Chapter 51: SCP-2863 "がしゃどくろ(Gashadokuro)"

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Here we see you in Japan with Kitty as your plus one and you're both at a hotel room.

Kitty: "About time I travel the world for fun and never for a competition."

(Y/N): " Didn't you take a bunch of selfies during a show?"

Kitty: "Yeah but that was for the competition, we don't explore much of the places we go to."*sees a nice view of Tokyo*"What a great view."

Kitty then takes a selfie with the great view of Tokyo as the background.

Kitty: "Too bad Emma can't be here with us."

(Y/N): "The O5 Council gave her overtime, sure hope she's okay?"

Kitty: "Well she is taking her job easy now. So this place is where you might find this Riser guy?"

(Y/N): "We set up a meeting here."

Kitty: "Is it for the boss of SCP-4064?"

(Y/N): "Yes, apparently she feeds on the negative emotions of men."

Kitty: "I've got your Poi document on this Riser, he's such a jerk and a spoiled brat. I don't see what all of those girls or Rias' parents see in him."

(Y/N): "I think the marriage between Rias and Riser is actually born of the fact that pure blooded demons are scarce ever since the war that took place. The marriage is an act of the survival of the species without putting the feelings of Rias into consideration. If the marriage were to happen then Riser would take control of what the House of Gremory has in their hands. So far in the Rating Games, he has won each of them."

Kitty: " Uh, in English."

(Y/N): " He only has 8 wins and 2 losses under his belt. The losses were out of respect and if he didn't forfeit those two times he would have 10 wins under his belt."

Kitty: " And what about the marriage thing?"

(Y/N): " It's an arranged marriage where Rias had no say in it. Basically it's a forced marriage."

Kitty: "Ugh, arranged marriages are the worst."

(Y/N): "And get this, his sister Ravel Phenex is part of his peerage. And the women of the Foundation speculated that he might have an incestual relationship with his sister."

Kitty: " Eww! That is all kinds of wrong!"

(Y/N): "The relationship is unorthodox to say the least, but it could be proven true due to the current circumstances of the pure blooded demons. Since the war has taken its toll on all 3 sides, with the majority of losses going to the Fallen Angels. However the victor of the war remains inconclusive due to the battle between two powerful dragons, if the dragons continue their battle then Angels, Demons, Humans, and Fallen Angels would be extinct so they are forced to work together to defeat the two dragons."

Kitty: "Yeah, yeah I read about all that stuff. Can you tell what will happen if Riser does marry Rias?"

(Y/N): "Considering the fact that demons commonly reside in Hell beneath the Earth. It is theorized that Riser's marriage with Rias would trigger an SK-Class "Dominance Shift Scenario" and extinguish all of humanity due to his hubris that demons are in his mind a superior species."

Kitty: "Better beat him (Y/N) for the sake of the world."

(Y/N): "Of course."

Kitty: "So how are you gonna fight him?"

(Y/N): "A simple game of chess."

Later, we see you set up a 4D Chess set as you see Riser and his peerage show up and see this.

Yubelluna: " What is all this?"

(Y/N): "An alternative to resorting to fisticuffs. You see, even academics and scholars can defeat powerful opponents. That is why I set up 4D Chess. Great minds can overcome those with great power."

Riser: "Riser accepts the challenge."

(Y/N): "I'll name the terms, if you win you can have full control of the Foundation and if I win you relinquish your peerage to me and revoke your marriage to Rias Gremory."

Kitty: " And break up with your sister!"

Ravel: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "The majority of women came to the conclusion that you and Riser were in a incestual relationship."

Ravel: "WHAT!?! EW!!?! He's my brother! We don't have that kind of a relationship!!!"

Riser: "Well...Riser was thinking about having that kind-"

Ravel: "Ew! If anyone needs me I'll be getting snacks!"

Ravel then storms out of the room as Riser's peerage turns to Riser.

Riser: "What?"

Yubelluna: *slaps Riser* "How dare you?!"

Ni and Li: *punch Riser in the gut* " You were gonna do the dirty with lady Ravel!"

(Y/N): "Well I think he's just considering all the pros and cons before execution. Shall we begin the game?"

Riser: "Let's begin."

Several hours later, you moved your queen and put Riser's King in a position that is impossible to get out of as it was checkmate.

(Y/N): "Checkmate."

Riser: " What?! No! Best 2 out of 3!"

(Y/N): "Alrighty then."

3 more games later, you still achieved a checkmate against Riser.

(Y/N): "That's 3 games. Your limited mindset can't overcome the collective experience I have from my years of the Foundation. Every enemy of the Foundation in the world is a chess piece, by simply using my pieces to accomplish containing an SCP or simply steal it back from a group of interest. It was all planned out, we are the same people that keep the Scarlet King at bay, kept an indestructible super lizard in check, and in an alternate reality use SCPs to slay all of humanity just to smoke out a memetic entity that was controlling humanity from the shadows."

Kitty: " In English."

(Y/N): "We secure, contain, and protect anomalies from humanity by any means necessary."

Riser: "That may be true, but Riser is not impressed by the Foundation."

(Y/N): "We even contained God."

Riser and his peerage were shocked and surprised by the fact that your Foundation contained God.

Riser: "Impossible!"

(Y/N): "Though we don't actually have any means of containing him, the fact that we exist as an organization has placed him in containment and he has been a benign SCP ever since we got him from Prague. He expressed interest in our work and his curiosity has gotten the best of him."

Ravel: " Wow, You're bluffing!"

???(God): "It is true."

We then see God appear in the room and turn to Riser as everyone sees him.

God: "As the old saying goes curiosity killed the cat. And my curiosity has led me to the Foundation and I was willing to let them take me to one of their sites. They come to be enlightened by my presence and I have not caused them any trouble."

Yubelluna: " Oh, that's interesting."

God: "I'll be going now my children, may we meet again next time."

God then teleports back to the Foundation leaving you, Kitty, Riser, and his peerage.

(Y/N): "A deal is a deal Riser."

Riser: *cries in tears from a broken heart*"Fine!!!"

Later at night, we see you and the girls at a sushi restaurant where we see you all eating sushi.

Yubellena: "Thank you for that (Y/N)."

Ni: " Yeah, Riser never takes us out for sushi."

Ravel: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Well things are gonna get brighter from here."

Then power to the entire city went out as you and the girls saw it happened.

Li: " Bad choice of words, new master."

Kitty: "Oh no the power is out."

(Y/N): "Oh boy."

Yubellena: "What's wrong?"

(Y/N): "SCP-2863."

Kitty then looks out the window and she sees an instance of SCP-2863 looking back at her.

Kitty: "A giant spooky skeleton. Isn't it a bit early for a Halloween parade?"*pulls out her phone and takes a selfie with SCP-2863*"That's a keeper."

Li and Ni: "Gashadokuro!"

Kitty: " Gasha what now?"

Li: "Gashadokuro is a giant skeleton that consumes the flesh of humans!"

Ni: "They are dark spirits!"

(Y/N): "And it's a Keter class SCP, we need to move!"

You and the girls get out of the restaurant as the SCP-2863 instances then chase you.

Kitty: *to Ni and Li* " If you two know so much about this thing then how do we take it down?!"

You then pull out a flashbang grenade and then pull the pin and throw it at an instance as it gives off a powerful bright light to make the 2863 instances lose their corporeal form.

(Y/N): "The Foundation discovered that they're weak to light at 1.1 lux."

Isabella: "Of course, they're dark spirits and they hate the light."

You then see MTF Omicron-3 with powerful floodlights as they use them to stop the SCP-2863 instances.

Kitty: " Did it work?"

The skeletons then lose their corporeal forms as the surviving 2863 instances make a retreat into the forests.

(Y/N): "Gentlemen, protect the civilians and get the city's generator back on."

Commander: "You heard him! Move out!"

Half of the soldiers went on to protect civilians while the other half headed to the city's power station to get the power back on. Later on, we see you and the girls in a transport car taking you all somewhere safe.

Kitty: "(Y/N), tell me more about SCP-2863."

(Y/N): "The SCP describes not one giant human skeleton but rather a whole species of them. They lack any form of organs and despite that they eat the blood of humans which can be seen being absorbed into their bones. Despite their size they are stealthy and survivors have described them to have a chattering sound from either their teeth or from their bones. The Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency or IJAMEA was in charge of containment of these entities but that responsibility has been given to the Foundation after WWII. These creatures were created from a mass death of a concentrated suffering of others.,"

Kitty: " So they're giant skeleton people?"

(Y/N): "Of course, the Foundation has taken account of 203 known instances. But 3 new instances were created in the process. The first one was found in Nanjing, China in 1938 which was created from a massacre from the WWII era and there were 300 thousand deaths. The second came from Fukukoa City, Japan in 1946 where there was a massive bombing in the area. And in 2011, 40 meters from Tōhoku, Japan a new instance appeared. The first instance had crushed bones, the 2nd looks like it suffered intense burning, and the 3rd has no teeth which is common from extreme radiation poisoning. This further proves that the creation of these entities are connected to human misery."

Kitty: " Wow, that is so dark."

Karlamine: "What is the IJAMEA?"

(Y/N): "During World War 2, it was Japan's answer to the Foundation. They researched anomalies in the name of the emperor during World War 2 but were disbanded when the war ended."

Kitty: " Why?"

(Y/N): "Ever since the war ended all of those with the IJAMEA were disbanded but they're secretly alive and they tried to spread communist control over Japan and East Asia."

Kitty: " Wow, how are you supposed to keep track of all of these Gois?"

(Y/N): "We contain the anomalies that have any mention of them or have a history with them."

Kitty: " Oh okay."

You and the girls then see all the lights in Tokyo were turned back on. Sometime later, we see you and the girls at the city's power grid and you see the MTF soldiers investigating the cause of the black out.

(Y/N): "Commander, what was the cause of the black out?"

Commander: "Sabotage sir, it was incendiary in the approach sir."

(Y/N): "Was it the Chaos Insurgency?"

Commander: "Negative sir, camera footage only showed one person. I think it was unintentional sir. It was Riser sir."

Ni: " Riser, why would he do that?"

Commander: "I think he was throwing a tantrum and it was payback for something."

You then pull out a device that makes a portal to Hell.

(Y/N): "Let's have a talk with his parents."

Later, we see you and the girls at the Gremory household as you see that the marriage agreement between Riser and Rias getting revoked.

(Y/N): "Greetings."

Everyone in the room then turns to you.

(Y/N): "Riser caused a black out in Tokyo and cause a large invasion of SCP-2863 instances in the area."

Lady Phenex: "Riser, is this true?"

Riser: "Absolutely not, I don't know what this plebeian is talking about."

(Y/N): *pulls out a flashdrive* "The security footage has Riser in the Tokyo power grid."

You then put the drive into a laptop as you then showed it to everyone as they saw Riser having a tantrum and threw a fireball at the main generator which caused a black out in Tokyo. The sounds of chattering teeth can be heard in the background. The feed then shows 3 instances of SCP-2863 trying to get him as you recognize them as -204,--205, and -206.

(Y/N): "Looks like Riser had an encounter with SCP-2863-205 to 206. You can tell that they have broken bones, covered in ashes, and missing teeth from radiation poisoning. What are the odds of that. You should've played the lottery."

Lady Phenex: "Riser, you are grounded for a month."

Riser: " What?! But-"

Lady Phenex: " And you can forget about marrying Rias, the marriage is off!"

Riser: "...Yes mother."

We see Riser walking to his room in sadness as we see Rias and Akeno just entered the room.

Rias: "Did...we miss something?"

Lady Phenex: " Yes, I have cancelled the marriage between you and my son, apparently Riser caused trouble in Tokyo by unleashing Gashadokuros onto the city."

Rias: "Oh."*sees you*"And you must be a new Overlord of Hell."

(Y/N): " Yes, and you must be Rias right?"

Rias: "Of course I am and thank you for getting me out of that marriage."

(Y/N): "You are welcome Rias. What are you gonna do now?"

Rias: "Well I'm not sure right now."

(Y/N): "Maybe marry someone on your own terms?"

Rias: "Well yes that's what I'm gonna do, but I need to consider some things."

(Y/N): "I hope you find the right guy, in the meantime I'll be checking on the SCPs."

Later, in Tokyo, we see you talking to the commander of Omicron-3.

Commander: "All witnesses have been administered amnestics, but there were a few casualties."

(Y/N): "Let's hope nothing like this will happen again. The sun is about to rise, get back to base gentlemen."

Commander: "Yes sir."

We then see the MTF soldiers leave the area and head back to base. Sometime later, we see you and the girls at an arcade and you get prizes from the claw machine and you handle one for them.

Kitty: *gets a panda bear*"Aww how cute."*takes a selfie with the panda bear*"I wonder how Emma is doing?"

Meanwhile with Emma, we see Emma struggling to stay awake until she falls asleep on the desk until we see Cory place a stack of paper on the desk and she wakes up.

Emma: "Wha-?"

Cory: "Here's the paperwork Emma."

Emma: " Paper work?"*falls asleep on the desk*

Back to you.

Kitty: "I'm sure she's fine."

We later see you and the girls head to a clothing shop and Kitty picks out a kimono for herself and the girls.

Kitty: " So what do you think girls, do I look nice in it?"

Yubellena: "Adorable Kitty."

(Y/N): "And I think you have competition Kitty."

Kitty then turns to see the other girls in kimonos as Yubellena then picks out hers.

Kitty: " Wow you all look amazing."

(Y/N): "Just wait until you see Yubellena."

Yubellena: *offscreen*"Done."

You and Kitty then see Yubellena in a purple kimono as Yubellena feels a bit tight in the chest.

Yubellena: "These stores don't have my size, this is the closest to my size."

Kitty: "Um what is your chest size Yubellena?"

Yubellena: " I think I'm an E cup."

Kitty: "Wow, an E cup."

Yubelluna: " Yep, I'm an E cup."

(Y/N): "I think the other girls are a bit envious of that fact."

You and Yubellena see that the other girls were envious of Yubellena's size and they pouted when they looked at their chest.

Ni and Li: " Lucky."

(Y/N): "Maybe you all will grow to that size naturally."

Kitty: *pouts*"Okay."

Later on, we see you and the girls are at the hotel room and we see you reading the proposals of SCP-001.

Kitty: " What are you reading?"

(Y/N): "Proposals of SCP-001, the many SCPs that were captured during the earliest days of the Foundation."

Meanwhile at the Foundation, we see a large explosion and we see a creature just escaped and disappeared in the woods.

Commander: " Oh boy."

Member 1: " We have to tell the administrator about this."

Commander: "SCP-001 has broken out of containment."

Next: Chapter 52: SCP-001 "The Prototype"

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