Chapter 57: SCP-4812 "Wrath"

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Here we see Clark flying all over Metropolis when something bumps into him and then see a giant face of a man on an insect body.

Clark: "What the?!"

Clark then gets off the insect and he sees it and then he hears helicopters and he sees Agent Green speaking to him through a megaphone.

Agent Green: "Sir! I advise you not to attack the bug!"

Clark: "Pfft, yeah right."

Clark then fires his heat vision at the insect and it bounces back at him and hits him in the nards.

Clark: "OW! MY NUTS!!!"

Agent Green: "I tried to warn you."

Later at the Foundation, we see you reading old texts.

(Y/N): " Another day of reading old texts."

We then saw Kara coming into your office and she was laughing.

Kara: "My cousin got shot in the nuts by his own heat vision!"*laughing*"That's so awesome!"

(Y/N): "Hilarious. Also, how?"

Kara: "He bumped into a weird scorpion beetle thing and he tried to fight it but he got shot in the nuts by his own heat vision."

(Y/N): "I believe he encountered SCP-4812-K. It's a hybrid between scorpion and a stag beetle that has a reflective surface that allows it to blend into the skies and reflects projectiles back to sender."

Kara: " Soo, giant bug monster that's made of mirrors?"

(Y/N): " Yeah pretty much. It also has the face of a man where the head of the insect should be. There are other entities under the numerical designation of SCP-4812. SCP-4812-S is an amorphous entity that has tendrils in a subterranean cavern, the tendrils themselves have an adhesive liquid on them and it's entire body is hydrophobic, it's also a very powerful and dangerous visual hazard. If you look at it, exposure of the eyes, brain, and nervous system to an extremely caustic acid."

Kara: " Uh what?"

(Y/N): "They're very dangerous and sticky. SCP-4812-E is a metallic humanoid male entity made out of platinum and it appears skeletal in appearance, it has the ability to absorb massive amounts of heat and still remain at 0.0000000031K constantly and it has the ability to drop the temperature to lethal levels, being exposed to the entity will make all the water in your body freeze instantly."*sees Kara's confused look* "It's very cold and it will turn you into ice from the inside. And it's only 15 meters in height."

Kara: " Ohh. So what do they have in common?"

You then pull out old texts on the table and Kara sees them.

(Y/N): "At first I thought these anomalies should have their own numerical designations, but then the Foundation brought back some old texts. These texts have references to these entities. SCP-4812-S used to be the princess of the faeries, SCP-4812-E drained the heat from the princess of the House of Apollyon and the father used a weapon called the Godless Spear and sent SCP-4812-E to the core of the Earth. SCP-4812-K was the destroyer of the city of the Deava because it was summoned to our reality."

Kara: " Why?"

(Y/N): "The Fae Princess summoned the profanities and destroyed the whole civilization out of vengeance, without the four knights to defend them they're helpless."

Kara: "Oh."

(Y/N): " Yeah, but the most important containment procedure for all of them is that you can't let them be in the same place."

Kara: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "They all don't seem to do anything nowadays

Later, at the site where SCP-4812-E is, we see Kara using her heat vision to keep the SCP warm.

Kara: *while using her heat vision* "How long do I have to keep this up, my eyes are burning."

Researcher: "That will be good for now, we'll return back to conventional procedures."

Kara: *stops using heat vision* " Finally, my eyes were killing me, I need a nap."

Later in 999's room, we see Kara taking a nap as we see SCP-999 resting on her lap.

999: *snores* *cuddles*

Kara: *sleeping*

We then see Beth enter the room and she sees both Kara and 999 sleeping together.

Beth: "Aww that's so cute."*takes a picture*"I've got to show this to everyone."*sends a group text*

Later on, we see Kara wake up from her nap and she heads to the cafeteria and she sees that the girls were looking at her with awe.

Kara: "What?"

Beth: "I saw you sleeping with 999 and I took a picture of you two and I sent a group text."

Kara: "Oh." *realizes*"Wait, you what?!"

Beth: "You two look so cute together."

Kara: *stammers* " I was taking a nap in the break room and he showed up!"

Leshawna: "Girl, that blob can put a smile on anyone's face, even Heather's."

Heather: " That's.... actually true."

Leshawna: "Which is still freaky to me."

Kara: " I didn't know blobby was in the room okay."*feels 999 hugging her leg*"Huh?"*sees 999 hugging her leg*"Uhh..."

Lindsay: "Aww look he likes you."

999: *coos*

Kara: "How did you get out?"

Gwen: "He's one of those free roaming SCPs."

Everyone in the room then hears screams of pain.

Leshawna: "Y'all heard that right?"

Gwen: "Yeah pretty much."

Meanwhile in the testing lab, we see a picture of SCP-4812-S on the floor as well as a corpse of a D-Class. You and Cory were taking notes.

Cory: "Whoa, the picture of the SCP still has the effect on people."

(Y/N): "As well as videotape Cory."

Cory: " No kidding."

(Y/N): "Clean up the mess Cory and don't look at the picture."

Cory: "How come I'm cleaning up the mess?"

(Y/N): "You're the only guard here."

Cory: " You know you could lend a hand, just saying."

(Y/N): "Which is why Hooper will be assisting you."

You then leave the room and you see Dr. Amelia Buck and Dr. Molly Collingwood in the halls.

(Y/N): "Good day ladies."

Amelia: "Good day Administrator. It seems to be that time of year again."

Molly: " Ugh, seriously again?"

Amelia: " Come on Molly, we all knew this time would come."

Molly: " You say that every time and it gets old real fast."

Amelia: "The Crooked Man is among us."*to you*"Permission to use D-1983 for the experiment? He is starting to be an annoyance to me."

(Y/N): "Permission granted. I was looking for a reason to get rid of him anyways."

Molly: " Finally, we can get rid of that guy. I'm getting sick of him talking about his show."

Next: Chapter 58: SCP-783 "There Was A Crooked Man"

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