Chapter 6

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Doug mopped the floor while he whistled, Henry and Hermina stopped nearby omce they got out of the corridor.

"I'll warn the others if they've seen something odd going on." Henry said to her.
"Good luck." Hermina replied before Henry turned away and walked away. The brunette looked at the corner of her eye to see Doug mopping and whistling, no doubt he was shaking his butt to the music that he heard on his earplugs when Hermina approached him.

When he felt a tap on his shoulder, he flinched. "Huh?!" When he saw her, he regained his composure he removed an earplug as the device played a song related to marihuana. "Oh, hey H. What's up?"
"I have a message from the boss." She notified.
"Lay it on me." Doug turned off his playlist before she whispered into his ear. Once he got informed what he was set out to do. "Oh... don't worry about it. I'll handle the rest." He gave a thumbs up while she waved at him.

Good luck with that. "Later, Doug." Hermina headed out to her workplace while Doug resumed mopping. The captain came to check on him after a minute had passed.

"Doug, did you get the message?" She inquired.
"Yep, loud and clear."
"Good." She walked a couple of steps before she stood still, not looking back at him. "I almost forgot to ask you something. Have you seen the arcade guy anywhere?" Vargas asked.
"Have you checked the arcade?" Doug humored her, though the captain didn't find his joke funny.
"Yes, I also checked the room where he usually slacks off. Keep your eyes out for the menace snooping around our noses. I smell a traitor within our midst." She hinted, silencing the sniggering that came from him.
"Aye aye, cap'n." Doug replied before the captain walked away. He put the mop on the janitor cart while he turned around to see that she was actually gone.

"Yes!" The arcade guy made a fist pump when he saw the pre-teen unlock the password.

With an indifferent glance, he responded. "I cracked the code."

"Good job kid, now let's celebrate by eating a snack. How about it?" The arcade guy offered while approached the minor with one fat hand inside his pocket, and another hand on Kenny's shoulder.

"Okay, but-"

"Great!" The arcade guy brought the prepubescent out of the control room. "Now let's get something to eat, I'm starving."

"But what about the TV?" Kenny inquired as he tried to look back.

"Don't worry about it, the TV will turn off by itself." The arcade replied nonchalant while the preteen glanced at the control room before the obese employee locked the door. "Cheer up kid. I'll even give you a prize for the high score." The arcade gave Kenny a colorful keychain. "I can't wait to eat a burger with mash potatoes, meatballs and a smoothy." He smiled at the prospect of taking a bite, though the idea of binging on junk food wasn't so appetizing for the minor since his mind was elsewhere.

I'm missing something here, but I can't place what.

Carlyle was plotting to take over the aircraft without getting spotted, even if he got caught he needed a scapegoat. But who?


"I finally hacked the airship's mainframe. Now all I need to do is spread the virus to take control of the aircraft." Carlyle gave a fiendish grin befire laughing like a maniac, the joy he felt was a giant lummox whom would Carlyle describe as Constantine.

"Hate to break it to you Carl, but you didn't hack the airship." Constantine's deep voice resonated within the corridors, the lower half of his large body visible.

"WHAT!?!? Whadaya mean I didn't hack it!?" Carlyle screeched at the gargantuan man that stood 6'4" feet tall.

"I saw a kid hack into the aircraft's commands in matter of seconds." Constantine said.

"I've been busting my head in breaking the password for nearly a half hour!" Carlyle vociferated.

"Face it! You've been outsmarted by a 10-year-old." The large man replied before Carlyle vehemently refuted it.

"HOAX! I call hoax!"

"I wouldn't be surprised if the boss recruited the boy and fired you at this point." Constantine replied monotonuously as he was about to walk away from the corridor.

"HOW DARE YOU?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!" Carlyle protested, draining the amount of patience the giant had left and grabbed Carlyle by the collar of his jumpsuit, glaring at him. Terrified, Carlyle's lip quivered while he saw the man bar his teeth like a wild animal.

"Who am I? WHO AM I!? I'm an agent, not a babysitter! I didn't spend 19 years in the business to put up with a whiny cry-baby like you!" Constantine bellowed before he dropped him to the cold floor as the thin kacker landed on his butt.

Carlyle winced in pain as before he stood up while Constantine stomped out of the corridor.

I'll show them not to mess with me. Carlyle thought to himself as he kept tabs on his enemies.

Gail had taken her last bite from her lunch before slurping on a effervescent beverage.

Kent had looked for Mandy's URL, though the URL he was searching was not or never existed. He had sprawled back on the chair letting out a frustrated sigh. There had to be a lead, a cache, a domain, anything that could bring me to the hacker. Kent straigthened himself and checked the history of the site, and then, the IP adress. When he saw his son's profile, he took off his glasses and looked for the URL of the hacked profile, leading right back to his firstborn. He put on his glasses once more and had assimilated that it was his son's email that was linked to the fake account. He closed the laptop, pinching the bridge of his nose, abased at what his son had done.

Gail had tossed the empty soda in the trash bin as he headed out to Blair's room.

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