Chapter:58 Baby Steps.

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2 days later...

I wasn't aloud to get my ass off the couch for two days, today Nathan and Brian were out for the day as I was with Mia and Marty.  Mia didn't tell Brian as he would be mad, but I'm going to try and walk today! Woohoo I don't have to sit on my ass.

"Ready?" Marty asked standing in front of me.
"Yeah, help me up." I asked of him.

Marty pulled me up and I had an arm around his neck, Mia watched from the kitchen. Marty took a step and I followed, we took several more and I don't seem to be limping.

"Ready to walk by yourself?" He asks.
"Dunno." I reply.
"You can do it, your a bloody badass Nogitsune." He says and I smile with a slight laugh, Marty I thought. The Nogitsune is dead, but I get were your coming from.
"Ok." I tell him and he carefully takes my arm from around his neck, he hangs onto me by my hips as I take baby steps. Marty lets go of my hips and I start walking by myself, I got a little bit cocky as I was beginning to fall. But Marty caught me by the hips and his body was a wall, so I didn't fall.

"Let's try again."

Hey guys, who do you rather Marty and Dabria or Nathan and Dabria? Whoever you choose what's your ship name for em? Thanks.

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