Chapter 6: Break Time

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Previously on Adrienette Pajama Party:

"Yeah. I could've won but I can't let you loose." Adrien said then smiled at me. Marinette smiled back.

He truly has the heart of gold.

"Okay, People! BREAK TIME!"


-Third person-

"Alright!" Kim exclaimed.

"Marinette's game system is so cool!" Juleka said with a grin.

"I know. I've enjoy a lot." Rose chimed in.

"Sweet! I'm starving from all that game!" Nino exclaimed then started marching off at the food table at the corner.

Everyone followed him while Marinette was left along at the area where they had their pillow fight. She smiled at her classmates as she told Victoria to end the program, resulting the dome to tranform into a small ocean blue cube. Marinette put the cube on her small purse where Tikki is sleeping. She smiled then ran off to where the food table is and grabbed a hot cocoa, a ladybug cupcake, two cookies for Tikki, secretly putting it inside her purse and a small box of popcorn from the popcorn machine brought by Alix.

Once done, she when to where Alya, Adrien and Nino were, happily eating their snacks while sitting at their already set sleeping bags and pillows. When she approached them, Alya waved at her and patted her hand on her side for Marinette to sit down. She smiled and carefully sat beside Alya, not wanting to spill her hot cocoa at either Alya and herself. She was about to eat her cupcake when Alya asked her a question that surprised her, she almost choked on her own saliva.

"How did you learn to move like that, Marinette? Doing cartwheels, back and front flips?" Alya asked which cause for Adrien to turn his head at the girls since he was talking to Nino.

"Uhm... I-I, uh... I don't, I mean, I can't... ah, don't how I know... No, I mean... I-I don't k-know how." She stuttered. Alya gave her an unamused look, clearly not convince at her reply. Adrien do too. Well curiousity does kill the cat...

"Your moves out there were a bit of familiar though." Adrien thought out load. Alya nodded, agreeing on Adrien statement while Marinette is on the hot seat, sweat dripping down at the side of her face.

She was about to make another excuse on saying that she learned those moves on TV when Alya beat her to it. "And don't tell me you just learned it by watching TV, because I know being with your clumsiness, It's highly impossible to learn moves like that." Alya sassily said which frown Marinette.

"I...uh, Ladybug taught me to do those moves!" She burst out while shutting her eyes. Well, she don't have a choice and she don't do well under pressure right at this point.

"Say what?!" Alya shouted, shockness is visible in her face as she stood on her feet. Everyone who heard her outburst turned their attention to her. While Adrien and Nino just stared at Marinette, hanging agape.

"What happened, Alya?" Rose asked as she and Juleka approached her with her hand full of plates of cookies and cupcakes for her and Juleka.

Alya turned to her and shook her head with a smile. "Nothing. I just heard something unbelievable." Alya reassured her with a smile. Everyone turned their attention back to what they were doing. 

Alya took a seat beside Marinette who is cowering and whimpering inside the blanket she brought, afraid to see the reaction of her friends.

"Okay. Girl, why would Ladybug teach you something like that? Do you know her? Did she tell you who she is behind the mask? Do we all know her in her civillian form? Come on, tell me!" Alya bombarded Marinette questions that made the blue-eyed girl to stare at her friend, eyes widened.

"W-what? I-I. . . Uh- okay. One at a time please." Marinette said. Alya just gave her an apologising look before gesturing for Marinette to answer all her questions.

"Ladybug still hasn't told me the, uh, reason why she would teach me how to do... um... acrobatics? S-she just taught me." Marinette said before stealthily letting out a sigh on relief when Alya and Nino seems to buy it. Except for Adrien who's not satisfied not the answer.

"And I don't know who ladybug is behind the mask but she did told me that we are very closer than we think." Marinette added which made Alya squealef in excitement and Adrien to shot his eyes wide in shock.

My lady is closer than we think? Which means she's also here? What? Adrien thought to himself leaving him daze for a moment before returninh back to reality when Nino suddenly nudge him.

"Dude, are you okay?" Nino asked. Adrien only nodded his head in reassurance.

"I can't believe it! Ladybug is closer than we think she is. Maybe she's here with us? Now that would be amazing!" Alya squealed again in excitement as she slightly jumped up and down, only stopping when Nino held her down.

At what Alya said, this cause for Marinette to stared at Alya in eyes wide open in realization. She just made a big mistake!

"I-um, I h-have to go to- uh, the restroom. Yes! I have to go to the restroom." Marinette immediately excused herself and left the small group, not even letting them give a respond on her excuse. She just immediately run into the school restroom.

"What happened to her?" Nino asked, Alya only replied him a squeal of excitement while Adrien shrugged his shoulders.


Once I reached the restroom, I sigh in relief when there's no one inside so I immediately slid myself in before locking the room. I then opened my purse to let Tikki fly out, who looked worried.

"Tikki, what did I just do?" I asked while slightly pacing backa nd fort. I'm pretty sure my voice is panicking like crazy.

"It's not your fault, Marinette. Your body just got used to move like Ladybug that's why you did something Marinette shouldn't do." Tikki tried to explain to a worried Marinette who seemed to have a slight doubt.

"But Tikki, I just gave them a clue on who Ladybug is. I made a big mistake!" I ranted with a look of worry as I glance at Tikki who gave me a sympathetic look.

"It's okay, Marinette. Next time just be careful on what you say about Ladybug." Tikki reassured the blunette by giving her a hug on her cheek. This cause for Marinette to giggle and gave Tikki a kiss on the forhead.

"Okay. Thanks, Tikki."

After that, Marinette gave Tikki a cookie she just grabbed earlier ago. The Ladybug kwami gladly took it and went back inside Marinette's purse as the blunette closed it and exited the restroom with a deep sigh.

Just as she reached Nino and Adrien, she heard Alya shouted, "Break times over! Now unto the next activity!" At everyone who excitedly finished their snack before they all grabbed a pillow and their bed roll and placed it just in front of what they made-- a mini stage.

I, too, grabbed my bed roll and place it beside Alya's as she and Nino stood on the stage facing everyone with an excited smile. I only chuckle in amusement before my body stiffened when I felt someone sat beside me.

"Hey! Mind if I sit here?" The familiar voice asked. I slowly turned around, trying to control my blush when I saw Adrien smiling at me.

I nodded my head, not really trusting my voice and would basically betray me. Adrien just smiled, which made me blush before he sat down.

"Okay, everyone attention please." Alya called. Everyone then turned their attention to her and Nino.

"So, our next activity is called celebrity sing off." Alya started. "All you have to do is to pick a song that you'll have to sing but the catch is-- you have to dress yourself as a celebrity who originally sing the song you have picked." She explained which cause us all to look at her and Nino in excitement.

"And don't worry about the music because I'll be the one to provide it." Nino added as he pointed his finger on his self.

"Obviously." Kim said which earns a few chuckle from other including from me and Adrien.

"Now, get ready everyone." Nino said, ignoring Kim who chuckled once again before stopping.

"Let the sing off begins!"


A/N: Your welcome. And so sorry for not updating for nearly two years (I think). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I know it's short but the next chapter will be longer than you thought.

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