Chapter 58: SCP-783 "There Was A Crooked Man"

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Here we see Chris heading to the cafeteria getting breakfast which was ground beef again.

Chris: "Where are you getting this stuff anyways? Who's the chef back there?!"

Chris then sees his old colleague Chef Hatchet.

Chris: "Chef!?"

Chef: "Nice to see you back in orange Chris, it suits you!"

Chris: "How did you even score a job here!?"

Chef: "The Administrator gave me a job offer to be head chef for the good food for the geeks, bad food for the scrubs like you, guard, and I'm a fully trained MTF soldier."

Chris: "That's like 3 different jobs, how are you gonna do all of them?"

Chef: "I work as a chef Mondays and Tuesdays, Guard on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and an MTF for the rest of the days."

We then see Amelia and Cory enter the cafeteria.

Amelia: "D-1983, you will be testing for SCP-783."

Chef: "Try not to die Chris. This will be payback for not giving me my paycheck."

Chris: "What?! I sent checks to you in the mail!"

Chef: *facepalms*

Later, in Temby, England, we see Chris settling in a house in Temby by himself.

Chris: "Well what do you do when you're all alone in a creepy house."*pulls out a remote*"Watch some TV."

When Chris turns on the TV he sees the new season of the Ridonculous Race and he sees Don on screen.

Don: *on TV*"Hello everyone, welcome to a new season of...The Ridonculous Race."

Chris: "Pfft, I am 40x better than that guy."

We then see Leslie enter the room through the outlet in her Livewire uniform.

Leslie: "Hey washout."

Chris: "Did you just come out of the outlet?"

Leslie: "Pretty cool huh? Anyways, I'm gonna tell you about the SCP you're gonna be dealing with. We tried to record live video and audio on it's business but it just ended up being corrupted whenever it's in the room."

Chris: "How am I supposed to know if it's here?"

Leslie: "When the house starts to get all twisted up and deformed, you know it's around. The previous owner of this house met it and well lets just say she got double jointed, well more like infinity jointed."

Chris: " Uh huh, and why are you telling me this?"

Leslie: "Oh I'm giving you a sneak peak of a fate worse than death."

Leslie then turns into electricity and then gets out of the house through the outlet as Chris realized what she meant.

Chris: "Oh no..."

1 week later, we see you and Leslie watching the surveillance cams in the house and you both see Chris asleep in his bed.

Leslie: " So when is he gonna get double jointed? Or infinity jointed?"

(Y/N): "It should be here by now. Someone check on the D-Class."

We see a guard head into the house and then head upstairs as there is a sudden shaking of the house as you see a distortion on the camera feed.

(Y/N): "A distortion?"*realizes*"The SCP?! Get out of there!"

You see the guard pull the covers off and then see a dummy under the covers. The video then got distorted as we see Chris walk in with a hotdog.

Chris: "Hey what's up?"

Leslie: "Wait, how did you get here?"

Chris: "I did a lot of spy movies, I learned how to make a dummy out of stuff."

Leslie then headed into the house through the outlet and then into the bedroom and she saw what happened to the guard.

Guard: *in pain*""

Leslie: " Uh, sorry pal that's not in my department."

Leslie then saw where the SCP went and she followed it and then she lost it. She then sees a pit filled with human bodies that suffered the same fate as the guard.

Leslie: "Welp, I'm gonna have nightmares for months."

Chris: *showed up and sees the pit*"Sheesh, I hate to be those guys."

Leslie: " You would have been those guys."

Chris: "But I'm not."

We then see you show up at the scene and you pull out a radio.

(Y/N): *speaks into the radio*"Get me a team over here and pronto!" *to Chris*"I'll deal with you later!"

Later at the Foundation, we see Chris get thrown into his cell by Chef himself.

Chef: "Back to your cell 1983. Man, that felt good to say it."

Chef then closes the door on Chris.

Chris: "First I eat slop for 3 meals a day and now I'm called by my number by my old friend Chef. Not cool dude!"

We then see Amelia enter the room and turn to Chris with an angered glare.

Amelia: "Don't you realize what you did?!"

Chris: "What?"*gets grabbed by the collar and gets lifted in the air*"Whoa hey!"

Amelia: "That guard that became the latest victim of SCP-783 had a wife and kids, you ruined his life and his family!"

Chris: "Okay my bad, I only went out for a hotdog."

Amelia: *throws Chris into a wall*" You could have just died! But no, you have to live. Since you had a career being a reality tv show host, then perhaps it's time to be on the receiving end."

Chris: "Be on Don's lame show, no way."

Amelia: "Actually, we have something else for you. The one reality game show that no one but us knows exists. And if you lose, I can finally stop hearing you talk about your stupid show."

Amelia then leaves the room as Chris then gulps in fear. Later on, we see the guard's family comforting him while he's in his condition as you were watching them from outside.

Cory: " We're so sorry for your loss, ma'am."

We then see you leave the hospital as you then see the hero girls.

(Y/N): "Hey girls."

Babs: " Hey (Y/N), we heard about the guard."

Diana: "Is he okay?"

(Y/N): "Henry was a few days away from retirement, if he ever wanted to go out. He would've gone out as a hero and not a twisted up messed pretzel. He's alive but it'll take time to get him back on his feet."

Karen: " How long will that take?"

(Y/N): " With how many times he was bent, he'll be in the hospital for months or maybe years."

Jessica: " Yikes, that long?"

(Y/N): "Yeah that long. But the SCP has a playground rhyme the children made up: There lived a crooked man, who made a crooked deal. He kept a crooked cane, and his catch in crooked creel. He stole a crooked child, who cried a crooked squeal. And that crooked little man was broken on the wheel."

Jessica: " Why would kids make up a rhyme that is scary?"

(Y/N): "Temby knows about the SCP and we kept it that way."

Karen: "SCPs are really scary, saying a nursery rhyme about it is even worse."

???(Izzy): "Hey guys."

The girls then jump back in fear as they turn to Izzy.

Jessica: " Ah! Izzy, don't do that!"

Babs: "How did you even get here?"

Izzy: "I hid in the trunk of your car."*does some stretches*"Man, it was a tight space in there."

Kara: " Why were you even there?"

Izzy: "Oh I heard that Amelia said something about a game show that no one but you knows about and we want to sign up."

Zee: "Who's we?"

Izzy: "Sierra, she's right behind (Y/N)."

You then turn around and then jump back in fear.

(Y/N): "Gah! How did you get here?"

Sierra: "I was inside of the car's trunk, it was too small for me and Izzy so it was a tight squeeze."

Babs: " Why are you two here?"

Izzy: "We want to sign up on that game show that only you guys know about."

(Y/N): "It's an SCP that leads to certain death."

Izzy: "Ooo sounds fun."

Sierra: "And I want the chance to beat Chris, it's on my bucketlist and my mom has gotten over her crush on Chris."

Jessica: "Are you nuts?! What part of ''certain death'' did you not get?!"

(Y/N): "Well if the winner or winners beat the challenges in SCP-024, they live and they're rewarded with money or a vacation."

Diana: "What will happen to the ones who fail the challenge?"

(Y/N): "They'll be dead."

Jessica: " Yeah, no vacation is worth death."*to Sierra and Izzy*"You're still gonna be on that show are you?"

Izzy and Sierra: "Yep."

Jessica: " Of course you two are."

Kara: "Dude, let's face it, they're nuts."

Later, at the break room at the Foundation, we see you and everyone eating lunch with Sierra.

(Y/N): "So how are things with Cody?"

Sierra: "Not so well after the restraining orders."

Heather: "Finally got the hint that he doesn't like you?"

Sierra: " Don't be ridiculous, Cody is just playing hard to get."

(Y/N): "If you ask me, you need someone who is okay with having a stalker. I mean that's the reason why you're on the Front Runners. You get info on Groups of Interest that we don't know about and take anomalies that we don't have. Like those 7 spears of the Scarlet King. There are things about me I don't know about at all, so I don't mind having a stalker."

Sierra: "Really?"

(Y/N): " Yeah, I don't mind having a stalker with me. I give you full permission to be my stalker."

Heather: " Seriously? What if you're in the bathroom?"

(Y/N): "I'll just use a cognitohazard to cover myself. Like how people blur out people's faces on the news."

Heather: "Alright, that will work."

Sierra: "Thanks (Y/N), that means a lot, even though you're no Cody, you're like the closest thing to him."

(Y/N): "To be honest, I think he's trying to keep his distance away from you, Sierra."

Sierra: " What makes you say that?"

Heather: " Uh, hello that geek put an automated defense system around his house to keep you out. And (Y/N) doesn't mind you being his stalker. Think about it."

Sierra: *realizes*"My gosh Heather you're right! He hates me!"

Leshawna: " Finally, she got the idea. Now ditch the geek and get with a real man, the monster fighting man."

(Y/N): "Now hang on, the Foundation deals more than just monsters, we deal with rampaging deities, anomalous locations, supernaturally imbued items, cryptozoological species, reality benders, alien species, different dimensions, threats on a conceptual level, I can go on. Let me."

Dawn: "No thanks, I think we have the idea of what you're dealing with."

Gwen: " We all do, we work here."

(Y/N): "Well then. We might have to worry about the Foundation in the future because they contain everything including us."

Leshawna: " What?! Why?!"

(Y/N): "The Administrator from 100 years from now will make the Foundation exist on a non-conceptual form of itself and has gone mad and contained everything in that future including itself in the past. You can look those up in SCP-4755 and SCP-4839 files. The latter file is about me going mad, I really have issues."*gets up*"Well, have fun."

You then leave the room as the girls look at each other.

Zoey: "He has gone nuts in another reality?"

Jessica: "We better read the file and figure it out."

Leshawna: "Let's hope our man won't be as crazy as-"*points at Izzy*"-her."

We see Izzy eating burgers from Big Charlie.

Izzy: "Man these Big Charlie burgers taste really good."

Gwen: " Where did you get those burgers?"

Izzy: "Big charlie, it's that giant cow that always gets his flesh sheared off. He and I are good friends, he told me about his time at the slaughterhouse and I told him all of my time on Total Drama. I can talk to cows."

Dawn: "She is very fluent in their language, I can tell by looking into her aura."

Leshawna: " You're joking, right?"

Dawn: "Of course not, she can speak their language. She also rode on SCP-682 and he didn't like it."

Izzy: "It was fun."

Gwen: "How are you still alive after that?"

Leshawna: "She's a crazy lady, and crazy ladies always get out of everything."

Gwen: "Except the nut house."

The next day, we see a montage of Sierra stalking you while you do your everyday activities which is doing paperwork, going to the market, going to meetings, and reading books at home. We then see you reading a book on cartography as we see Sierra using camouflage to blend in with the wall of your home.

(Y/N): " Having fun Sierra?"

Sierra: *gets out of her camouflage suit*"How did you know I was here?"

(Y/N): "I have a 6th sense."

Sierra: "Oh, well I collected a lot of data about you. You like your coffee a decaf with whip cream and caramel sauce with some chocolate sprinkles on the top. You eat the same sandwich for lunch everyday, an Italian meat sub sandwich. And you read books on different studies like cartography, topography, biology, and a lot of books that have to do with the history of the world. And you use a lavender shampoo for your hair."

(Y/N): "I see all that training from the Front Runners really paid off."

Sierra: " Sure has, and ever since I became your stalker I have gotten over Cody and now I like you now."

(Y/N): "Really?"

Sierra: "Yep. Can I sleep with you for the night?"

(Y/N): " Oh sure. You need all your strength for SCP-024."

We see you and Sierra go to bed together and you turn off the light.

Next: Chapter 59: SCP-024 "Game Show of Death"

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