Chapter 54: SCP-1025 "Encyclopedia of Diseases"

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We see a book labeled Encyclopedia of Diseases being placed in a low security cabinet and you close it shut. You then turn to the girls as they were relieved it was all over.

Leshawna: "Thank god that's over."

Courtney: "I can't believe Lindsay figured out it was just a supernatural version of Webmd."


Here we see Lindsay in a hazmat suit looking through the experiment logs on SCP-1025 as we see research staff and guards going mad.

Researcher: "Ahhh!!!! We might have SCP-217! Or 008!"

We see all the staff members going absolutely crazy killing each other and choking each other.

Lindsay: "Wait a second, this is Webmd book edition. It makes you think the symptoms are real."

End of flashback

Lindsay: "That's why I don't use Webmd, I prefer to go to the doctor myself. Plus after the doctor challenge on Total Drama, I go and get check-ins with doctors after that."

(Y/N): "The book doesn't give people diseases, it makes people think the people who read it are infected."

Leshawna: " Oh we're familiar with that."

Courtney: " Same here, the cadaver challenge in season 2 really made them think the others were infected, I saw the episode."

(Y/N): "Lindsay, thank you for helping us realize we wasted money and lives and minds. For your services for the Foundation, you get a makeup kit upgraded from SCP-914. It's like a standard make up kit but it has a pocket dimension with unlimited makeup supplies of all kinds just for you."*pull out the makeup kit and hand it to Lindsay*"Here you go."

Lindsay: "Yay!"*takes the makeup kit*"Best day ever! Now I don't have to refill my makeup!"

Courtney: "I would have figured it out myself you know!"

Leshawna: "You were about to read the book on the page that gives you a heart attack."

Courtney: "Fair enough. And don't think I knew the real reason why you fake cried, I mean that was cold, like Heather cold."

Meanwhile somewhere else we see Heather sneezed.

Heather: "Stupid allergies."

Back to you.

Leshawna: "After a butt load of challenges I need some pampering and you know it."

Courtney: "Good point. Still though, what you did was cold."

Leshawna: "Hey I learned my lesson, end of story."

Lindsay: "Yeah Chris made us do a lot of crazy things on the show."

(Y/N): "Oh speaking of him, we have him in D-Class containment."

Gwen: "Wait, he's a D-Class?"

(Y/N): "Yep, I saw how dangerous his show is so I pulled some strings and managed to shut down his show."

Leshawna: "You got Total Drama canned?!"

(Y/N): " Yep."

Courtney: *hugs you* "Thank you so much!"

(Y/N): *hugs back*"Anytime."

Izzy: "What are you gonna do to him? Make him a patient for 049? Throw him into 3008? Get him to be 682's chew toy? I can go on, make me."

(Y/N): "Actually it's more like testing a Safe SCP, but I'll go over the details later. For now I'll go check on Reality 34."

Leshawna: "That world where no one can't say bad words?"

(Y/N): " Yep, after sending him and our top undercover agents in that world. Everything is running smoothly in that world."

Later, in Reality 34, we see you sitting at a bench reading a newspaper with people, who are curious as to why you are reading the newspaper.

Random guy: "Um, why are you reading a newspaper?"

(Y/N): "I'm old fashioned."*sees the news on sports*"Aw man, the Redskins lost again!"

Random Guy: " Uh, dude you're reading a newspaper on American football."

(Y/N): "Hey I'm cultured okay."

You then got up from the bench and you found a restaurant that is a location of one of the lewd factions.

(Y/N): "Odd choice of name for a restaurant."

You then went in and you saw Foundation undercover agents and Dr. Clef.

(Y/N): "How are things here Dr. Clef?"

Dr. Clef: "Dull and boring. And prepare for meeting the leader of this group. She's in the basement."

(Y/N): "Alright and are you sure no one followed you?"

Dr. Clef: "No one even suspected us, we were hidden in plain sight. Just like back at home."

(Y/N): "Good."

You then head down the basement and you see a woman in an odd outfit named Ayame.

Ayame: "Who are you?"

(Y/N): "I am the Administrator of the SCP Foundation, we are merely a neutral 3rd party. I expect you heard about us."

Ayame: "Dr. Clef told me about you guys."

(Y/N): " Yes, but I have to ask, why are you wearing a pair of panties on your face?"

Ayame: "It's how I keep my identity safe duh. If you're gonna be a lewd terrorist, you need to keep your face concealed or people will think you're a pervert."

(Y/N): "I prefer to use anti-memes to conceal my identity. You can't remember my face, you can't take a picture of it without the picture fading away, you can't even remember my name even if you write it down. Also is that even sanitary? You couldn't wear a masquerade mask?"

Ayame: "I do laundry day too. And I don't have the budget for those kinds of masks, they're too expensive."

(Y/N): "Right, anyways. While we are observers of your world, we aren't shy in helping your group. If you ever need our assistance then don't hesitate to ask."

Ayame: "Okay, I need your help right now. I want dirty mags, sex toys, and some porn. All 3 of those in bulk, can you do that?"

(Y/N): " Sure but why?"

Ayame: "Well dirty mags, porn, and sex toys are pretty scarce here and we need those in bulk as well as easy to hide."

(Y/N): "I see, I believe we can do that."

Ayame: " Okay, thanks for your help."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

Later, back in your reality, we see you reading the history of Europe in the break room as we see guards taking Chris McLean aka D-1983.

Guard: " Back to your cell D-1983."

Chris: "Hey, I have a name you know. You've seen my show!"

Guard: "The Foundation got your show canned, D-1983."

The guards then throw Chris into his cell and close the door behind him.

Guard 2: " Your show sucked anyways."

Chris: *from his cell*" Hey! I worked hard for that show!"

(Y/N): "Gentlemen, I change my mind on having D-1968 having an education from an SCP."*pulls out a picture of a statue*"I think he should keep an eye on a certain statue."

Guard: " Yes sir."

Next: Chapter 55: SCP-650 "Startling Statue"

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