➥ laurel ♀

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☆ ╔═══════════════╗ ☆
Reese Witherspoon
☆ ╚═══════════════╝ ☆

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart" - Hellen Keller

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• • • |basic information| • • •

Laurel Jane Sutton

derived from the name of the "laurel tree"
God is Gracious
From the South Town, Southern Homestead


Laurie, Jane, Mom



her age or a little older





someone who is strong and capable of taking care of her and her daughter

She has mostly English background


American & ASL

mortality, vulnerability, and emotional damage

she received a bachelor of science in nursing

she was a stay at home mom

she lived in a small town off a local suburbs in a nice community
she lived in a house

"In this life we cannot do
great things. We can only
do small things with
great love"
- Mother Teresa

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• • • |appearance| • • •

Standing at a modest 5'2", her stature is a delicate blend of grace and subtle curves. Her frame, though slight, carries an understated allure, with curves that gently accentuate the contours of her figure. Despite her diminutive stature, there's a quiet strength in the way she carries herself, a self-assuredness that belies her physical size. Her eyes, a striking shade of cerulean blue, are windows to a soul that harbors depth and warmth. Framed by long, dark lashes, her eyes are like pools of clarity, revealing emotions with a subtle vulnerability. Cascading down in waves, her hair tells a tale of transformation. Originally born a deep, rich brown, it has been dyed into a sun-kissed blonde, adding a touch of vibrancy to her appearance. Her skin, pale and porcelain-like, speaks of a sensitivity to sunlight. Light freckles, reminiscent of a scattering of stardust, grace her cheeks, adding a touch of whimsy to her countenance.

natural brunette
currently blonde
usually rests around her chest
thick and fine hair

vision 20/30

pail skin
blemishes include stretch marks, freckles, and a few moles
she has a scar on her leg that she received while escaping her husband that had turned and was trying to kill her
she has a birthmark under her left breast

125 lbs
slim and slightly curvy

no tattoos
she has her ears pierced

• • • |clothing/style| • • •

Laurel loved to dress up so even on a casual day she would wear a cute dress if the weather permitted or nice pants and a sweater. It wasn't anything fancy but she always liked to wear something that made her feel good and would make her productive

Laurel really only dressed up for either something to do with her husband's work ( like a dinner or get together ) or for her daughter's school (like a recital, parent-teacher conference, etc ). This usually consisted of either slacks and a blazer or a nicer dress.

• • • |health| • • •

Laurel tries to maintain and good physical health. She enjoys eating healthy, working out, going on walks, be active. This lifestyle has helped her maintain a good overall physical health. She even rarely gets sick!

: | Mental|:
Laurel has a good mental health. She has a very loving family that supports her and really enjoys the life that she has. After what happened? It's quickly gone downhill but she keeps up an act to support her daughter

Laurel had a fairly helpful diet. It helps that most of the food she ate she grew herself too

↳ O+

↳ minor allergy to bananas




she sprained her ankle 5 weeks ago and is still healing

addicted to reading books

: |Medications| :
she was taking anxiety medication

: | More|:

"Curiosity about life
in all of its aspects, I
think, is the secret of
great creative people."
- Leo Burnett

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• • • |personality| • • •

: |Personality|:
Laurel, a woman of many facets, exudes an air of anxiety that she tries to hide but fails, clinging to her like a second skin since she lost her husband. Her days are often marked by a confused demeanor as she grapples with the overwhelming demands of her new life. Desperation shadows her every move, driven by an unrelenting fear of failing her loved ones.

Insecurity haunts her thoughts, leaving her perpetually unsure of her decisions and actions. She already failed her husband and she will spend every waking moment making sure she doesn't do the same for her daughter.

Despite her inherent ignorance on certain matters, she remains dependent on the support of those around her. She does not know how to live in this brutal life but will do everything she can to make sure that her daughter lives. Recently, a scatterbrained nature has added another layer of problems for her to have to deal with.

Timid by default, her strength emerges when defending her daughter, transforming her into a lioness fiercely protective of her cub. Beneath the layers of anxiety and confusion lies a caring and compassionate soul, dedicated to ensuring the well-being of her family. Her dependability makes her an anchor in these times of chaos as well as her empathy. Despite her own insecurities, she possesses a good-natured spirit that envisions a future of a better world once again for her daughter.

Kindness and modesty define her interactions with others. In the face of life's challenges she remains steadfast even though all she wants to do is crawl into a hole and cry. She embodies the qualities of a mother who, even with her flaws, is a pillar of strength for her family.

: |GoodTraits|:

: |NeutralTraits|:
overly ambitious

: |BadTraits|:

: |Likes|:
being with her family
going to the beach

: |Dislikes|:
cold weather
snobby people
spicy food

: |Strengths|
medical knowledge
herb knowledge
good walking stamina

: |Weaknesses|
lacks any fighting experience
requires glasses to see decently
has no survival skills besides gardening

: |Hobbies|:
reading romance novels

: |TurnOns|:
sweet talk
being nice to her daughter

: |TurnOffs|:

"The way I see it, if you
want the rainbow, you
gotta put up with the rain."
- Dolly Parton

• • • |this or that| • • •

: |PessimistOptimist|:

: |ExtrovertIntrovert|:

: |DominantSubmissive|:

: |LoverFighter|:

: |OpenSecretive|:

: |TruthfulLiar|:

: |TrustingCautious|:

: |SocialAntisocial|:

: |ForgivingVengeful|:

: |MatureImmature|:

: |Cold/WarmWeather|:
warm weather

: |MessyNeat|:

: |QuietLoud|:

: | MasculineFeminine|:

: | FighterPacifist|:

• • • |stats| • • •

: |Intelligence|:
↳ [ 7.5/10 ]

: |Confidence|:
↳ [ 6.5/10 ]

: |Patience|:
↳ [ 9/10 ]

: |Wisdom|:
↳ [ 7/10 ]

: |Happiness|:
↳ [ 8/10 ]

: |Courage|:
↳ [ 4/10 ]

: |Honesty|:
↳ [ 9/10 ]

: |Loyalty|:
↳ [ 9/10 ]

: |Leadership|:
↳ [ 6.5/10 ]

: |Sight|:
↳ [ 5.5/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Smell|:
↳ [ 7/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Hearing|:
↳ [ 7/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Speed|:
↳ [ 5/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Agility|:
↳ [ 5/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Strength|:
↳ [ 4/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Stamina|:
↳ [ 6/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Reflexes|:
↳ [ 5/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Stealth|:
↳ [ 5.5/10 ]
(For their species)

"The loveliest masterpiece
of the heart of God is the
heart of a mother"
- St. Therese of Liseux

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• • • |relationships| • • •

: |Mother|:
Michelle ; 68 ; Laurel and her mother were extremely close. They had a great connection from when she was young and stayed that way until she passed ; deceased

: |Father|:
David ; 78 ; Laurel was also close with her father. He was a very quiet, stern, but sweet man who cared deeply for her ; deceased

: |Sisters|:
she was an only child

: |Brothers|:
she was an only child

: |Status|:

: |Children|:
Mallory ; 13 ; Laurel and her daughter are very close. Since Laurel was a stay at home mom she was able to deeply connect with her daughter ; alive

: |Friends|:
Grace ; 44 ; Grace was Laurel's next door neighbor who was also a stay at home mom. She was one of the only moms who wasn't a snobby rip and they instantly connected. They would hangout almost every day before it happened ; deceased

: |Enemies|:
no enemies

: |Pets|:
no pets

• • • |backstory| • • •

: |Backstory|:

Laurel's formative years unfolded within the nurturing confines of an idyllic upper-middle-class household, where the radiant love emanating from her parents cocooned her in a haven of warmth and security. The threads of affection woven into the very fabric of her early experiences created a tapestry of familial bonds that provided a sturdy foundation for her growth. In this haven, every corner echoed with laughter, and each room resonated with the gentle hum of support, fostering an environment that allowed her to blossom.

It was during her freshman year of college that she serendipitously encountered the love of her life, a junior at her same college. Their connection deepened, and post-graduation witnessed the rapid evolution of their relationship into a marriage.

Their journey into matrimony paved the way for the couple to explore the vast landscape of life together, and their union blossomed into the sweet reword of parenthood. As the cradle of responsibility rocked them, Laurel and her husband found themselves grappling with the delicate balancing act of nurturing their careers while ensuring they didn't miss out on the precious moments of their daughter's upbring.

After much contemplation and heartfelt conversations, the couple arrived at a life-altering decision: Laurel would transition into the role of a stay-at-home mom. It was a decision they grappled with for a while but Laurel soon discovered an unexpected sense of fulfillment in this chapter.

As the days went one, Laurel reveled in the intricate tapestry of motherhood, finding joy in the minutiae of her daughter's milestones. From the first tentative steps that marked the transition from crawling to walking, to the melodic sound of her daughter's first words, Laurel was a firsthand witness to the symphony of her child's growth.

Laurel returned home one eerie night, the weight of grocery bags accentuating the solitude that clung to her suburban dwelling. The familiar comfort of her abode quickly transformed into an unsettling tableau as she stepped inside. A chilling hush enveloped the once-familiar space, and the air felt thick with an indescribable tension.

As Laurel cautiously traversed the dimly lit corridors of her once-familiar home, an uneasy hush enveloped the air, broken only by the muffled shuffling of her own footsteps. The soft glow of flickering candles cast long shadows on the walls, accentuating the disquiet that had settled over the house. The bags laden with groceries felt suddenly burdensome, as if carrying not just the weight of provisions but the ominous foreboding of an unseen threat.

Upon entering the living room, the surreal tableau unfolded before her eyes—the cozy space that had witnessed countless family moments now bore witness to an unthinkable transformation. There, amidst the shadows, stood her husband, a grotesque version of the man she once knew. His once gentle eyes now gleamed with a feral hunger, and his movements were no longer the graceful cadence she had grown accustomed to; instead, he lurched towards her with an unnatural, jerky gait.

A chilling gasp caught in Laurel's throat as she grappled with the nightmarish reality unfolding before her. The love that had once bound them now seemed like a distant memory, replaced by a macabre semblance of the person who had been her partner in life. Her mind raced to reconcile the tender moments of their shared history with the grotesque figure advancing relentlessly, arms outstretched in pursuit of something far more sinister than an embrace.

Fear and disbelief intertwined, rendering Laurel momentarily paralyzed. The home that had long been a sanctuary—a haven of shared dreams, laughter, and quiet evenings—had morphed into a labyrinth of impending peril. Every familiar corner, once filled with the echoes of familial warmth, now seemed to harbor a lurking threat, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary in the most nightmarish of ways.

Summoning a surge of adrenaline, Laurel deftly sidestepped her husband's outstretched arms, the dance of evasion echoing the delicate balance between disbelief and stark reality. Each narrow escape became a heartbeat in the unsettling rhythm of this new existence, as she grappled with the heart-wrenching truth that the man she loved had become an unrecognizable harbinger of dread. The symphony of creaking floorboards and her own quickened breath underscored the surreal horror that had befallen her once-happy home, leaving Laurel to navigate the dissonance between past and present, safety and peril, with each fleeting moment hanging in the balance.

In the nick of time, the staccato pounding on her door heralded the arrival of an unexpected savior—the valiant husband of her neighbor and closest friend, Grace. With a swift and determined intervention, he thwarted the advancing threat, rescuing Laurel from the clutches of the zombified nightmare that was once her husband.

In the eerie aftermath, Laurel, Mallory, and their savior huddled together, piecing together the fragments of this new reality. Shock settled into a heavy silence as her neighbor shared the heart-wrenching news—Grace had succumbed to the same dreadful fate. The once-close trio, bound by friendship and community, now found themselves navigating the apocalyptic landscape as a fragile triumvirate.

The hollow echoes of their footsteps resonated through the empty streets as they forged an unlikely alliance, a tenuous thread connecting their shared struggle for survival. In the absence of familiar faces and the safety net of their once-thriving neighborhood, they faced an uncertain future, their paths intertwined by the tragedy that had befallen their once ordinary lives.

: |Other|

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"If civilization is the survive,
we must cultivate the science
of human relationships -
the ability to all peoples,
of all kinds, to live
together, in the same
world at peace."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

• • • |roleplay scenarios| • • •

: | Scenario  𝟣 |:0/3

In This Together

As you walk alongside Laurel and her daughter Mallory, the echoes of a bygone era mix with the stark realities of the present, binding the three of you together in a makeshift family forged by the tragic loss of loved ones to the relentless zombie apocalypse. The journey has been grueling, marked by hunger and hardship, as you navigate the remnants of a world now overrun by the undead.

One particular night, huddled within the tent that once belonged in your basement, sleep eludes you. Deciding to step outside into the quiet darkness, you notice Laurel already there, lost in contemplation. Your footsteps, though unintentionally quiet, manage to startle her, and as you join her under the starlit sky, an unspoken understanding settles between you.

It is then that you observe tears silently streaming down Laurel's face. Moved by a shared understanding of loss, you offer a comforting embrace, wrapping one arm around her. Together, you sit in the silence, the weight of grief palpable in the air, forging a connection that transcends the verbal.

In the midst of this shared sorrow, you suddenly feel a gaze upon you. Meeting Laurel's eyes, you notice a nuanced shift in her gaze—a look you've never seen before. The atmosphere becomes charged with an unspoken tension, as if the weight of your collective grief has morphed into something new. The complexities of your shared experiences and the unpredictability of the world around you create an emotional backdrop, and for the first time, you sense an evolving dynamic in your relationship with Laurel, a shift that holds both uncertainty and a deeper connection.

You. . .


— must be a male character since you were Grace's husband
— this is a romance scenario

: | Scenario  𝟤 |:1/3

My Savior

Several months into the relentless apocalypse, you find yourself entrenched in a secluded haven, a makeshift sanctuary crafted by your ingenuity and the unwavering camaraderie of your two brothers/friends. Your remote country dwelling, a bastion against the chaos, provides a perfect refuge amidst the turmoil. The sprawling compound boasts a sturdy house, a weathered yet functional barn, and a pasture teeming with livestock—cows grazing lazily, horses neighing in the distance, and chickens and goats clucking and bleating in harmony. A lone llama, a peculiar yet surprisingly effective addition to your survival entourage, surveys the landscape with an air of stoic vigilance.

Delving into the landscape, you've harnessed the wealth of the land, creating a self-sustaining oasis of survival. The cellar, nestled securely into the earth, is a treasure trove of canned provisions—every necessity neatly stacked, a testament to your meticulous preparation. It's a storehouse of resilience, filled with the sustenance required to weather the storm: vegetables, meats, and non-perishables that speak to a life of self-sufficiency ingrained in your very being.

Raised in the wilderness, you were groomed for survival from the moment you could carry a gun. The skills passed down from generations before have equipped you with an innate understanding of the land, turning you into a natural-born survivor. In collaboration with your brothers/friends, the arsenal at your disposal is formidable, a symphony of weaponry that echoes your determination to stand resilient in the face of a world gone awry.

On a routine hunting expedition, you ventured into the dense wilderness, scanning for any signs of wildlife that could supplement your camp's resources. Amidst the stillness of the woods, a distant commotion echoed from the west, prompting a shift in your focus. Determined to discern the source of the disturbance, you stealthily made your way towards the unfolding chaos, your senses heightened with anticipation.

As you approached, the distant sounds coalesced into a disconcerting symphony. It wasn't the ominous groans of the undead or the unmistakable clamor of hostile humans; instead, the unexpected sight of a woman and what seemed to be her child staggered into view. Three relentless zombies trailed closely behind.

The mother, displaying an unwavering resolve, positioned herself protectively behind the child, urging them forward through the clearing. Their appearance spoke of exhaustion, worn-out clothing clinging to their forms, and layers of grime clinging to their skin—a stark testament to the relentless hardships they had endured.

Empathy tugged at your heart as you grappled with the decision before you. Despite the inherent dangers of trusting strangers in these dire times, the sight of the weary pair triggered a dormant sense of humanity within you. Swiftly assessing the situation, you weighed the risks and benefits, contemplating the potential threat they posed or the possibility of forming an alliance for mutual survival.

As you observed from the shadows, it became evident that the zombies were closing in, their relentless pursuit threatening to shatter the fragile existence of the mother and child. The ethical dilemma intensified, pushing you to make a choice that could alter the trajectory of their lives—and yours.

You. . .


— you are a survivalist, live in the country, and live on a farm with two brothers or friends
— any gender but male for romance

: | Scenario  𝟥 |:0/3

New Beginnings

A year had passed since the world succumbed to the relentless apocalypse, yet within the secure confines of your thriving community, life unfolded with an unexpected sense of normalcy. Nestled behind sturdy walls, your sanctuary offered protection not only from the relentless undead but also from the dangers posed by other desperate survivors.

In stark contrast to the decay outside, your community flourished with vitality. A diverse array of residents, spanning from the youngest children to the wisest elders, coexisted, finding solace and semblances of happiness in the midst of this bleak reality. The grounds were a testament to resilience—a bountiful garden, livestock contentedly grazing, and an array of shelters, including sheds and tents, formed the backdrop of communal life.

Guiding the community were two women and one man, the pillars of leadership working alongside an elected board of members. Together, they navigated the complexities of survival, resolving issues and ensuring the smooth operation of the enclave. A crucial part of this operation was the guardians, the watchful protectors responsible for guarding the walls and scouting the perimeters to safeguard the sanctuary from potential threats. This is the position that you had within the community.

On a day like any other, you found yourself patrolling the outskirts with two fellow guardians, surveying the terrain for signs of danger. About two miles from camp, you stumbled upon a small campsite adorned with a modest tent and the lingering embers of a campfire. With an unspoken agreement not to raid other camps, you cautiously examined the area, seeking the owners.

In a tree about 30 feet away, keen eyes spotted a young girl, doing her utmost to remain concealed. Determined not to startle her, you exchanged glances with the other guardians, silently acknowledging the presence above. The decision weighed on you—leaving her alone was not an option. With careful consideration, you called out to her, your voice a gentle reassurance in the silence of the decaying world, coaxing her down from the safety of the branches.

"Hey!" A feminine voice called out, desperation lingering on the hint of her breath as you noticed the worry in her eyes that she tried to conceal. "Leave her alone or I won't hesitate to hurt you!"

You almost wanted to laugh. This tiny thing who appeared to be without a weapon as well carried an empty threat compared to you and your friends. Though you would never hurt either of them, You don't blame her for assuming. The world was a dark and scary place before it ended, it's a death trap anywhere you turn now.

You. . .


— live in a community as a guardian
— male for romance

(This character was created for @/hollyhockfang rp that I created and slightly changed to make this character. The ideas that started this character go to them ^^)

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