Chapter:56 Escape Death.

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I woke up and I couldn't move my limbs, I looked down when my vision became clear. I saw that I was tied down onto a chair, I could feel the tear stains on my face.

"Your awake." I heard a voice say and I realise it was Keith as he sat in front of me.
"What do you want?" I ask him.
"I wanna know about the Nogitsune." He tells me.
"I don't know anything about the Nogitsune." I tell him.
"Bull Shit!" He yelled and he pulled the rope tighter around my sore ankle.
"Arrrr!" I yelled in agony.

Keith stood and walked behind me where a table was.

"I know you know something Dabria." Keith said as I heard him shuffling things on the table.
"I told you I don't know anything about the Nogitsune." I know I'm lying, but it's the only thing to protect myself.

There was silence for about a minute, I could feel my heart beating like crazy. I need to get out of here somehow, think Dabria think.

"Keith?" I asked.
"You know how Brian is an ex cop?" I ask.
"Yes, we met way before you and Marty met." He answered.
"Well at the age of 7, he taught me how to escape situations. You know how some people tie people up, like how you done with me?" I ask.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"Well for some people it takes hours,minutes. For some... Seconds." I made the chair go backwards, it hit the ground and the wooden chair broke. I got loose from the ropes and thrown the wood at Keith, when I got close to him. I knocked him out, I ran well limped out of where we were.


Brian's P.O.V.
2 days later...

The boys ran up to me, I could see sadness in their eyes.

"Any?" They asked but I shook my head.
"Hobbs and I are going for another search, wanna come?" I ask and they nod.
"It's about 8 though."  Marty says.
"We're doing a night look." I tell them.


Nathan's P.O.V.

Marty and I went in Dabrias car and we had Brian on the phone.

"Ok boys, Hobbs and I are going to search the North bit. You guys search West bit."
"Yep, talk to you later."

10 minutes later...

Marty's phone started ringing, we look down at it and saw Dabrias face pop up.

Marty answered it and put her on speaker.

"Dabria?" We asked.
"Nathan, Marty I can't get up."
"Where are you?" We ask.
"The football field." She tells us.
"We are on our way." We tell her and she hangs up.

I look over to Marty.

"Ring Brian."

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