ms. Sweetie in the living room and we see the TD girls hanging out at Jasmine's house and they saw Ms. Sweetie.

Gwen: "Oh hey, who's this?"

Jasmine: "She's Ms. Sweetie, who is taller than me by one foot."

Leshawna: "Someone who is taller than Jasmine, now that's crazy. Now we have two lumbering giants in the room."*sees Ms. Sweetie licking a swirly pop*"Are you eating candy?"

Ms. Sweetie: "Of course."

Izzy: *reads the tattoo on her left thigh*"Ms. Sweetie, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment."*to Ms. Sweetie*"You're a toy from Dr. Wondertainment!"

Ms. Sweetie: "Of course, I'm a girls' toy. He made me so that no boys wouldn't get their hands on me. They always break toys that belong to girls."

Lindsay: "But not all guys are bad. Some of them are nice. I know this is off topic but I really like your hair, did you use a special kind of hair dye?"

Ms. Sweetie: "Oh no, this is all natural."

Beth: "All natural pink hair. I wish I had hair like that."

Ms. Sweetie: "You're beautiful in your own way."

Beth: "Aww thanks."

Ella: "Do you plan on staying with us?"

Ms. Sweetie: "I really want to stay with you, trust me I really do. But I can't because I have to be with my family."

We then MTF soldiers burst into the room and the girls noticed that they're all women, they're MTF Lamda-6 "Girly Girls".

Gwen: "Why are you all women?"

Ms. Sweetie: "I have this effect on men that keeps their hands off of me, it either makes them go away or make them go into a diabetic coma when they make direct contact."

Leshawna: "You mean you can't get a smooch on your man without him going into a coma. I'm feeling sorry for ya girl."

Gwen: *to the MTF team*"How did you know Ms. Sweetie was here?"

MTF Soldier: "Our commander sent us a picture of her."

Beth: "Where is she?"

Sierra: *raises her hand*"I passed with flying colors at the academy, they said my combat prowess, infiltration, and data collecting skills make me a valuable asset to them. That's why they made me commander of this team."

Ms. Sweetie: "Well I hope I'll see you all again."

Later, at the Foundation, we see Ms. Sweetie in her containment cell and she is now SCP-2396 as we see the girls spending some time with her in her cell.

Gwen: "So how is your new home?"

Ms. Sweetie: "It's fine, I'm just worried about something."

They then hear something coming from the outside of the cell. We see two instances of SCP-2396-B, one of them is more like a golem and the other is more like a unicorn charging at the girls. We see Izzy jump right in front of them.

Izzy: *puts up a hand*"Halt!"*sees them stop*"Oh, that was easy."

Ms. Sweetie: *sees the -Bs*"Oh those are my boys. You or I can make them dance and we can eat them."*sees Izzy pull out a flamethrower and melt them down*"Or melt them down."

Izzy: *evilly*"Hehehehehe, me likey!"

Gwen: "Those things used to be human?"

Ms. Sweetie: "Oh when you eat the candy I make nothing will happen to you and if a boy eats it they turn into candy."

Leshawna: "Why did one of them look like a unicorn?"

Ms. Sweetie: "Girls like unicorns."

Gwen: "Are you not happy here?"

Ms. Sweetie: "I am happy here, it's just boys are boys. They break a lot of things."

Later, after some changes in protocol, we see Ms. Sweetie drinking liquid sucralose on camera as you were watching the live camera feed.

(Y/N): "That's another little mister in containment."

We see you head to Mr. Fish's containment cell and you turn to him.

(Y/N): "I brought your sister here Mr. Fish."

Mr. Fish: "Oh thanks mate, too bad I can't see her in person. But it's a good thing that Zoom exists."

Mr. Fish then heads to a computer and makes a zoom call to Ms. Sweetie.

Mr. Fish: "Hello sis, it's good to see you."

Ms. Sweetie: *on Zoom*"It's good to see you too."

(Y/N): "I'm gonna let you two chat."

We see you get out of Mr. Fish's cell and you see Sierra.

Sierra: "Um ever since Lamda-6 has been disbanded. What other team should I be in now?"

(Y/N): "I transfer all soldiers of the team into different teams, and you will be in MTF Delta-5 "Front Runners"."

Sierra: "What's that?"

(Y/N): "Undercover agents in various groups of interest, gather info and get anomalies to us before they get them. Since you have experience stalking people, this is up your alley."

Sierra: "Thank you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): " You're welcome."

Later, in Ms. Sweetie's containment, we see Crimson having a conversation with Ms. Sweetie.

Crimson: " What kind of creature are you?"

Ms. Sweetie: "A limited edition collectible from the Little Misters line of toys, I'm Ms. Sweetie. I would give you my Mr. Collector document but I don't have it. Though I remembered it from memory and said it out loud even the numbers and punctuation, I have to pause for a moment to where Mr. Lie's name since that part is redacted."

Crimson: "I've read that you can turn men into monsters made out of sweets and candy. That sounds so dark, I love it."

Ms. Sweetie: "You and I can command them to dance and play games. The goal of Dr. Wondertainment products are to entertain children with wonder and magic."

Crimson: "So they have been enslaved by us when they ate something sweet. It is the darkest form of monsters that the world had never expected. I like it."

Ms. Sweetie: "Oh...uh...are you in a cult?"

Crimson: "Not currently, I'm still looking for the right one that goes right with me."

Ms. Sweetie: " Oh, well uh, your view of the world is bleak and you like it?"

Crimson: "Of course. We should hang out more often."

Ms. Sweetie: " We definitely should."

Meanwhile, we see Leshawna heading to your office and she sees you doing paperwork.

(Y/N): "Oh hey Leshawna, what brings you here?"

Leshawna: " Hey baby, just wanted to see what you've been doing."

(Y/N): "Just doing paperwork. Do you need anything?"

Leshawna: "Ms. Sweetie's play features are keeping her from having a man in her life, do you think there's anything that can be done about it?"

(Y/N): "Well if we refuse to give her any sugar she will suffer great pain. Her ability to repel men away from her is fueled by sugar and it's protocol to have female staff to maintain containment of SCP-2396."

Leshawna: " Oh yeah, wait you have powers do you?"

(Y/N): "I do but I don't like to use them very often. Like SCP-343, I only use my powers for specific situations. Though the Foundation does classify Ms. Sweetie's ability to repel men is a cognitohazardous ability and I am immune to cognitohazards."

Leshawna: "Oh really."

Later, we see you in Ms. Sweetie's containment cell and you and Ms. Sweetie is sitting in the room alone.

Ms. Sweetie: "I see that you're not being repealed by my powers."

(Y/N): "Leshawna just pushed me in here."

Ms. Sweetie: " Oh, so what do you wanna do?"

(Y/N): "Well dating options are limited since you're in containment. Why don't we just chat for a while?"

Meanwhile, we see the Empress taking care of her 3 children that she bred from you as she sees Foundation guards in the room.

(A/N): "From top to bottom: Elda, Miranda, and Francine."

Guard: "SCP-3288-Alpha, we're taking your kids back to their cells. Play time's over."

Empress: "Okay."*to her 3 kids*"Elda, Miranda, and Francine. Go with the guards please."

Elda, Miranda, and Francine: "Yes mother."

Elda: "Mother, when are we gonna see father?"

Empress: "Your father is busy, but he will visit you all soon. Now go on."

We then see the 3 daughters of the Black Forest go with the guards as when we see Elda go to her cell and grab the guard and bite his head off and throw the body to the wall out of anger.

Elda: "It's not fair!"

Empress: " I know deer, I'm sorry, but whether we like it or not, we have to be here."

Elda: "These pieces of meat should not rule over us, they're food to us! We should be rulers of this planet, not them!"

Empress: "Elda! Behave yourself! Trust me, if I wanted to we could leave this place, but we have to be here. Their ways are not like ours, they have slaughtered our hives under your father's rule because of the greed of our ancestors, people like us were sent underground because the world fears what they don't understand. Even among their own kind they don't understand what they're all going through, I've heard stories of law men killing homeless children out of fear."

Elda: " R-really?"

Empress: *hugs Elda*"Yes. We were once royalty in the past and now we are nothing but monsters that go bump in the night."

We then see Ella come into the room out of curiosity and she sees the Empress of the Black Forest and her triplet princesses.

Ella: "Hello there."*gets grabbed by Francine*"Oh my."

Francine: " You meat!"

Empress: "Francine! Drop her! You know better, she's a guest."

Francine: "But-"

Empress: "Don't make me count to 3, young lady."

Francine: *drops Ella*"Fine..."

Empress: *to Ella*"I apologize, they're just restless because they've been born in these walls."

Ella: " I know, I came here to tell you that the Administrator will make his visit here very soon."

Elda: "Father is coming here!?"

Ella: " Yes he'll be here, by tomorrow."

Miranda: "Wonderful, do we look presentable?"

Ella then looks at the triplets and she would be horrified but she isn't because she thinks they're beautiful on the inside.

Ella: " Yes, you all look presentable."

The triplets: "Yay!"

The next day, we see you in the Empress' cell and you see her and the triplets.

The triplets: " Father!"

We see the triplets hug you and you hug them back.

(Y/N): "It's nice to finally meet you."

Elda: *to the Empress*"Mother, can I breed with father?"

Empress: "No!"

Elda: " Aw but mother-"

Empress: *blushes* " Absolutely not!" *Sighs* " I am so sorry (Y/N), they've been quite a handful ever since they were born, they just turned into adults."

(Y/N): "Right, did you educate them by any chance?"

Empress: " I have taught them a few things." *To the triplets* " Like not to have intercourse with your father."

(Y/N): "But the nature of SCP-3288 breeding is through incest since they come from the Hapsburg royal family, is it not?"

Empress: " It is, but I find it a bit.... Awkward for your children know."

(Y/N): "Well have they interacted with other instances of 3288?"

Empress: "Well Francine was nearly raped by the other -Alpha, Maximillion."

Francine: "I don't do obesity."

Elda: "Duke Edward was eyeballing me through a hole in my cell, father, he was going to do ....things to me."

Empress: *pats Elda* " He won't do anything to you."

(Y/N): "The two D-Classes were supposed to patch that up, what happened to them?"

Elda: "Oh...those two were fixing my room, I ate them. Sorry father."

(Y/N): "And what about Miranda?"

Miranda: "I have the same problem with Duchess Eliza, she doesn't get the clear message I'm into men and not women. She wanted to breed with me cause...the womb that she spawned from was...a woman called a shemale?"

(Y/N): "I think you're referring to the D-Class that was a futanari, apparently that woman was under arrest for 40 cases pedophilia. I'm surprised that trait managed to be a part of the 3288 instance"

Miranda: " What does that mean?"

Empress: "It means people breed with small children."

Elda: "Ugh! That's disgusting, we would never do that! We're grown ups!"

(Y/N): "You 3 are all a year old."

Empress: " True, although I do want you three to be safe with who you interact with, the last thing me or your father wants is either of you being raped or worse."

(Y/N): " What your mother said."

Elda: "Okay."

Francine: "Can I breed with father now?"

Empress: "No!"*Stammers*"New rule, no breeding with your father."

Elda: "What!?! But he's a part of our family, our cousin/uncle had intercourse with his daughter. Incest is a family tradition."

Empress: "I'm sorry but the rules are the rules and you must follow them."

Elda, Francine, and Miranda: *pouts* " Mm... okay."

Empress: "Thank you."*to you*"I apologize for their behavior. They are very insistent on breeding with you, it's all they wanted to do when they get the chance to meet you."

Elda, Francine, and Miranda: " We're sorry father."

(Y/N): "It's fine. It's hard to fight instinct."

Empress: " Perhaps there's another way to channel that energy."

Elda: "Mother, how do we breed with each other? We're all ladies."

(Y/N): " Not unless you were all trans."

Elda: " Trans?"

Empress: " Your father said that trans people are human women who have a male reproductive organ which can be used for breeding."

(Y/N): "We'll take the genetic code of Dutchess Eliza and create a trans-figuration serum, but it will be a limited manufacturing since we do not want a lot of our work force to be transgenders."

Sometime later, there were 3 pills in a container as the triplets were around it. We see you in the observation room and speak through a mic.

(Y/N): *speaks into the mic*"After some testing and trips to the morgue, we finally made the pills. They will be capable of modifying your genetic code to resemble that of a transgender. You may take them now."

The triplets then take a pill and swallow their pill as they feel a physical change.

Elda: " I feel tingly."*checks in her dress**saw something* "I have a phallus!"

Miranda: " Oh me too!"

Francine: "Me too! That means we can breed with each other!"

Miranda: "Should we breed with mother first?"

Elda: " That is her decision."

Empress: "Well you can't breed with your father, but you could breed with me."

Elda, Miranda, and Francine: " Yay!"

Elda: "Me first!"

(Y/N): *speaks into the mic*"I'll let you four have your fun, but remember there's a fixed number of 3288 instances so don't go too far."

Later, at Ms. Sweetie's cell, we see you talking to Ms. Sweetie again.

(Y/N): "Sorry for the leap of absence, I was dealing with SCP-3288."

Ms. Sweetie: "It's okay. It's to have these talks with a boy that I can finally talk to without my play features getting in the way."

(Y/N): "We'll be finding more of your siblings. But don't expect them to be in the same place, it might trigger the effect of Mr. Collector. We don't know how that effect works, do you know?"

Ms.Sweetie: "I don't know, none of us do. Dr. Wondertainment likes surprises. Even if we know we wouldn't tell you, it'll ruin the magic."

(Y/N): "It's our job to know how the magic works."

Ms. Sweetie: "Ugh, she's right. You guys really suck the fun out of everything."

(Y/N): "Wait, you referred to Dr. Wondertainment as a woman and not a man."

Ms. Sweetie: "The moment we came to life it's all a blur of what our creator looks like. Wondertainment could be a man, a woman, a company, a group of people, anything really. Oh and by the way, the sugar here sucks!"

We see Ms. Sweetie marches to her bed and then tucks herself in as Leshawna comes in.

Leshawna: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "I think I upset her."

Later, at your house, we see you pull out a book about the history of the Church of the Broken God to read. When you turned on the lamp for your reading you saw Crimson was in the shadows the whole time and you screamed and almost had a heart attack.

(Y/N): "Ah!"

Crimson: "Hello (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?!"

Crimson: " Sorry, a heart attack is not really the best way to die. Being engulfed in flames and burned alive until you're reduced to nothing but bones is way better than a simple heart attack."

(Y/N): "Okay...why are you here?"

Crimson: " I'm here for advice. I want to join a cult and I want your opinion, Sarkicism, Deavites, or the Church of the Broken God?"

(Y/N): " Uh, well the Church of the Broken God is on good terms with the Foundation. So that's my recommendation. Though there are different divisions of the Church, ranging from Cogwork Orthodox Church, Church of Maxwellism, Sanctuary of the Holistic, Susido, Order of the Black Cog, Mekhanics, and the main Church itself."

Crimson: "Thanks, I'm also here for another reason. Can I ask you a personal question?"

(Y/N): "Uh sure. What's your question?"

Crimson: " How did you become the administrator?"

(Y/N): "To be honest, I don't know. I may have been the first one to see one of the archangels in person, maybe I am the opposing force of the Black Moon, the question how I became what I am today is a mystery even to me."

Crimson: "That's deep, I like it."

(Y/N): "Well I am more than just the Administrator of the Foundation, in some memories I have from the multiverse I was the head of the GOC's Council of 108, I could have been the Engineer running the Chaos Insurgency, I could have been the shareholder of Marshall, Carter, and Dark inc. I could have been the high priest of the Church of the Broken God, I could have been the leader of Sarkicism and Yaldaboath's champion, heck I could have been the ringmaster of Hermen Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting."

Crimson: "You told the truth about all of those."*smiles*" That's really deep and I like it."

(Y/N): "So, any other questions?"

Crimson: " Nope."

(Y/N): "Well feel free to stay here if you want."

Crimson: "Alright, thanks for answering my questions."

(Y/N): " You're welcome."

Next: Chapter 46: SCP-1860 "Its Bleeding Song"

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