➥ lucian ♂

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☆ ╔═══════════════╗ ☆
Renan Pacheco
☆ ╚═══════════════╝ ☆

"It takes great courage to see the world in all its tainted glory and still love it." — Oscar Wilde

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• • • |basic information| • • •

Lucian Mihai Ciobano

who resembles God



33 years old

he appears to be in his late twenties

his fairly mature and reasonable, his mind is older than his body but he still has a lot to learn

March 27




someone that can lead beside him

Hispanic & Caucasian

Romanian & United States (dual citizenship)

Romanian & English

shapeshifting in a wolf, enhanced senses, strength, speed, and power from being an alpha

he has finished high school and college

He is the alpha of the Carolina pack (north & south combined) and runs the communications and handlings with humans and other supernatural creatures

Ruyabowick, North Carolina (made up town, on the border of the Carolinas)
he currently lives in the large pack house with other wolves but once mated will move out to a cabin a few miles from it for privacy

"Good leadership isn't
about advancing
yourself. It's about
advancing your team."
— John C. Maxwell

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• • • |appearance| • • •

Lucian is a male that is usually given a second glance to even without the overwhelming power that radiates from him. Genetics played well in his favor in both his looks department as well as his height and his overall captivating appearance. He stands at a height of 6'5 with just over 200 pounds of mostly muscle. He has shoulder length brown hair with eyes that match and a beard that he keeps trimmed. 

natural hair color
dark brown
current hair color
dark brown
hair length
hair thickness
decently thick
facial hair
he usually has a trimmed beard

vision (20/20)

decently tan skin that darkens in the summer
no blemishes really besides the few freckles but not a lot
his body heals relatively well so he doesn't have any significant scarring
he has a birthmark on the inside of his thigh

210 lbs

no tattoos
no piercings

• • • |clothing/style| • • •

his casual wear usually consisted of jeans and a hoodie in cooler (even in extreme cold his body holds a naturally warmer internal body heat so he doesn't need much more than that) in the summer he's in shorts and a t-shirt, tank top, or shirtless.

his semi-formal wear is what he usually wears to work. A nice button down with jeans and sometimes a tie or a dressy T-shirt with nicer pants

his formal wear is a full out suit and tie (or bow tie) or a button down shirt with a sweater over it and a nice pair of pants.

• • • |health| • • •

Lucian's father physical health is amazing. He's naturally fit and works out everyday. His body fat percentage is extremely low and his diet is decently healthy.

: | Mental|:
Lucian's mental health is pretty strong. He has a clear conscious with confidence in himself and his abilities.


His diet is decently healthy. The pack farms and has gardens so they eat mostly vegetables and meat from their own making. They're pretty self sustaining. 


he is not allergic to anything





: |Medications| :

: | More|:

"Wolf or not, you are
a part of my pack."

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• • • |personality| • • •

: |Personality|:
overall personality - Lucian is a compassionate individual who possess a heart that readily empathizes with the struggles of others, always extending a helping hand and offering genuine support. His protective nature is a shield for those he holds dear, standing as a formidable guardian against adversity. With an unwavering commitment to confidentiality, he earns the trust of friends and confidants, ensuring that shared vulnerabilities are held in the strictest confidence.

In his pursuit of justice and fairness, his stubbornness becomes a virtuous determination, driving him to advocate for what they believe is right. His dominating and assertive demeanor is wielded not as a tool for control, but as a force for positive change and empowerment, inspiring those around him to reach their full potential. This assertiveness is underlined by a sense of responsibility, as he navigates challenges with a firm hand, steering towards progress and success.

Balancing compassion with protective instincts, confidentiality with assertiveness, he creates an environment where individuals feel safe, supported, and encouraged to flourish. In his assertive yet benevolent dominance, he sculpts a path towards growth, embodying a personality that leaves a lasting impact on the lives he touches.

: |GoodTraits|:
compassionate - Lucian exudes a genuine warmth and understanding that immediately puts others at ease in his presence. Whether consoling a friend in times of distress or lending a helping hand to a stranger in need, his innate kindness is a cornerstone of his character and helps him lead as an alpha. His actions speak louder than words as he consistently seeks to alleviate the burdens of his pack and his employees with a selfless and empathetic approach.
protective - Lucian is an unwavering guardian for those he cares about. His instinct to shield loved ones from harm is evident in the way that he is. He ensures the safety of his pack and family and embodies a steadfast commitment to protection. In his presence, there is a reassuring strength that fosters a sense of security and trust.
leaderly - Lucian has a natural aura of authority around him. This man possesses a distinct leaderly personality that commands respect and admiration despite his compassion. His confident demeanor and decisive actions inspire his pack and employees to follow his guidance. He navigates challenges with both poise and determination. In both professional and personal spheres, he effortlessly assumes the role of leader.

: |NeutralTraits|:
confidential - Lucian is a confidential man for both his own information and others. He is a guardian to trust, carefully holding the secrets and personal stories shared with him in strict confidence. He has an ability to maintain discretion and is known to have a reserved demeanor. He as a way of making others feel like they know everything without telling anything at all. He is a reliable pillar, respecting the privacy of others and being very secretive of his own.
stubborn - Lucian has a very strong streak of stubbornness - it's what comes with being an alpha. Once he sets his mind on a course of action, he tenaciously pursues it, undeterred by obstacles or contrary opinions. He will take other's words into account if needed but he believes in his own opinion and for good rea
dominating - Lucian assertive and authoritative in his interactions. He tends to take charge of situations and make decisions without seeking the input of others. He may come across as controlling and can be intimidating to those around him. Like listed above, Lucian often exhibits strong leadership qualities and has a tendency to direct and influence others.

: |BadTraits|:
asocial - Lucian isn't antisocial but he is asocial. He has to be social due to his role but prefers to be alone. He tends to avoid or withdraw from social interactions and prefers solitude when he can which is rare. He finds it draining or uninteresting to engage with others when it's forced. Lucian prioritizes his own company and often feels more comfortable in solitary activities. Though does have a small circle of close friends, he generally prefers limited social contact.
assertive - Lucian is confident and self-assured in expressing his opinions and desires. He is not afraid to stand up for himself and assert his needs and boundaries. He is proactive in taking charge of situations and is comfortable in leadership roles. He is able to communicate effectively and assertively, without being aggressive or disrespectful towards others. This can be hard for those that aren't of his pack to deal with at times.
cautious - Lucian tends to be careful and thoughtful in his actions and decision-making. He analyzes situations thoroughly and weighs the potential risks and benefits before proceeding. He has a strong sense of self-preservation and can be more reserved or hesitant in social interactions. He strives to protect his pack 24/7 and he can't allow the wrong person to get to close and harm those he loves.

: |Likes|:
morning and evening runs in both forms
leading his pack
working out

: |Dislikes|:
socializing to much
dealing with arrogant people
rainy days

: |Strengths|
his control on his temper
being an alpha

: |Weaknesses|
deep waters
his pack members (if any of were being threatened etc they would be a weakness for him)
not having a mate yet
his family

: |Hobbies|:
horseback riding

: |TurnOns|:
( these are all what he finds out with you )
being his mate— just that extra attraction and pull. he feels nothing towards other women even if they are very gorgeous
scratching down his back— he loves the feeling of your hands running down his back, digging into his skin encouraging him on- showing him he's doing it right
giving and receiving hickies and oral— marking what is his, he's a werewolf and an alpha at that. he wants others to know that your his and that he's yours. it also pleases him to please you and feeling your mouth around him is something he'll never grow old of.
pleasing his mate— he gets off on you getting off. it's a beautiful sight seeing you in ecstasy.
PDA— it's another way to show the world your his- and he can't keep his hands off you
trying new things— he loves stepping out of his boundaries and discovering new things with you. he's not one to turn away from unfamiliar acts but he wants to learn what he likes and dislikes and what you enjoy and what you don't.

: |TurnOffs|:
not being his mate— he feels no sexual attraction to those that aren't his mate
DDLG— he's going to be a father one day, he doesn't want you behaving like a child- it's just not his cup of tea.
bodily fluids - anything that isn't something that's meant to be in the bedroom
bottoming— it does not seem pleasing to him. he wouldn't mind you being a dominant bottom but he will always be the one giving.

"I challenged an aged
and experienced alpha
over my sister—
just imagine what
I would do for you."

• • • |this or that| • • •

: |PessimistOptimist|:
it depends on his mood

: |ExtrovertIntrovert|:

: |DominantSubmissive|:

: |LoverFighter|:
either or it just depends

: |OpenSecretive|:

: |TruthfulLiar|:

: |TrustingCautious|:

: |SocialAntisocial|:
he has to be social

: |ForgivingVengeful|:
forgiving but it's hard to gain his trust back

: |MatureImmature|:

: |Cold/WarmWeather|:
he prefers the cool spring air over winter chills and the burning heat

: |MessyNeat|:

: |QuietLoud|:
he usually doesn't talk unless he needs to

: | MasculineFeminine|:

: | FighterPacifist|:

• • • |stats| • • •

: |Intelligence|:
↳ [ 8/10 ]

: |Confidence|:
↳ [ 8/10 ]

: |Patience|:
↳ [ 7/10 ]

: |Wisdom|:
↳ [ 5/10 ]

: |Happiness|:
↳ [ 6/10 ]

: |Courage|:
↳ [ 7/10 ]

: |Honesty|:
↳ [ 8/10 ]

: |Loyalty|:
↳ [ 9/10 ]

: |Leadership|:
↳ [ 9.5/10 ]

: |Sight|:
↳ [ 8/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Smell|:
↳ [ 9/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Hearing|:
↳ [ 9/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Speed|:
↳ [ 7/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Agility|:
↳ [ 7/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Strength|:
↳ [ 9/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Stamina|:
↳ [ 8/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Reflexes|:
↳ [ 7/10 ]
(For their species)

: |Stealth|:
↳ [ 8/10 ]
(For their species)

"Ohana means family.
Family means nobody
gets left behind
or forgotten" he laughs
loudly as he holds his
up hands in surrender
"— sorry, sorry.
I'm a big Disney fan,
what can I say."

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• • • |relationships| • • •

: |Mother|:
Dana ; 55 ; Lucian and his mother were pretty close while he was growing up and still are ; alive

: |Father|:
Emil ; 57 ; Lucian and his father have always butted heads but they still care and love for each other ; alive

: |Sisters|:
Emilia ; 29 ; Lucian has always been protective over his sister and loves the strong, independent, and stubborn woman she is and is the beta of his pack in North Carolina ; alive

: |Brothers|:
Daniel ; 31 ; Daniel and Lucian were inseparable as children. They did everything with each other from the start. He's now the alpha of his old pack ; alive

: |Status|:

: |Children|:

: |Friends|:
↳ Beau ; 32 ; the Zeta of his pack, the war general, and the mate to his sister who is also the Beta - one of his closest advisors ; alive

: |Enemies|:
no specific enemy
↳ +

: |Pets|:
Bengal cat named Midas

↳ Belgian Tervuren named Sadie

↳ Friesian Sport-Horse named Arion

↳ Grade mare named Dahlia

• • • |backstory| • • •

: |Backstory|:
Lucian, born into the influential line of a powerful Romanian family, bore witness to the transformative ascendancy of his father, Emil, who assumed the mantle of alpha over one of Europe's largest packs. This ascent, however, was no mere inheritance of a long lineage of powerful alphas; rather, it was a narrative forged in opposition to the malevolence of Europe's former alpha, a figure who amassed wealth and power while neglecting the welfare of his pack, leading it into a lamentable state of disease and homelessness.

Lucian father, Emil, catalyzed change by challenging the existing alpha, a ruthless and disdainful leader. Emerging victorious, Emil, in stark contrast to his predecessor, governed with compassion, instilling a sense of care and assertiveness within the pack. Despite external perceptions of weakness due to his lack of aggression, Emil swiftly dispelled doubts, proving his strength through benevolent and effective leadership.

Lucian, the firstborn, was followed by Daniel and Emilia, creating a close-knit sibling trio that reveled in the nurturing environment provided by their formidable and caring parents. Raised to embody the principles of respect and kindness, the siblings flourished in an environment that prepared them for leadership.

The trajectory of Lucian's life took a decisive turn at the age of 18 when he ventured to a training camp in North Carolina, hosted by the alpha of the largest pack in the Americas. This camp, tailored for werewolves aged 18-25, aimed to foster strength, leadership skills, and the potential for assuming alpha roles. Lucian, with a blend of physical prowess and intellectual acumen, quickly emerged as the preeminent contender. Despite his dominance, he retained the compassion and kindness instilled by his parents, refusing to succumb to the trappings of arrogance.

In a subsequent chapter of their lives, Lucian's siblings joined him at the training camp. However, the defining moment arrived when the Carolina Pack's alpha, Malakai, attempted to assert dominance over Emilia, claiming her as his own after the passing of his mate. Lucian, vehemently opposing this infringement, challenged Malakai for the alpha position.

Lucian's victory did not culminate in an act of brutality; instead, he chose to spare Malakai's life, embodying a leadership style that went beyond mere dominance. However, Malakai's attempt to attack Lucian from behind betrayed a sinister sign of leadership. Lucian, resilient and unwavering, had no choice but to take Malakai's life, thus officially claiming ownership of the Carolina pack, the largest and most formidable of them all.

The subsequent years were marked by Lucian's arduous efforts to settle into his role as alpha. Through unwavering determination, he earned the respect of his pack and solidified his position as alpha. With Emilia as his beta and amicable relations with other high-ranking members, Lucian transformed the Carolina pack into a cohesive family, one that he finally embraced as his own. The alpha's journey, replete with challenges and triumphs, became a testament to the enduring values of compassion, resilience, and transformative leadership.

: |Other|

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"The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires."
– William Arthur Ward, author


• • • |roleplay scenarios| • • •

: | Scenario  𝟣 |:0/3

On The Run

Beneath the ink-black sky, you sprint through the foreboding woods, your chest heaving with each desperate breath. A cacophony of leaves crunches beneath your feet, and the shadows cast by the gnarled branches seem to writhe with unseen malevolence. You can feel an ominous presence, an intangible force, closing in on you with relentless determination.
The forest, once a place of serenity, now harbors an otherworldly aura that sends shivers down your spine. Your wild eyes dart between the twisting trees as you navigate the labyrinthine path, your senses heightened by fear. The unseen pursuer, a specter of darkness, seems to mimic your every move, its spectral breath whispering through the leaves.
Your breaths become ragged, a desperate symphony echoing through the woods. As you stumble over the uneven ground, you can almost taste the metallic tang of fear in the air. The chilling wind seems to carry murmurs that twist into indistinct words, heightening your anxiety.A small clearing emerges, bathed in the ghostly glow of the moon. In a cruel twist of fate, your foot catches on an exposed root, and time seems to slow as you careen towards the forest floor. A sickening thud resonates through the clearing as your head collides with a moss-covered rock. The world blurs and wavers, and you succumb to the enveloping darkness.
The forest, now holding its breath, reveals the enigmatic pursuer standing at the edge of the clearing. Its form is an amalgamation of shadows, a spectral entity that observes its fallen prey. The moon's glow casts an eerie pallor over the scene, leaving a haunting stillness in the aftermath of the chase. The mysterious force lingers, a silent witness to you lying unconscious amidst the hushed whispers of the night.
As consciousness slowly returns, you find yourself in a disoriented haze, your eyes adjusting to a dimly lit, unfamiliar room. The air is thick with an unfamiliar scent, and the only sound is the subtle hum of an unknown source. Blinking away the remnants of unconsciousness, you take in the unfamiliar surroundings. The room is adorned with mysterious symbols and artifacts, casting an enigmatic aura. The walls seem to whisper ancient secrets, and a single, dim light source emanates from an ornate lamp in the corner. You push yourself up from the unfamiliar bed, its softness a stark contrast to the forest floor. As you explore the room, the details come into focus. A worn wooden desk sits against one wall, adorned with old manuscripts and peculiar objects. A dusty mirror reflects your bewildered expression, and a creaking floorboard beneath you adds to the eerie atmosphere. The door, heavy and adorned with intricate carvings, beckons you to step outside and uncover the mysteries that await.With each cautious step, the realization sinks in: you are no longer in the haunting woods, but in a place filled with unanswered questions. The room holds a palpable sense of history and secrecy, leaving you to wonder how you arrived in this enigmatic sanctuary and what awaits you beyond its mysterious confines.

You. . .


- open to any age, gender, or species
- must be female for a romance plot

: | Scenario  𝟤 |:1/3

At First Glance

Under the silvery glow of the full moon, you find yourself adorned in elegant attire, anticipation coursing through your veins. Tonight marks the annual Gathering, a grand ball where werewolf packs from far and wide convene to help their members find their destined mates. As you step into the opulent ballroom, the air is charged with a unique blend of excitement and tension. The room is filled with werewolves of all shapes and sizes, each wearing their pack's distinctive insignia. The Carolina pack, known for their diplomacy and wisdom, has played host to this event for generations. The melodious notes of a piano resonate through the hall as werewolves twirl and dance, their eyes scanning the room for potential mates. The atmosphere is both festive and purposeful. It was your inaugural attendance at the prestigious Gathering, and your expectations were modest, not anticipating any profound outcomes from the evening. Holding a flute of champagne, you leisurely traversed the opulent ballroom, exchanging courteous smiles and nods with familiar faces, your demeanor marked by a nonchalant air. In the midst of this casual perambulation, the grand entrance doors swung open, heralding the arrival of a commanding figure. A man of undeniable authority strode in, flanked by a woman on one side and another man on the other. The energy he exuded instantly marked him as a powerful alpha, his mere presence commanding attention and respect.As he drew nearer, a palpable shift occurred in the room. The air seemed to crackle with an unspoken acknowledgment of his dominance. With each step, the aura of authority intensified, leaving an indelible imprint on the atmosphere. Those in proximity cast furtive glances in his direction, recognizing the undeniable potency that accompanied his entrance. It was then, as the mysterious alpha approached, that a sudden twist of fate unfolded. A scent, intoxicating and unmistakable, wafted through the air, capturing both your attention and his. In that pivotal moment, your senses ignited, and a realization hung in the air like an electrifying current — he was your mate.
Time seemed to pause as your eyes locked with his, a connection forged by an ancient and unspoken bond. The symphony of the ballroom faded into the background as the two of you stood there, caught in the throes of a newfound connection. The significance of this encounter resonated, transcending the ordinary revelry of the Gathering, marking the beginning of an extraordinary chapter that neither of you could have anticipated.

You. . .


- must be a werewolf
- must be female

: | Scenario  𝟥 |:0/3

Who's The Alpha?

As the newly appointed CEO of your father's esteemed company, you found yourself stepping into a role of both privilege and responsibility. One day, amidst the steady hum of corporate life, you were scheduled to meet a business partner who was very close to your father. From the start, he seemed to exude an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. Navigating through the sleek, modern corridors of your headquarters, you felt a mix of anticipation and a subtle determination to assert your leadership. The meeting room, adorned with polished mahogany furniture and state-of-the-art technology, served as the battleground for this encounter. Dressed in a meticulously tailored suit, you patiently awaited your guest, the representative of a prominent company known for innovation and success. The potential business partner, a seasoned executive with a sharp demeanor, entered the room. Pleasantries were exchanged, but from the outset, differences in strategy and approach became apparent. As you delved into discussions about your respective companies, visions, and strategies, there was a subtle tension in the air, like two alpha wolves circling each other. Negotiations took a turn for the challenging as conflicting ideas clashed. The potential partner seemed unwilling to yield ground, asserting their approach with an unwavering confidence that bordered on stubbornness. Your role as the CEO demanded not only diplomacy but also a firm resolve to defend your company's interests. Amidst the verbal sparring, moments of shared humanity were scarce. The exchange of ideas became more of a power play than a collaborative effort. Despite the adversarial atmosphere, you recognized the need to find common ground for the sake of potential collaboration. Throughout the tense meeting, your leadership skills were put to the test as you navigated the challenges presented by the formidable partner. The potential for growth and synergy between your companies remained, but it became clear that forging a successful partnership would require overcoming differences and finding a compromise.

You. . .


- human
- female
- dominating personality
- unaware of the supernatural world

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