Chapter 6: SCP-021 "Skin Wyrm"

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Here we see Angela and Siobhan Cruz walking down the halls after their orientation into the SCP Foundation and they're heading to a cell to meet their first SCP. When they enter the cell they see a shirtless D-Class on a bed and he looks like he's in constant pain.

D-Class: "IT HURTS SO MUCH!!!"

Siobhan: " Oh my, what's wrong with him?"

D-Class: "This tattoo is hurting me!"

The girls then see an animate tattoo of a Chinese dragon.

Angela: "How can a tattoo hurt someone?"

???: "Allow me to explain."

Both the girls then see you enter the room and you turn to the D-Class.

(Y/N): "SCP-021 moves along the body like a snake and it's a parasitic entity. Every movement of SCP-021 is like thousands of needles poking and piercing his skin while at the same time a laser is removing a tattoo at the same time."

Angela: "And this is why I say tattoos are dangerous."

(Y/N): "The entity itself does not have human intelligence, it's main food source is other tattoos or the melanin produced by the human body."

Siobhan: "Goodness that's frightful."

(Y/N): "Oh and get this, the benefit from the entity itself that it can increase the epinephrine and lactic acid build up of the host's body to help it increase muscle mass and strength while at the same time make the human mentally unstable and prone to anger and rage."

Siobhan: "Yikes."

Angela: "Anything else?"

(Y/N): "Well the current host can transfer SCP-021 to a new host through lip contact or sexual intercourse which is the most effective means of transfer, but that method has not been used for a long time so the next best method is through a cut on the current host body and the new host body and put both cuts together so that SCP-021 swims onto the new host."

Angela: "So like a native American blood bond?"

(Y/N): "Essentially yeah it's like that. Research on SCP-021's origin has dated back to ancient China and research into life as a 2 dimensional being is ongoing."

Siobhan: " Wow, is there anything else about this tattoo?"

(Y/N): "Well it does cause permanent skin damage from all the consumption of melanin in the body leaving patches of skin white with no color."

Angela: "Is there any way to remove the tattoo if there's no one around to pass it on?"

(Y/N): "Well the tattoo will still eat other tattoos and melanin even after the death of its current host."

Siobhan: "Yikes, aren't there any other of these SCPs that are harmless?"

(Y/N): "We do have some benign SCPs around here. But be patient, you'll get to meet them eventually. For now you're working with Dr. Bright with this SCP."

Angela: " Who's Dr.Bright?"

(Y/N): "If you see someone with an odd looking necklace, that's Dr. Bright. He'll be here shortly, he's just finding a new suit to try on."

Then we see a woman come into the room and she has the necklace that you were talking about, this woman is Dr. Jack Bright.

Dr. Bright: "Hey sorry I'm late, I misplaced my chainsaw cannon."

(Y/N): "Confiscated is more like it."

Dr.Bright: "It was not confiscated, I just misplaced it."

(Y/N): "Actually I told the guards to take your chainsaw cannon out of your office, you're not allowed to have one of those anyways."

Siobhan: "Wait, you said that Dr. Bright is a he not a she."

Dr. Bright: "Oh everything about me is in this amulet around my neck, I started out as a guy until a containment breach of a dangerous SCP who can make weapons out of nowhere and is very hard to beat killed me and my soul was transferred into the amulet."

Siobhan: "How bad was it?"

Dr.Bright: "Very bad, now I'm immortal I can pretty much outlive everyone. This necklace is also an SCP, but I can explain the details even further later, but for now let's get to researching SCP-021."

Angela: "Sounds good to me."

Later, we see you doing some paperwork until you hear a voice from someone that was gone forever.

???: "Hello son."

You turn to the source of the voice and you see it's a hallucination of your birth mother.

(Y/N): "No.... noyou're dead on a conceptual level!"

Your mother: "Can't keep me down forever."*pulls out a crowbar*" You know a lot about hallucinations right, that they become strong enough that they interact with you, like this!"

Your mother bashed you with a crowbar with all of her might as you were badly bruised and several of your bones are broken. You tried to catch the crowbar but it went past your hand.

Your mother: "You can't touch me, but I can touch you!"

Several hours later, we see the O5 council, the commanding officer of the Red Right Hand, and The Ethics Committee Enter the room for their meeting with you as they see you heavily injured on the floor.

O5-13: "Administrator!"

Ethics Committee member: "Commander, get a medical team in here! Pronto!"

Commander: "Yes sir!"

Later, we saw you at the infirmary and the girls were sitting around you. They were worried about you.

Angela: "How did this even happen? No one else was with him."

Siobhan: "Is there an SCP that can be invisible?"

The doctor: "SCP-347 may be an escape artist but she's not that violent, and also the only people who talk to him in the Foundation are selected staff, the O5 Council, The Red Right Hand, and the Ethics Committee. It'll take weeks or months for him to get back on his feet, and that's on the wounds healing as for the mental trauma it would take longer."

Angela: "Hmm, was there anything on the security cameras that could have picked up on what did this to (Y/N)?"

Commander: "Actually ma'am, there was nothing on the cameras. So we take it as either an anti meme or some form of a powerful hallucination. This was either caused by the Chaos Insurgency or the Global Occult Coalition."

Siobhan: "But how can a hallucination hurt someone if they can't touch people, can they?"

O5-06: "A Little Mister named Mr. Mad or SCP-2428 is a hallucination formed from reading a paper that has the info about Mr. Mad and the interactions between SCP-2428 and the person who sees him can interact with each other physically like non-anomalous humans would."

O5-01: "We shall form a meeting at once."

Later, all 13 members of the O5 Council formed a meeting to discuss the matters of your safety.

O5-01: "The meeting of the O5 Council will be discussing the safety of The Administrator. Fellow O5, please state the added security measures for The Administrator's safety."

O5-13: "I suggest we use SCP-2428 and have him interact with the hallucination that The Administrator is experiencing."

O5-12: "But what if the hallucination becomes too hostile for the Administrator and the SCP? It would lead to the death and neutralization of the Administrator and the SCP."

O5-07: "O5-12 has a point, we need to find a way to counteract this hallucination's anomalous effects on the Administrator."

???: "I'll help."

The O5 Council then saw Castiel appear in the room.

Castiel: "I have done this before, I can prevent the hallucination from causing further damage."

O5-02: "Are you sure about this Poi-3908?"

Castiel: "I'm positive, also my name is Castiel."

O5-01: "Alright, Castiel ridding The Administrator's hallucinations all in favor?"*sees all most of their hands raised*"All opposed?"*see the rest of the hands raised*

O5-05: "O5-01, are you sure this would work? The Administrator is a powerful influence to the Foundation even more powerful than us. What if this hallucination is as strong as he is or even stronger?"

Castiel: "If that happens, I know someone who can take away the hallucination's abilities to render it harmless."

Later, we see both Castiel and Lucifer standing around you and he sees you completely injured.

Lucifer: "Wow, whatever happened to him is really bad even for me and that's saying something since I'm The Devil."

Castiel: "Yeah, I looked into his memory, apparently a hallucination of his late mother did this."

Lucifer: "(your mom's name) did this?"

Castiel: "Yes she did."

Lucifer: "How? I thought hallucinations couldn't touch mortals."

Castiel: "Apparently this is one did. There are things in the line of the world that is anomalous even to us."

Lucifer: "I'm getting the other Archangels for this one."

???: "We're already here brother."

Lucifer and Castiel then see all the other archangels in the room. They gather around you and they use their powers to see your hallucination of your late mother.

Michael: "You."

Your mom: "Y-your an archangel please I want to go to-"

Michael: "No."

Your mom: "W-what?"

Michael: "You're not going to Heaven."

Michael then snaps his fingers as nothing happened to your late mother. Michael then snaps his fingers several times as fear builds up inside of him as your mother then walks to him and pulls out a knife and stabs him in the heart as white light bursts out of his eyes and mouth. Meanwhile we see the Superhero and Supervillain girls go to the infirmary and they see the corpses of all the archangels and Lucifer himself on the floor and they see you injured in bed and they see Castiel heavily injured.

Kara: "What the heck?"

Castiel: "(Y/N)'s hallucinations are more powerful than I thought."

Zee: "Wait what do you mean powerful?"

Castiel: "His hallucination of his mother, there's nothing that can stop her."

Jessica: "There has to be a way to help him."

Castiel: "All these people in here are the Archangels of Heaven, the oldest and strongest beings in the Heavens and they couldn't scratch (your mom's name)."

Carol: " Wait, what about that lady help (Y/N) could she help?"

Castiel: "Amara, the sibling of God? Maybe she can help us."

Then the lights begin to flicker as black smoke surrounds everyone in the room until it clears out and Amara appears in the room.

Amara: "Someone said my name?"*turns to you* "Yikes, what happened to him?"

Lucifer: "His mom happened."

Amara: "(your mom's name) that prude has been sentenced to hell I couldn't find her soul."

Castiel: "That's because (Y/N) destroyed her on a conceptual level."

Amara: "And yet she's still torturing her son. Well if my brother can't help him, then I will."

Diana: "You have a sibling, who is he?"

Amara: "God of course."

Jessica: "The bible never mentioned God having a sister."

Amara: "Oh I know, typical God missing certain details like his kin."

Zee: "So how do you beat a hallucination?"

Amara: "I'll get a look at what the hallucination can do first."

Amara then places a finger on your forehead and she sees your hallucination.

Your mother: "Who are you?"

Amara: "At the beginning there was darkness and God said let there be light. I am God's sister The Darkness, but you can call me Amara."

Your mother: "Are you gonna take me to Heaven?"

Amara: "Let me answer the question by asking you one, do you deserve to go to Heaven?"

Your mother: "I kept the demon that is my son in check before I died."

Amara: "Tell you what sister, you're not going to Heaven."

Amara then snaps her fingers and nothing happens to your mother.

Amara: "What the? What's going on?"

Amara then continues to snap her fingers as fear builds up to her as your mother stab Amara in the heart as bits of light cracks her open and obliterates her as the girls notice the shadows on the floor are gone.

Diana: "That is not good."

The girls then see the readings on the monitors as your body begins to move erratically as your heart readings are through the roof even though you're in a coma. Then more cuts and knife wounds appear on your body as the girls see this happening.

Carol: "Someone get a doctor!"

Zee: "I'm on it!'

Zee then goes out and finds a doctor as your head then got sliced off from a meat cleaver as the girls didn't see who it was. The readings on the monitors flatlined after the girls saw what happened.

Carol: "No please (Y/N)! I just got you back! I don't wanna lose you again!"

Kara: "How is this happening? No one else is here!"

Babs: " Wait, maybe not here it must be happening in his mind."

Diana: "What do you mean?"

Babs: "Think about it, if his mom can fight Amara and the others then maybe she's fighting (Y/N) inside his dream."

Jessica: " So that's how she keeps winning."

Your whole body then catches fire and is then reduced to a skeleton as the girls saw it happen.

Carol: "No! (Y/N) please you have to win this! Your mom isn't here, she can't destroy you! You're stronger than this!"

Meanwhile in Hell, we see you get up in the streets and your new demonic form is kinda the same as your human form with the exception of the SCP Foundation's emblem on your forehead, red skin, and horns on your head along with your stinger-like tail.

(Y/N): "Great back here again, because of her."

You then look to see a hotel and you head to it as you head into the hotel and you find the front desk. There you saw a girl in a red suit.

Charlie: *sees you*"Hi there, welcome to the happy hotel."

(Y/N): " Um hi there, I'm here to-"*sees a spear being pointed at you*"Um."

You turn to a girl that looks like a moth in appearance.

Vaggie: "YOU!"

Charlie: "Vaggie, put the spear away."*to you*"Sorry she's a bit overprotective."

Vaggie: "Charlie, he's the most wanted man in the Multiverse, he literally killed everyone and destroyed everything in the Multiverse except for this Earth!"


Vaggie and Charlie flinched a little from your outburst.

(Y/N): "The Scarlet King made me do it, okay."

Charlie: "Oh well you can check into a room if you'd like."

(Y/N): "Thanks, this wouldn't have happened if my mom didn't try to kill me."

Vaggie: "Your mom did this?"

(Y/N): "Yeah and why would you care?"

Then another demon comes into the room and you turn to the demon as the rest of the hotel staff sees the demon.

Husk: "Huh, that makes 3 guests here."*Sees you*"Hey I know you your the-"

Vaggie: " Husk no, it- It wasn't his fault it was-"

Husk: "The Scarlet King?"

(Y/N): "You knew?"

Husk: "Yeah, most of the guys I hang out with at the bar told me a lot about that Scarlet King guy. Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean I'm smart."

(Y/N): "Okay so you know anything else?"*sees his name tag*"Husk."

Husk: "You mean like how your crazy mom killed ya?"

Charlie: "How did you know that?"

Husk: "I took a wild guess. That crazy prude is supposed to be in Hell."

(Y/N): "Well I destroyed her on a conceptual level, meaning the very concept of her existence is destroyed."

Charlie: "But how can she kill you if she was destroyed?"

(Y/N): "It was a hallucination of her, she was relentless, not even angels, archangels, Castiel, Amara, even Lucifer himself couldn't beat her."

Charlie: "Wait, my dad couldn't beat her?"

(Y/N): "Your father is dead."

Charlie: "What?!"

(Y/N): "My mother killed him."

Charlie: "B-but-but that's impossible no one can beat my dad."

(Y/N): "Well my mom did, your dad's power doesn't work on her."

Vaggie: "How?"

The demon: "Cause the Scarlet King empowered her."

The demon then turns into a humanoid entity made out of a black liquid and then grabs you by the neck.

Husk: "Who the Hell are you!?"

The Shadow: "Don't you know where demons, angels, and beings like God and Amara go when they die?"

Angel Dust: "Um double hell?"

The Shadow: "The Empty and I'm it's ruler. (Y/N) here is supposed to be sent to The Empty since his powers ascended him to the point where if he kicks the bucket, he will be laid to rest in The Empty. I'm just here to pick him up."

(Y/N): "I'm not going anywhere, people up there are depending on me. This wouldn't have happened if my mom didn't kill me."

The Shadow: "Wait (your mom names) did this to you?"

(Y/N): "Yeah why?"

The Shadow: "She was supposed to be in Hell, how can she kill you?"

(Y/N): " It was a hallucination of her, she did this to me. All because she wants to go to Heaven."

The Shadow: "Well you're coming with me and that's final."

Vaggie: *gets in front of you*"He's not going anywhere."

The Shadow: "But-"

Charlie: "You heard her, he's not going anywhere."

The Shadow: "They really care for you huh?"

(Y/N): "Yeah they do."

The Shadow: "Alright fine, I won't take you away just yet, I'll help you out with your mom hallucination problem."

(Y/N): " You're kidding right? You do that not even Charlie's dad or Amara can beat her, their powers don't work on her."

Vaggie: "How come?"

(Y/N): "Well she has power from the Scarlet King."

The Shadow: "So that's how she's immune to Lucifer's power."

(Y/N): "And Amara."

Charlie: "Does this Scarlet King have a weakness?"

The Shadow: "He can't enter our reality yet so he impregnated his daughters because they have a physical presence on Earth."

Vaggie: "But what about the hallucination of (Y/N)'s mom, if she has his power doesn't mean she's, you know, pregnant?"

(Y/N): "The Foundation already has all 7 brides of the Scarlet King and my mother isn't one of them."

Vaggie: "But how is he getting through to your mom?"

The Shadow: "Well the only explanation is that the cult called the Children of The Scarlet King kidnapped a church woman and used a ritual to give her a way to communicate with the Scarlet King and make her think that he's God as well as give her powers.."

Vaggie: "Is there any way to block the communication?"

The Shadow: "Well the only way to break the phone line is to have (Y/N) fight her with his faith."

Angel D: "Well that shouldn't be too hard."

The Shadow: "However, his mother took away his faith before and the inevitable loss of his faith will happen again no matter what (Y/N) does."

Vaggie: "Okay is there another way to break the communication?"

The Shadow: "Hey I may be powerful but I'm not in the same ballpark as God or Amara. But the only solution is to put (Y/N) to rest in The Empty so that she would die out in the next 500 to 4000 years."

Charlie: " We don't have that kind of time how else can we-"

(Y/N): "I'll do it, I'll fight my mom, with or without my faith."

The Shadow: " What? Are you nuts?"

(Y/N): "Someone has to do something right? I'm not just gonna run away because my mom wants to kill me, I don't care if I don't have my faith or not, if this continues Heaven and Hell will be destroyed and next will be The Empty."

The Shadow: "You sure you wanna do this?"

(Y/N): "I will."

The Shadow: "Alright, better hope you know what you're doing."

The Shadow then sends you back to the Foundation back as a human and you see the bloody corpses of multiple guards and researchers on the ground. You then see the hallucination of your own mother standing right in front of you and you try to punch her but you can't touch her.

(Y/N): "Mom please this has to stop."

Your mom: "Why, you're a monster you have to be-"

(Y/N): "You're no better! What do you think God looks for when he sends a soul to Heaven?"

Your mom: "Well if God can't send me to Heaven, I'll just take myself to Heaven!"

(Y/N): "You can't do that only God can do that, only God can bring you to Heaven."

Your mom: "You got out of Hell, so there's a way to Heaven. I took all of the power of the Archangels so I can rest peacefully in Heaven."

(Y/N): "No, that's not how it works."

Your mom: "It is too."

(Y/N): "Fine if you really believe then do it, try to go to Heaven. I won't stop you."

Your mother then smites you and reduces you to a skeleton again as she then takes herself to Heaven. Later, in The Empty, we see you and The Shadow there.

The Shadow: "Well that didn't take long."

(Y/N): "Wait for it."

The Shadow: "Wait for what?"

You and The Shadow then hear someone screaming as you both heard a thud as you and him turned to see your mom.

Your mom: "W-what happened? I-i-i should be in Heaven!"

The Shadow: "Well this is The Empty, the difference between Hell and this place. That there's something in Hell, but in here there's nothing."

The Shadow then snaps it's fingers as your mother then drowns into a pool of black goo from The Shadow's essence.

The Shadow: "Now she's sleeping, now if you excuse me.I'm gonna catch some zs."

(Y/N): "Hang on, send me back to the human world please, talong with the Archangels and Amara."

The Shadow: "Fine"*points to your mom*"What about her?"

(Y/N): "Does anyone but you decide to come back to life?"

The Shadow: "As far as I know, not really."

(Y/N): "Good, then leave her here."

The Shadow: "Alright, hold on tight."

The Shadow then snaps his fingers and the next thing you know you're back on Earth alongside Amara and the archangels on the beach in Malibu.

Amara: "So that's what sleep feels like, quite refreshing."

Michael: "What happened to her?"

(Y/N): "She's in The Empty now, finally asleep."

Lucifer: "Welp, our business is done. Let's go home, gang."

The archangels then fly off as Amara turns to you.

Amara: "Hey (Y/N) what about your hallucination mom is she-"

(Y/N): "Relax, she's in The Empty."

Amara: "Oh good."

(Y/N): " Yeah, thank Amara it's over."

Amara: "It was nothing, but uh aren't you forgetting something?"

(Y/N): "What?"

You then turn to see The Seven arrive as you turn to see Amara is gone.

(Y/N): "What are you morons doing here?"

Queen Maeve: "You're arrested for all the murders you commited, anything you say will be against you in the court of law."

Later, we see you in The Tartarus Prison and you're a neighboring prisoner of Lady Nagant, a hero that has gone villain.

Nagant: "What are you here for?"

(Y/N): *sighs*"Lots of stuff, what about you?"

Nagant: "I killed a fellow Pro Hero cause the current Hero Society is false all because of the Seven."

(Y/N): "You hate them too?"

Nagant: "Oh no, I actually like The Seven. We do Girls Night and stop crime sprees, I train with the guys which I usually win, but I actually hate Homelander to the core."

(Y/N): " I see."*to the prisoners*"Hey everyone, stick your hand out if you all hate The 7 or just Homelander in general."

We then see the USJ Nomu, Stain, Muscular, Overhaul, Moonfish, Kurogiri, and All For One stick their hands out.

Stain: "We all hate Homelander, he's the worst."

All For One: "Of course, he's the worst!"

(Y/N): "Why's the brain guy so quiet?"

All For One: "Oh him, he has no intelligence to speak of."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Kurogiri: "Hey why are you in here anyways? You didn't commit a crime?"

(Y/N): "Look it's a long story but the Scarlet King made me kill everyone that knows and now they all hate me, well almost everyone hates me."

All For One: "Yikes, that's rough kid."

Nagant: "So how many people did you kill exactly?"

(Y/N): "This Earth was the last thing that still exists while everything else was destroyed."

Nagant: "That would explain the night time during 12 pm. Hey don't worry kid, you're gonna be okay with me."

Nagant then turns one of her arms into a rifle and then shoots at one of the guards giving them a warning shot.

Nagant: "Hey I want the kid next to me to be my cellmate or you get a bullet in your skull!"

Guard: "Oh please like your gonna-"

The guard then gets shot in the head as the prisoners were shocked to see you were holding Nagant's arm-rifle.

(Y/N): "You heard her, I'm staying with her."

Guards: "Alright!"

The guards then take you to Nagant's cell and put you in with her.

Guard: "Are you happy now?"

(F/N): " I'm fine, you can go now."

The guards leave as we see you sit down on the bottom bunk as we see Nagant sit with you.

Nagant: "Not bad, kid."

(Y/N): "Thank you, I'm not very fond of Homelander, Superman, or other heroes like them. That is why I blackmailed Vought and Lexcorp to give the Foundation some funding for containing anomalies."

Nagant: "You blackmailed them? Not bad."

(Y/N): "Yep, we also blackmail other billionaires like Tony Stark, Justin Hammer, and Bruce Wayne."

Nagant: "Okay Hammer I get, but Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark, those guys are nice."

(Y/N): "They're also very rich, the Foundation needed the money and I had the dirt to blackmail them all."

Nagant: "Okay, what's the dirt on Tony?"

(Y/N): "He has a secret stash of stuffed animals for kids called beanie babies and as for Bruce Wayne he's a superhero but I'm not gonna say his hero name cause you might want to go to his mansion and try to kill him."

Nagant: "Yeah that's true."

(Y/N): " But the one thing that I want is Homelander dead."

Nagant: "Yeah we all want Homelander dead too."

???: "Maybe I can help you with that."

You and Nagant then see Amara appear in the room.

Nagant: "Who's she?"

(Y/N): "Oh right, this is Amara, she's God's sister."

Nagant: "Wait, since when did God have a sister?"

Amara: "Since the beginning."

Nagant: "Okay so what are you doing here, you gonna break us out?"

Amara: "Yes, but it will be temporary and it will be just you two."

Nagant: "Why temporary?"

Amara: "You both need to live out your sentences. Just because I'm the darkness doesn't mean I don't follow the rules."

Nagant: "Hey sure I deserve it, but he doesn't, he was forced to do something he didn't want to."

Amara: "I know, which is why someone else will break him out."*to you*"(Y/N), I give you your power back and you will have it until Homelander is dead."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Amara places a finger on your forehead and she gives you your powers back.

Amara: "It's done."

(Y/N): "Thank you, so what's the plan?"

Amara: "It's not up to me. It's up to you."

Amara then teleports out of the room while you place a hand on Nagant's shoulder and teleport yourself and her in the middle of the Seven's headquarters as we see Starlight looking directly at the both of you but from her point of view she sees nothing as Nagant was a bit confused on why Starlight doesn't see you or her.

Starlight: "Welp, this place is a bit dusty, better get a duster."

Starlight then leaves the room as Nagant turns to you.

Nagant: "Why didn't she notice us in the room?"

(Y/N): "Anti-meme."

Nagant: "Oh."

We then see Homelander walk into the room as you deactivate the anti meme as Homelander sees you and Nagant.

Homelander: "How did you get in here?"

(Y/N): "Nagant, you might wanna cover your ears."

Nagant: *covers her ears*"Why?"

You then say something as Homelander drops dead onto the floor.

Nagant: "What the heck?! How is he dead already?"

(Y/N): "In order to prevent conspiracy theorists from leaking the existence of the Foundation out in the world, we made words that trigger death to anyone who hears it. Due to the indestructible nature of Homelander, I thought it would be a good idea to say it to him."

Negant: "So you just told him a meme and now he's dead."

(Y/N): "That and the electronics in here are destroyed. Also memes and the kill word are two different things."

Before you and Nagant know it, you are both back in the tartarus prison hold and you see Amara and she took your powers away again.

Amara: "The deed is done."

(Y/N): "Thanks Amara."

Next: Chapter 7: SCP-5999 "This is Where I Died"

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