Chapter 18

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Annabeth's POV:

I heaved myself out of the extremely comfortable chair to answer Sonja's call.  What does she want now?  I ask myself.  She just called just a little while ago just so I could get a spoon for her cereal, and five minutes before that she asked me to get her a coffee from down the street!  Is is just me or do I call that needy?

I do it anyway, because I am a good person.  (Plus I don't want to get in trouble, but we won't tell her that)   I wish I could see Stephanie again.  I remember the fun times we had...


I was about twelve years old.  All I wanted was to have a friend.  Sure, I had my YouTubers too comfort me.  But when you need a physical relationship, I always came up short.  Why does this happen?  Why me?  I never did quite understand it.  Looking at my surroundings, I suddenly see everyone rushing around.  The advisor was yelling orders to everyone.  Well that didn't really change from her normally, now did it.  The last time I saw her run that fast (when she is actually out of her office that is) was when someone new was coming.  That happened....oh geez.  Maybe a year ago?  It has been quite a long time since someone actually dropped off a kid here.  We were the least liked orphanage in Washington, after all.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, hated us here- all because of our advisor.  She is just making us rot.  I am used to it, sure, but that is because I have been here over a decade.  

I heard a saying going around in this orphanage, from the staff in particular.  If you have lived here over a decade, you weren't leaving until you were legally able to.  The staff always gave me sad looks because they knew I was the only one applicable at the time. 

I shake my head, coming back to reality.  I slowly walk up to one of the volunteers.  She was new.  I think her name was Aphmau?  Anyway, I walk up to her carefully, not wanting to scare her.  Appearing at her side, I say "What's going on Miss Aphmau?"  

She turned to me and smiled.  "Please call me Jess.  Aphmau is my nickname."  I nod at her request.  "Secondly, there is supposed to be a new kid here.  She just got out of the hospital, and is traumatised.  No one else wanted to take her."  

I felt my face mold into a frown.  No one should be treated like that.  No one.  Especially a kid.  "What is her name?" I ask quietly, contemplating the situation.  

"Apparently Stephanie" she answered, looking at the sky. She turned back to me, and said the words I always wanted to hear from an adult. 

"She is around your age.  Maybe you can make a friend?"

-Flashback End-

I shake my head, ending my trip back through memory lane.  I contemplated the rest of the events that followed.  We became best friends after that.  If I was there, Steph would be nearby, and vice versa.  You couldn't get one without the other.  I put my head down, suddenly sad, now that it is over.  I don't know if I will ever see her again.

I suddenly had a bright idea.  Maybe I could visit her in the orphanage!  That would be awesome!  I would be able to actually see my best friend again.  I start jumping up and down in anticipation.  I squeal somewhat loudly, who happens to disturb Tom in the next room.  He walks in and leans on the door frame.  "What's making you so excited girl?" he asks me.  I stop jumping, and look up at him.  

"I want to visit my best friend at the Orphanage!"  Tom's eyebrows furrow together.   He talks carefully.

"And...who may that be if I ask?"  I laugh at his words.  

"Stephanie of course!"  Tom's brows furrow further in thought.  Then his face relaxes and his eyes light up.

"Oh you mean that blonde chick that was talking to Jordan when you passed out?"

I nod quickly.  "Can we go Uncle Tom can we go can we go?"  His eyes light up even more.  

"Of course, my dear niece!", which I chuckle at.  "Lezzago!"  He takes my hand, and drags me towards the door.  

"Bye Sonja!"  I call out quickly.  She sticks her head out the door.  

"Bye Annabeth!  Stay out of trouble with Tom ya hear!"  I laugh and nod, just before he pulls me out the door.

"Time to go see Stephanie!"


Oh my god I actually wrote.  Holy crap this was a long time coming.  I hope y'all like it!  I am so so so sorry for such a long wait.  Holy crap am I sorry.  To be honest, I'm gonna give you the same answer that everyone else does.  That school and other personal issues are getting in the way.  I am a 10th grader (yes a high schooler) in an honors high school.  SO there is a TON of work.  Emphasis on ton.  I am sorry for taking so long to update, I truly am.  Just know I love y'all very much!  I will try to update as soon as possible!  Not sure when that will be, but I hope within the next week or so.

I love you my Okinators! Bye!

-Ana- (<-- almost put my real name down that would have been bad)

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