Chapter 1 Rainy Day Romance?

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      Present day...

        Marinette sighs when she sees the rain.  She thinks, great I forgot my umbrella.  It is just like me not remember such a thing.  Why do have such bad luck?  She fumes and fusses at herself for a bit as the rain continues to pour down hard.   It was a rainy day, just like this one a few years ago when Adrien, her best friend loans her his umbrella and she feel head over heals in love with him.  She never thought it could happen to her. 

     Adrien was oblivious to the the truth.  He was clueless when it came to how Marinette felt.  He thought she was good for him and the best friend he could ever hope for in life.  He still did not know that she loves him.  He just knows that nothing could make him happier than to have her by his side.  The boy was even clueless when it came to his own feelings for her  for  that matter.

      "Marinette what brings you out here in this kind of weather?"  Adrien ask.

     "Oh, you know me!  It is a bad habit of mine.  Hehe!"  Marinette remarks.

    "Well, the least I can do is try to find you a dry place to stay, so you will not catch a cold!  I mean what kind of a best friend would I be if I did not?"  Adrien remarks.

     "Yes, best friend.  Best friend indeed."  Marinette says.  She looks away so Adrien can not see the tears in her eyes.  She thinks, will this be all he ever sees me as is a best friend?   She sighs.

       Marinette puts her head down in her lap.  She cries silent tears.  She feels as if her sorrow blends well with the kind of weather that the citizens of Paris, France have lately.  It is nothing, but rainy days for nearly a week.  She is sick of it almost as sick of being just a best friend. 

      Adrien picks Marinette up and carries her in his arms.  He feels her grab hold tight to his neck.  He grins as he carries her to the nearest shelter he can find.  It is a cafe.  Once inside, he sets her down in a booth.  This way he figures they can wait out the storm together.  

      Marinette looks up when she hears someone ask, "Miss what you like to order?"

     Marinette shrugs her shoulders at the simple question.  Adrien laughs a little.  

"It is okay, she will have the apple cider and I will have the same.  Oh, and a strawberry tart please."  Adrien says.

   The waiter nods his head.  A few minutes later he comes and places the ciders in front of them, along with tart.  As he walks off, he thinks, what a lovely young couple.  The two are clearly in love, yes!  He smiles as he goes onto to take orders from others in the restaurant unaware that the couple is just a group of best friends here to get out of the rain.  

    Adrien sips his cider.  Marinette does the same.  

    "You did not have to order for me, you know!"  Marinette says.

     "I know, but it was the least I could do for my best friend."  Adrien says.

    "Stop it!  Stop, okay!"  Marinette says.  She feels hurt that he keeps this up.  She does not know how much longer she can stand it.

     "Mari, I do not understand!  I thought you were happy to spend time with me.  Friends to the end, remember?"  Adrien says.

      "I know, but..."  Marinette says.

     "What is it?  Did something happen?" Adrien says with concern in his voice.

     "No that is just it. "  Marinette says.  She finishes the cider, ignores the tart and walks away.  She stands near the window and watches the rain as it falls.

     Adrien remains in the booth.  He stares at Marinette as she looks out the window.  He notices how lovely she looks.  He smiles at the thought.  He has no idea how much he needs her, nor is aware of how much she needs him.

    Adrien's  POV:  As the rain falls, I smile at the beauty of her.  I  can not help it, she is so lovely.  I feel a blush form on my cheeks.  I decide right then and there, she must not know.  I can not risk our friendship over anything.  I sigh as I recall how she even manages to keep a sparkle in her eyes when she is angry, or upset like she did when we first met.  Like she did the day, I  first gave her my umbrella to keep her dry a few years ago.  Oh, Marinette!  I do not know what this means for me, or for us!  I just know that I would do anything for her, anything to keep her happy even if means I loose her for good.  I shudder at my silly thoughts. 

  Adrien sees the rain stop.  He offers to walk Marinette home.  Marinette does not respond, she just nods her head in agreement.  Adrien pays for the drinks, and snack.  The same snack he barely touches.  He wraps the rest up in a napkin.  He holds her hand in his as he walks her to her place.

   Adrien and Marinette arrive outside her home in silence.  The silence is awkward as he unsure what to say to her right now.  He can sense she is angry with him.  He does not know how to make it right.  He hands her the napkin with the leftover sweet treat inside. 

 "Here, Marinette!  This is for you!  It is your favorite!"  Adrien says.

  "Thanks, A-Adrien!  I appreciate it."  Marinette says.

    Marinette goes inside without another word to him.  She goes to her room.  She can believe this.  She can not understand.  How can he be so wonderful, and so ignorant at the same time?  She feels the tears fall again as she unwraps the silly tart, and bits into it.

   Adrien goes home.  He has an happy skip to his beat.  He feels satisfaction that he got Marinette home safe and sound.  He reasons, this is what makes them so close, right?  He figures nothing will ever change. 

   to be continued in Chapter 2  The New Boy:  Luka  Arrives?

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