Chapter 17

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Annabeth's POV:

I woke up from my bed after a long day with Angie.  She is actually a pretty cool girl!  I feel very bad for her situation though....Actually, now that I think about it, we only had biological parents for about the same time...Weird...

Stretching, I slowly get up from my bed.  I yawn, and rub my eyes.  I reach over to my bedside table, and turn on my phone.  I stretch a little more, then walk over to my door and open it.  I hear some murmuring downstairs, which made me curious.  Looking at my phone, which had finished loading, I check the time.  6:30 in the morning?!  On a Saturday?!  Why am I and whoever is talking up so early?!  Wait...No one gets up this early normally...why is someone up?  And talking?  

Ooooooo this is the perfect moment to eavesdrop! I will always take advantage of a moment to eavesdrop.  I carefully sneak down the hallway, to reach the staircase to go down.  I then slid quietly down the railing.  There was a squeak when I rolled down and I am almost gasped in surprise, but I clasped my hand over my mouth quickly enough.  That would have been so bad!  I land quickly on the floor, a little louder then I wanted.  With an oof, I quietly run into the next room, trying to hide myself.  Just as I entered the room, I hear a door open, then close.  I sigh in relief.  Oh thank god...I creep out of my current room, and enter the adjoining room.  I can finally decipher who is talking.  It sounds like Jordan and Sonja.   This is weird...because of the fact that Jordan doesn't even wake until at least 12 in the afternoon, and Sonja at least 2.  This has to be a secret!  OOoohhh.  I'm excited!  I slip into the next room, which happened to be the lounge.  Across from the lounge was the kitchen, which was where Jordan and Sonja were currently talking.  I could hear them perfectly, so I listen in.

"We won't be able to keep this secret for long Sonja" says Jordan with a sigh.  "I think Annabeth is getting suspicious."

"I know Jordan.  But unless you want her finding out about you and Tom, I would stick with it.  You know how much of a fangirl she is."  

I hear Jordan sigh a second time.  "I just...Tom and I have only been together for about a week.  I'm just worried that we might accidently say something.  You know?"  It takes all of my will to not to squeal at the top my lungs. SyndiSparklez!!!! Ahhhh!!! I bite the inside of my cheek to keep the fangirl in.  I then hear someone get up from their chair.  I bolt out of the room, making sure to get up the stairs before they notice me.  Running into my room, I close the door and slide down to the floor.   

"What...what did I just hear?" I mumble to myself.  "Why would they want to keep this from me?  I'm so confused...don't they trust me?  I mean sure, my inner fangirl almost came out, but almost is the key word."  I shake my head in disbelief.  "Well, as they obviously don't want me to know...I'm going to leave some...hints for them to catch on that I do.  Ones that will make them guilty! Yah!"  Grabbing my notebook from my desk, I start to jot down some ideas.  This is gonna be good....


Hello my beautiful Okiantors! Ana here, back with another update. Yay! This chapter wasn't actually planned to be this way, but I got some inspiration to write it this way.  I hope you enjoy!  Bye Darlings!


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