Chapter 5: Pillow Fight (Part 2)

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- Third Person -

Everyone were gathered around at the center of the court yard. Marinette was at the center along with Alya. She roamed her pocket and grabbed the game programmer or the blue cube. She put it one the ground and then press her thumb as the cube scanned it. Everyone was amazed by it. Seeing like this only exist on the future. After the cube scanned Marinette's thumb, it suddenly floats just 10 inches above the ground. Everyone's jaw dropped as it reach the ground while their eyes were wide open.

"Hello! Welcome to our game system program. It's nice to have you in touch, Ms. Marinette." A monotone voice of Victoria was heard althroughout the court yard. Everyone was in awe.

"Hello Victoria, please activate pillow fight- game mode." Marinette said.

"Affirmative! Pillow Fight game mode, activated."

The small cube emits a bright color blue light then slowly scanned the area and the players. Suddenly a life pads, goggles and pillow guns were attached to all of Marinette's classmates, making them stare in awe at all of the gadgets they are wearing and holding.

"Awesome" -Juleka.

"Cool" -Kim.

"Yea~ I can live with these!" -Ivan as he proudly pose in front of everyone while holding his two pillow shot gun. Everyone laughed.

Marinette smiled a smugly smile then nodded at everyone. "Here are the mechanics of the game. To your left arm is where you have you life pads. Three in total. Once you have hit by a pillow, the program will minus one life pad until nothing is left. That's when your game is over. I'll be counting your time. If someone shoots at you that person will have a points." Victoria said in it's monotone voice. Everyone nodded with excitement.

That's when the cube grew bigger and occupied the court yard as it transformed into a big dome for the students to play. Inside there's a large spot where the game will be held. Then at the corner is where the bleacher are protected by a transparent barrier. Beside it is where clock- like hanging high at the wall. In other words its a count down time clock. They will only have one hour and sixty minutes to finish the game. The last man standing will win the ultimate prize.

"The last person standing will win the ultimate prize." Victoria added.

"I'll be giving you 10 minutes. The game begins... in 3...2...1" Then all of a sudden, walls started rising up from the floor which made everyone jaw drop. Alya was the first one to attack and started throwing pillows. Everyone got alerted at the sudden attack which cause them to run in seperated ways.

Marinette ran at the corner of the dome and immediately hide behind the rising walls. "Myléne, one life left. Alix, you have 40 points." Alix shouted with joy behind one of the rising walls. After hearing it, Myléne started hiding behind the walls. Marinette took a small peek and luckily saw Nathaniel. She shoots and got bullseye.

She saw how the red haired boy got shocked and panicaly run around. She started chuckling upon seeing the boy. "Sorry, Nathaniel." She releases two pillows at the boy. It again hits the bullseye at the same time loose the game. "Nathaniel. Your game is over. Marinette, you have 50 points." Marinette silently rejoice as everyone complimented her. Nathaniel started walking away and sat at the bleachers with a disappoinment look. Marinette felt sorry but it's just a game after all. It's not like he could be akumatize or something. She thought.

"8 minutes left." Victoria announced. Alya was pacing around changing places to hide. When she hide behind the wall, she saw Nino pacing around looking for someone to target. Somehow, Alya smirked absently and immediately aimed her pillow gun at the DJ boy. "Pst!" Nino immediately turned and only to see a pillow coming on his way. He couldn't do anything. The pillow hits the face making Alya laugh at how priceless Nino's face was. "Nino. Two lives left. Alya. You have 30 points." Victoria announced with a mono tone voice.

"Juleka. One life left. Myléne you have 35 points."

"Max. Two lives left. Kim you have 25 points."

"Ivan. One life left. Max you have 40 points."

"Adrien. Two lives left. Marinette you have now 65 points."

"Alix. One life left. Juleka you have 45 points."

"Kim. Two lives left. Sabrina you have 25 points."

"Sabrina. One life left. Alix you have 45 points."

"Rose. One life left. Ivan you have 45 points."

"Alya. One life left. Nino you have 45 points."

"Marinette. Two lives left. Adrien you have 45 points."

The game countiued so on and so fort. Everyone enjoyed it. Even Nathaniel, despite in loosing the game. He's still happy and keep cheering for his friends.

"Alya! Come out, come out!" Nino shouted. A pillow was about to hit him when he immediately dodged it and saw Alya laughing her heart out. He smirk and was about to shoot when he felt a pillow on his left feet. His face turned pale upon seeing it. He even saw Alya rolling at the ground, laughting even more.

"Nino. One life left. Alya 40 points." Victoria announced. "Alya! Look here!" Nino shouted. Alya obeyed but was shocked to see a pillow coming on her way. In just a flash, the pillow landed on her face, straight "Alya. Your game is over. Nino. You have Alya was shocked on hearing it. "What?!" Alya said, dazed.

Marinette was laughting while watching Alya and Nino arguing at each other. Then Nino went back on the game, hiding. Like an old married couple. Marinette thought. "Juleka. Your game is over." That announcement made Marinette alerted. She felt someone staring at her so she took a tight grip on her pillow gun. When she felt an incoming pillow, she immediately jump and did a back flip over the small wall she was hiding.

Once landed on the ground, Marinette immediately stood on ground and fired her pillow gun at Mýlene who tried to shoot her earlier. "Mýlene. Your game is over. Marinette you have 75 points." Everyone saw what Marinette did and was jaw drop up to the ground. Mýlene frowned upon hearing it but smiled eventually. Marinette smiled a little at her as Mýlene went to the bleachers. Alya and Nathaniel greeted her.

"Kim! Cut that out!" Max complained as he keep on running away from Kim who was chasing him while firing pillows which Max succeddedly avoiding. Everyone has their own opponent on pillow fighting.

"You said you wanted hard. I'm giving you the hard challenge. Is this a hard challenge for you Max!?" Kim shouted while still chasing Max who's been trying hard not to be hit by a pillow for he only have one life left, at the same time, avoiding Kim too. It's a bit irony. But its really not. Then a very loud noise echoed through out the dome. "Hard challenge initiated. Pillow fight level 50, Activated. Be ready." Everyone was alerted and confused at the same time. Marinette gave Kim a glare for she saw how their pillow fight got the hard challenge. Kim's fault!

Kim immediately hit Max a pillow on the face, twice with his pillow gun. "Max. Your game is over. Kim you have 45 points." Max stood up and went to the bleachers. Kim started his victory dance but was cut short when a pillow came its way straight into him. "Kim your game is over." Everyone laughed at Kim but he just rolled his eyes heavenwards and went towards the bleachers where the others were.

Pillows emits from the wall and started firing at the players. The walls that raises from the ground-- which they usually use on hiding-- were rising up until the top and down unto the ground. It's repeating and vise versa which got Marinette confused. "Woah!" She stepped backwards when the wall she was leaning on-- at the same time she used to be her hiding spot rise higher then immediately went down.

Her eyes widen at what she saw. This is the hard challenge? She thought then quickly shook her head. "Victoria! Inactivate this hard challenge!" She ordered but Victoria declined. "I'm sorry. Ordered declined." Marinette's eyes widened even more when she felt a pillow in coming ahead.

Marinette immediately did a back flip like what she always do when she's Lady Bug. When she stood on the ground- not noticing- she immediately jumped when a very thick wall arise from the ground. Once landed, she quickly ducked her head and rolled down when a pillow was about to hit her.

At this scene, everyone who witness her moves were awestruck especially Adrien who's standing frozen still. That's LB's moves. Is it possible? No! It can't be. That's what Adrien keep thinking right now. He only went back to his senses when a pillow was about to hit his face only to be avoided when he did a Chat Noir back flip.

"Whoa!" Everyone reacted. Upon witnessing what Adrien did, the student came to their conclusions but got it all wrong. No one did ever think that they are Chat Noir nor Lady Bug.

"5 minutes left." Marinette was alarmed by the announcement, and immediately ran around the dome avoiding the pillows and arising walls as possible.

"The game has suddenly changed. This is bad. My Ladybug side is showing. Alya might conclude things right now." Marinette said to herself, panicking while running around still dodging pillows.

Without thinking where she was going, she accidentally bump on Ivan's back which cause her to land on the cold floor and her two pillows guns out of her grip. Ivan slowly turn around with a large grin across his face when he saw Marinette.

"Uh-oh!" Marinette mumbled. Ivan laugh and shot Marinette a pillow but she immediately avoided it by rolling down to her left. Then at that, Ivan started shooting pillows at her.

"Victoria, Pillow gun!" Marinette shouted. Then not one second a pistol pollow gun fall off from above. She immediately stood on her knees and grabbed it and started shooting Ivan a few pillows.

Ivan was hit by a pillow straight in the face. "Ivan. Your game is over. Marinette you have 85 points." Everyone laughed at Ivan's epic face. But soon enough Ivan joined in the laughter. Ivan's gear dissapear as he ran up to the bleachers with the others. Some greeted him as he arrived.

Marinette did a few flips before running away. "Rose. Your game is over. Alix you have 50 points." Victoria announced. Alix did a victory dance by herself but was cut short when Victoria announced, "Alix. Your game is over. Nino. You have 55 points." Everyone laughed at Alix's crazy antics. "Good one, Nino!" Alix gave Nino a high five before going to the bleachers with the others.

"Sabrina. Your game is over. Adrien. You have 55 points." Adrien smiled as the others cheered. Marinette also smiled secretly. "3 minutes left and Only 3 players left. Adrien, Marinette and Nino." The mentioned names' eyes widened at the announcement. Only 3? Marinette thought as she hid behind a barrier, adjusting her pillow gun.

"Go Marinette!" Alya cheered for her best friend.

"You can do it, Nino!" Kim, Ivan and Alix cheered for him.

"Go Adrien Go!" Rose, Max and Nathaniel cheered for him.

Full of cheers were heard throughout the bleachers, despite the knowledge that either of the three players will hear them. Alya and Alix bargaining about whose to win the game.

"Final level activated. Players, be ready." Victoria announced once more. Victoria reset the whole dome to start the final level for the three players.

"2 minutes left. Players, your final game starts in... 3... 2... 1!" Then the bell rang and the final game begins.

Pillows from the wall started shooting at Marinette and Adrien while Nino is nowhere to be found, might as well can say that he's hiding.

They've been playing for a few minutes from now, and the time is ticking. Only five minutes left until game's over. Marinette and Adrien were at the center of the dome, facing each other but had a great wide distance. Everyone was going intense. And seeing that the two of them still has a two lives left, either one of them has the advantage to win, despite Nino's situation. Not to mention that he only has one life left. He can not take the risk.

Marinette being Marinette, she simply can not shot Adrien  right in front of her. Not to mention she has a crush on him. But other than that, she doesn't want him to hate her for not letting him win the game. So, in a way, she's torn between shooting her crush and win the game or simply shoot herself instead, letting Adrien win. She's been deep in thought, not until someone jump from behind the wall and landed in between them with ease, as his arms were stretched out, and were holding a twin pillow guns, both pointing at Adrien and Marinette. Now the game has gone more intense.

Marinette gasped when Nino shot his pillow gun at her. She immediately dodge it but what she didn't know was that a pillow was already on her feet.

"Marinette. One life left. Nino. You have 65 points." Gasped were heard. Marinette tried to shoot him but Nino easily dodge it, like he's been a pro when doing it.

Lots of pillows started aiming at Marinette, coming from the wall. She easily dodge it by doing cartwheel, back flip, front flip and many more moves that Ladybug usually do, which seems to amazed Alya and Adrien. While Marinette's distracted, Nino aimed his pillow gun at Adrien ready to shoot him. He shoot Adrien a pillow which hit his side, too late from dodging the attack.

"Adrien. One life left. Nino. You have 75 points."

Just when he's about pulled the trigger again, Adrien's reflexes came rushing through his body, doing a front flip in result of landing behind Nino and immediately shoot him a pillow. A loud siren was hear followed by Victoria's monotone voice.

"Nino. Your game is over. Adrien. You have 65 points."

Nino smiled at Adrien and gave him a friendly hug as all of his gears disappear. He went to the bleachers, being tackled by the others full of questions.

"Only two players left!"

All attention went back inside the dome, seeing both Adrien and Marinette were hesitant to shoot each other. They've been standing there for a few minutes which result one minute left on the game time. Others that were at the bleachers were getting a whole intense at the scene, specially Alya who is sure enough to know why her friend out there is still hesitating to shoot her love of her life.

"Come on just shoot already!" Alix and Kim shouted, despite knowing that neither of two players inside can hear them.

Adrien, being a gentleman as ever, points his pillow gun on his head, leaving the others and Marinette confuse. A moment of silent and then, just then, Marinette realized what he's doing. He's sacrificing his score just for her to win this game! Now isn't that just a sweet bit of irony? Or not?

Adrien closed his eyes as he pulled the trigger of his pillow gun, letting a pillow hit his head. And as for Marinette, she's just standing there, not knowing what to do or what to react. She's a bit shocked upon seeing Adrien being as gentleman as he is for sacrificing his score to let Marinette win. Marinette's train of thought was shortly cut off when a loud sound of siren was heard followed by Victoria's monotone voice.

"Adrien. Your game is over. Congratulation, Marinette! You won the game!"

All of Adrien and Marinette's gears disappeared as everyone of their classmates ran up to them at the center dome, specially Alya who tackled down Marinette, who's still been dumbfounded at what happened. Adrien ran up to her and gave her a slight hug, causing her to blush red velvet, redder than Nathaniel's hair, if that's possible. After they broke apart from the hug, Marinette just stared at him confused while he just smiled sweetly at her, making the whole fandom and fans squeal.

"W-why you d-did, uh, I mean d-did you, ahm, uh, wait, Why did y-you do that?" Darn it! Marinette thought as she mentally facepalm herself. He heard Adrien chuckled at her.

"W-what I mean is, why did you have do that? You c-could have win over me." Adrien smiled at her as he put both of his hands on her shoulders, making her blush ever more. Redder that red.

"Yeah. I could've won but I can't let you loose." Adrien said then smiled at me. I smiled back.

He truly has the heart of gold.

"Okay, People! BREAK TIME!"

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