Chapter:12 Car+Me= Madness.

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"Nathan?" I asked.
"Hey Dabria." He replies, I smile and run up to him and we hug each other, he then mutters something into my ear, "So your glad that I'm here?" He asks.
"I'm glad to see you, but I don't want you getting hurt."
"I won't, promise." He says and we walk over to everyone.

Brian,Dom and Roman smile and walk up to us, the do what guys do grab each other's hands and then there shoulders touch thing. Then I remembered Tej has never met him before.

"Tej you haven't met Nathan haven't you?" I say and he walks up to Nathan.
"Hey I'm Tej." Then they just shook hands.
"Nathan your riding with Dab." Dom said as everyone started walking back to there half built cars.
"Yep." Nathan replied
"Dab tell him the plan." Brian says to me.
"No need Brian they filled me in on my way here." Nathan butted in

Nathan and I then walked over to my car, he saw that I had a bow on the table.

"What you shot?" He asks.
"The cupboard box past Roman." I say and he looks past it and saw the arrow.
"Nice shot."


We were in the plane ready, Nathan and I along with everyone else got changed.

Nathan and I buddied up in my car, I had clothes under my leather jump suit just in case I wanted to change. Nathan just got in jeans and A black dress shirt, I love how my car turned out.

I then hear over the walked talkie.

"Hey Roman, you freaking out?" Tej asks.
"No." Roman whispers
"Yeah, you are so I've done the pleasure of putting some diapers in your glove apartment." Tej replies
"Haha." Everyone laughed.
"This is not my plan." Roman says and Nathan and I looked at each other.
"Come on Rom your gotta embrace it." Brian says and I laugh.
"Come on Rom." I say.

Then the planes hatch opened, I saw the clouds and some of the land.

"Let's go." Dom said, over the Walkie talkie.
"You ready?" I ask Nathan
"As I'll ever be." He replies, as we both but in our ear pieces in.
"It doesn't get better then this." Brian says.

Nathan and I squeeze each other's hands, I then reversed out of the plane.

As we dropped Nathan started freaking out.

"Nathan it's ok!" I say to him," Breath"
"Hmm arrr." He repeats.
"You good?" I ask him and he nods

My car floated past Brian, he waves and I wave back.

"You 2 good?" He asks over the head set.

I then realise I cannot see Roman.

"Hey Rom where are you?" I ask.
"On the plane." He replies, I look at Brian through the window basically telepathically telling him talk to Rom.
"Hey Rom talk to me man." Brian says.
"I can't do it, I just can't."
"What do you mean you can't?" I butted in and Nathan laughs.
"Me and the pilot are going to stay up here, we are going to do some circle work and do what we can from up here."
"I've got his GPS to his car, you don't have to do anything thing." Letty told us.
"TEJ!" Dom yelled.
"On it." He replies.
"Hey y'all I'm sorry to let you down." Roman says.
"No bro, I'm sorry to let you down." Tej said.
"What?" Roman says clueless.

Then we could see a parachute coming from the plane.

"Arrr! I hate you Tej!" Roman says, then soon we see his car being fringed out of The plane. I then realise we are several feet above the ground.
"6,000." Letty says.
"Chutes!" Dom calls.
"Nathan listen, after I let my chute out press the button 5 seconds later!" Brian orders him.
"Got it!" Nathan replies

Soon Doms,Lettys,Brian's chutes were up.

"Press it!" I yell at him. Then Nate presses it and the car then was pulled back by the parachute. We float down to the ground and like in domino form, Dom, Letty, Brian then I and last Tej and Roman.
"You 2 right?" Dom asks us.
"Yeah uncle Dom!" I yell, I know Dom isn't blood but he is like my uncle as Brian is my actual uncle. I then hear a little mutter laugh, I smile.

The next plan is for Brian and Nathan to get on the bus to get Ramsey.

"Help! Help! Help!" I look back and see Roman still floating around in the air.
"Shit." I say.
"Hang on tight Rom, we'll get you down soon." Brian told him and we drove behind the bus. All of a sudden machine guns came from the side, bullets came. Brian's car, was badly shot.

"Tej, formation!" Dom yelled.
"Got it!" He replied.

The formation went Tej, Dom,Brian,I then Letty.

"This is bullet prof baby! You can't touch this, nanana." I roll my eyes as Tej sung.
"Tej, after this you can go and sing to the world." Nathan suggested.
"I'll think about it." Tej said sarcastically, I laughed.

Letty and Dom then took down the back wall, so Brian and Nathan can get in.

"Brian, Nathan your up!" Dom yells.

I watch as my uncle gets onto the bonnet, I look at Nathan and mentally tell him be careful. He nods in response, he then climbs onto the roof and jumps onto Brian's car.

"Tighten up." Dom orders. Our noses of our cars touched the back of the cars.
"Let's go!" Brian yelled. Then Nathan and him jump into the back and fight the workers, after about 5 minutes. I see a girl standing at the edge that must be Ramsey, she takes several attempts to jump, then she did and Dom caught her hand through his roof hole. The bus kept going.

"Letty, Dabria! Stay with Brian and Nathan." He tells us through the ear piece.
"Yep!" I reply.

Letty and I nod to each other through the windows, we then speed off.


The bus was hanging off the edge, Letty and I spot Brian running to the land bit; I then spotted Nathan behind him. I slowed down a bit so we wouldn't crash, I then sped up as I was now a metre behind Letty. She drifted and Brian caught rear wing, Nathan jumped and caught my rear wing. When we both stopped, the boys rolled onto the ground; they were breathing hard. Letty and I left our cars.

"You alright?" We asked them.
"T-thank you, thank you." They both replied

They both got up and we all hopped in our cars and drove off.


Dom and Ramsey, finished at the bottom of the mountain. I saw Dom struggling to get out, Brian helped him get the whole way out.

"That's one way down a mountain." Brian say to him as Dom gets up and Dom nods in response.
"Looks like our demon child worked." Tej said
"Where's Ramsey?" Nathan and I ask.

Dom then looks down at the car, I squat and see a passed out Ramsey.

Hey guys, I wanted to give you guys a long chapter! So yeah here it it, please comment,vote etc.

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