Chapter 66: SCP-1498 "Dial-A-Dream"

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Here we see Jessica walking into a containment chamber when she sees a bunch of sheep made out of parts of rotary phones called SCP-1498.

Jessica: " What the heck?"

We then see the sheep head to Jessica and then surround her.

Jessica: "Oh uh hey there sheep."

The sheep then cuddled with Jessica as she petted their heads.

Jessica: " Oh heh, you're a friendly sheep."

We then see a sheep stick it's head under Jessica's skirt as she yells.

Jessica: "Eep!"*pulls her skirt off of the sheep*"Don't you look there."

We then see a technician enter the room and see Jessica.

Technician: "Ma'am, don't interact with SCP-1498."

Jessica: " Uh this is a sheep not an SCP."

Technician: "Ma'am, those sheep are made out of parts of a rotary phone."

Jessica: *sees the rotary phone head on the sheep*"Oh, I thought that's a costume."

Technician: " Just whatever you do, don't use their phones ma'am."

Jessica: "Right."

Sometime later, we see the technician leave the room and Jessica's curiosity gets the best of her and she looks at one of the sheeps heads.

Jessica: "It wouldn't hurt to pick it up right?"

Jessica then picks up the phone and then she puts it up to her head.

Jessica: "Um, is anyone there?"

Oneiroi: *over the phone*"This is your Oneiroi operator making your dreams possible, may I help you today?"

Jessica: "Oneiroi?"

Oneiroi: *over the phone*"Would you like to hear our dream packages ma'am?"

Jessica: " Um sure why not."

Oneiroi: *over the phone*"Ma'am our specialty is dreams coming true. Just say what you want and we will give it to you."

Jessica: " Hm okay, um how about World Peace with everyone on Earth and beyond the stars."

Oneiroi: *over the phone*"Would you like to add your wedding day to your package ma'am?"

Jessica: *blushes*"Umm....sure of course."

Oneiroi: *over the phone*"If you want, we can upgrade you to the honeymoon package and make your wedding happen and everyone will remember it and we send you tickets to your pre-determined honeymoon destination in real life or if you want your and all of your future husband's girlfriends to be married to him you can add to the polyamory package."

Jessica: "I'll take the polyamory package but I still want the world peace dream."

Oneiroi: *over the phone*"Of course, anything else you want to add to your custom dream?"

Jessica: " Hmm can I see my kids in my dream?"

Oneiroi: *over the phone*"Okay and if you want to get pregnant in real life, we can upgrade you to the happy mother package."

Jessica: " Oh uh no thanks, I'm still in highschool. But thanks for the offer."

Oneiroi: *over the phone*"Alright thank you for calling, and remember to make your own custom dreamscapes with your friends at the Oneiroi Collective."

Jessica: " Will do."*hangs up*"Do they send it through the mail or-"*yawns*"I'm so sleepy-"

Jessica then falls asleep and then falls to the floor. Later in Jessica's dream, we see Jessica in her own house and we see her wake up after hearing the alarm.

Jessica: " Ah! Wh-what the?"*Looks around*"I'm in my room?"

Jessica then heads outside and she sees that the air is much cleaner, people are eating vegetables, the pollution went to zero, and all the people are nice to each other.

Jessica: " Wow, this place is amazing."

Jessica sees SCP-682 giving a bunch of children piggy back rides, SCP-049 treating a man with a broken arm, SCP-096 hosting a support group for people that have image problems. She then comes by a petting zoo filled with not just normal goats, pigs, and chickens but also SCPs like SCP-1498 and 999. When Jessica looks at a TV she sees a news report.

News guy: *on TV*" And in related news, the Council of the Milky Way has president Steve Rogers to be one of their new members. In the technology industry Karen Beecher won the Nobel prize for making drones that cleaned up all of the world's oceans of any trash and got rid of pollution."

Jessica: " Wow, good for Karen."

Jessica then walks by the theater and she sees that Zee and Oliver became a famous duo of magic tricks and broadway.

Jessica: "Wow."

Jessica then walks by and she sees a poster about her wedding day with you.

Jessica: *reads the poster* " (Y/N) and many girls are getting married."*sees the date*"Today!?"

Jessica then sees her moms come in their car and Siobhan rolls her window down.

Siobhan: "Sweetie today is your wedding day sweetie. Come on, we don't want to be late."

Jessica: " Oh uh, okay coming."

We then see Jessica get inside the car and drive off with her moms. Later, when she gets into her wedding dress, she sees that her friends are in wedding dresses too.

Kara: "Isn't there a punk rock wedding dress?"

Zee: " Sorry Kara, they were all out plus it's a wedding everyone knows the bride wears the dress."

Kara: "Our soon to be husband has a lot of brides and the wedding cake is like an entire army of brides on the cake."*Sees Diana about to say something*"And no it's not an actual army of brides."

Diana: "I see."

Sometime later, we see Jessica and the other brides at the altar with you.

Priest: "You may kiss the brides."

We then see you kiss all of the girls that are in the group and soon to be in the group including Jessica as she kisses back. Later on, we see you and the girls on your honeymoon in the Bahamas and you and the girls are having fun. Some years later, you and your wives have kids and we see Jessica cradling her twin daughters. She then puts her kids on the floor and she sees Dexter cuddling with her children. She sees that Kara is 4 months pregnant and places her ear on her stomach and she hears 3 heartbeats.

Jessica: "Congrats Kara, you gonna have triplets."

Kara: "I thought I was gonna have one kid!"

Jessica: "Kara calm down."

Kara: "Sorry, hormone rage."

Jessica then sees you come into the room and you turn to her and you both kiss each other on the lips. Jessica wakes up from her dream and she is in a bed in the infirmary.

Jessica: " Ah! Where am I?"

Doctor: "The infirmary ma'am, exposure to SCP-1498 will cause side effects include: coughing up telephone chords, wires growing from your hair, ringing devices in your ears and constant ringing, and vocalizations replaced with dial tones. Eventually your head will turn into a rotary phone and possess the same mindset as SCP-1498 and make you an instance of SCP-1498-1. But that will only happen when you repeatedly expose yourself to SCP-1498. You will be quarantined for 2 months."

Jessica: " What?!"

Doctor: "It's a necessary protocol ma'am. But we made a cover story for your absence in school."

Jessica: " Okay."

Later on, we see you at Kelly's mansion and we see you in the living room reading about the Oneiroi Collective as we see Kelly walk into the room.

Kelly: " Hey (Y/N) what are you reading?"

(Y/N): "About a group of interest called the Oneiroi Collective. They are dream based entities with a hive minded consciousness and Jessica interacted with the SCPs from them called SCP-1498. Now she is quarantined for 2 months. She ordered a custom dream from the Oneiroi Collective and she wanted world peace and to have a family with me and the rest of the group."

Kelly: " Well that sounds nice."

(Y/N): "Yeah it is. You know the SCPs we contain might make the world a better place, but that would risk exposing everyone to the horrors of the supernatural and risking our lives too."

Kelly: "Bad things will happen when everyone knows your organization exists, I understand."

(Y/N): "So how are things on your end Kelly?"

Kelly: " Pretty well, still single though. I wish there was someone for me."

(Y/N): " Well I'm sure you'll find someone. Just need to look in the right place, he could be close by or far away. Either you come to him or he comes to you."

Kelly: "I guess you're right. But I feel like my special someone is so close to me, but I don't know who."

(Y/N): " Well either way I'm sure you'll find out soon."

Kelly: "I just hope that Taylor likes him too."

(Y/N): "Well do you have preferences on your special someone?"

Kelly: " Well he should be nice and he treats women with respect and cares about what's on the inside and-"*realizes*"Oh goodness, I think I know who my special someone is."

(Y/N): "Who?"

Kelly: "You (Y/N), you're the nicest person I know and you treat women like equals. PLus you're much more successful than my ex husband."

(Y/N): "Um, would it be weird if your daughter calls me dad?"

Kelly: " Well I'm not so sure about that."

(Y/N)' " Why?"

Kelly: "I don't think she's ready for a new dad yet."

(Y/N): " Really? I thought she hated her dad after the fake trophies?"

Kelly: "She does, but I'm not sure she would be ready for you to be her stepfather."

(Y/N): " Maybe if you tell her gently she would understand."

Kelly: " Hm, maybe."

???: "I understand mom."

You then Kelly turn around to see Kelly in the room.

(Y/N): "How long have you been there?"

Taylor: "Long enough to hear mom saying that she likes you."

Kelly: " So, you're okay with this?"

Taylor: "Duh, if you like him, you like him. Besides, I read enough romance novels where an older woman loves a younger man to know that kind of relationship works out."

Kelly: " Taylor you know you're not allowed to read those kinds of books!"

Taylor: "You can't tell me what to do."

(Y/N): "Listen to your mother, young lady, how about getting some homework done, you have to study possible anomalies so that you're prepared to face them. Understand?"

Taylor: "Yes dad. Woah that felt weird to say."

(Y/N): "Considering that I'm chronologically old enough to be everyone's dad, I thought this might happen. Man I feel like dad. Wait, do I even have a dad?"

Kelly: " You don't remember having a father?"

(Y/N): "Yes and no, it's kinda hard to keep track of your past when you have all of your memories from different variants of yourself."

Taylor: " It's true and mom it's best not to figure that out."

Kelly: "Well I believe you."

Taylor: "Well I am a bit jealous that you got to him before I did mom."

Kelly: "I think it would be a bit awkward for a mother and daughter to date the same person."

Taylor: " Yeah (Y/N) would be like a boyfriend and a daddy, or a boddy."

Kelly: " A boddy?"

Taylor: " A boyfriend and a daddy."

Kelly: "Oh."

Later on, we see you, Kelly, and Taylor in a hot tub and both Taylor and Kelly think about their relationship with you.

Taylor: "Okay, he's gonna be my dad and my boyfriend, but he's also gonna be your boyfriend, mom."

Kelly: " Okay, and he's also going to be your father, oh my what will other people think?"

Taylor: "Everyone knows that you're hot and I'm hot, I mean you're so hot that people thought you were my sister."

Kelly: " Aww thanks sweetie."

Taylor: "Besides he looks like he's old enough to date single moms now. Like when a guy was 17 during his high school graduation and he liked his hot math teacher and when he became 18 both him and his girlfriend who was his math teacher started dating."

Kelly: " Um, was that in a movie?"

Taylor: "Ugh mom, do you really watch the news articles online. Look, all I'm saying is that he looks old enough to date girls like me and you end of story. We'll just be one of those families that stand out from the crowd, like two gay dads raising a little girl or like Jessica and her family. You know wholesomely weird families."

Kelly: "Oh well I guess it's decided, we're dating (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Now you two came to a nice conclusion on this conundrum."

Taylor: " We sure did, since mom got to you before I did, she will be bragging to her ex husband aka my not daddy first."

Kelly: "And I know just how to do it."*gives Taylor her phone*"Take a picture of me and (Y/N)."

Taylor: " Okay."*sees Kelly kissing you on the lips*"Oh he's gonna be hurt when he sees this."*takes a picture and send it to Kelly's ex husband*"And send. Now we wait."

Kelly: *pulls away*" Now let's see what my ex has to say about this."

Taylor: *sees the reply and laughs out loud*"Oh wow, he is so jealous right now."

Kelly: " He sure is, and now I have a new boyfriend that treats me like an equal now."*puts your head into her breasts*"Right (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): *muffled*"Exactly."

Next: Chapter 67: SCP-005 "Skeleton Key"

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