Chapter 2

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A handsome man in his 40s signed up at the reception to stay in the aircruiser with his three kids, before a blonde businesswoman in her mid 30s signed up to stay in aircruiser for a business meeting without knowing that her brother would be there.

"Oh great! You're here." Mandy said dismissively.
"Come on Mandy, aren't you glad to see me?" Kent quipped though by the looks of his sister's face, she was not happy to see him. "So, you're here for the expense paid vacation trip too?" Kent put down the pen before he adjusted his glasses.
"No, I'm merely here on business!" Mandy replied in a calculating tone.
"Come on sis, you could use a break from working all day, maybe you'll even find a date on this trip." Kent suggested.
"Are you kidding?! I wouldn't even be here if I didn't have a business meeting on this aircraft." Mandy remarked.
"Weeeeee! I'm a pretty butterfly!" Lucy, Kent's daughter, stretched her arms and zipped around the lobby before her younger brother did something similar but he made whirring noises as he pretended to be an airplane. Kenny, Kent's oldest son was playing with a portable game console, he also wore glasses while he played his video game. The two younger children ran around the lobby while Kenny look for a place to sit.
"Stay out of trouble or no dessert for any of you!" Kent warned.
"You can do better than that." Mandy said as she though of other punishments she could think of.
"You're right." Kent replied to his sister before hollering at his children, "or you'll be grounded with NO more smartphones. YOU HEAR ME!"
"So how's your wife? I haven't seen her yet." Mandy asked while keeping her resting grouch face.
"She's not coming, she's afraid of heights. She wouldn't step one foot on an aircraft, not even for a million dollars."
"How your wife let you come here alone with your kids in this flying death trap is beyond me."
"She said you would show up and help out in watching the kids since you didn't have any plans."
"That's odd, I haven't heard from your wife in months."
"That is odd." Kent agreed, sounding baffled.
"Hmmm. Life sure has a sick sense of humor."
"Tell me about it."

Lucy and Tommy ran around the deck while Kenny was sitting on a table, playing his video game. One of them unintentionally smacked on the back of the chair where one of the elderly passengers sat.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" An old woman yelled before she shook her veiny fist angrily.
"Kids these days." Another old woman said before taking a sip of her herbal green tea while an old man slept on the same table.

Somewhere in the airship, someone plotted against the passengers, but the question is: who was the mastermind behind this horrible plot?

"Now let's see..." A man held his stylus with one hand while he held is electronic device with the other as he checked his to do list. "One; Deactivate the security cameras. Two; Hack the airship's mainframe. Three; Override the system. Four; Escape. The passengers will have a ride they'll never forget." He said before he laughed maniacally.

That was before his boss appeared to make a video call and he didn't seem to be to happy on the other hand as he glared at his subordinate. "Carlyle!" He yelled.

"Ahhhh, boss!" The subordinate jolted from the surprise video call.
"Have you arrived on the aircraft yet?" His superior asked a rhetorical question knowing that if he failed on his mission, he would get fired.
"Yes sir! The plan is set in motion."
"It better be. And to make sure you don't fail me this time, I'll send Constantine to assist you and assure you to get the job done right. If you mess this up, you're FIRED!"
"B-but-" His superior ended the video call before he could make a reply. Carlyle gritted his teeth angrily. "Grrrhhh...DRAT!!! I'll finish the job alright, even if it means taking down the competition."

Finally! A break from dealing with pesky nuisances. Nancy was sunbathing with her shades on before her cousin had spotted her from afar.

"Nancy, is that you?" Lindsay lowered her lenses to check, Doug popoed out from the background to whistle at the sexy ladies.

Speak of the devil... "Hey, Lindsay!" She greeted out of hypocrisy as she stood straight to look at her cousin as she raised her sunglsses over her head, though she grabbed her armrest angrily.
"It's been ages! I never thought I see you here." Lindsay replied.
That makes two of us. "What a pleasant surprise." Nancy lied, her voice syrupy. "So what brings you here?"
"Oh, not much. Just that my husband is having a meeting here, and we're celebrating Cindy's birthday party today." Lindsay sat down next to Nancy as she talked.
"Really?" Nancy gave a half-hearted smile.
"Oh you have no idea what it's like to have a workaholic husband and a hyperactive child. I can't get neither of them to stand still and soend quality time together as a family and this trip is what we needed to take the time to bond. You're invited to join us if you want, I could use someone to talk to." Lindsay ranted before inviting her cousin whilst Nancy feigned interest.
"I would love to." Nancy smiled though she rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses.

Blair and Gail were walking down the corridor before they stopped by a locked door with a plaque that said AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY in bold capital letters.
"And this is where I work." Gail showed the door before putting a hand in her pocket as she fished out her keys from her plaid white and green jacket. Blair took a tentative glance for a brief second before Gail put the key in the keyhole to unlock the door. "Here it is, check it out!" The red head showed her friend her workplace. "Neat, right?" Blair looked around the room while Gail kept chatting. "It has almost everything, except the bathroom. Monitors, security cameras, switches, controllers, valves, a gauge, a thermostat, and HUGE flat screen TV. Plus I got me a comfy jacket to wear!" Gail reached to grab her gray jacket to wear over the plaid one. "So, did you like the tour?"
"Yeah, but... what exactly do you do here?" Blair asked her.
"Easy! I just work for surveillance and ventilation. Though nothing exciting happens around here. The white switches are to activate the security cameras, the black ones are to activate the metal doors in case of emergency. Some dials are for the ventilation. The valves can be turned to channel the heat into the engine room. The gauge you see here indicates how much power is being used, even as we speak." Gail explained, "And I almost forgot about the levers, they're only used to activate the wind turbines so don't touch that."
"Why are there two joysticks attached next to the controls?" Blair asked as she raised an eyebrow.
"Those are just a display, the arcade guy tried to put a gaming system here. If there were any more alterations within the controls, the aircruiser would fail so he left it there." Gail replied before she took out her keys, twirling the ring, then grabbed one of the keys. "Now let's get outta here and get something to eat, I'm starving!" They walked out of the room before Gail locked the door. "I know just the place."
Blair opened her purse to check for her wallet, just then she felt an ominous presence before Gail put the key back into her pocket. Just as they were walking out of the corridor, the purple haired girl spoke above a whisper. "Hey Gail, don't you have a weird feeling like you're being watched?"
"Not really." Gail responded while not far from the corridors there was a large silhouette as the shrouded man watched the two young women leave as he revealed his angular face and muscular frame, his amber eyes contrasting the dim lighting.

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