Chapter 3 Adrien Crashes Lukanette Date

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        previously in Chapter  2,  Adrien arrives and pulls up a chair at the end of the booth. He sits down in it. He was not happy that Luka sat next to Marinette. He thinks, what is Luka doing sitting next to my princess? 

       Now, in the current chapter, Nino laughs at something funny Alya says to him.  He is happy to be with her.  He also has to admit what she says actually makes sense. 

      Kagami, Luka, and Marinette laugh right along with him. 

     Adrien only scowls at Luka.  He still does not like the look the guy gives Marinette, nor the fact that he sits beside her.   He is not happy one bit. He thinks, Marinette and I were just fine until he came along.  

    When the group of friends finishes their ice cream they all leave the shop.  Nino walks Alya home, since she is his girlfriend. 

      Kagami smiles at Luka.  She has a bit of crush on the guy. Only she has no ideas as to how to get his attention, let alone tell him she likes him.   Luka seems oblivious to the look that Kagami gives him.  

     After all, as everyone knows  Luka likes Marinette.  Everyone except for Marinette seems to notice and take note of this fact.  Adrien can even tell that Luka likes her.  

      Luka ask Adrien,  "Hey, would you  walk  Kagami home, so I can talk to Marinette in private?"  

 Adrien glares at him, He thinks, how dumb do you think I am?  He responses to Luka's  question with anger in his voice,  "Forget it Luka, there is no way I will let you be alone with Marinette."

  Luka laughs.  "Oh, and why is that Adrien?  Are you jealous?"  Luka ask.

   "It is okay, Adrien,  I  will walk by myself."  Kagami says.

     Kagami walks off  with annoyance at the whole situation.  She does not say another word though.  She just heads on home.

    Marinette is not sure what to think.  She just stands there quietly.  

     "Luka, Marinette is my best friend and I think you spend to much time with her." Adrien says.

    "Oh is that a fact?  Well, she is my girlfriend, so there."  Luka says.

      "What?"  Adrien says taken aback by what Luka just told him.

     "Luka, I do not know what gave you such an idea."  Marinette says.

     "Come on A-Adrien, l-let's  g-go!" Marinette says.

     "Sure sounds great to me!"  Adrien says as he holds Marinette's  hand.

        Marinette blushes.  She is so happy that Adrien is the one to walk her home.  She really did not want Luka to walk her back.

      "Adrien, you can not just walk away with my girl like this."  Luka protest.

     "Luka, I am not your girlfriend."  Marinette says.  She walks away with Adrien.

        Luka just stands their in shock.  He can not believe this.  He takes Marinette out for ice cream and she lets some other guy take her away from him after this.  He can not believe she denies she is his girl .

      Meanwhile as Kagami arrives at her home, she sighs.  She is upset that Luka does not return  her feelings.  She thinks, why am I not good enough?  Why does the guy I like have to care about some other girl?

      Back to Marinette and Adrien...

      "Marinette are you alright?"  Adrien ask.  He does not want her to be sad.

       "Y-Yes, I am f-fine."  Marinette answers as she continues to blush.  

      "I can not believe that Luka guy calls you his girlfriend."  Adrien remarks.

       Marinette giggles.  She thinks it is kinda funny that Adrien  reacts the way he does around Luka.  She knows that both guys are not more than friends to her, but wishes it could be more for her and Adrien.

      "Marinette, you are cute when you laugh. "  Adrien says.  He does not  realize he spoke out loud.

     Marinette blushes even more when she hears what he says.  She thinks, wow!  Adrien just said I am cute.

     "A-Adrien, I-I uh..."  Marinette stutters as she looks into his green eyes. She feels silly about how she barely say a word to him just because she loves him now.

     Adrien steps closer to her, as he says, "Marinette promise me you will not fall in love with him." 

      "Oh, and what if I already have?"  Marinette teases Adrien.

       "Marinette, please just promise me you will not love him."  Adrien says.  He thinks, Marinette I love you!  I do not know how and when I fell in love with you, but I did.  

       "A-Adrien, wh-why is this promise s-so important to you anyway?"  Marinette ask.

      "Marinette, I-I uh..."  Adrien says as he looks into her bluebell eyes.  He kisses her on her forehead and he blushes a nice shade of red too.

        Marinette blushes as she looks at Adrien with confusion in her eyes. She thinks, wait why did he kiss my forehead?  

      "See you later, Marinette!"  Adrien says and goes home.

  to be continued in Chapter  4  Concert Couple?

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