Chapter:57 Found.

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Dabrias P.O.V.

I lay on the footy field, sore and cold. Terrified if Keith will find me first, I know I act like I know what I'm doing, but I really don't. I know I act like I'm not scared, but I am. The anxiety gets to me first most of the time, I don't want to go back to the insane asylum or the hospital.

I hear two cars arrive onto the field, I look up and see Brian running over to me. Along with Nathan and Marty, Brian just hugs me tight.

"You ok?" He asks me and I put on a brave face and nod.
"You need to go to a hospital." Nathan says.
"NO! I mean no, I don't need to go to one. Mia can just fix it, she went to med school." I point out.
"Hobbs?" Nathan asks him.
"She can go home." He says and I smile.
"Nathan can you lift her up please?" Brian asks as he makes his way back to the car and rings Mia, but before Nathan picked me up Marty asked me a question.
"Where's Dad?" He asks.
"I don't know, back where he held me hostage." I tell him as I cannot remember were it was.
"Sorry." He says.
"Marty, it's not your fault." I tell him and I rub the tear of his face.
"Thanks Dab." He says and I smile, Marty then got up and walked to the car.

Nathan sat next to me and hugged me.

"H-hey." I say to him.
"I'm so glad your ok." He said as we left the hug and he saw that I was cold, well it is and Nathan is always warm.
"You cold?" He asked me.
"Yeah, f-freaking freezing." I reply and he takes off his leather jacket and chucks it over my shoulders.
"Thank You." I say to him and kiss his cheek, I saw a slight smirk on Nathan's face as he got up.
"Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded.

Nathan placed one hand supporting my back, the other was supposed to my under my knees.

"That's my ass Nathan." I tell him as he accidentally touched it and he holds me bridal style.
"Sorry Dab." He says as I see him blush a bit, he starts walking to the car where Marty is waiting in and I can see Hobbs and Brian already left, I placed my head on Nathan's warm chest. Marty quickly hoops out of the car and runs to the bin, Nathan opens the car door and places me in the back.

"Nathan?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He asked back.
"Can you stay at the back with me?" I ask and he smiles, before he gets in he yells to Marty.
"Marty you need to drive!"
"I'm hanging out back with Dab!"
"Why can't I?" He yells back and I roll my eyes.
"Fine, you can!" Nathan replies and gets in driver seat and Marty became my foot rest.


We arrived back at the house and Marty opened the door as Nathan held me, I saw Mia and she was so happy to see me.

"Get her on the couch." Mia orders.

I sit on Nathan's lap as Marty helps Mia.

"Your ankle is dislocated." Mia says and my eyes widen as I look over to Marty and he knows I'm about to punch Nathan when Mia gets in back in place,Marty walks over to me and grips my wrists tight.

"Keep your eyes on me and listen to me." Marty tells me and I nod, Marty talks to me and when I wasn't ready Mia pops in back in place. I scream in agony and Marty somehow kept my hands in place, I smile at Marty.
"Grab some ice Marty?" Mia asks him.
"Sure." He says and grabs a ice pack, he passes it to her. I rest my head on under Nathan's neck and he put his head on top of mine.

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