Chapter 3

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"I can't believe you dragged me into this mess!"
"Come on Dawn, you look adorable!" Autumn gushed seeing her little sister dressed in a fairy costume.
"I look ridiculous..." Dawn glared, her idea of a vacation was flying in an aircruiser to take a break from her day job, not to dress up as a fairy for a birthday party because her sister wanted to woo a wealthy businessman. Also being short in stature didn't help her case either.
"But you look so adorable!" Her older sister hugged her, she was also dressed in a fairy costume while she hugged her younger sister to her bosom.
"Get off!" Dawn pushed her sister away, and from her distracting cleave as well. "It's your fault you got me stuck in this mess in the first place! You tricked me into going on this trip for an expense paid vacation and it turns out you just came here to flirt with a rich businessman while I stay here babysitting his spoiled daughter!" Dawn shouted, reproaching her for her absurd plan.
"Come on Dawn, you're a veterinarian who treats wild animals for a living. How can you not handle an 8-year-old girl?" Autumn asked her.
"Are you kidding?! I've dealt with wild badgers and boa constrictors that were harmless compared to that little she-devil! This is the last time I go on vacation with you, Autumn! I'm done looking like a stupid clown because of you." Dawn warned her.
"Well look on the bright side, we look fabulous." Autumn struck a pose before taking a selfie.
"I hate you so much right now." Dawn grumbled.

"Hi, honey!" Kent's wife greeted through the video camera.
"Hey, babe!" Kent gave a smile.
"How are the kids doing?" His wife asked through the video camera.
"They're doing fine. Kenny is playing video games at the arcade, and Lucy and Tommy are playing tag." He responded.
"Let me see them~♡." She requested before Kent called his children.
"Kids! Come ober here and say hi to your mom." Lucy and Tommy ran from the other side of the deck to their father, Lucy standing to Kent's right and Tommy standing to his left.
"Hi, mommy!" The kids said almost in sync where their mother could see them.
"Hi sweety! Mommy misses you." Veronica sid through the video camera before giving a kiss close to the camera.
"Alright kids, go back to playing." Kent informed them before they ran away laughing and playing.
"Kent, how is your sister doing?" She asked.
"Grouchy as always. She didn't even know that we were going to the same trip."
"Well that's odd... your sister was the one who suggested me to bring the kids here to begin with, she also told me she didn't have any plans and help out." Veronica claimed.
"And you know what's even weirder? She told me that she hadn't heard from you in months." Kent added.
"That can't be right? I still have her phone number and email in my contacts." She responded, albeit in a confused tone.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive! I'll send you the link." Veronica copy-pasted the link and sent it to her husband. Kent clicked the link, it wasn't working.
"Hmmm... are you sure this is Mandy's account?" Kent asked after he reloaded the link.
"Of course I'm sure, see for yourself." She insisted, adamant.
"If you say so..." Kent clicked on the page and saw her profile that there were anonymous users, most of the feedback was decent though he found a username called TR0LLME1STER, their profile had a U mad icon, their comment was nonsensical, OMGLOLDURHURHUR. Kent looked at his sister's profile @Mandy D. Mann. Her profile picture and phone number. No comments, he thought. "Veronica, I'll call you back if I find out anything."
"Alirght then, later babe. ~♡" His wife bid adieu.
"Bye babe." He did the same before they ended the video call. Kent then searched for Mandy's business account on the site and compared them. Empty. Kent has a suspition that his sister got hacked, but the question he had was: Who is behind this?

Kenny was playing with an arcade machine, pushing two buttons and twiating the joystick with his left hand, as his character made it out of the maze. The machine annouced NEW HIGH SCORE! His initials on the top of the score board while the fat arcade guy approached the prepubescent with his hands in his pockets.
"Whoa, dude, you're a natural." The arcade complimented his gaming.
"Yeah, whatever." Kenny replied not bothering to take his eyes off of the screen.
"But dude, you broke every high score in the arcade!" The arcade pointed out.
"Yeah, but I want a real challenge." Kenny responded in a bored monotoned voice. The arcade guy raised a stubby hand out of his jacket.
"Say no more! I've got just the game." Kenny heard as his beady eyes darted to the obese employee.
And I finally found the right player to play it. The arcade guy thought as he pulled out a key from his pocket. The he shoved the key into the keyhole to unlock the door with a plaque on it. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY in bold capital letters as he turned the doorknob.
"Where are we?" Kenny asked, maintaining his monotone demeanor.
"We're in the main room dude." He lied before opening the door. The arcade guy was the first to enter before Kenny followed into the control room. Once inside, Kenny's eyes widened behind his glasses.
"Wow! It has a large flat screen TV!" He blurted out. The arcade guy caught up to the pre-teen, keeping his hands in his pockets.
"Hey kid, see those two joysticks over there?" The fat employee pointed.
"Yeah?" He looked at the arcade guy on the corner of his eye.
"I want you to play it." The fat employee responded.
"What?" Kenny couldn't believe what he was hearing until he saw a cartridge.
"I'll insert the game and all you have to do is crack the code. You ready?" The arcade guy put the cartridge inside a slot where Kenny couldn't see due to the employee's massive body mass prevented the boy from seeing where the cartridge went.
"I was born ready." Kenny adjusted his glasses to give the know-it-all facial expression.

Excellent! Now all I have to do is hack the airship's mainframe and we're good to go. Carlyle thought as he adjusted his equipment ready to crack the code.

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