Chapter 53: SCP-1507 "Pink Flamingos"

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Here we see you, Anne Maria, and Dawn enjoying a picnic in the containment chamber of SCP-1507.

Anne Maria: " So what does this guy do?"

(Y/N): " SCP-1507 isn't a single instance, but rather multiple instances like living pink flamingo lawn ornaments."

We then see two SCP-1507 instances pecking at Anne Maria's hair.

Anne Maria: " Ah! Hey, my poof isn't food!"

Dawn: "That means they like you."

(Y/N): "They show the same behavior as normal flamingos, but they can't eat anything."

Anne Maria: " Alright so why are they pecking at my poof?"

(Y/N): "I'm sure they think it's a suitable bird's nest."

Anne Maria: "Where did you even get these things?"

(Y/N): "We found them at a house in Florida, they were surrounding a dead body. But after some careful monitoring they're safe."*sees 7 instances of SCP-1507 around Anne Maria*"Uh Anne, there are 7 of them surrounding you."

Anne Maria: " Wait wha-"*feels the pecking*"Ah! Ow! Hey! My poof isn't your pad!"

Dawn: "They just want to be your friend."

Anne Maria: "Easy for you to say, you let birds build a nest in your hair!"

Dawn: "Only during mating season."

(Y/N): "Dawn, you are one strange girl. Cute but strange."

Dawn: " Aww thanks, it's nice for you to say that."

(Y/N): "A lot of employees come in here during their lunch breaks and spend some time with these flamingos, it's relaxing."*sees all 15 instances pecking Anne Maria's hair*"I think they all took a liking to you Anne."

Anne Maria: *while getting pecked by SCP-1507 instances*"Ow! Ow! Watch the poof! It's not your pad!"

Dawn: "Aww they all like you."

Anne Maria: *while getting pecked* " Ah! Sure doesn't feel like it!"

(Y/N): "How about we take this to SCP-999's room, he would love to see you again Anne."

Anne Maria: *while getting pecked*"Anything to get these birds off of me!"

We see you and the girls leave the room and head to SCP-999's room as we see a guard with a sandwich enter SCP-1507's room.

Guard: "Ah a good old sandwich for lunch."

We then see an instance of SCP-1507 attempt to take the guard's sandwich.

Guard: "Hey this is my sandwich, get your own. Do you even eat?"

The 1507 instance then tried again but the guard hit the instance so hard that the plastic on the 1507 instance cracked. We then see all 15 of the instances then notice this and get angry and start to go crazy.

Guard: " Stupid lawn ornaments."

We then see the guard leave the room as all the instances begin to try to break out of containment. Meanwhile, we see Anne Maria brushing her hair while 999 was in her lap.

Anne Maria: " This is better."*hears flamingo sounds*"Huh?"

Dawn: "I sense a disturbance nearby."

You then open the door and you see 5 instances of SCP-1507 covered in blood and you see dead bodies on the ground and you close the door and step away from the door.

(Y/N): "SCP-1507 has gone hostile."

Dawn: " Oh my, but they were so peaceful."

Anne Maria: "Yeah, what made them lose it?"

Agent: " Sir, a guard in 1507's containment room cracked one of them."

(Y/N): "At this rate they'll attack any foundation personnel including us."

Anne Maria: " What do we do? I'm too beautiful to be killed by fake birds!"

(Y/N): *get to an office phone and dial in a number*"Get these birds back into containment asap!"

We then see guards in heavy armor grabbing all the 1507 instances and putting them into a much more secured containment cell. Sometime later, after containment, we see the guard that caused SCP-1507 as a D-Class for causing SCP-1507 to go hostile.

Dawn: " This is what karma has given you for harming a beautiful creature."

(Y/N): "After that incident, we found more of those plastic flamingos. The number of 1507 instances went from 15 to 26. We have to reclassify the SCP from a safe object to a euclid."

Anne Maria: " What does that mean?"

(Y/N): "It means they're much harder to contain due to them being hostile towards Foundation staff. Now we have to transfer these things to a different site now for the safety of the staff at this site."

Dawn: "How awful, such beautiful creatures were harmed and now they hate us."

Anne Maria: " Yeah all because of that guy."*points to the former guard*

Guard: "It was trying to eat my sandwich!"

Dawn: " Well it's your fault for hurting 1507!"

(Y/N): "We'll be keeping our eye out for more of 1507 in the wild, for now we are gonna experiment with a new book. An Encyclopedia of Diseases."

Anne Maria: " Why do you want a book about sick stuff?"

(Y/N): "It's an SCP, we're getting it ready for experiments."

Next: Chapter 54: SCP-1025 "Encyclopedia of Diseases"

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