Chapter 52: SCP-001 "The Prototype"

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Here we see you and the others in the briefing room and you put on a slideshow about the escaped SCP.

(Y/N): "Ladies, gentlemen. We have an SCP the breached containment and it's a definite keter class SCP."

Kitty: " Well which one broke out?"

Rias: "If it's a keter then it has to be 682 or 106."

(Y/N): "It is not a Keter, it's the Keter."

Diana: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "Back then the Foundation wasn't the juggernaut of the supernatural world. We contained a monster that was the first one that we caught. This one killed a scientist named Dr. Keter, which brought the creation of the Keter classification. SCP-001, The Prototype."

You then press a button on the remote and show a picture of SCP-001.

(Y/N): "It's a creature that is emaciated in appearance, has 3 claws on its arms, a cycloptic eye in the mouth, a large head for its body, it has the ability to emit a green glow of radiation, and it has the power to create microsingularities. "

Jessica: "How are we supposed to find it?"

(Y/N): "Sightings of the SCP have spotted it in most parts of America and Mexico. It's keeping its guard up so it won't make the same mistakes twice."

Kara: " Uh in english?"

(Y/N): " We can't find the exact location of the SCP, both back in it's stomping grounds in Guatemala. We theorized it went off the grid and now we can't find it anywhere."

Karen: " So it wouldn't be in Guatemala?"

(Y/N): "No. It's microsingularities are only for short range travel and not long range. If we find it we have to have a lead lined container to keep it from making microsingularities and have strobe lights to stun it, since it is sensitive to lights."

Leshawna: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "I'll leave that job to the Mobile Task Forces."

You then get a phone call and you answer it.

(Y/N): "Yes? What? I'll be right there."*hangs up*"An MTF team stumbled upon a dimensional gateway to an alternate world in the last place they saw SCP-001. Camp LeHigh, New Jersey."

Kara: " So we just go there and find 1 right?"

(Y/N): "It's SCP-001 and yes we'll be able to find it."

Later, at Camp LeHigh, we see you come out of a car and you see Captain America himself.

(Y/N): "Captain Rogers, I see you know about this?"

Capt. America: "This is where I got into the military, so what brings you here soldier?"

(Y/N): " There's been a recent breach in containment involving SCP-001, the Prototype. And I'm not a soldier, I'm an Administrator."

We then see a soldier come out of a building and turn to you.

MTF Soldier: "Sir, we found a portal to an alternate Japan, we have reason to believe that SCP-001 is in there."

Capt. America: "Another alternate reality in your archives?"

(Y/N): "It happens sometimes."*to the MTF soldier*"Has anyone made their way into the portal?"

MTF Soldier: "No sir. We don't know if it's safe to cross over."

(Y/N): "Anything else?"

MTF Soldier: "The director of Shield is where the anomaly is."

(Y/N): "Fury is where the dimensional anomaly is?"

MTF Soldier: "Yes sir, follow me sir."

You and Captain America followed the MTF Soldier to the dimensional anomaly in one of the labs of Camp LeHigh. You then see Nick Fury in the lab and he sees you.

(Y/N): "Director Fury."

Nick: " If it isn't the Administrator."

(Y/N): "What brings you here?"

Nick: "Camp LeHigh is ground zero of Shield. If your people are here, so is mine."

(Y/N): "You're doing an unmanned drone test into the portal?"

Nick: "Safest bet I'll ever make."

We see you and Nick overseeing the experiment with an unmanned drone as it then goes through the portal and what the drone sees you see it too.

(Y/N): "Test successful so far."

Nick: "Now let's try it with a human, have you got any volunteers?"

Later, we see a guard pushing a D-Class into the portal with a head cam. The head cam footage shows that the D-Class is fine.

(Y/N): "Human safe, now let's get that SCP."

Nick: "I'll be giving your troops some back up."*pulls out his phone and call someone*"Barton, get Romanoff over here. I have a mission for both of you."

Later, we see MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" with Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton.

Clint: "Alright team, you think you can do this guys?"

Zeta-9 Commander: "We are trained in exploration of anomalies that have inconsistent topography and unstable spacetime. I think we can handle this."

Steve R: "Can't argue with that. Let's move."

We see the 3 Avengers and the MTF team head into the portal and they find themselves in an abandoned structure.

(Y/N): *over coms*"Gentlemen, what did you find?"

Clint: "Some abandoned warehouse."

Natasha: *sees a monitor* "Maybe we should look through this world's history and see if we can find anything useful."

MTF Soldier: "I got this."*looks into the circuitry of the monitor*"Most of it is really old but it's still functional."*turns on the computer and look through the timeline of events of the world they're in*"Hmm."

Natasha: "I think we should find the Prototype first before we do research."

MTF Soldier: "If anything from a different universe or a different universe itself is similar to us, we have to gather up what we can." *looks at the history of the world* "Weird, nothing on the Avengers. They have a Steve Rogers, a Natasha and everyone in the team, but as other people. Nastasha is a ballet dancer, Clint is an olympic medal archer, Steve is a soldier who died in World War 2, and Tony is responsible for the creation of the PMs?"

(Y/N): *over the coms*" So everyone just has normal lives?"

MTF Soldier: "Yep, but sir there is one glaring difference between us and them."*send data into a flash drive and hand it to a soldier*"I'm sending the info to you now."

Later, we see you and Nick just watched the video about the other world.

(Y/N): "Wow, a whole world where the concept of love has been censored?"

Nick: " Sounds like a dull world."

(Y/N): "Though it is entirely possible. We make and place memetic agents into the panels of Garfield comic strips to keep SCP-3166 at bay."

Nick: " How does that help?"

(Y/N): "Well what if the people of that world use memetic agents to remove the animal instinct of mating with one another?"

Nick: "How do we know if something like that works?"

(Y/N): *pulls out a Garfield comic strip*"Just take a look."

Nick then grabs the comic strip and he reads the Garfield comic strip.

Nick: "Ha! That's a good one!"*realizes*"Okay, that works."

(Y/N): " And now you know how memetics work."*to the mic*"Rogers, get the team ready to fight SCP-001, we'll be sending you a lead box big enough to fit the creature."

Steve R: *over the coms*"Will do."

Clint: *over the coms*"I already packed some strobe light arrows."

(Y/N): " You have an arrow for everything, Hawkeye. You should work with the Foundation sometimes, your skills would be useful in training new MTF soldiers."

Clint: *over the coms*"I'll think about that."

Later in the other world, it was night time and Clint was looking over the area on top of the school. He was looking through the binoculars and he saw SCP-001.

Clint: "I got eyes on target."*pulls out his bow and readies 3 strobe light arrows*"It's making its way to the school, one shot, one capture of one crazy monster. Just say the word."

(Y/N): *over the coms*"Engage."

Clint then fire the 3 arrows around SCP-001 as they then began to shine all over SCP-001 blinding it.

Clint: "001 has been blind sided now what?"

(Y/N): *over the coms*"You're on Cap!"

The soldiers then quickly put a lead lined box behind the SCP as we see Steve bash the creature with his shield into the box and Natasha closes the box up. SCP-001 then roars in anger and scratches the box but can't get out.

MTF Soldier: "Well that was easy. It was a lot harder to contain in the past."

Steve R: " What do you normally do?"

MTF Soldier: "We fight off reality benders, haunted houses, a talking nuclear bomb, a super lizard, I can go on."

Natasha: "That is your kind of work and not ours."

Later, after recontainment of SCP-001, we see both you and Nick Fury exploring the newly discovered universe.

(Y/N): "I think it's best to explore more of this world, right Fury?"

Nick: "Safest bet we ever made."

(Y/N): "Yep and this is a job for two people."*sees devices on people's necks and wrists*"Hmm."

You then make a Cognito Hazardous disguise on yourself and Nick Fury to make people think you have PMs.

Nick: "Blending in, nice idea."

(Y/N): "Having powers like that is useful. Although I don't get what's with all the equipment the civilians are wearing."

Nick: "If you want to know something, you have to ask some questions."

(Y/N): "I'll handle that Nick, you explore while I answer."

Nick: "Why don't you start with the schools and work your way out?"

(Y/N): "Alright."

Later, at a school called Tokioka Academy, you use your Anti-memetic abilities to convince everyone that you are a new student.

(Y/N): " Weird, even students are wearing the same stuff the civilians wear." *To a random student* " Excuse me, I'm new around here, why does everyone wear all that stuff?"

Student: "The PeaceMakers? Oh they're like phones and if you do any form of lewd act, the alarms will go off."

(Y/N): "I see. And why is any lewd act against the law here?"

Student: "Japan used to be a place filled with lewd content and actions until news prohibit that stuff now."

(Y/N): " Why?"

Student: "To create an ideal world for humanity to be without lewdness for everyone."

(Y/N): " And you're okay with this?"

Student: "Of course, everyone is okay with this."

(Y/N): "I see, who is responsible for these laws?"

Student: "Sophia Nishikinomiya, Anna's mother. Anna is the school president here."

(Y/N): "I see. Where is she now?"

Student: " She's in the meeting room cleaning up after the last meeting."

(Y/N): "Thank you."

We see you head to the meeting room and you see Anna herself in there. You then turn off your disguise and take a seat.

(Y/N): "Have a seat ma'am, I want to have a discussion with you."

Anna: "Oh sure."*sits down and see that you don't have PMs*"Where are your PMs?"

You then pull out a remote and press a button on it to deactivate the security cameras, microphones, and Anna's PM.

(Y/N): "There, that will give us some privacy."

Anna: "Huh? Who are you?"

(Y/N): "If you want to know you have to swear to keep us a secret. I am not one of your lewd terrorists, I am an Administrator of the SCP Foundation. An organization dedicated to contain and study the supernatural for the safety and well being of humanity. To you and anyone else in this world, we are merely observers and a neutral 3rd party. We are not of this world, we discovered this world by accident when SCP-001 broke containment."

Anna: " What? Hang on, this is too much."

(Y/N): "I know it's difficult to process ma'am, but let me assure you we mean no harm. You may not know it, even this world is different. It still has all the bells and whistles of our world and you may not know it, but have our undercover agents hiding in plain sight in this world. And you might see me again when you least expect it."

Anna: "That means the teachers, the policemen, the decency squad, you infiltrated them too!?!"

(Y/N): " Not at the moment, but sooner or later. But even though we may be a 3rd neutral party, that doesn't mean we can help. You think you can remove the animal instinct of mating with one another? No matter how much you try, those animal instincts will kick in when you least expect it. Tell your mother, it is...inevitable."

The lights flicker and then you disappear from Anna's eyes.

Anna: " What just happened?"

Meanwhile, we see you walking down the sidewalk and you see some undercover agents.

Agent: "Sir, we sent in our top agents into this world. They're blending in perfectly."

(Y/N): "Good work, now keep an eye out for lewd terrorist groups. I need a full detailed report on all of them."

Agent: " Yes sir."

Later, we see you come back to your world and you head to a car.

(Y/N): "Take me home."

We later see you back at home where we see you reading a book on Thaumatology as we see Rias and Akeno come into your house.

Rias: *sits onto your couch*"What are you reading?"

(Y/N): "Thaumatology, the study of magic and performing miracles."

Akeno: "Oh well we are here to thank you again for breaking the marriage between Rias and Riser."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Rias: "And we are happy to help you in demonic related matters for the Foundation."

(Y/N): "At this point we need all the help we can get. Cause the Scarlet King makes the Devil look like a small child."

Akeno: "Sounds very frightening."

Rias: " It certainly does."

(Y/N): " Yeah, the Scarlet King is no joke."

Next: Chapter 53: SCP-1507 "Pink Flamingos"

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