Chapter 56: SCP-1733 "Season Opener"

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We see Anne Maria in an observation room where she sees SCP-1733 in the tape player and we see her all set up to do some experiments.

Anne Maria: "All set."*to you*"So explain to me what this thing does?"

(Y/N): "SCP-1733 is a video tape recording of the opening season of the NBA game from 2010-2011. Every playback is different when the players know and counter tactics that they recognized before, like deja vu."

Anne Maria: " So in the video they know what's gonna happen?"

(Y/N): "Indeed. The players and the commentary have the personalities and mannerisms of the real people on that day. Being completely identical to their real life counterparts. This experiment will test the awareness of the individuals in the tape in subsequent playbacks."

Anne Maria: "Do I have to wear a lab coat? It makes me look fat."

(Y/N): " No you don't have to wear a lab coat, that is standard issue."*pulls out a black suit from the closet*"I took up your request that if you're gonna work on experiments, you have to look hot while doing it. Try this on."

Anne Maria then puts on the black suit and it is really baggy while you see a button on the collar.

Anne Maria: "It doesn't fit."*sees you press the button on the collar and see the suit resizes to fit onto her body*"Oh."

(Y/N): "Be aware that this is a prototype."

Anne Maria: "What kind of stuff does this suit have?"

(Y/N): "It's resistant to chemicals, fire, cold, and it has a micro energy field surrounding your head that acts like a helmet and a shield against auditory cognito hazards."

Anne Maria: " Cog what now?".

(Y/N): " It protects you against sounds that mess with your mind."

Anne Maria: " Oh gotcha."

We later see you and Anne Maria set up to watch SCP-1733.

Anne Maria: " This is gonna be safe right?"

(Y/N): "Do you have to say that everytime we do an experiment like this? This is basically a benign SCP."

Anne Maria: "Alright I'll take your word for this."*gets up*"I'm gonna get something to eat. Need anything?"

(Y/N): " In my office I have a soda drinker hat, can you bring a variety of sodas and the soda drinker hat please?"

Anne Maria: "Sure thing."

After getting some snacks, we see you and Anne Maria ready to watch SCP-1733.

Playback 02

Anne Maria: "TD Garden is booing at Miami Beach and Lebron James just thinks it's just a coincidence."

(Y/N): *taking notes*"Hmm, while improbable. These entities confirm that they are sentient in a digital form. Further playbacks are required."

Playback 015

Anne Maria: "0-0, they're tied eight times already. And they're starting to think they're digital."

(Y/N): *taking notes* "First sign of awareness to their surrounding environment, perhaps this debunks the theory on using SCP-1733 for strategizing in the NBA. Perhaps the playbacks are strengthening their awareness of the environment. Further playbacks must be executed."

Playback 026

Anne Maria: " Okay it looks like it's 112-85, Miami Heat wins and the fans are getting quite aggressive and shouting-"*hears numerous curse words from the crowds*"-shouting bad words and throwing food at the court cause it's unfair they won."

(Y/N): *taking notes*"Fascinating."

Playback 027

Anne Maria: "Mike and Tommy are noticing deja vu in the Heat's entrance and the crowd are subdued in Celtics place. Celtics win and the commenters say they made a recovery on their embarrassment but won't give out the specifics."

(Y/N): *taking notes*"It seems like they're retaining memories of past playbacks."*drinks from the soda drinker hat*

Playback 044

Anne Maria: " Both teams got confused and the game was suspended. They went to the doctors for medical help. And the guys are asking around the 'dreams' they had about the opening season."*sees a large pile of soda cans next to you* " Geez you wanna lay off the soda?"

(Y/N): *while taking notes*"Awareness to the point of stopping the game. Next playback."

Playback 045

Anne Maria: "They didn't do the game, a lot of the people and teams came together to form escape plans. They all head to the doors of the building and so far none of them can be opened."*sees the pile of cans even bigger*"You really gotta lay off the soda."*sees the pile of empty bags of chips*"And the chips."

(Y/N): *while taking notes*"Attempting to escape and fail. Let's see where it goes."

Playback 051

Anne Maria: " Okay looks like the patrons got out of the doors and they have no idea where to go next. They're making weapons to get out of the place and now they're in 3 different groups."*sees people killing the players in a ritualistic way*"And they're killing the players to appease a god of some kind."

(Y/N): *while taking notes*"Forming factions and a form of government."

Anne Maria: *sees the pile of soda cans even bigger than before*"You seriously need to lay off the soda."*sees more empty chip bags*"And the snacks."

Playback 065

Anne Maria: "Now they're marking their territories and no one has ever made a way out of that place yet and use the Celtic championship flag as a flag of their territory and the Faith Keepers think that this is punishment for consumerism. And they burned all of their phones, wallets, and purses"*sees a gucci purse get thrown into the fire*"Even a Gucci purse!!?!?!!"

(Y/N): *while taking notes*"Regarding modern accessories out of the idea that they're punished because of the modern world, fascinating."

Anne Maria: *sees empty pizza boxes*"Yikes, you've been eating a lot of pizza."

Playback 073

Anne Maria: "There are more faithkeepers now and they tried to escape and nothing happened."

(Y/N): *while taking notes*"Still attempting to escape, results are negative."

Playback 095

Anne Maria: *sees orgies on screen*"Gross! Now they are banging each other!"

(Y/N): *while taking notes*"Total breakdown of social order resulting in sexual activities."

Playback 112

Anne Maria: " Now they're jumping off the balcony to kill themselves."*sees a kid jump off the balcony*"Oh my gosh!"

(Y/N): *while taking notes*"Mass suicides via jumping from high places."

After 3 Playbacks

We see Anne Maria rocking back and forth in a corner after seeing what she saw.

Anne Maria: "So...much...death..."

(Y/N): *finishes taking notes* " I guess we have to suspend SCP-1733 playbacks indefinitely. All in all, not bad for an experiment."

Anne Maria: "I need a hug."

(Y/N): *hugs Anne Maria* "Feel better?"

Anne Maria: "Much better. How are you not horrified by all of this?"

(Y/N): "I just got used to it. Like Dr. Gears have gotten used to it."

Anne Maria: "That explains why he's acting like a robot. Are we done now?"

(Y/N): "Yep, we're done here."

Anne Maria: " Thank goodness, I can't handle another playback."

Later, we see you at the canteen as we see Anne Maria with the TD girls.

Zoey: "So how was the new SCP?"

Anne Maria: "I've seen horrible things that I don't want to talk about."

Leshawna: "Oof, that bad huh?"

Anne Maria: " Yeah, I did not expect the people in the tape to do orgies, especially the kids in them."

TD girls: "EWWW!!!"

Gwen: "Don't talk about that SCP, I just got here for lunch."

Beth: "At least nothing else bad will happen right?"

Anne Maria: " I hope not, did you know that there's a girl out there with triple Z breasts?"

TD Girls: " What?!"

Leshawna: "There's a girl out there that is bigger than me!?"

Anne Maria: "Yeah there is."

Lindsay: " No way, no girl has boobies that big other than Leshawna."

Leshawna: "Wait, I think Harold might've mentioned something like that."

Mini Flashback

Here we see Leshawna eating her lunch as Harold was sitting next to her

Harold: "Did you know that the largest breast size is a triple Z and it goes to a woman named Annie Hawkins-Turner, how cool is that?"

Leshawna: "Sorry I wasn't listening."

End of mini flashback

Leshawna: "I can't believe that fact is legit."

Heather: " And here I thought he was just spouting gibberish. But how can anyone have boobs that big, they gotta be implants."

Anne Maria: "Nope, all natural."

Leshawna: "Dang, I feel so...puny."*sees a bird nest on Dawn's head*"Is that a bird's nest on your head?"

Dawn: " Yep, it's mating season."

Gwen: " You mean they're-"

Dawn: "Yep, they are."

The girls then scoot away from Dawn.

Dawn: "Is something wrong?"

Gwen: "We like you, but we're just airing the side of caution. We just don't want to interrupt...whatever they're doing."

Leshawna: " Yeah, nothing personal D, let them have the room."

Dawn: "I understand."

Lindsay: " Um, how long do they take to uh.... Do the dirty?"

Dawn: "When the mother lays her eggs."

Leshawna: " And how long will that take?"

Dawn: " Hm, she will lay her eggs in a week."

Beth: "That's not so bad."

Zoey: "Has anyone seen Sierra?"

We then see Sierra enter the room still wearing her GOC disguise and takes off her helmet and is exhausted.

Sierra: "Phew, what a month."

Zoey: " Where were you?"

Sierra: "I was undercover in the GOC for a month."*puts 7 spears on the table*"I have to steal these from them. The mission report says that they're connected to the Scarlet King."

Gwen: "Woah really?"

Sierra: "Apparently they tried to destroy these things but failed to do so."

Leshawna: " Why?"

Sierra: "Because they make a portal big enough for the Scarlet King to come into our reality, and him being here is no good."

Leshawna: " Dang, that's like all the apocalypse movies ever made, times a million."

Gwen: " No kidding, he's a bad guy and a terrible father."

Leshawna: "I bet ya (Y/N) would be a better daddy than that red crybaby."*sees Izzy planning a wedding*"What are you doing?"

Izzy: "Oh I'm planning a wedding for me and (Y/N). Got opinions on the activities of the bachelor party?"

Gwen: " Woah, woah, slow down, first of all we're in high school and second we're not in college and third why?"

Izzy: "Leshawna said that (Y/N) would make a better dad than the Scarlet King. So I'm planning a wedding between me and (Y/N) so we can get married, have kids and prove he's a better father than him."*pulls out two different dresses*"Do you think I should wear a tux, cause I think (Y/N) would look great in a wedding dress. Also does the dress have to be white? I feel like it has to be a different color."

Lindsay: "Maybe pink?"

Izzy: "Blood red, that's a good color for the dress."

Gwen: " Uh huh, so you love (Y/N)?"

Izzy: "You have no idea. He let me ride on 682 like a horse."


Here we see Izzy SCP-682 like a horse.

SCP-682: "Get off of me you filth!"

Izzy: "Weeeee!"

End of mini flashback

Leshawna: "And how are you not dead?"

Izzy: " I don't know, but it was so awesome!"

Beth: "That's crazy."

Izzy: "I know right."

Gwen: "Izzy, as your friend, do not do a wedding so early."

Izzy: "Eh fair enough. I was gonna go nuts in the bachelorette party anyways, like at my cousin's wedding when I brought the house down and the boat too. But at least my cousin had her honeymoon in the hospital with her new hubby."

Leshawna: " What did you do?"

Izzy: "Oh I drank too much soda."

Gwen: "That makes sense."

Izzy: "Yeah, me and soda do not mix."

Leshawna: "Well whatever comes next I hope that is a Safe Class SCP."

Izzy: "Oh maybe a Keter, those guys always know how to have fun."

Gwen: "I'm fine with Euclid. Not dangerous euclids but like Mr. Fish kind of Euclid."

Izzy: "Would it be crazy that 3 different freaks are under the same number and in 3 different classes?"

Gwen: " Maybe."

Izzy: "Who knows, this place is weird!"

Later at Metropolis High, we see Allura doing some paperwork.

Allura: " There's a lot of paperwork."

We then see Kara come into the room and Mr. Chapin was with her.

Allura: "Mr. Chapin, has Kara done something wrong?"

Chapin: "Your daughter picked a fight with the whole football team after offering her some ice cream."

Kara: "That wasn't me!"

Chapin: " Sure it wasn't you delinquent."

Allura: "Oh dear, can I see the pictures?"

Chapin then handed Allura then pictures as she then looked at them and saw it was Bizzaro Girl.

Allura: " I believe you owe my daughter an apology."

Chapin: " What? That's clearly her!"

We then see Bizzaro Girl walk by in her civilian clothes and sees Kara.

Bizzaro Girl: " Bizzaro Girl got out of huge fight and got ice cream."

Allura: " You were saying?"

Chapin: " That doesn't change the fact that your daughter is a delinquent to this school."

Allura: " Excuse me?! My daughter is a saint."

Chapin: "She destroyed an entire gym back in Smallville."

Bizaro Girl: "Bizzaro Girl did not do that!"

Kara: "Exactly, she did it. She's on opposite day."

Chapin: " Sure she did, and I'm Santa Clause delinquent."

Allura: " That's enough! Apologize to my daughter or else."

Chapin: " Or else what? You're the vice principal."

Allura then lifted the table with ease as she then tossed it at Chapin which he dodged as he saw Allura glaring at him.

Chapin: *shaking in fear* " O-o-okay okay!"

We then see you come in with an anti-memetic disguise as a superintendent of the school board.

(Y/N): "Unjustly calling a good student a delinquent for a crime that she didn't commit."

Chapin: "Superintendent, I-I can explain about the state of the school. We ran out of wax, we can get some more."

(Y/N): "You're fired!"

Chapin: "Fired!? What is the school board blaming me for?"

(Y/N): "Attempted to falsely expel Kara from Metropolis High, as well as falsely accusing her of any trouble she caused. We know it was-"*points at Bizzaro Girl*-her, because we look at the pictures very closely. Now pack your things and get out of this school!"*to Allura*"And Ms.Donaver, you are the new principal of this school."

Allura: "Thank you sir."*to Bizzaro Girl*"As for you old lady, you are going to detention."

Bizzaro Girl: "Me happy."

Sometime later, we see Bizzaro Girl in detention.

Bizaro Girl: "This rules."

Later after school, we see Kara and Allura at Sweet Justice eating ice cream.

Kara: "Best day ever!"

Allura: "Yes sweetie. I should really get a girl group though."

Kara: "In your case a mom group."

Allura: "Great idea."

By the next night, we see Allura with Hippolyta, Venelana, Grayfia, Kelly, and Lady Phenex.

Hippolyta: "It is good to have this Moms Night."

Venelana: "It's about time I got back on Earth and stretched my legs."

Allura: "I'm glad we're hanging out."

Kelly: " Yeah, and us moms have to stick together. Sometimes the life of a parent is harsh."

Everyone: "Tell me about it."

Hippolyta: "We shall make this Moms Night a night for the ages!"

Grayfia: "Of course."

Next: Chapter 57: SCP-4812 "Wrath"

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