Chapter:13 Ramsey.

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Before we left the spot we got Ramsey out of the car, then bullets where aimed at us. I ran and grabbed my bow and arrow,but it's a different kind of arrow its a bomb one. I draw it and let go, we all then got into our cars and drove off as fast as our cars could go.


We moved to a place where no one could find us, I got rid of the leather jump suit and wore what I had on underneath and instead of boots; sandals. We all were waiting for Ramsey to wake up, I stood near Nathan. I could hear Roman saying something to Tej,

"Are you sure, she is a hacker; cause I swear hackers don't look like that." Roman says.
"What do hackers look like to you?" Tej asks.
"Pimply face and drinking soda." Roman replies as Tej rolls his eyes.

Then Ramsey started waking up.

"Hello kitty's awake." Letty told everyone.

Brian then stared checking Ramsey, "Do you fell sick,nausea?"
"Let me know when you feel like that." He then walked where he was.
"I don't know to say Thankyou or kick your ass for throwing me off a cliff." Ramsey says.
"Your the kick our ass type?" Dom asks.
"Where's the chip?" I ask.
"With a friend of mine in Abu Dhabi." She says.
"Wow, the other people would've touched you; for that information." Nathan tells her.
"I didn't trust them, but I trust you." She says.
"Trust us? You don't even know us." Letty says
"Well I know this, there is two things that keep a group like this together; fear or loyalty and I don't see a drop of fear with you guys. And," she says starting with Brian, "Military, or the force. I can tell you've had training." She looks at Tej, "Hacker, that's defended by the hacker code." My go, "Huntress, I can tell you have skill with certain weapons." Then Nathan, "Runner, I can tell you have speed and skill." Lettys go, "Mrs Alpha." Second last Dom, " alpha." Then lastly Roman, "Joker."

Roman looks at her stunned and then stands up, " Wrong, second Alpha; you know eye candy-"
"Sit your candy ass down." Tej said laughing as Nathan and I laughed with him.

Roman then muttered something. Dom then started walking down the jetty ramp,

"Tej, call it up we're going to the MIDDLE EAST."

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