Chapter 9: SCP-909 "Mr. Forgetful"

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Here we see Carol sitting in her room still sad about you, as she was crying in her bed as we then see both the hero and the villian girls show up.

Harleen: "Hey.... pinky, how ya been?"

Carol: *cries out*"HOW DO YOU THINK?!?"

They then hear the doorbell ring from the front door as we see Karen head to it and open it to see a man in a green blazer and has a W on him.

Mr. Forgetful: "Um excuse me ma'am, I'm supposed to be somewhere but I don't remember where exactly."

Carol then closed the door on him and went onto the couch and continued to cry her heart out.

Pam: "Do you think she'll ever be okay?"

They hear the doorbell again as we see Karen go to the door and see the same man.

Mr. Forgetful: "Excuse me ma'am, have we met before, my memory is a bit fuzzy."

Kara then grabbed Mr. Forgetful and punted him out of the city.

Kara: "Good riddance."

Babs: " Kara, why would you do that?!"

Kara: "Isn't it obvious? That fake (Y/N) must have sent that guy, I know who that is, he's Mr.Forgetful, he forgets things and makes people forget things just by writing them down."

Zee then makes a portal as Mr. Forgetful comes out of it and looks around.

Mr. Forgetful: "How did I get here?"

Kara: "Zee what the heck?!"

Zee: "Does the phrase limited edition ring a bell?"

Mr. Forgetful: "I don't think there aren't any bells ringing in my case."

Karen: "Okay Mr. Forgetful, what do you remember?"

Mr. Forgetful: "I wish I could tell you, but my memory is not the best."

Kara: "Who sent you here?"

Mr. Forgetful: "Hmm, I don't know. I think he was wearing a top hat, a fancy tux, and a knack for making toys for kids, like me I think." *forgets the question*"What were we talking about?"

Jessica: "Kara how did you know about Mr. Forgetful?"

Kara: "Some weird guy with a top hat advertised me with some weird line of toys called Little Misters and he's one of them."

Mr. Forgetful: "Oh his name is Dr. Wondertainment, I think."*forgets something*"Who are we talking about?"

Kara: "Don't write anything down."

Mr. Forgetful: "Write down what?"

Kara: "Just don't write anything okay?"

Mr.Forgetful: " Um okay?"

Meanwhile with you, we see you making a living at the sushi joint in Musutafu, Japan as we see some Pro Heroes enter the restaurant, these heroes are Mt. Lady, Miss Joke, and Midnight since they're doing a girls day out.

Midnight: "Hey can you get us california rolls, salmon on rice, and some sashimi?"

(Y/N): "Coming right up."

You then start making their orders as the Pro Heroes talk among themselves about you.

Mt.Lady: " Soo, that's not (Y/N) right?"

Miss Joke: "No way, he's way too cheerful. (Y/N) should be a kid that has been scarred for life since he was a kid."

Midnight: "But that's not (Y/N)."

Miss Joke: "Yeah not really."

(Y/N): "Order up."

You then give the girls their orders as they start eating.

Midnight: "So we all agree that this is not (Y/N)?"

Girls: "Agreed."

Miss Joke: "At least the food here is good right?"

Midnight: "(Y/N) would have thought so."

Mt. Lady: "Which (Y/N) are you referring to?"

Midnight: "Our (Y/N), our old one, not this peppy happy one."

Mt. Lady: "Oh. Well what happened to him?"

Midnight: "I don't know, but we're gonna find out."

Meanwhile in the SCP that no one should say it's name, we see a rabbit marking a tally on a wooden plank of how many days he's been in the forest of no name.

"It's been a month since I got here."*turns to see the time*"Looks like it's time to harvest the fruits."

The rabbit then headed to the garden and harvested some fruits and some vegetables. Later, at the Foundation, we see the Pro Heroes talking to a member of the Ethics Committee.

Midnight: "What happened to (Y/N), and don't say 'it's classified'."

Ethics committee: "The Red Right Hand has been given strict orders to kill any member of the Ethics Committee to let the word get out, that order was given by The Administrator himself. That's all you need to know."*shows the pros the earpiece in his ear*"This earpiece has been surgically implanted into my ear so that if I let word get out, the Red Right Hand will say auditory memetic kill agents into my ear and I'll die. He was suffering throughout his life and he needs to escape from the suffering, so we-"

Ethics Committee member hears the auditory memetic kill agent as he drops dead to the floor.

Midnight: " Ugh great, now how are we supposed to find out what happened to him?"

The pro heroes then see some foundation guards bringing in Mr. Forgetful into a cell.

Midnight: " You two aren't wired right?"

Guard: " No why?"

Midnight: " Can you tell us what happened to (Y-, The Administrator?"

Guard: "Uh sorry ma'am, that information above our clearance. You have to have a level 6 Security Clearance to know that, and that's the kind of clearance not even the O5 or the Ethics Committee has. Sorry that we can't be of much help, we found SCP-909 out of containment in Metropolis so we're bringing him back to containment."

Mr. Forgetful: "Did I used to live here or something? Cause I feel like I've been here."

Guard: "No offense, but we do have a dress code ma'am and that outfit is not up to code."

Midnight: " And what's wrong with my outfit?"

Guard: "It's a bit erotic to look at, my coworker has a boner as we speak."*to the other guard*"Hey, pay attention!"

Guard 2: "Sorry sir."

Guard: *to Midnight*"Sorry about that, he's new around here. Anyways see ya."

We see the guards take Mr. Forgetful back into his cell as the girls turn to each other.

Midnight: " What do we do now?"

Mt. Lady: "I don't know."

Later, back in the forest of no name, we see a rabbit heading to the safest path and he's reminiscing about the time he spent in the world where names don't exist.

"This world is my home and I'm not going back."

The rabbit then sees a foundation expedition team coming from the well of the very beginning.

"Hello Foundation expedition team."

Field Agent: "Hello Rabbit with a nice tux."

"It's nice to have you here to travel in these woods."

Field Agent: "Yeah it is."

"Well here's a gift between friends."*hands the field agent an apple*

Field Agent: *takes the apple*"Oh thank you, depressive rabbit."

The expedition team then leaves the area as the rabbit heads back to his house. Meanwhile, we see the pro heroes knock on the door as Karen opens it.

Midnight: "We're here to know what happened to (Y/N)."

Later, we see the pro heroes in the living room and the superhero girls explain everything.

Midnight: " He what?!"

Kara: "He swapped bodies with a rando from this woodland world with no name."

Diana: "And now we despise this fake (Y/N)."

Mt. Lady: "I think I know why he did it, the world has brought him nothing but suffering and he needs some time off from the world to give him a clear and peaceful life."

Diana: "Not all of us wanted him to leave."*points to a crying Carol*

Midnight: "Maybe she needs some time away from him?"

We then see all the doors in the house getting sealed off and red gas was dispersed all around them. Then they heard voices from a microphone and it was the Ethics Committee.

Ethics Committee member: "The Ethics Committee has decided that in order to prevent our death while at the same time maintain secrecy of the whereabouts of The Administrator, we are administering amnestics into this room so you will have no memory of the SCP Foundation including The Administrator."

Carol: "What!? Why!?"

Ethics Committee member: "Sometimes, ignorance is bliss."

Later, the next day, we see Carol waking up and she can't remember about what happened in the past month.

Carol: "Wha- what happened?"

Later, at school, Carol struggles to remember something from the past month.

Carol: " Why can't I remember anything?!"

Carol then opens her locker to see a photo of her and you, along with the other girls.

Carol: " What's this? And who's this boy?"*turns the photo around and the reads the note* " Carol, if you ever forget who (Y/N) is aka the Administrator and the SCP Foundation here's a reminder. Who's (Y/N)?"

Carol looks further and sees her diary as she opens it and reads the most recent entry.

Carol: " Dear diary-"*sees the entry page corrode away**sees you corroding away from the picture as well*"Huh? Okay that's weird."

Carol then sees Hal and was about to call him but she didn't say it in a normal way.

Carol: " Hey Hal."

Hal: *sees Carol*"Ah! No, please don't!"

Carol: " Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you, do you know what happened to....(Y/N)?"

Hal: "Who?"

Carol: "(Y/N) where is he?"

Hal: "I don't know who you're talking about?"

Carol: " Ugh forget it."

Carol then walks off but then gets an idea.

Carol: "Wait Zee, she might be able to help."

Carol then goes and finds Zee in the costume room.

Carol: "Zee there you are."

Zee: "Carol what are you doing here?"

Carol: "Nevermind that, do you know a spell that restores someone's memory?"

Zee: "I do, but there's a slight chance you might forget your name, it's a 30 step spell."

Carol: " Well get to it I need to remember who (Y/N) is."

Zee: " Uh okay if you say so."

Carol: " Good and get your friends and meet me at my house."

Later after school, we see Carol and the girls at her house.

Jessica: " So you remember this guy's name but you don't know him?"

Carol: "Yes and thanks to Zee's memory restoration spell that will help us remember."

Zee: "Okay the spell is ready."

Carol: "Okay do your thing Zee."

Zee then casts the spell on the girls, herself, and Carol as they all remember you and the foundation.

Carol: " I remember now, (Y/N), body switching, everything!"

Babs: " Hey yeah I remember him too!"

Diana: " But where is he now?"

Carol: " I don't know, but we need to find him."

Then a warp gate appeared and you came out of it with a tray of sushi.

(Y/N): "Apology sushi anyone?"

Carol: "(Y/N)!!" *Hugs you* " I'm so sorry for everything! I didn't think about your needs! And I'm super duper sorry!"

Jessica: "We all are, we're sorry for everything."

(Y/N): "Um I'm not the (Y/N) you are thinking right now, he's still in the SCP with no name."

Carol: "We know, even if you're not our (Y/N), I'm sorry."

(Y/N): " No, I'm sorry, for not considering how you felt, how all of you felt, even though I'm not your (Y/N) I can be what (Y/N) would have wanted."

Jessica: "To be happy, and peaceful, also while I am thankful for the sushi some of us are vegan aka me."

(Y/N): "Oh right, sorry."

Jessica: "It's okay."

(Y/N): "I guess I can just blow this popsicle stand and get my life back in those nameless woods."

Diana: "How, there are millions of creatures in those woods, how can you find him?"

(Y/N): "I can't, but there are some people who can."

Next: Chapter 10: SCP-001 "The Database"

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