Chapter 5: SCP-3930 "Pattern Screamer"

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Here we see the girls heading to where SCP-3930 as they saw the SCP itself.

Kara: "Dude what is that?"

The girls then land on the ground and they find an angel standing there.

Zee: "It's an angel"

Diana: "How peculiar, are they not supposed to be in Heaven?"

Castiel: "My name is Castiel, I'm a Seraph of the lord and I was sent here to assist you by Michael."

Babs: "So you know about our mission?"

Castiel: "I do. (Y/N)'s anger shook Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and even The Empty."

Zee: "If you're an angel, where's your wings?"

Castiel: "I have my wings, it's just your perception is too dull to perceive them."

Zee: " Okay, and how are you gonna help us get (Y/N) back?"

Castiel: "Pattern Screamers are the first creatures that deserve to be noticed and helped. But this one is different, any human who has knowledge of this will only make it stronger. It is the most dangerous Pattern Screamers in all of existence. It is the only form of nothingness that can be interacted with people of this world."

Kara: "Um in English please."

Castiel: "Anyone who knows about them makes them stronger. And if you manage to perceive this SCP, the memory of it will linger with you forever until you are dead."

Kara: "Yikes okay, how do we get rid of the memory?"

Castiel: "Amnestics are ineffective in ridding the memory, the only thing that can cure you all of that memory is the same thing that is in there."

Castiel then pulls out an angel blade and turns to the SCP as the girls notice the blade in his hand.

Tatsu: "What is with the blade?"

Castiel: "After what happened in all the realms of the afterlife, he might pose a threat to the multiverse."*pulls out the Spear of the Non-Believer*"Which is why Michael armed me with this weapon, this spear has the power to kill gods of all kinds. (Y/N) has ascended to the point where if he dies he'll be sent to the Empty where it's gonna be his final resting place."

Carol: "Can we at least talk to him first?"

Castiel: "Okay."

The girls and Castiel then head into SCP-3930 and search for you. They keep looking for you in the white void of nothingness that is SCP-3930 as they see you sitting in a meditative state of mind.

Carol: *gasp*"(Y/N)."

Tatsu: "Is he alright?"

Castiel: "I have known him since he was born, but I have never seen him at peace."

Kara: "Come on let's get him out of here!"

Castiel: "Wait no!"

Kara then grabs you and then flies out of SCP-3930 as everyone else follows her. We then see Kara land on the ground and see that you're gone as they now realize they're in Metropolis.

Kara: "Ugh what happened?"

Castiel: "I think he removed our memories of the SCP and now the SCP is back into its original state. And I was trying to warn you, if you disturb his peaceful state of mind, there are severe consequences."

Kara: "Ugh you could told me that sooner if it wasn't-"

Karen: "Don't try to pin this one on me! It was all you!"

The ground then begins to shake as the girls see glowing red energy coming from the ground as Castiel feels the will that is similar to God's but it's not God's will. The girls then see a cosmic being appear in front of them and turn to them, he is The Watcher.

The Watcher: "I've seen it all happened."

Diana: "Who are you?"

The Watcher: "I'm the The Watcher. I along with the Watchers of the multiverse observe all and vowed not to interfere. This wasn't the first time we broke our Oath of Non-Interference."

Selina: "What do you mean?"

The Watcher: "The watchers have faced a threat in the form of a world's greatest heroes and villains infected and becoming the undead, our solution was to put them in a time loop that does not break. The one you call The Administrator is a far more dangerous threat to the multiverse."

Diana: "Why?"

Then something crashed into the ground as the girls saw that it was a beaten and bruised Thor, God of Thunder and member of the Avengers.

Diana: "Great Hera, Thor! By Zeus's beard are you okay?"

Thor: *spits out blood* "I am not, wayward maiden."

Kara: "Dude who did this to you?"

Before Thor could say anything, his hammer Mjolnir came flying at Thor and shattered his skull upon impact. The girls then see where the hammer came from and it was thrown by you as you were enraged. You then land on the ground as the girls were shocked that you killed an Avenger.

Carol: "(Y/N) what are you doing?!"

(Y/N): "My mother saw me as a monster, the world saw me as a monster, even God knows I'm a monster. Just like the Peter Parker of Earth-2149, I exist not as a hero or a man, but as a monster."

You then use your power to snap the neck of The Watcher and kill him instantly and then snap your fingers to smite Castiel as bright light white comes out of his mouth and eyes and he falls to the ground dead.

Diana: "(Y/N) you must stop this! You are not a monster!"

(Y/N): "God made me like this, so it's his plan to have me destroyed."

You then snap your fingers and turn all the girls into salt except for Carol as she was shocked to see you do something like this.

Carol: "(Y/N) please you're not a monster! You're the boy that I fell in love with! Don't listen to your mom! You're not a monster! You're a hero!!"

(Y/N): "But God-"

Carol: "Forget about God! Forget about your mom! Forget about the people that think you're a monster! You're not a monster to me! You're the boy that I fell for!"

(Y/N): "Carol I need you to help me."

Carol: "What is it?"

You then snap your fingers as Carol then starts to feel strange as she sees her hand turn into dust.

(Y/N): "Thank you."

Carol then turns completely into dust as all the heroes of the whole universe turn to you and you see them. Later, in Heaven, we see the girls then see Michael standing in front of him.

Michael: "I knew his mother tortured him, but it seems that her methods of torture was too much and very effective to the point where he destroys the very thing that he loves."

Carol: "I can't believe he'd do that, all because of his mom!"

Michael: "It's worse than you think."

Micheal then shows the girls that you slaughtered all the heroes and villains of Earth in your own rage.

Michael: "In his rage he slaughtered all the heroes and villains all over the Earth, including Superman. He is beyond the point where there's no redemption for him."

Diana: "Then what do we do?"

Michael: "We have to destroy him, it is the only way to save the multiverse. There are two people in our world that might be able to stop him."

Carol: "Who?"

MIchael: "The Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester. They're not the most powerful beings as they are merely humans, but they have claimed victory against me, my brothers, and my father."

Jessica: "Are you going to be okay Carol?"

Carol: "I don't know, I'm not sure destroying him is the best option."

MIchael: "It would be pointless of you fighting him, he would destroy you again."

Carol: "No, there has to be a way to save him, there has to be right?"

Jessica: "I'm not sure."

???: "Hey Michael."

The girls then see an impala stopping and two people come out of it as Michael recognizes them as the Winchesters.

Michael: "Sam, Dean. I see you heard about what happened on Earth?"

Dean: "I'm pretty sure all of Earth's heroes going to Heaven all at once is a dead give away."

Sam: "Yeah with what (Y/N)'s doing it was all because of God and his mom."

Michael: "I have spoken to my father, this is not God's will or the will of his mother. It is (Y/N)'s."

Dean: "Awesome. So how do we kill this guy?"

Michael: "Castiel has the Spear of the Non-Believer."

Sam: "Let me guess, it's like The Colt and The Equalizer but as a spear."

Michael: "Indeed, let me take you to Castiel."

Michael then snaps his fingers as the Winchesters and the girls are back in Metropolis and they see it's littered with dead bodies of heroes everywhere in the city. Kara then sees Superman's corpse impaled by a broken stop sign as Sam and Dean see Castiel's body on the ground as they head to it.

Dean: "You were his guardian angel Cass, and he just murdered ya."

Diana: "Do you know him?"

Sam: "He was our friend during our time on Earth."

Dean: "Actually he's the first angel we ever met. He sacrificed himself to save us and the world."

Sam: "Yeah, he was our best friend."

Dean: "Now where's the spear?"

Sam: "I think Odin knows."

Dean: "Why Odin?"

Sam then points to the corpse of the All Father Odin as his head was on the ground, his upper torso hanging on ropes by the hands and the lower half on the grund and Dean found the spear impaled on Odin's body.

Diana: *covers her mouth* "I think I am getting sick."

Dean: "Hey greenie, wanna give me a hand?"

Jessica: "Alright."

Jessica uses her ring to make a ladder as Dean goes up it and pulls the spear out of Odin's body as he sees all the corpses of the gods of Olympus behind Odin.

Dean: "Raise your hand if you worship gods of olympus."*sees Diana raises her hand*"(Y/N) went to Olympus and had a killing spree there."

Diana: *gasp*"No!"

Dean: *gets down the ladder*"Alright I got the spear, now all we need to do is find him."

Then the Winchesters and the girls hear something as Sam sees the Milano coming towards them for a crashing landing and on fire.

Sam: "Move!"

They all move out of the way as the Milano then crash lands and explodes onto the ground. They all look up to the night sky and they see that there are no stars or planets in the sky.

Dean: "Sam, what time is it?"

Sam: *checks the time*"It's noon Dean."

Doris: "What happened to the sun?"

Selina: "And what happened to the stars and planets?"

???: "I happened."

Everyone then sees you heading the head of Thanos and you drop it onto the ground and crush it with your foot.

(Y/N): "Earth is the only thing left in all of existence."

Dean: "So we're all that is left?"

(Y/N): "Indeed."

Doris: "You have to stop doing this! You're not a monster!"

Dean: "I know a monster when I see one, my brother and I took down God and his sister Amara and came on top."

Sam: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Even with the spear you won't defeat me."

Dean: "Oh it's not us you have to worry about, it's him."

You then turn around and see the surviving Watchers as they use their powers to put you in a dimensional cage.

The Watcher: "This cage you reside in now will only be opened by your faith and your faith alone. You cannot escape this cage."

We then see the Archangels grab the cage and take you to Hell as everything in the multiverse has been restored as it was once before. All the people you killed have come back to life.

The Watcher: "The world will forever know him as a creature of destruction and nothing more."

Then the watchers head back to their respective universes as the girls turn to each other.

Babs: " Soo....what do we do now?"

Diana: "I do not know Barbara."

Dean: "I'll tell you what to do, leave him down there and never bring him back up. It worked with Lucifer and Michael, it will work with him as well."

Sam: "His lack of faith in God means he has no faith in other people as-" *gets slapped hard by Carol*"Ow! What?!"


Sam: *nervously* "U-u-uh w-well I....uh."

Dean: "Oh come on were the two greatest hunters-"*gets grabbed in a choke hold by Carol*"Agh! Ah! Let me go!"


The following words that Carol used were very colorful which shocked the girls that someone with the violet light of love could have such a vocabulary which scared the two hunter brothers.

Diana: "What kind of dictionary was she reading?"

Babs: "I have no idea."

Kara: "Dude she's scary."


Dean and Sam: *scared*"Y-y-yes ma'am."

Dean: "Alright we'll help."

Sam: "Just a heads up though, this might blow up in your-"*sees Carol's glare*" U-u-uh n-n-never mind."

Later, in Hell, we see you being shunned at by all the demons of Hell.

Demon: "You monster!"

Demon 2: "You make The Devil look like a nice guy!"

We see you sitting in despair in your own cage as we see a demon named Crowley walk to your cage.

Crowley: "Hello Administrator."*gets no response from you*"Not much of a talker are you?"

(Y/N): " ....I'm a monster....that's who I am."

Crowley: "I see that faith of yours is gone forever, I know we just met but I know you already cause we have a lot in common."

(Y/N): *sarcastically*"What, you got abused by your mom and killed your entire family?"

Crowley: "Okay not that much in common, but I can help you."

(Y/N): "Help me how?"

Crowley: "If you want to put your killing to use, I think I know a company where you can put your talents to use."

(Y/N): "Really? Because in case you haven't noticed demons here hate me."

Crowley: "Then don't make them hate you, make them....fear you."

(Y/N): "And how am I gonna do that? I'm stuck in this God forsaken cage."

Crowley then pulls out a key and shows it to you.

Crowley: "Consider this your early release."

Crowley then unlocks the cage making it disappear as you got up and stretched a bit.

(Y/N): " Okay and where's this special company."

Crowley: " Okay right now where in Pentagram City, And the company is in Imp city."

???: "Crowley."

You and Crowley then see Lucifer as he snaps his fingers and puts you back in the cage again.

Lucifer: "What did I tell you about talking to this guy?"

Crowley: *secretly gives you another key* " Gotcha."

Lucifer then snaps his fingers and destroys the second key.

Lucifer: "You're not going to free him."

Crowley: "Oh don't worry I'm not, he's going to free himself."

Lucifer: " Oh really and how is he going to do that? He has no faith."

Crowley: "True but that doesn't mean he can still kill. And besides, he's right behind you."

Lucifer: *sees that you're not behind him*"Nice try man."*to Crowley*"And by the way, I got off the phone with I.M.P and they're not taking him cause he killed them before he got into the cage and everything went back to normal."

Crowley: "But-"

Lucifer: "Want me to smite you? No? Then leave."

Crowley then leaves the area as you see Lucifer walk to you.

Lucifer: "Just like the people of Earth 2149, you have no faith in god because-"


Lucifer: *flinches a little*"Oh really now?"

(Y/N): "Yes really you horn headed freak, it's because of him I'm like this, it's because of him I lost everything, and it's because of him I want to kill him, So answer my question Lucy who do you think the real monster here, God or me?"

Lucifer: "Yeah considering you wiped out most of all of existence, I'm leaning towards you, bye."

Lucifer then flies out of the room as you continue to sit in the cage in despair. You can still hear the voices of your mother in your head. We then see a succubus pop star look at you and see that you're in despair, her name is Verosika Mayday.

(Y/N): "What, come to call me a monster too?!"

Verosika then leaves the area as she feels sorry about you. We then Castiel appear in front of you.

Castiel: "I have something to say to you. Your mother wasn't speaking to the lord, she was speaking to someone else. She was speaking to someone that you call SCP-001."

(Y/N): "The Scarlet King."

Castiel: "He knew you that you will gain power that surpasses God's and he made your mother think she's speaking to him and not God. You have the power to destroy all of existence and you nearly succeeded in his mission to destroy all of existence."

(Y/N): "So he's the reason I'm like this?!"

Castiel: "Yes."

Castiel then sees the scars on you disappearing as the cage shattered to pieces as a sign that you regain your faith.

Castiel: "You have your faith back, what are you gonna do now?"

(Y/N): "First things first."

You then kick Castiel in the nards making scream and fall down.

Castiel: *in pain*"What was that for?"

(Y/N): "That was for not telling me sooner!"

Castiel: "I'm sorry, anyways we need to remove your powers somehow."

(Y/N): "And just how are you gonna do that? It's not like there's a demon that'll help us."

Castiel: "True, but there is someone who can help us with that."

???: "Hello."

You and Castiel turn to see a woman in a black dress appear out of nowhere, her name is Amara.

Amara: "I am Amara, God's sister."

(Y/N): "So you're gonna help me?"

Amara: "Of course, what my brother creates, I can destroy."

Amara then waves her hand at you as a stream of energy comes out of you and it goes into her mouth.

(Y/N): "Did it work?"

Amara: "Try smiting me."

You then snap your fingers and nothing happened to Amara.

(Y/N): "It worked, I'm normal."

Amara: "If you want your powers back, just find me."

Amara then teleports out of the area as you turn to Castiel.

(Y/N): "I'm a normal human now."

Castiel: "This is bad."

(Y/N): " Why?"

Castiel: "Humans are not supposed to be down here."

(Y/N): "Okay and what happens if they do find out I'm a non-anomalous human?"

Castiel: " A lot of things can happen."

(Y/N): " Well can you send me back to the human world? Before anything else happens to me."

Castiel: "Alright."

Before you know it, you are sitting on a couch in a house that looks like a hippie lives and you look out the window and see that you're back in Metropolis.

(Y/N): "Dang it Castiel, where did you send me?"

Jessica: *comes in to the room while talking to herself* "Oh man I can't believe (Y/N) would do all of that all because of his mom."*sighs*"If only I could see him again."*sees you and gasps in shock*

(Y/N): "Um....hi?"

Jessica: *pulls out her phone**takes a picture of you and send a text*"Carol, come to my house right now."

Carol: *over text*"Nice try Cruz, it's not funny, I saw that picture already."

Jessica: *via text*"No it's (Y/N) for real this time."

When then see Carol burst down the door off of it's hinges and she comes into the room and sees you.

Carol: *hugs you*"(Y/N)! You're alive!"

(Y/N): *turns blue*"Agh! Carol, please you're crushing my lungs!"

Carol: *lets go*"Sorry. How did you get out of the cage the watchers made for you?"

(Y/N): "I got my faith back. My mother wasn't a follower of God, she was a follower of The Scarlet King."

Jessica: "Uh who?"

(Y/N): "The Scarlet King was one of several siblings and throughout his life existence brought him nothing but pain. So in his quest to destroy all of existence he absorbed the power of his siblings, impregnated his sister and his daughters to create some of the SCPs that are in containment. I think he used my mother's faith in God and posed as God to make me his weapon, and I nearly completed his mission."

Carol: " So that's why you snapped, it wasn't because of you, it was because of this Scarlet guy."*hugs you*"I knew you wouldn't do something that evil to you but you wouldn't have done it if someone forced you too."

(Y/N): "Yeah, but in order to ensure the safety of all of existence I let God's sister Amara take away my powers and reduce me to a normal human."

Carol: "So that means-"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I don't have any powers now. Now I know how Babs feels."

Babs: *via text*"Hey!"

Jessica: "During your whole universe and god smashing phase, did you destroy the universe that you made?"

(Y/N): "I did. Oh man, all that work I put into that is gone. And it was my house too."

Jessica: " can stay with me if you want."

Carol: "If he stays, so will I."

Jessica: "Uh okay I guess the two of you can stay here."

(Y/N): "Thanks Jess, with or without powers I'm still the Administrator of the Foundation."

Jessica: "Does that mean there will be people who will watch my house from every angle?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Jessica: "Great."

(Y/N): *calls some handymen*"Gentlemen, repair Jessica's door please."

Then some repair men showed up and then repaired Jessica's front door.

(Y/N): "Thank you gentlemen."

Repairman: "You're welcome Administrator."

The repairmen then leave the house as Jessica turns to you with a shocked expression.

Jessica: "Were they undercover Foundation agents?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Then two women come into the room and they see you, Jessica, and Carol. Their names are Siobhan and Angela Cruz.

Siobhan: "Jessica sweetie, are these two friends from school?"

Jessica: " Well I wouldn't say friend, more like an acquaintance."

Carol: "Hey I got over Hal didn't I?"

Angela: "Oh you're that girl that Jessica talked about, the one who got broken up over text on Valentine's Day. It breaks my heart when that happens to a beautiful girl like you."

Siobhan: *turns to you*"And who's this boy?"

Carol: "He's my boyfriend."

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you. Wait, are you two married?"

Angela: "We certainly are."

Siobhan: "Is that going to be a problem?"

(Y/N): "Oh no, no, of course not I don't discriminate against same gender relationships, I think it's nice you two love each other."

Angela: "Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?"

(Y/N): "I was raised on a farm isolated from society and my mother's belief in God prevented me from getting vaccinated and she thought I was harboring The Devil inside of me so she make me whip myself while she chants some form of latin or enochian to banish The Devil, she then sees me more of a demon than a human until I was at the breaking point of killing her and the rest of my family out of rage."

Angela: "Oh my goodness that's awful."

Siobhan: *hugs you*"No child should ever go through something like that."

(Y/N): "This is the first time I experience love from a mother. Your uh not gonna kill me are you?"

Siobhan: "Heavens no! Of course not, we don't do anything violent."*gets an idea*"Jessica, we are letting him stay here with us and give him the family love that he deserves."

Jessica: "My thoughts exactly."

(Y/N): " So does this mean we could stay?"

Angela: "Of course sweetie."*gives you mommy kisses*"Welcome home."

(Y/N): "Thank you, Ms. and Mrs. Cruz."

Angela: "You're welcome."

Later, at dinner, we see you eating a salad and tofu with Carol and the Cruz family and you have something to tell them.

(Y/N): "Ms. and Mrs. Cruz, I have something to say."

Siobhan: "What is it sweetie?"

(Y/N): "If I'm gonna live here, I need you all to keep it a secret from everyone."

Angela: " Why?"

(Y/N): "It would lead to a worldwide panic if you do tell people this. You see there is an organization called the SCP Foundation, an organization built to Secure, Contain, and Protect the supernatural from the eyes of the world and other people who want to use them for purposes that would lead to the end of the world and I am it's Administrator."

Siobhan: "Um what?"

Jessica: *sighs*"He did some awful stuff and a lot of people hate him now and he's asking that you don't tell anyone about him or his organization."

Angela: "Oh I see."

Carol: "Yeah they think he's still a criminal so it's best that he stays low for now until this blows over."

Angela: " Okay we won't tell anyone."

(Y/N): "Alrighty then."*gives Angela and Siobhan Level 3 security clearances*"Here are two Level 3 Clearances, they will help you gain access to some of the Foundation's archives and SCPs."

Siobhan: " Thank you."

(Y/N): "Your first orientation to the SCP Foundation is tomorrow, you will experience the most basic of anomalies in our long line of SCPs."

Angela: " Okay but what if they ask about you?"

(Y/N): "I'll tell the Foundation that I was under the influence of The Scarlet King."

Carol: "Yeah."

Jessica: "Ok that'll work."

Next: Chapter 6: SCP-021 "Skin Wyrm"

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