Chapter 2 The New Boy: Luka Arrives!

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          Adrien sighs.  He can understand it.  Where could she be?  Does Marinette not remember that she agreed to meet him right at 2 pm today?   He looks at his watch once again.  He notices she is late already.  What could keep her?

         Meanwhile, Marinette leaves her house right at 1 pm.  She is a bit early for her met up with Adrien.  She blushes at how silly she sounds right now.  She knows it is in vain as he does not see her the same way she sees him.  She runs in  a hurry to get there only to bump into someone.  

        "Whoa, there!  You better be careful, Miss!  I would not want you to get hurt!" Luka says.

        "Who are you?"  Marinette says.

       "Oh, sorry!  I am Luka Cuffaine, Juleka's  older brother.  I am new here in town."  Luka says.

       "Nice to meet you, Luka!  I am Marinette!"  Marinette says.

         "Nice to meet you too!"  Luka says.

          Marinette walks off to go meet up with Adrien.  She notices she got behind schedule from her talk with Luka,  She thinks, well hopefully he will understand, right?

           Luka watches her leaves and blushes.  He thinks, Wow, she is hot!  I mean, I really like this Marinette!  

          Marinette arrives  twenty minutes late. She sees Adrien is still there.  She walks over to him.

      "Hi, Ad-Adrien!"  Marinette says.

      "Hi,Marinette!"  Adrien says.

      "I am sorry I am late.  It is just I ran into the new boy, Luka."  Marinette says.

      "Oh, I see."  Adrien says.  He frowns at the mention of the other guy.

      Marinette sees his face and laughs.  "Wow, A-Adrien, you should see your face!  You look upset!"  Marinette says.

       "No, I just glad to see you."  Adrien says.

      "Really?"  Marinette says.

     "Yes,"  Adrien says.

        Adrien takes Marinette to the park.  As they walk around, he finds himself unsure of what to say all of sudden.  "Uh, that is a nice dress."  Adrien says.

       "Thanks, I made it myself!"  Marinette says.

      "Wow, Marinette you sure are talented!"  Adrien says.

       "Nice dress!  Is that the best you can do?"  Luka says with a smirk.

      "Who said that anyway?"  Adrien says.

      "I believe that was me."  Luka says.

     "Hi, Luka!  Nice to see you again."  Marinette says.

     "Same here, pretty girl!"  Luka teases her.

      Adrien raises an eyebrow.  He frowns.  He is not sure why, but already he does not like this Luka person.  He does not trust him.  Not one bit.

    "Excuse me!  Do you mind?  I was here with her first." Adrien remarks.

    "Whoa, so tuff!  Believe me, I will leave you and your little girlfriend alone!"  Luka says.  He walks away.  

       "Adrien, how could you?"  Marinette says. She walks off in a huff.

      Adrien just stands there in amazement.  He thinks, wait, why is she angry?  


    A  few days later...

    Adrien sees  Marinette  in college and smiles.  

     Luka arrives and sits beside Marinette. 

      Adrien can not believe this.  Who does this guy think he is?  He has no right to sit there.  None at all!  He is furious.  Why he is so mad he glares at the newcomer in annoyance.  

     Luka had already introduced himself as Juleka's  older half brother.  He smirks at Adrien.  He can tell the guy does not like the fact he is close to Marinette.   Well, to bad, so sad!  He thinks.

     Later after school,  Luka pulls out his guitar.  He plays it for everyone to hear.  Turns out his very good at it.  Everyone notices this, but Adrien looks unhappy. He scowls.  

     Luka ask Marinette to go hang out with him.  She agrees.  Adrien's  jaw drops.  It seems like he has some competition for his best friend, after all.  He can not believe this.  The new guy seems to have taken over already.  How dare this guy just come in and stake his claim on Marinette like this.

   Adrien is hurt and angry.  He can not believe that Marinette agrees to spend time with this other person.  It bothers him more than he will admit.  He tries to shrug it off like it is no big deal though.  He figures, who is he to say who Marinette can and can not spend time with anyway?  It is not like the two of them were ever together.    

  Adrien can not understand his feelings.  Why does care so much that Marinette  wants to be with Luka?  Why?  He sighs.  He feels so stupid about the entire thing.  He rushes home without a word about it to anyone.  

   Luka thinks it is great that he got Marinette to agree to spend time with him.  He laughs at how upset the Agreste boy is too.  He can tell Adrien is jealous of the thought of Marinette and Luka together.  He just is not sure how jealous the other boy actually is right now.

   Marinette notices Adrien ran off in a hurry. She feels guilty.  She is one who told Luka she would spend time with him.  She is not sure why Adrien gave her look that said,  "why are you with him, Mari?"  She shrugs her shoulders as she leaves the school with her new friend, Luka.

   As the days go by and turn into weeks, Adrien notices Marinette spends more and more time with Luka.  This means she barely  hangs out with Adrien anymore.  Adrien thinks, there is must be a way to stop this, but how?  I mean, what if she loves this Luka fellow?  Adrien sighs as he realizes he misses Marinette so much.

   Marinette does not seem to notice how hurt Adrien is now that she rarely spends time with him.  She believes it is for the best she met Luka.  She still loves Adrien, but thinks he never notices her.  She is tired of all the times Adrien just said they were only friends, or best friends even.  There is only so much of this a girl can handle in a life time.  So, she goes places with Luka unaware that Adrien is in pain.  Unaware of Luka's  deep affection towards her.  She even has an assignment to do a project or two with Luka.

  "Luka, you are so good at the music you play on the guitar!" Marinette compliments him.

    "Thanks, Marinette!"  Luka blushes at her compliment, but she does not notice.

      Alya and Nino are on at booth in the ice cream shop as they wait for their ice-cream to be ready.  Kagami sits across from them with Luka in between her and Marinette.  

     Adrien arrives and pulls up a chair at the end of the booth.  He sits down in it.   He was not happy that Luka sat next to Marinette.  He thinks, what is Luka doing sitting next to my princess?

       Little does Marinette  know what a rollar coaster her life appears to be in now that the new boy,  Luka is is town!

    to be continued in Chapter  3   Adrien Crashes the Lukanette Date?  




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